Silver Hearts | Sakusa Kiyoomi

By omikiku

394K 16.3K 12.6K

After spending most of her childhood in America for 6 years, (Y/N) finally returns to Japan. It has been a lo... More

Β« prologue Β»
1 | reunion of two souls
2 | star of the school
3 | grand entrance
4 | the blooming of wisteria
5 | kantou tournament I
6 | kantou tournament II
7 | golden voice I
8 | golden voice II
9 | sleepyhead
10 | invincible
11 | preparation
12 | court conqueror
special | code r
13 | rice porridge
14 | an unpleasant encounter
15 | king of the court
16 | fresh new day
17 | disinfectant
18 | good times
special | turtle? tortoise?
20 | ground zero
21 | destiny and fate
22 | ephemeral
23 | black beast
24 | perfect time
25 | flaws
26 | a beautiful world
27 | weasels vs fox
28 | give me a purpose
29 | awaken
30 | only her
31 | kronen
32 | dry flower
33 | moon of dawn
34 | polaris
35 | sea of clouds
36 | lionheart
37 | my salvation
38 | dead eyes
39 | sparkling starlights
40 | paper hearts
41 | bittersweet

19 | feeling alive

7.7K 344 226
By omikiku

"Why did I agree to go again?"

(Y/N) was dragging the boy's of the Itachiyama's volleyball club to the beach as their summer break progressed. Everyone liked the idea except the expected Sakusa, who declined the invitation until he heard she was going to bring everyone else whether he went or not. Now here he was, trudging on the sidewalk that lined the beach.

Everyone attended except Iizuna, who couldn't attend because he had to deal with family businesses.

"Don't you think you're slathering too much sunscreen on yourself?" (Y/N) peered curiously at Sakusa, who was practically enveloped in a thick layer of sunscreen. Every 30 minutes, he would apply another layer after another layer. (Y/N) couldn't help but be concerned for his well-being. Was putting on that much sunscreen even HEALTHY?

"This isn't much," Sakusa says and smeared another layer of sunscreen on his arms. At this point, he looked as white as snow with all the sunscreen.

The sign read "Onjuku Beach" as they arrived upon finding a spot away from the crowd, something Sakusa demanded. Everyone casually walked onto the sand while Sakusa hesitantly stood a foot away from touching the "germy" substance.

He stared at it for a good minute before letting out a deep sigh. All he could think about were the germs in the sand and how disgusting it was. His fingers tingled as thoughts ran through his mind.

"Come on, Kiyo!" (Y/N) noticed his reluctance and gently grabbed his hand. She could feel him slightly jump at the contact as Sakusa widened his eye.

He relaxed once he saw that it was just (Y/N). "It will be fine! You need to relax once in a while, or you'll get sick."

"Sick?" Sakusa brooded as (Y/N) dragged him to where the group was setting up. "Just this once..."

• • •

Upon arriving at their location, Matsushima and Yoneda were seen setting up the volleyball net, and Komori was cracking open a can of melon soda.

"Save some for me!" Matsushima whined and pulled the last knot tightly before running over to the cooler.

"Hey! Don't just run off like that!" Yoneda yelled after him as he struggled to tie the net up without Matsushima.

Sakusa grimaced at the sight and reluctantly sat down on a beach chair. He watched as Matsushima dug through the cooler for a can of melon soda.

"Aren't you sweating with that mask on?" (Y/N) inquired Sakusa.

"No, I'm fine," Sakusa replied, but (Y/N) could see the bead of sweat on his forehead that dripped down his chin.

"You need something to cool you down." (Y/N) threw him a bottle of iced green tea, which he effortlessly caught.

Sakusa inspected the bottle for a few seconds before taking off his mask and taking a tiny sip. His eyes lit up once his tongue came in contact with the icy goodness. The chilled bottle was a godsend to the hot weather. Crisp, clean, and refreshing, not too bitter or astringent, and definitely not too sweet. He liked it.

(Y/N) caught the rare sight of Sakusa's face lighting up. Although he didn't smile, the sight made her feel all fuzzy and warm (or maybe she was having a heat stroke, who knows). It made her smile like a fool.

"Hey! Let's start a game!" Matsushima bounced up and down as he threw the volleyball in the air. He was having a sugar rush from chugging down a can of melon soda and couldn't contain himself anymore.

"That doesn't sound so bad, count me in!" Yoneda grinned.

"Me too!" Komori waved both of his hands.

All that was left was for Sakusa to agree but by the look on his face, it didn't seem like he was going to be easily swayed.

(Y/N) placed her hand on her chin and brainstormed ways to convince Sakusa. Finally, an idea popped into her mind. "Aha!"

She knew that Sakusa was always caught up on practicing and getting better, so why not use beach volleyball as a way to practice? By playing volleyball in the sand, players are forced to work their legs twice as hard as they would have to on the hard floor. They would also have to learn to balance and receive twice as hard since the sand wasn't solid.

After explaining this to Sakusa, he thought hard and long before getting up from his seat and onto the sand, much to his displeasure. Komori watched in amazement as Sakusa took his position on the sand and gave (Y/N) a thumbs up.

"(L/NNNN)! You should join us!" Matsushima whined out.

"J-Join you guys? I would just hold you guys back..." She nervously waved her hands and laughed.

"Nonsense! It'll be fun!"

"If you guys don't mind, then sure..."

"Of course, we don't mind! Right?" Matsushima looked around as Komori and Yoneda profusely nodded. Sakusa remained silent and shrugged.

(Y/N) ended up on Matsushima and Sakusa's team while going up against Komori and Yoneda. "Bring it onnn!"

As time passed, a crowd began to form around them. They were intrigued by the skill level of the players and found it entertaining to watch.

"These youngsters are amazing!"

"Do you think they might play for the V.Leagues?"

"Possibly Division 2 or 3."

Just as they said that Yoneda spiked off Sakusa's block, making the ball fly towards the backline. Matsushima was determined to win and ran after the ball, but when he dived for it, he slipped on the sand and dived face-first into the sand. The ball dropped right onto the line as Matsushima was still lying there.

Yoneda broke into hysterical laughter while Matsushima slowly got up with his face covered in sand. Everyone looked concerned for the latter except Yoneda, who laughed so hard that he fell onto his knees and starting smacking the sand. (Y/N) quickly rushed to Matsushima's side and handed him a bottle of water.

After washing off the sand, Matsushima quickly turned his glare to Yoneda, who to some extent, controlled his laughter. "Why you little-"

Matsushima ran after Yoneda, and with Iizuna not there to stop them, they ended up chasing each other for hours. Komori had tried to step in, but he risked getting trampled by the two and decided to let them go at it.

They stopped once Matsushima heard the music of the ice cream truck stop by the beach. His ears perked, and he halted. "Ice cream!"

• • •

The sound of waves hitting the shore filled the air as the sun slowly dipped into the horizon. The sky consisted of an assortment of shades, a blend of reds, oranges and yellows. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

Matsushima, Yoneda, and Komori had left to get some ice cream, leaving Sakusa and (Y/N) alone together. They sat together in silence as (Y/N) stared into the horizon of the waves.

Peace. Serenity. Contentment. That was all she could feel. The waves were tinted vermilion, with underlying streaks of blue that clashed with it.

"Remember the promise I made back then?" (Y/N) abruptly asked, breaking Sakusa out of his trance.

"Which promise? You made a lot..."

"The one where I promised to come back!" She let out a soft laugh and smiled.

"Oh, that one..." Sakusa spared a glance at (Y/N), taking in her features before whipping his head back around when she turned to face him.

"How long has it been since we last saw a sunset together?"

"Six years and seven months," Sakusa nonchalantly told her.

(Y/N) leaned away from her seat and looked at him in astonishment. "You kept track?"

Sakusa realized what he said and turned away, his face feeling warmer than usual. Must've been the summer heat. "Yeah..."

"That's impressive, Kiyo!"

"It's really nothing..." He cleared his throat before looking at (Y/N).

"So, how did you like today?" (Y/N) beamed.

"It was dirty, disgusting, and hot." His response earned a frown from (Y/N). She was sure he was enjoying himself-

"But... It was fun."

They both turned to face each other only to lock eyes. Sakusa could see the waves reflecting off of her pupils as he nervously gulped. His skin felt tingly, and his mouth felt dry, why couldn't he say anything? There were butterflies - no, lions - in his chest, but it felt good.

This moment was interrupted by a scream behind them, which made them both jump.

They looked behind to see Matsushima, Yoneda, and Komori back with their ice cream. Matsushima's face was filled with horror. They realized he was holding an empty cone and looked at the ground where a scoop of ice cream laid.

He shrieked again. "My ice cream!"

He earned a hard slap on the head from Yoneda, which made him dropped his cone.

"You just ruined the moment!" Yoneda scolded. "If you had just stayed silent-"

"How long were you all there for?" Sakusa hissed. There was no mistaking the venom in his voice.

Matsushima yelped from his glare and leapt into Yoneda's arm, who was paralyzed in fear. Komori was the only one who wasn't getting scared or intimidated by Sakusa and instead laughed.

"Don't worry. We just came back! We heard nothing!"

Suddenly, (Y/N) burst into loud laughter, making everyone look at her in confusion. "Thanks for everything, guys! I really enjoy being your manager!"

"What's with that all of the sud-"

Sakusa was interrupted by Matsushima, who looked at her with tear-filled eyes and dashed towards her. "(L/N), we love yo-"

He was stopped mid-air before he could pounce on (Y/N) when Yoneda pulled him back by his collar. "You are not going to tackle her into a hug."

"But why?"

"Because last time you did that, the person ended up with a large and nasty bruise on the knee."

"That was you," Matsushima cheekily grinned.

"And I'm never forgiving you for it! Imagine what Chiharu-chan would've thought if she saw it!" Yoneda grabbed a nearby empty bottle and resumed their wild goose chase.

Oh, how (Y/N) enjoyed being the Itachiyama boy's volleyball club manager. She couldn't wait to see what was in store for her.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

okay so i've decided that Yoneda is that drunk vodka aunt at family reunion parties

we reached over 1k votes which is amazing, thank you everyone!

since we were able to reach this milestone, i thought it would be fun for everyone to get to know a little bit of me!

1. my birthday is on August 5th (leo if anyone was wondering what my zodiac sign was)

2. i'm not very comfortable revealing my age right now so let's just say i'm OLD but not that OLD at the same time

3. i was born and raised in Canada so that might be why some of my spelling is different from others

4. most of the time i'm writing the base of my chapters half asleep so i take a lot of time to edit... but i sometimes don't catch mistakes so please inform me if there is

5. outside of writing i like doing sports and crying about my problems :')

6. favourite character in haikyuu!! is Sakusa (which is why i made a book for him-) but if i had to choose another person, it would probably be Kuroo. i love everyone tho

7. i don't have a favourite music genre, my playlist is messy hahaha-

8. i'm really bad at jokes and end up making things awkward so sorry about that for anyone that has experienced it

9. (i'm running out of ideas) i'm a nighttime person, i like to write at night most of the time cause that's when my brain actually works

10. i'm also half asleep while writing this so i'm going to go back to bed now

if anyone has anymore questions, feel free to ask them!

please vote and/or comment if you enjoyed this chapter!
all your votes/comments are greatly appreciated!

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