8 | golden voice II

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"I got my snack, and now I'm happy~~!" (Y/N) happily munched on the chips that she got from the vending machine.

"Are you sure that's going to fill you? It's not even a proper lunch." Sakusa furrowed his brows at the sight of (Y/N) munching on her chips. She looked starved before, was a bag of chips going to be sufficient?

"Yeah, don't worry about me! You should worry about the upcoming match instead." She gave him a cheery smile.

"If you say so."

• • •

"Woah, they're all relatively tall!" (Y/N) gasped out. Higashihara High from Saitama rolled the onto the court while Itachiyama was warming up. "They look like delinquents though. All group up and walking onto the court."

Komori burst out a laugh. "Don't say it like that, (Y/N)! But you're not wrong, they kind of do look like delinquents..."

"Watch out!"

(Y/N) turned her head and saw a volleyball flying towards her face. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact. She waited and waited but never felt the contact. "Wha-"

"What are you doing, idiot. "

(Y/N) opened her eyes to see an outstretched hand holding the ball in their palm. She tilted her head upwards to see Sakusa towering from behind. "Kiyo?"

"You didn't even try to block the ball with your hand. What were you thinking? The first thing a human does when they see a ball coming towards them is to try to block it with their arms, but you didn't even try to do that. Is your skull too thick to understand that?"

"I'm sorry, Kiyo..."

While they were talking, a player from Higashihara High ran over. "Sorry for that, can we have the ball bac-"

"And you," Sakusa grimly spoke out. "What kind of volleyball player can't control where their spike goes?"

He glared darkly at the player who stayed silent and trembled. Komori noticed the tension arising between the two and decided to put a stop to whatever they were going to do next.

"Let's play nice now, guys. I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose, mistakes happen. Right?" He looked at the Higashihara player, who nodded profusely.

"Now that it's settled, Sakusa, please give back their ball so we can go back to warming up."

Sakusa gave the man one last glare before tossing the ball back to him. He walked away without another word to start warming up. (Y/N) stood there, stunned at what just unravelled.

"I never knew Kiyo could be this scary," she says with a blank face. She was not used to seeing Sakusa inflamed at all. Maybe a little irritated, but right now, he was extremely aggravated. If only she had reacted faster, this wouldn't have happened.

Komori saw (Y/N) face and gently smiled. "Hey, don't look so glum about it. It's not your fault, Sakusa's always been like that."

Komori was used to Sakusa being a too-blunt-jerk. But he noticed that Sakusa was more protective than usual. Usually, he would've just stayed silent and watched from the side, but now Komori got to see him express himself. It was a good change. Maybe not the outburst fragment, but the Sakusa softening up for (Y/N) part.

"Oi, Komori! The match is about to start!" Yoneda yelled out.


He was excited to see what will happen in the future.

(match skip brought to you by the author that doesn't want to describe every match. sorry)

Itachiyama had won 2 sets in a row. The first match, they left off with a rocky start and barely won with 26-24. They won their second match with a 5 points difference, 25-20, after a few words of encouragement from (Y/N). Her words were like magical powder. It gave them a sudden boost of energy and determination.

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