5 | kantou tournament I

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Half a month passed, and June arrived. The Kantou Tournament was just around the corner, and the Itachiyama boy's volleyball club was training hard. (Y/N) had accepted the position as the boy's volleyball club's manager, it made the lives of the boys easier.

"Good work today, guys!" (Y/N) handed each of them their water bottles. "At this rate, you're gonna breeze through the Kantou Tournament."

"Your words of encouragement bring me to tears," Matsushima wiped a fake tear off his cheeks at which (Y/N) laughed.

"But don't let my words get to you. We still have a lot to work on."

• • •

The day the Kantou Tournament was held had arrived, and the team was more than ready. It was being hosted in Kanagawa at the Kawasaki Todoroki Arena, which was about 30 minutes away from Tokyo. While the boys filed out the bus, (Y/N) couldn't help but gawk at the arena.

"Oh yeah, this is your first time attending an official match, right (Y/N)?" Komori laughed at her expression.


"Don't worry about it, just stay calm, and it'll be fine!"

As the team walked into the arena, (Y/N) froze on the spot. On the outside, it didn't look big, but when she walked in, it looked ten times the size of their gym! She had done a bit of research at home, and apparently, the arena could hold four volleyball courts and had a bunch of space for spectators.

"Oi (Y/N), don't just stand there. You'll get lost," Sakusa promptly advised her before walking off.


They found a spot to leave their bags before each of them went off to change. Sakusa was the first one back, followed by Komori.

"You're back!" (Y/N) smiled at the two of them.

"I went to change before anyone else could fill the room with germs," Sakusa says, and walked closer to (Y/N). "When's our first match?"

(Y/N) dug around her back before pulling out a clipboard with sheets of paper clipped on. "We're the second match of the day against Ubugawa High on Court B."

"Ubugawa..." Komori breathed out.

"What about them?"

"I heard they're pretty good at jump serves," Komori scratched his head. "But it's nothing we can't handle since we have you cheering for us!"

"Stop standing around. Let's go," Sakusa turned away and started heading to where Court B was.

(Y/N) watched from the side as different teams practiced. She wasn't going to lie, but everyone here was intimidating. They towered over her, with only a few being the same height. They arrived at Court B where Nekoma was playing the first match against a team from Saitama. Sakusa stared in silence as if he was analyzing them.

"Oh?" (Y/N) took notice of the Nekoma captain. His hair resembled a rooster, but beneath that, she could see him scheming away. She watched as he effortlessly blocked the opposition's spikes and provoked them with his face.

"Let's go, (Y/N)," Sakusa called out to her. She was too captivated by the match between Nekoma and the school from Saitama to notice that it had finished.

"Coming!" She looked back once more at Nekoma. The captain of Nekoma caught her staring and grinned. (Y/N) jolted in shock before running off to catch up with Sakusa. His gaze was going to be the end of her.

Once the court had cleared out, the Itachiyama boy's team entered. They were the first ones there and had time to practice their spikes. (Y/N) watched as Sakusa spiked the ball into the ground. It was an addictive sight.

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