37 | my salvation

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Wait. Wait. Sounded easy, right? Full bladder. Thirsty. Hungry. Cold. Aching muscles. Agitated. (Y/N) couldn't understand how Sakusa was so calm and collected in their current situation.

The way he spoke, there was no rush nor tension in his voice. It remained unwavering and relaxed as if he had the whole situation under control. He was busy inspecting their surroundings before resting his eyes upon the black sky that was illuminated by remarkable, distant stars.

There was absolute stillness. No air stirred the grass or leaves. No clouds drifted in the sea of blue above. No water dripped or flowed. Not a sound could be heard either close at hand or in the far off distance. It was an eerie sort of tranquillity, so instead of being soothed their senses, it became heightened.

The stillness made (Y/N) feel uneasy. She could feel it building like an unstoppable snowball in the pit of her stomach. The next step was her heart starting to beat harder and faster, adrenaline levels rise, and her brain started to fire out negative thoughts like a machine gun. The negative thoughts kept coming like waves on rocks. The arguments in her head got so fast and so disturbing that her brain shut down her body.

"You know, Kiyo." she quietly breathed out and shifted her gaze to Sakusa, who raised one of his eyebrows. "If we don't make it out alive, I just wanted to say... I don't regret meeting you, and I enjoyed being your friend."

She took a deep breath of the frigid air and redirected her gaze back to the ground. It's been forever and many months since they last spoke like they were children once again. At that time, they had become new people.

(Y/N) liked to think back when they were children. How shy and uncomfortable Sakusa was back then. With cheeks that always seemed flushed and curls that did a lively dance when he ran. The happy memory unfolded as the pages of a beloved childhood storybook, making (Y/N) smile to herself.

Sakusa was more than a childhood friend. But at the same time, he wasn't simply just a good friend. The time (Y/N) spent with him made her realize, he had always been a part of her soul.

They sat under the stars, which were like a beautiful, surreal blanket above their heads. In every direction, there was a star that lit up the eerie darkness of the night. The milky speckles twirled and danced along the sky in various patterns, tugging at the corners of (Y/N)'s lips in a way that almost made her smile. It was hard to shove aside the worries corrupting her mind, but eventually, she just... stopped thinking.


In the distance, (Y/N) could hear something crack and whipped her head around to face Sakusa, who also noticed the sound. "What was that?"

There was the kind of silence that fell right before you got knifed in the back. It sent a shiver down (Y/N)'s spine, and she soon felt her blood chill in her veins. Even the trees seemed not to rustle as if they were tense with nerves for what was to come. She could describe it as creepy, but eerie was closer to it.

Suddenly, a thick branch fell from the sky and landed right in front of (Y/N), just barely missing her. It made her screech something incoherent and jumped into Sakusa's arms.


(Y/N) clung onto him like it depended on her life, as she internally but clearly freaked out. Sakusa widened his eyes and stayed speechless at the sudden contact.

"We're gonna die!" (Y/N) whisper-shouted.

"You're not going to die."

The two fell back when they heard a voice in the distance, responding to (Y/N)'s statement. "There's a ghost! We're haunted! This forest's haunted!"

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