17 | disinfectant

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A metallic tapping noise reverberated from the entry hallway. (Y/N) tapped her foot against the floor as she waited for the door to open. Finally, the door swung open, but the first thing she noticed was the smell of antiseptics filling her nostrils.

"My nose is on fire!" She cupped her hand over her nose, and as she peeked behind Sakusa's figure, she could see Komori flopped over on a chair. "Is Komori okay?"

Sakusa moved to the side, letting (Y/N) walk into his shared room. She poked Komori's cheek multiple times but no response.

She gasped and turned to face Sakusa. "I think he's dead."

Sakusa stayed unfazed and instead furrowed his brows. "No, he's just not used to being so clean and pure."

"What did you do to the room?"

"I got rid of the germs," Sakusa simply says. "Komori was filthy, so I sprayed him with some disinfectants."

"You did what?" (Y/N)'s eye widened as she looked back and forth between Sakusa and Komori. "I don't think you should be spraying him with disinfectants..."

"That's the only way to get rid of the germs."

"So, Komori is a germ now?"


"...Are you sure he's going to be fine?" (Y/N) poked Komori's cheek once again, but he was out like a light.

"He'll be fine... So, what did you need?"

She completely forgot about what she was there for after finding Komori unconscious. She remembered the tablet she was holding and held it up. "Ah, I have matches recorded on this tablet if you wanted to review them."

Sakusa eyed the tablet suspiciously before hesitantly taking it from (Y/N)'s outstretched hand. "...Thanks."

Not even a second passed before Sakusa took his wet wipes and wiped the tablet down. "There, much better."


• • •

Day 4 of the training camp started. The third match of the day was against Wakutani South and (Y/N) could see how much they had grown over the past few days.

They were more familiar with Itachiyama and somewhat adapted to Sakusa's spikes. They figured out Itachiyama's strongest offence players were going to be Sakusa and Yoneda, and their strongest defence players were going to be Matsushima and Komori.

Even though they lost against Itachiyama again, they were able to score more points than before. They've been studying well.

Johzenji, on the other hand, well, how should she put it. They were the same unpredictable team that couldn't care less if they lost. They embraced their punishment drills after each of their matches. Every time Itachiyama had to play them, they were becoming more and more unpredictable.

"Arghh, my head hurts from trying to read their sets." Matsushima messily ran his hand through his hair.

"That's what happens when you think without a brain," Yoneda remarked and guzzled his water.


(Y/N) hummed an upbeat song that was stuck in her head as she walked down the corridors of Shiratorizawa. Just as she turned the corner, she heard some heated yelling going on. She watched as a boy grabbed another boy's collar and balled up his fist.

"How the hell are you in the team if you can't even score a goal!"

"You're the one to say! You lost the winning point!"

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