special | code r

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It was supposedly a typical day for the Itachiyama boy's volleyball club.

They were having their usual after school practice until Matsushima burst out the storage room with a piercing cry.

"Save me!" He ran behind Yoneda and pointed at the storage room.

"There's a monster in there!"

"A monster? Are you sure you're not just going insane?" Yoneda smirked. Matsushima pouted and crossed his arms.

"I'm sure there's something in there, check for yourself."

"What's going on?" (Y/N) made her way over to the commotion.

"There's a monster in the storage room, (L/N)!"

"A monster?" She looked at him confusedly. "Monsters are real?"

"Yes! It was fat and furry... Did I mention fat?!"

"You guys are too noisy," Sakusa scorned and went back to his serving practice.

"Let me go check." Seconds later, everyone heard a shrill scream coming from (Y/N).

Sakusa dropped his ball and ran inside the storage room to see her backed up into the corner.

"The monster ate her!" Matsushima screamed, at which Yoneda rolled his eyes.

"Sakusa went to check on her, so she'll be fine."

"What if he gets eaten too?"


Sakusa searched for (Y/N), who was in the corner and staring at the other side of the room. He turned around to where she was staring only to see a giant furry beast under the volleyball cart with its eye gleaming red.

"Tch. I thought we cleaned out the storage room." He wrinkled his nose and grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist before walking out.

"They're alive!" Matsushima pointed at (Y/N) and Sakusa.

(Y/N) was white as chalk. Her eyes and her mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise.

"There's a rat in there. The place is screwed, let's burn it down with the rat," Sakusa plainly stated.

"We have a Code R!" Matsushima then proceeded to run around the gym, screeching like a banshee.

A sigh slowly escaped Yoneda's mouth as he lowered his face into his hand. "I guess we have to get rid of it."

"We burn the room down."

"No, we sacrifice someone."

Everyone turned their heads to look at Matsushima. He finally stopped running and frowned at the sudden attention. "What? Don't tell me..."

"I did not agree to this." Matsushima was holding a broom and waited at the entrance to the storage room, while the rest of the team watched from behind.

"Don't worry. You just need to get the rat out of the room." Yoneda smiled and patted his shoulder for reassurance.

"Well, here I go."

He took a deep breath and walked into the storage room. He looked around for a bit before spotting the giant creature huddled in the corner. Its deadly red eyes stared right into his own.

"I can't do this!" He threw the broom at the creature making it run around the room erratically, causing Matsushima to shriek uncontrollably.

Outside, the team listened in on the battle happening inside. They could hear the sound of supplies and gears falling onto the ground with a bang.

Silver Hearts | Sakusa Kiyoomiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن