I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul...

By groovy-lennon

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Just when Paul thought he had it all in life, young Victoria Taylor comes to prove him wrong. Paul is forced... More

Chapter 1 "Following a dream"
Chapter 2 "New York"
Chapter 3 "I like you, Paul"
Chapter 4 "Stop"
Chapter 5 "Double surprise"
Chapter 6 "Virgin"
Chapter 7 "The first one"
Chapter 8 "I think I'm in love"
Chapter 9 "Following you"
Chapter 10 "I moan your name"
Chapter 11 " I love you, Victoria"
Chapter 12 "I choose her"
Chapter 13 "A trap"
Chapter 14 "True love"
Chapter 15 "Our new home"
Chapter 16 "Bathtub confessions"
Chapter 18 "I fucked my little sister"
Chapter 19 "I've got a crush on Vicky too"
Chapter 20 "Prisoner of love"
Chapter 21 "They're all gone"
Chapter 22 "Beatle kidnap"
Chapter 23 "The night before"
Chapter 24 "You're going to lose that girl?"
Chapter 25 "Paul"
Chapter 26 "On John's bed"
Chapter 27 "Finally"
Chapter 28 "John's girl"
Chapter 29 "Three no-way"
Chapter 30 "John in the middle"
Chapter 31 "A taste of Paul"
Chapter 32 "Only you"
Chapter 33 "The world is treating me bad"
Chapter 34 "You Really Got a Hold On Me"
Chapter 35 "Ex-Girlfriend"
Chapter 36 "Mummy's favorite Beatle"
Chapter 37 "She's back"
Chapter 38 "It's her only"
Chapter 39 "Michelle Ma Belle"
Chapter 40 "Babysitters"
Chapter 41 "Breastfeeding"
Chapter 42 "No Other Love Will Ever Do"
Chapter 43 "Three of us"
Chapter 44 "Let the world know"
Chapter 45 "It's the girls"
Chapter 46 "We love you, Paul"
Chapter 47 "The girl in the alley"
Chapter 48 "Wife"
Chapter 49 "Forever"
Final Chapter "The Perfect Ending"

Chapter 17 "Adoption?"

244 5 1
By groovy-lennon

Paul's P.O.V.

As stupid as it might sound -and ignoring the logic- I must say it took me by surprise. Of course it's possible...Vicky is having my baby...? I'm still in shock because it never crossed my mind before...Paul McCartney as a father? I suppose that is why it feels so strange to be excited about it...but isn't Vicky too young to be a mum? I mean, could her tiny little body handle a pregnancy? God...this feels weird; this feeling is something I never experienced before. Jasmine and I always made sure to avoid conceiving, but with Vicky I didn't even bother to... as if deep inside I knew she was the one to be the mother of my children one day. I'm not lying; I really hope she's pregnant.

"...are you sure, dear?" I turned to look at her with surprise. "How? When? Why do you think so?" I held both of her hands in mine excitedly. Everything that has to do with her, I love it to death. "Is it growing already?" I joked putting my hand down on her belly.

"Paulie" She laughed quietly. "Of course it's not growing; well, I'm not sure. I feel different, you know? I don't know how to explain, but as a young woman, I feel something is happening with me. I feel it, Paulie. I have no idea how I'm supposed to know if I'm pregnant or not, but...my mum always told me that when she was pregnant with me, she felt it in a way she couldn't describe, and now I feel it too" She smiled.

"My dear...you'd make me even happier if you had my child" I kissed the back of her hand.

"Really, Paulie? You're not mad at me?"

"God no! Why would you think that? Hell no! Vicky, I love you. I could never be mad at you for that. Besides, why would anybody do such thing? It's beautiful"

"Do you really think so?" Her face brightened up.

"Of course, dear!"

"Thank you, Paulie..." A tiny tear ran down her cheek.

"Aw, but why 'ya crying, love?"

"It's just...all of this is very emotional. Don't you think so?" She giggled quietly.

"It is" I smiled. "I still need to take you to see a doctor to check you though. Soon..."


"And I don't care if somebody sees us; our possible baby needs special care, and so do you"

"Oh well" She sighed. "How 'bout we have some snack now?"

"Are you hungry?" I giggled.

"Yes" She smirked

"Let's get up, then. I brought lots of food, and a little surprise for you" I winked.

"Really? Let me see!" She jumped out of the bathtub quickly, and rushed to the living room willing to go outside. "Where is it?" She asked excitedly.

"Wait there, love" I chuckled. "You're still naked!"

"Oh" She blushed as she looked down.

"Let's get dressed first! And then I'll show you" I said before I burst out laughing.

After that, I showed her the stuff I had bought for her, and we cooked dinner together.


Victoria's P.O.V.

Paulie is such as sweetheart. I confessed him what I've been feeling lately, and his reaction made me feel very relieved. It makes me realize once again that I'm with the right person.

The next day was "The day of the truth" We were going to a clinic. Of course I was afraid to go back to the city, but I believe an emergency like this one is worth risking anything. We packed our stuff the night before. We also had to leave baby Paul in charge in one of the neighbors. Back in the city, Paul wore his "Costume" again just in case. After the clinic's appointment for my blood test, we stayed in Paul's house; I know, I know, but Paul and I agreed that it'd be less likely that someone could go there every day after all these months to check if Paul and me were still staying in that house. We wanted to stay one night there only because the next morning we would receive that call; the call that would confirm us if we were expecting or not.

Paul was more impatient than myself. I think he was worried too. He was literally sitting next to the phone all morning.

"I baked some cookies, Paulie. You want some?" I asked as I placed a plate with cookies on the little table beside him.

"Oh no thanks, dear. I'm very nervous" He crossed his legs, and started tapping his fingers on the armchair where he was sitting on.

"It seems as though you're the one who might be pregnant" I chuckled, and sat down on his lap.

"Well, I'm nervous as fuck" He blushed.

"I can see that' I laughed. "It's only 8 am; give it some time, Paulie"

"Well, they said-"He was interrupted by the phone ringing. He picked it up no later than half a second later. "Hello?" He brought the phone to his ear with his shaking hand. "Yes? Victoria Taylor. Aha" He looked so adorable. I was starting to think he really wanted to be a daddy, and that he wanted it so bad."Oh, well, thank you. Yes. Bye-bye" He hung up the phone. He sighed, and then leaned back on the armchair. He started stroking my thigh as he stared at the ceiling"


"Mmmm?" His eyes turned to me.

"The results?"

He sighed again as he shook his head. He squeezed my thigh as a little grin was starting to appear on his lips. "We are having a baby!" He screamed excitedly.

"Aren't you joking?" I asked as I noticed I had tears on my eyes already. "I knew I was right, Paulie" I said as I hugged him tight.

"Yes, you were right, love" He said as he rubbed my back. "And because you had been missing your period for like three months" He joked.

"Oh Paulie" I laughed still crying.

"Aw, dear. I'm so happy..." He said quietly; it really sounded as if it came from the bottom of his heart.

"Me too...I can't believe I'm going to be a mum"

"A wonderful, loving, caring, and very young mummy" He giggled.

"Silly" I laughed. "I wish Damian was here to see..."

"Do you think he'd be comfortable with this?"

"I guess so" I shrugged.

"Well I'm sure he'll be happy in the end. Don't worry about that" He kissed my forehead, and held me tighter. "Now, how about we have breakfast? You're not getting away with it by having those cookies only huh?" He spoke to my belly as he poked it playfully; I laughed.

"It's mummy's fault oopsie" I grinned. "Okay, let's go make some breakfast" I said as I got up to go to the kitchen with Paul. "Would you like some eggs? I asked him.

"Sure" He said as he walked to the fridge to get them.

We were starting to prepare our eggs when we heard someone knocking on the door.

That was not good at all...

"Paulie..." I dropped one of the eggs because I was very scared.

"It's okay, love. Calm down. It's just...well we don't have to open the door..." He started scratching his nose anxiously again.

"Should we peek through the window just a little; it doesn't have to be Brian or my brother. Who knows?" I suggested.

"Oh. Alright then. You stay here in the kitchen"

I nodded. Paul walked into the living room quietly, but before he could check who it was, a voice spoke.

My brother's voice...

"Paul, I know you're there with Victoria. You arrived yesterday; your house has been monitored since George saw you at that music shop two days ago" He said.

"Fuck" Paul groaned.

"Oh god" I mumbled. "What are we going to do now?"

"Vicky, listen, don't worry; they can't take you away from me this time! We're a family now for the love of god!"

"You think you can make him understand?" I was very worried.

"I think so, yes...yeah, yeah, totally" He nodded. I knew he still feared the worst.

"Okay...let's open the door then" I sighed. This time I didn't know what was going to happen actually; no clue at all.

Paul nodded, and opened the door carefully. My brother stood there under that doorframe with concern in his face; Brian stood behind him.

"Victoria..." Was all he said to me, and rushed to hug me tight; it took me by surprise because I thought he was going to yell at me, or try to take me away from there right away. It took me a couple of seconds before I hugged him back because I hadn't realized what had just happened. "Thank god" He mumbled. "Are you okay?" He asked me when he pulled away, and held my face with his hands.

"I am Damian" I said. "I'm...sorry" My apology came out just like that. I didn't feel it coming; I guess I really meant it.

"It's okay, Vicky. I'm just glad that you're here" He said before holding me in his arms again.

Paul just stood there watching; I suppose he didn't think it was something to worry about. He knew how much I love my brother. He exchanged looks with Brian who just happened to enjoy the little scene.

"I had a friend investigating where you two could possibly be, but George happened to run into you about two days ago, so I told my friend to keep checking your house; he called me and Damian early this morning" Brian said to Paul. Brian didn't look mad at all either.

"Oh...well" Paul shrugged. "I don't even know what to say"

"I do" Said Damian as he turned to Paul. "Paul, I have accepted your relationship with my sister"

"Really?" Paul's face brightened.

"BUT, I must tell you something; we need to come up with a deal"

"Umm sure. What is it?"

"You're going to need to adopt her"



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