Mortals meet Demigods

By petloving_fangirl

711K 8.9K 12K

The Gods are cruel and decided to send their children to- wait for it- mortal school. There, they will be fac... More

Author's Note- Please don't skip it's important I promise
Mortals meet Demigods
Thalico- Manning Meador (RP/NM)
Jiper- David Ericson (NM/RP)
Percy- Tony Stark (CO/NM)
The Seven+Thalia+Nico~ the Avengers (CO/NM)
Nancy Bobofit (Ship spoilers)
Frederick Chase (NM)
Percabeth- Daniel Chase
Chrisse- Raven
Charlena- Bianca di Angelo
Percabeth- Sophie/ Benji
Miranda Collins- Solangelo
Miranda Collins (Fields of Punishment)
Bianca (Italian orphan)- Solangelo
Amelia Jeznach- Frazel
Mr. Smith- Thaluke
Sally (Not Jackson)- Caleo
Katherine Pierce- Reyna
Nathan Allen- Nico (Solangelo)
Stephanie Martin- Tratie (NM)
Nancy Northrope Part 2
Rachel Elizabeth Dare- SOS
Winner of Cover Contest
Doctor Who/ PJO crossover- Percabeth
Founding Of SOS- Aphrodite
Winchesters & Co.- Demigods
Percabeth- Ruby Masters
Frazel- SOS- School
Paul Blofis- Percy (and friends)(from Pre- B.O.L to Post B.O.L.)
Kaitlyn Gilmore- Jiper
I Can Hear the Bells...
Classroom Chaos
Would You Like It If...

Nancy Northrope- Jiper

15.9K 246 470
By petloving_fangirl

I take requests! It doesn't matter the ship, single, or whatever, I'll do it! Thanks!


NN pov

    I was strutting around my kingdom, um, excuse me, school- Lance Academy. Every boy had fallen head over heels for me the moment I walked on campus, and every girl girl wanted to be me. Well, except one- Piper Grace. I don’t know why though, my luscious caramel locks were superior to the choppy braided mess she called hair, and my crystal blue eyes were much prettier than her freaky kaleidoscope ones. And she always dressed like she pulled her clothes out of a dumpster, while I had clothes straight off the run-way. Since my mom was a model, I got new fashion WAY sooner than anyone else.

    Anyway, I was walking down the hall when I saw IT staring at a photo longingly. I walked over to her, my handmaidens excuse me, “friends” following.

    “Whatcha looking at, loser?” I asked. “None of your business bitch!” she snapped back, turning her back to us. Before she could react, I snatched the picture away. I looked at it and saw that it was a picture of her with eight other, incredibly attractive people. All of them were scraped, dirty, and sweaty, but beaming at the camera looking happy to be alive.

    There was a guy with his arm around Piper’s waist, and kissing her cheek. He had army cut blond hair and electric blue eyes. He basically looked like a blond superman. Making bunny-ears on Superman, was a latino grease elf. The guy next to him had dark black hair and an incredible tan. The most attractive thing about him was his mesmerizing sea green eyes. Unfortunately, he looked taken because he was staring lovingly into the eyes of the grey eyed, blonde haired beauty in his arms. The only thing amiss about both of them was the broken looks in their eyes and the matching grey streaks in their hair. Next to them, was a buff Asian guy with a buzzcut. On his back was a girl about 13 with cocoa colored skin, dark frizzy hair and gold eyes. Although the age difference, I suspected that they were a couple. On either side of theme there were two people who didn’t seem to be a couple with anyone in the picture. Next to the Asian guy was a tall girl with dark hair in a braid and a great tan. She was wearing a strange purple cloak, which seemed to give her a sense of pride. The boy standing next to Purple Cloak had dark shaggy hair, obsidian eyes, and a pale olive complexions. Definitely goth, though he wasn’t wearing all black. In place of a black shirt, he was wearing a garish Hawaiin shirt. Though he was beaming, it looked like the a smile was not an often occurrence for him.

    “Give that back Nancy!” Piper screamed, tearing the picture out of my hands. “Wow Piper. You have a true talent. Photoshopping is definitely your calling. Now way you have friends and a boyfriend THAT hot.” I scoffed, flipping my perfectly styled hair.

    “Actually, some of them are my family. The blond girl, the hispanic, the Asian, and the girl in the purple cape are my cousins. The rest are my friends. Well, except the blond guy. That’s my hu… boyfriend.” She said, but she caught herself saying something else. I opened my mouth to say something sassy, but, luckily for her, the bell for class rang. No worries, I would interrogate her about it after school was over.

~~~~TIME SKIP TO LUNCH    ~~~~

    I had sat down with my “cliche” - really, they were just people that I allowed to come near and ‘befriend’ me- when I realized that I hadn’t done my hourly makeup and hair primp session.

    I excused myself and walked to the nearest bathroom, where I ran into her. “Hello, slob.” I sneered at her. I chose the mirror farthest from her. “Clown” she spat. Suddenly, a girl I had never seen before walked in. Immediately, her eyes widened at the sight of Piper. Then, her features started changing to reveal glowing eyes, one donkey and one metal leg, a scorched ‘Goode’ cheer uniform and… fangs. “Piper! We finally meet!” she snarled. Piper turned around and when she saw the thing in front of me, she didn’t even bat an eyelash.

    “So… who are you? Am I supposed to be afraid?” She said, raising a single eyebrow. “Awww! Surely Percy, Annabeth, or even Rachel told you about me!!” The she-thing pouted. What the hell was happening? “Ohh. so your Kelli! Percy was right, words cannot describe your hideousness. It’s almost painful to look at.” Piper taunted, her hand slowly moving to her boot. “I am NOT hideous!” ‘Kelli’ protested, stomping her hoof.

    “Here’s what you’re going to do,” Piper said sweetly, “you’re going to stand still while I do something. Kay?” She said. Her words were so… convincing that I did what she said. I watched as she pulled her a dagger out of her boot. Wait!! A dagger!? How the hell did she get that in the school?! I observed as she walked behind Kelli, pretending to fiddle with the hand dryer, but then whirled around and stabbed Kelli, who disintegrated into a pile of gold dust.

    Piper looked down at her shirt that was now covered in golden dust. She sighed “This was my favorite shirt! This stuff takes forever to get out!” I finally let out a squeak, then screamed “What the-” “Shhhh! Someone could hear you!” Piper said as pulled off her boot, revealing a dagger sheath strapped to her ankle. I changed my volume to a whisper yell, “What the hell just happened?!”

    Piper looked up from zipping he boot up. “You saw that?!” she said incredulously. “How could I not?! It happened right in front of me!!” I whisper yelled. PIper groaned, “You’re who I’m supposed to be retrieving?! Why Fates?! Why this γαμημένη σκύλα που δεν δίνουν δεκάρα για τους άλλους ανθρώπους!? [Fucking bitch who doesn’t give a fuck about other people] Come with me. I have to take you somewhere.” “Where?” I asked. “To Camp Half-Blood. My home.”

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

    The car ride was silent except for when Piper explained about my demigodishness. The entire ride, one thought cirlcled through my mind: Piper was a demigod? I finally dismissed it by saying she was probably some lame kid of some lame god. No way here parent was an Olympian. She probably has NO friends.

    Finally, we reached Camp Half Blood. We walked to the top of a hill, where we passed a sleeping dragon. I avoided it, but Piper pet it like an old friend. When we were about ¼ of the way down the hill, the blond girl from the photo ran up to us. “Pipes! You’re back!” She said while giving Piper a hug. “Annabeth!! I’ve brought a new demigod. Can I talk to you for a second?” Piper said while pulling Annabeth off to the side. No doubt talking about how wonderful I am.

    When they returned, I stuck my hand out and said, “Nancy Northrope, beauty extraordinaire.” Annabeth just looked me up and down and said, “Annabeth Jackson, daughter of Athena. Now come on.” She didn’t shake my hand, but just brushed past me. I indignantly chased after her, trying to make her apologize for being so rude, “Do you know who I am?! My mother is a model and I will be the best demigod since Perseus! I’m probably a daughter of Zeus!” I said smirking.

They both burst out laughing and called back, “Mortal parentage doesn’t matter here, bitch! And besides, you’ll be the worst demigod since Drew Tanaka! and Zeus doesn’t have any children except Thalia and Jason. Anyway, Annabeth and her husband are the best demigods ever.” I huffed and marched after them, wobbling in my wedge sandals. We walked into the centre of some cabins, and everyone turned to look at us. Of course they did! Moi was here. As I stepped forward to graciously accept my title as queen, two of the boys from the picture came sprinting up. “Pipes!” “Beauty Queen!” the screamed at the same time. It was the other blond and the latino.

“Jason! Repair Boy!” Piper screamed back. I watched as Jason tackled Piper to the ground. He said “I missed you!” then started kissing her. Leo covered his eyes and screamed “My beautiful, innocent eyes!! Get a room you two!”

They blushed and got up. “Leo! Shut up!” Jason said. “But public displays of affection make me uncomfortable!” Leo whined. “Well, at least Frank didn’t find us asleep together on the Argo II!” Piper smirked at Annabeth, who blushed. They started bickering playfully and I decided to save Jason from the hideous clutches of Piper.

“Hey, cutie. Why don’t we ditch the rat and go have some fun?” I said seductively. He gave me a disgusted look “And why would I do that?” “Come on, I know you’re only with her because you pity her. Time to ditch her because your true love is here.” I said with a wink.

“Unless your name is Piper Mclean, you’re not my true love!” Jason said. “Who? The only Piper here is Piper Grace.” I said. Jason looked at Piper with an expression of shock on his face. “You used my last name?” Piper looked shyly at her scuffed converse, “Technically it’s my last name too. And I didn’t want them to know my maiden name.” Maiden name? Does that mean… “You’re married?!” I screech “Who are you??”

Piper looked up and squared her shoulders, “I am Piper Mclean Grace, daughter of Aphrodite and Tristan Mclean one of the seven, freer of Hera, owner of Katoptris and the Cornucopia, and wife of Jason Grace.” “And I,” Jason said, wrapping his arm around Piper “am Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Roman form of Jupiter, freer of Hera, one of the seven, survivor of two wars, defeater of Krios, ex-praetor of the Twelfth Legion fulminata and husband of Piper Mclean Grace.”

“AND I” Leo said, jumping in front of the couple, “am Leo Flamin Mcshizzle Valdez, son of Hephaestus, freer of Hera, only living fire user, one of the seven, builder and supreme commander of the Argo II, defeater of Gaea, and supreme bad boy!” Okaaay… that boy has had waay too much sugar. Since everyone present had said an intro, I looked at Annabeth, “So what about you, Miss Me-And-My-Husband-Are-The-Greatest-Heroes-of-All-Time, what did you do?” “Me? Uh-uh! I don’t feel like talking for an entire week!” I guess I looked like I didn’t believe her because Piper said, “Trust me, we would be FOREVER is she did. She’s been here since she was 7. And she practically saved the world-and her husband- more times than you can count. So shut up, we have to get you to the Big House anyway. C’mon.” Piper glared at me and started marching to a blue farm house. Jason followed and caught up to her quickly.

I followed behind, silently plotting how to break them up.

At the campfire that night, I was claimed by Hermes. Immediately after arriving in my cabin, I was dragged into a room with a hidden door by my siblings, who were about 15 and an Aphrodite camper.

the room was some kind of Movie theatre. Inside sat several shelves, all containing different home movies. They had different words scrawled on the spines, and there were assorted names on a single shelf, with others designated to solely one word. The biggest was the one containing the assortment of words, among which were, ‘Tratie’ ‘Charlena’ “Ciranda’ and ‘Chrisse.’ Above that, a much smaller shelf contained DVDs labeled ‘Solangelo.’ A larger shelf above that contained ‘Caleo.’ I looked around and realized that about 6 had their own shelves, Solangelo and Caleo included.

The largest shelf by far, even bigger than the assortment shelf, as I call it, was one containing ‘Percabeth.’ Others held Frazel and Gruniper, but the second largest was Jiper, which is the first one they chose.

“What is this place?” I asked.

“We call it SOS HQ, or ‘Save our Ships’ Headquarters. when some of the gods, especially Aphrodite, saw how many new demigods were trying to break up her ships. She created this room. There’s one in the Aphrodite cabin too. We show these videos to every new camper. The shelves are sorted by OTP level. Percabeth, being the biggest OTP of BOTH camps have the biggest shelf. then Jiper and Solangelo are tied, since people LOVE both equally, since Solangelo is adorable, and we just LOVE how Jason chose Piper, even though he didn’t really know her, and he knew about Reyna after awhile, so their love story is a good one. then comes Gruniper, then Caleo, then Frazel, since no one here really knows them and we haven’t gotten to see their relationship, since they are always at the Roman camp. And this room is for Canon ships only. So, Thalico, Jeyna, Liper, Pipabeth and such are in a different room. However, if a ship is impending, and everyone knows they like eachother, it’s here too. Hence Solangelo, Trantie, and Ciranda.” The little Aphrodite camper said.

“Lacy! Shut up! Let’s get on with the reason she’s here!” One of the Hermes campers whisper shouted. Lacy rolled her eyes, “Fine. Now, the reason you here right now is because we saw you try to break up and OTP. Normally, you wouldn’t see this until your first full day as a claimed demigod. But, people who try and sink our ships come to the SoS HQ earlier.

That night, I spent 14 hours watching nothing but Jiper moments. And now they’re my OTP. Right along with Percabeth, Charlena, Solangelo, Frazel, Caleo, and Gruniper.

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