
By princess_mousie

23.7K 577 98

Fear /fir/ noun- an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
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part 5
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part 67
Social Media

part 42

285 5 2
By princess_mousie

"It is the starved imagination, not the well-nourished, that is afraid." ― E.M. Forster, Howards End

Sophie's POV

Someone was shaking me. I open my eyes and it was Cam and Nash. I looked around and we were still in the game room.

"Sophie, are you okay?" Cam asked.

"Yea, just a bad dream." I rub my head.

"You were screaming so we woke you up." Cam hugged me.

"I'm fine now." I sigh.

"We also have some news." Nash said smiling.

"What?" I ask snuggling into Cam.

"We have an event in Florida!" He screams.

"Yay! When?" Cam asks.

"Two weeks." He answers. "Sophie your coming too." He says and I nod.

Two Weeks Later

"Soph! Come on!" Uncle Chad yelled from downstairs. He added me to Magcon and we are starting our own event. I finished packing and dragged my luggage down the stairs making a thump with every step. Nash took my luggage to the car when I got down. I got into the back of the car and struggled against Hayes.

On the plane I sat next to Cam who met us at the airport. The flight was okay. We went to our hotel and met up with the others.

"Sophie!" Mahogany screamed running to me. She hugged me tightly and I hugged the others after.

"Come on guys, event starts in thirty minutes." Matt says and we all head to the area.

I sit at my station which is next to Cam's and wait. I have filmed some videos for youtube and have about 50,000 subscribers.

"Hi." I blonde girl walks up to me.

"Hello there!" I smile.

"I love your videos! Your so relatable!" She smiles.

"Thank you!" I smile and glance behind her to see a line form.

"I got you a gift." She pulls a small giraffe stuffed animal out a her bag of goodies for the boys and hands it to me.

"OMG!" I hug her. "I love it!"

We take a picture and another fan comes up.

"Hi Sophie!" She hugs me. We take a picture and the next person comes up.

After the meet and greet I had around 50 people meet me and I got tons of gifts. We start to the stage show and we all grab a mic. Cam is in a boot now and off of crutches so he could jump around.

"How ya doing Florida!" Taylor screams. Here comes the headache. We start a dance off and then I sing Skyfall with Shawn. Jack and Jack sing a few of their songs and we finish.

I grab all of my gifts and head to my room with Cam, Nash, and Hayes. I set my things down and lay on the bed. The clock said 5. I was going to sleep anyway. I get under the sheets and fall asleep.

Cameron's POV

The guys and I fooled around after the show and it was about 10. I went up to our room and saw Sophie sleeping. I settled next to her and she wrapped her arms around me. I kissed the top of her head and fell asleep.

I woke up and turned to lay on my stomach. The clock said 9 and Sophie wasn't next to me. Nash is probably in the shower and Hayes is watching TV.

"Hayes, where did Sophie go?" I said getting up.

"She went with Mahogany somewhere." He answers not moving his eyes from the TV.

I quickly get dressed and grab my phone.

To Sophie💁💕: Hey where are you?

From Sophie💁💕: In the Lobby

I leave and go to the lobby and get trampled by fans. I finally make my way through and find Sophie sitting in a booth with Mahogany, Shawn, and Taylor in Starbucks.

"Hey guys." I say sitting in the booth.

"Hey Cam." Sophie kisses my cheek and the others wave.

"I ordered for you." She passes me a cup.

"Thanks." I smile taking a sip. My favorite.

After finishing we went back to the rooms to get everyone. It's our free day so we're going to the beach.

Sophie's POV

I grab my teal and white bikini and put on some light mean shorts and a grey crop top. I put my hair in a side braid and slip on my teal TKEES flip flops. I grab my sunglasses and put a giraffe case on my phone and I go to where the boys are waiting.

"Finally!" Matt sighed and we started walking.

We found a nice spot and laid our things down. Its March now so it was cool out. I striped to my bikini and the guys pulled off their shirts. I put on some sunscreen and forced it on most of the boys.

"Okay MOM!" Taylor whined and we laughed. Once we were down we all ran to the water. Mahogany shoved me in and I screamed, pulling her on with me.

"Oh you are so dead." She laughed. She chased me around and Cam grabbed my waist lifting me in the air above Mahogany's reach. He set me down and Nash splashed me with water. Soon everyone joined in and we had a full on water fight.


Haha tricked you guys lol

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