Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanf...

Από MageProfessor_Simon

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[As a testament to my unending battle against fate, I will pledge my incarnation to see that you remain safe... Περισσότερα

[==Author's Intro==]
°•¤●Bloomed Rose●¤•°
°•¤●The Swordswoman●¤•°
°•¤●Crossing Swords●¤•°
°•¤●A Favour●¤•°
°•¤●Quick Demonstration●¤•°
°•¤●Contrast Colours●¤•°
°•¤●Blue Knight●¤•°
°•¤●Real Life●¤•°
°•¤●Impatient Yuuki●¤•°
°•¤●Divine General●¤•°
°•¤●Inevitable Falling●¤•°
°•¤●Who is?●¤•°
°•¤●Lunch Break●¤•°
°•¤●Problematic Situation●¤•°
°•¤●Silent Comfort●¤•°
°•¤●Waking Up●¤•°
°•¤●Immeasurable Bliss●¤•°
°•¤●Lightning Dance●¤•°
°•¤●Defying Question●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Trusting●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Converging●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Taunting●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Challenging●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Coursing●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Resisting●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Forgiving●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Preparing●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Breaking●¤•°
°•¤●The Essence of Light : Feeling●¤•°
°•¤●Unbearable Secrets●¤•°
°•¤●Silent Pain●¤•°
°•¤●Incomplete Halves●¤•°
°•¤●Furthest Reaches●¤•°
°•¤●Eternal Love : Visiting●¤•°
°•¤●Eternal Love: Dedicating●¤•°
°•¤●Eternal Love: Unraveling●¤•°
°•¤●Eternal Love: Accepting●¤•°
°•¤●Eternal Love: Seeing●¤•°
°•¤●Completed Halves●¤•°
°•¤● Three Years ●¤•°
°•¤●Vivid Dreams●¤•°
°•¤●Strongest Words●¤•°
°•¤●Youth's Memories●¤•°
°•¤●Our Adventure●¤•°
°•¤●Setting Suns●¤•°
°•¤●Absolute Rewind●¤•°
°•¤●Unresolved Contradiction●¤•°
°•¤●Lovely Moon●¤•°
°•¤●Solace Serendipity●¤•°
°•¤●Before Bewilderment●¤•°
°•¤●Sins Unforetold●¤•°
°•¤●Celebrating Unification●¤•°
°•¤●Sweetest Sincerity●¤•°
°•¤●Gentle Relations●¤•°
°•¤●Invaluable Independece●¤•°
[==Author's Special==]
°•¤●Tales Told●¤•°
[==Notice of Hiatus==]

°•¤●Riveting Conclusion●¤•°

972 44 10
Από MageProfessor_Simon

---::Finding Strength Sub-Arc::---

[Chapter 30]

"I'm an SAO survivor."

"WWWOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH~" the whole guild shrieked, physically reeling themselves at my shocking reveal rather exaggeratedly.

Tecchi and Siune seemed to be less dramatic in their reaction, then we have Nori, Talken, Jun and Yuuki who're going insane at the fact. So far as to tear each other's hairs trying to grasp the reality they've found themselves in.

Walking across the new land of the 28th Floor, we decided to enjoy the night sky together as a reward for a day's hard work. We're hundreds of miles above the surface of Alfheim, the new and fresh breeze up here felt like taking a hike around the hills of the Himalayas...

Look, the reflective light representing stars on this floor is even more fascinating than those below.

The road is of grass and pebbles, leading far into a distant village surrounded by mountains engulfed in fog, where new quests and rewards await for all the players to enjoy.

"I KNEW IT! I FINALLY GOT ONE HUNCH RIGHT! FIRST GOOD HUNCH I'VE EVER GOTTEN!" the leprechaun in glasses shook his fists in victory.

"That explains a whole lot. Wait, no, that explains literally everything." Jun scratched his hair and then pressed his hand to his face.

"So you've fought that boss before, right?! What were the differences between the one in SAO and ALO? How many people did it took to take it down? You delivered the final blow during your first time, didn't you? You did right?! RIGHT?" Yuuki grabbed my arm and shook it to pair with her enthusiasm.

"W-well... I did, but it's much more complicated than that... I-"

"SH-SHUUUSH~ I wanna guess! Did you lead an army of players into the battlefield? Did you have to make crazy strategies a-an-and had waves of people take out parts of the boss' bodies? WERE THERE ANY OTHER STRONG PLAYERS IN THE GAME?!"

She's not cutting me some slack with these questions is she? Jesus, Yuuki, I'd love to answer them all but please take it slooowww. To be honest, I can't even recall the details properly myself. So that lessens your chances to get an immediate answer already!

"Please be mindful, all of you... SAO was a hard place for many people. What did I say about approaching someone who's been in that game before?" Siune sighed and slouched her shoulders, hoping that her friends aren't causing me too much trouble.

"Hm? You all had that discussion?" I asked. "About meeting an SAO player?"

"Quite a while ago, yeah! We wanted to know what it was like in there ever since New Aincrad was added! Though, we never had a chance to meet one before. It's not like we can just ask anyone in Alfheim if they've ever risked their lives. So, sorry about that." There it came, the apologies of a spriggan with her hands resting the back of her head, walking beside Jun.

Not a moment's passed when I noticed her reaching her palm to the salamander, nudging his shoulder subtly.

"Speaking of which, Jun, pay up!"

"Wait, really?! I thought you forgot!"

"I never go back on my word, so give me a thousand!"

"F-fine! Damn..."


"Oh my god, you two did NOT make a bet on the person Yuuki would choose for the raid to be an SAO player!" my eyes widened in splits of a second with a face of absolute discontent.

"Hehe~" Nori looked satisfied with her spoils.

"Better lose a thousand than to lose a million. Serves me right for thinking it was impossible." the losing side sighed.

"Ahaha! They always do the weirdest things together. Luckily, I've never gotten myself involved in any of their schemes before. So that makes me an everlasting pure soul~!" the Imp by my side had her arms high up in the air. As if she was patting herself on the back for resisting temptation.

Ahahaha, they're an incredible bunch.

This, I wouldn't mind getting used to this... Taking a nice stroll with friends, enjoying a proper game session... It's a sensation that I've taken quite a liking to.

I... don't think I want to fight alone anymore.

Maybe Scorchy was right, I've been too distant from others... I suppose now's the best time to change my ways for the better, and share the memory.

How out of character... I truly never would've imagined choosing companionship over doing a playthrough of a game solo.

Perhaps, this is the piece of my life that has been missing from the picture.




This is where I woke up... from passing out after beating the Four-Armed Giant in SAO...

In a grass spot, under a small birch tree, the roots were blooming with flowers that rise in the winter season of Aincrad.

I never would've thought that I would witness them again, at the right time in a different world than when I last saw them. They're beautiful, having colours of a moonlit night sky and streaks of blue...

My eyes caught sight of a certain familiar angle.


That's where I thought I saw Kirito.

He... was walking towards the forests, into the mountains... quickly disappearing before I could confirm it was him. He carried me from the empty boss room, all the way up here...

And left...

What was going on with him back then?

"Hey? Heyyyy!"

"Earth to ISS! You okay up there space cadet?!"

Waving her hands in front of my face, she grabbed my attention the second I spaced out.

"You... okay?"




I stumbled back, grabbing my head. The only reflex I could respond to this sudden sensation was to pull and tighten my hood.

I began shaking my head so fiercely that it jolted my brain left and right in my skull. A force great enough to cause a concussion couldn't even rival this sharp pain I'm enduring. It was as if the veins in my upper body were searing.




With everything I had, I began to force my real body to pump as much blood as I could to my noggin. Desperate to alleviate the pain in any way, even if it's impossible.


"I  don't know what's happening! It hurts! It- this isn't just a headache!" I said aloud.

"Well DUH, look at you! What HEADACHE does this?!"


My skull is vibrating, like a drill was penetrating its sides. I can feel every part of the marrow within me being broken down to dust, crushed, even stretched to oblivion. 

What... are? What are these?!... What... the...

An eruption of recollection scattered my senses to disarray.

I could make out instances and emotions within my life unknown to me.

Memories, distant, sealed memories...

There's more?... I thought I remembered everything now... I remembered his death, I remembered taking the anger out on the boss! I remembered Kirito!



Oh no...

Oh... nonononononononononono.










As I began to asphyxiate, a shining ray of light dried the ocean before I drowned. My lungs filled with air once more.


"It's okay, It's okay! Hey, it's me!"

My fingers, which were trembling, began to ease. My heartbeat dropped, plummeted to stability...

I looked at her with worries and sweat on my face, shaking still. But hers brought me an immediate sense of relief as she expressed a calming grace...

The overflow had completely stopped, ceasing immediately. The constant berating was halted just as it began.

She reached and squeezed my arms.

"I'm here, I'm here. It's fine..." Her hands caressed the red of my hair. My forehead pressed to her shoulder gently.


"... Hah... hahhh..."

"Just keep breathing, slowly now..."

I closed my eyes, waiting for my condition to reach an optimal state...

As I've finally reached a levelled head, I apologized.

"Uh... um... sorry about that..." I wiped the sweat with my sleeve, getting some fresh air.

"No, no don't say anything. We're the ones who're sorry. We shouldn't have-"

"It's not your fault, something just, re-wired my brain I guess... This place is... just too familiar."

The girl before me patted my head, giving a little frown before she spoke.

"You got something to tell us, don't you?"


"Yuuki-" I hesitated.


"... I might have a teensy weensy, massive case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder..."

"PTSD." Jun clarified, his eyes narrowed.

"Haiiih~" she sighed, sounding unsurprised. It was like she already figured out the next words I spoke.

"Kirito already told me and Siune about your condition."

"Wait, what? Why? No, more importantly, when?"

"He explained it to us before you logged in earlier this evening. He told me all of it, including what happened a few months ago."

"Wh-" A past discussion between Kirito and I crossed my mind. "... Oh, the Minotaur."

"Yeah, and how you barely remembered anything from that moment. It was pretty scary seeing that screenshot..."

"Um..." I looked over to everyone else. I soon noticed how they were showing no sign of discomfort in any way, shape or form. All except me, drenched in anxiety.

"Aren't you all-" I averted my sights reluctantly, "-afraid of me?"

"We got the gist of it from Siune while you were out with Yuuki. Truth be told, this little issue of yours isn't gonna bother us. Our perception of you won't change. It's fine, Akato." Tecchi held his hand on my head with Yuuki.

"H-Huh? You guys... I don't-"

"Dude, we can piece together that at least something happened to you in SAO. It happens to everyone who's been in there, and we completely understand. We're a very considerate lot if you haven't already realized. Honestly, everyone here, even myself has had moments like yours right now." Jun too reached out to my hair, eyes closed and still trying his best to sound sincere.

"No matter what happened in there, it doesn't mean it defines who you are now. That would be unfair now, won't it? Tell me." Nori followed, a wide and smug smile carved.

"If you're so much to lose control or something, we won't hesitate to get you back." Talken poked my chest with the bottom end of the spear.

"We're indebted to you, so raise your head. We're not going anywhere." Siune clutched her staff, stepping forth with the rest.


I sobbed, I'm starting to sob in front of all these people.

Wow, it's a roller coaster of emotions today, isn't it? It just never ends... First, it was our success, then my decision to fight alongside others, and then all these regained memories...

It refuses to let me rest... but now I'm certain that I remember everything now.

About what I had done.

I can't share it with them now, not yet, not when they're this supportive of me...

God, thank you for giving this opportunity to me... thank you for giving me such unwavering friends... thank you for looking past the sins I have committed and continue to bless me time and time again...

I pushed and clumped all my dearest companions for an enormous group hug, something to tie the knot on everything that has happened for today.


Ahhh... this makes me feel blissful.

I'll never forget this with all of you. I'll forever cherish this moment...

Everyone, I won't let anything happen between us.

[The End of Chapter 30]


Author's Notes


It goes downhill from here folks. Pray that I will have mercy.


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