Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

De tokki-maknae

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Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... Mais

Queen for Capture Intro


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De tokki-maknae

"Look, we really don't want to hurt you."

"It's funny you say that, because here I thought I was being interrogated. Did I misread the kitty punches or the misuse of tape as handcuffs?" You responded sarcastically while trying to gesture to the electrical tape they used to bind your wrist together behind your back. Also adding in a slight mock to how he was really pulling his punches on you as well. Given previous hits you've taken before, you could definitely tell this guy hits like a toddler throwing a tantrum, but it was intentional soft hits. You were currently position on your knees, which added a lot to your uncomfortable levels, given your knees starting to burn with numbness and the fact you were in a very vulnerable spot. If you weren't careful you'd lose your head from being in the ideal execution kneel pose.

You needed to map out your situation more, at least you found momentary relief in your last minute choice to push Tae away. You're sure there was going to be some push back and lecturing that would come along once they tracked you down. No doubt something like letting yourself get taken or something along those lines awaited for you in a lecture. But at least in this sense you could just worry about your own survivability. Not to call or think of Tae as a burden, but with the plan going completely off track, there was too many moving parts and unpredictable actions to insure his safety along with yours.

Even though Jung went through the trouble of giving you the five star treatment for a disposable hostage, with the blindfold and sack over your head combo as they kept you in some sort of trunk to lose your sense of direction. Just a small tug against the tape bindings reassured that your location was being broadcasted as the tracker bracelet was still in tact on your wrist. There were no doubts in your mind as you were doing the biggest metaphorical trust fall in that the boys would find you, after all if anyone was going to beat your ass now it was going to be them from being reckless again.

Either way you weren't going to wait around for them like a helpless maiden. Discreetly scoping out the room as you tried to relieve pressure on your knees by shifting your weight back onto your feet, you were able to account for three guys. One by the only door to the room, one on the right side of you standing with their back pressed to the wall, and the last guy being the one who did most of the talking with you. Along with your assessment, if there's one thing you noticed from the start, was the clear hesitation in every one of Jung's working grunts.

You weren't sure if it was because you were a girl that made your interrogator go easy on you, or if it was the reluctance to follow Jung's orders. Because anyone with half a brain cell could pin Jung as being bat shit insane for holding murderous intentions towards their own children. Because that what all of this was being done for, to find Hobi's sister, and it definitely wasn't for a sappy father-daughter reunion.

Crouching down to your level, you tilted your head back ever so slightly to make eye contact with your supposed "torturer". Up close, you made darting glances to his attire. Noting how they were uniformly dressed alike in militia attire, like a bunch of Jung soldiers, and that they all had a utility belt of sorts. You couldn't make out what they kept on themselves exactly in the various pockets and zippers along them, but you noted how it was odd they all had a walkie-talkie on their person. Grumbling a bit, the guy spoke up in a quiet tone as if to avoid the other three from overhearing, "Hey, just tell us were you took his daughter, and this whole thing will be over a lot faster."

"No offence, you kind of suck at this interrogating gig. I think it be more convincing if you actually sounded like you care about finding his daughter." You whispered back to him, directly calling him out on the fact that he didn't really seem all that enthusiastic about his job.

As if on cue, the single door to the room swung open. All four of the current guys watching you quickly straighten themselves out with alertness while you still remain unimpressed in your awkward sitting position. Leaning forward to return your weight back onto your knees as your feet were starting to cramp up now. As if to strike fear into you, Jung took prideful strides as he approached you like a predator corning wounded prey. Behind Jung he had two more guys decked out in better gear than the other four, marking them as his right hand men most likely by the display of a class gap in his men from their appearances alone. The only reaction you really showed was annoyance and repulse which he must've mistaken for fear. The reason for your emotions was just a part of your brain wanted to see if you could see if Hoseok resembled Jung in anyway, but the rest of you thought it was purely insulting to even consider this colossal dickhead to have given Hoseok any genetics. To call Jung a father made your own look like dad of the century.

"Where's my daughter?" Jung asked while looking at you, but the question was directed to one of his lackeys. Specifically the one who was giving to the half hearted torture, but as now standing straighter with his arms behind his back. It was a bit ridiculous to watch, what you were witnessing now was an equivalent to when a rowdy classroom goes dead silent when their principle from hell walks in.

"Actually sir, she hasn't given up any information and refuses to talk." He answered with instead, avoiding eye contact with Jung as he stared elsewhere while been frozen in place.

Looking over at you after staring down his own man, you gave Jung a shrug that caused him to pinch the bridge of his nose. "If it doesn't want to talk then you make then," Before you could make any educated guesses as to where he was going with that, Jung landed a solid kick into your chest that was strong enough to knock you back. Landing you on your ass, you didn't have much time to react before he grabbed you from the collar of your shirt. His facial wrinkles became defined as he tried to give you a menacing glare down towards you, "Now, where's my daughter."

As if Jung was doing this all to make a show of leadership, however from the collective faces of mild disinterest boarding on general disgust. You couldn't hold back any longer as a laugh escaped your lips. Put off by your sudden burst of laughter, Jung proceeded to asked through gritted teeth, "What the fuck could be so funny to you."

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought it was obvious to everyone including you," You happily began to explain while shooting Jung the most unsettling glare, "No one here follows you in loyalty out of admiration or respect, they all fucking fear you and your temper tantrums. Your holding position must be in such a fragile state to have gotten to this point."

Unable to make a comeback, Jung stared at you wordlessly as a blood vessel nearly burst from his aged forehead. After a near eternity, Jung could barely muster a simple, "What?" Without a stutter running through it.

"You heard me you overgrown bitch, my skills besides kicking your fucking ass also include calling peoples bullshit out without being a fucking genius to understand whats going on." Your voice dripped pure venom as you didn't holdback, throwing Jung off effectively as you weren't recoiling in fear at him. He's lost his touch and you knew that in an instant. You've had brushes with death before on various occasions. What you felt now didn't nearly amount to anything compared to the adrenaline bursts you felt in those near death experiences.

"You're losing your touch and people, at this point these guys would rather follow orders under any other Jung except yours." Sneering at him, you shot him a shit eating grin as you kept rubbing salt into the wound, "You're so pathetic, I kind of feel a little bad for you, like a useless dinosaur overdue for extinction. All of this is being done in desperation, because when your self made empire finally comes apart at the ripping duct tape. How many people do you have coming after you? Once the illusion washes away that your still a powerful mafia head, your going to have every enemy, past allies, and all the other shitheads in between wanting to settle a score with you." As you had everyone listening to every single word, you directed your next comment to the Jung grunts in the room, "That includes you guys too, you're safe right now but how far will your expired undying loyalty last? If any of you have half a brain cell you'd follow after someone more competent and well, less of a shithead."

Taking everyone's silence in, you asked, "Any follow up questions?"

Taking the reins back, Jung asked bitterly, "Just one, any last fucking words?" He said as he began to reach a hand around to the back of his person.

Still unfazed as he reached for whatever, the door was opened again suddenly. Loudly hitting the wall as who ever opened it did so with great urgency. At his peak of annoyance, Jung yelled, "What is so important that you're interrupting me here?!"

The new arrival at the door flinched before forcing out, "Y-You have a guest."

"Who is it then?" Jung asked with a hint of calmness now after him lashing out, releasing his grip from your shirt collar. You plopped back onto the floor as he turned away from you, while doing so you noticed he only carried one of those hunting knives in a military fabric case attached the the back of his belt.

"I-It's Hoseok," Mimicking Jung indirectly as you reacted to the familiar name. The guy awkwardly clarified, "Your son, sir." As if Jung truly forgotten the name of his own child he thought he killed off years ago. Glancing back, you didn't wipe your expression fast enough as Jung caught your face of recognition.

"Change of plans, keep her alive." Jung said in regards to you as he fixed his tie while making his exit, "She'll make good leverage since he must be here for her."

Well, at least he's not wrong for once. Remaining stoic in your face and body language, your eyes burn stares into Jung's fleeting back as he filed out of the room with the two others that followed him in the beginning. Leaving you once again with three in the room excluding you. Shit, they got here a lot quicker than I expected.. I need a way to get out of this room-

Feeling an intense stare creep along, your eyes flickered over to the one guy stationed on your right against the wall. Instantly locking eyes with him, you accidentally scared him as he quickly averted his gaze elsewhere. Unlike before, it was like he was struggling to stay still as he couldn't hold back the nervous fidgets that took over his composure.

Well if that isn't an opportunity. "Hey you," You called out, effectively catching his attention as he looked at you like a deer in headlights. Getting more bolder than you had room to, you moved and adjusted your legs so that you were only crouching onto one knee. Given how they've treated you like your at their mercy, you knew they must be completely blind to the real danger they had in makeshift handcuffs, "You're thinking about it, aren't you? Jumping ship, I mean I don't blame you, if I was in your position I'd do the same. Except I'm not, I'm actually in the life boat. So if you were smart you'd make the right choice for yourself." Even if you couldn't reach all of them, only getting to one would suffice for the time being.

Hearing someone sigh loudly, you looked over to the one who previously pulled kitty punches towards you. Now clearly pissed you went ahead and agitated their Boss as they would suffer more as a result than you would at the end of it. "Fuck this, knocking her out would be better than hearing her run that trap for another fucking second." He barked out while approaching you as he detached a handgun from his side holster.

Once he was close enough, he aimed the gun away from you with the intent of bonking your head against the butt of his gun. Pushing yourself forward as you stood up in the blink of an eye, you bashed the hardest part of the top of your head against the underside of his chin. Throwing him off balance as he stumbled backwards, you manage to land a solid back kick into his arm holding gun. Sending the gun flying from his grasp, you quickly spun out of the previous kick to land another front kick right in between his legs. Crouching down to cup at his bruised pride, you stole to opportunity to finish your kick sequence with final knockout blow to his head as lowered it downwards, doing so with your signature heel to the head kick.

After dropping his ass to the floor cold, the guard by the door quickly pulled out their own gun and aimed the sights at you. Only to get beaten to the punch as you watched bullets flew at him, out of the few shots fired he took one in the shoulder and then a final one to the head. Splattering the contents of his head against the closed door behind him as his now lifeless body slumped down onto the floor. Following the origins from where the bullets were fired off, you looked at the nervous guy from before. Acting cautious just in case he turned on you in a last second.

Panting a bit from an adrenaline rush, he quietly cried out to you while lower his own handgun down, "I don't want.. I don't want to get dragged down with Jung. I don't want to die because of him."

"It's only natural you'd want to survive," Walking over to him, upon closer inspection you noted how this boy only had a few inches over you in terms of height. He glup deeply as you approached, you turned your back towards him while twisting your bonded wrists lightly, "Cut my tape?"

"O-Oh yeah, sorry." He spoke softly as he removed a switchblade from a pocket along his utility belt, cutting through the tape cautiously to avoid nicking you in the process.

Once your arms were free of restraints, you quickly stretched out the stiff muscles and did a few rotating movements to carefully loosen your shoulders as well. Looking over to him, you asked, "What's your name?"

"It's Doyeom, ma'am." He sputtered out hastily like a soldier reporting for duty.

Not your particular cup of tea, you could tell by the way he assumed to treat you as a superior gave away how Jung had his men set up. Probably with a hierarchy that was built on superiority over unity. Even if he spoke to you like this out of fear of you beating his ass next it wasn't your kind of thing, you waved your hand off towards him, "Drop the ma'am part. Hm, Doyeom that's a cute name," You said the last part outloud to yourself as you tested saying it yourself. Causing him to fluster at the minor compliment you gave towards his parents ability to name, you smiled at him while setting things straight, "If you have second thoughts tell me now, because I can promise if you decide to fuck me over now or later it comes out of your chances of surviving. Understood, Doyeom?"

Startled by the edge in your voice contrasting from your smile, Doyeom nodded his head quickly. "I understand, I think if I didn't follow your words, I'd regret that choice." Gaining some more confidence in talking openly to you, Doyeom also threw out the sudden question of, "Earlier, when they said Hoseok, is it really Hoseok? Is he really alive after all this time?"

"I'll answer that in a bit, but right now can you explain how your guy's walkie talkie things work?" You pointed out to the bulky device on his side.

Doyeom rapidly removed it from his attire and handed it to you while give a brief explanation, "Oh um the open channels go by levels, so I'm on the low level channel. So I can only really hear others on that level and some on. Then there's the high level channel, but I don't have access to it, since it's only meant for Jung and his right hands."

So he really does have in own people put into social classes like some sort of dictator, that's one way to start a revolt against yourself Jung. If I were to redirect the rest of the low levels to follow under a new order with more promise.. then it's got to be Hoseok. You felt somewhat apologetic for dumping this onto Hoseok's shoulders, but at the same time this is for him. He's no longer just some one trick pony hacker, he has so much potential and he's holding back. Not to mention this is the route with the least about of blood that can be shed in the crossfire out of the other probable ways this could go down. After all if you or anyone else tried to succeed Jung, there would definitely be more push back, as well as it's not your place. Not to mention, having Jung's own blood taking over his fragile position was a big part of the appeal for you to see Hoseok rise to the occasion.

In the grand scheme of things, there's more low level guys than high level. Meaning there's only a small percentage of Jung loyalist around, with the majority probably in the same corner just like Doyeom. Willing to survive Jung's downfall if it means following under someone else. Taking and holding the walkie talkie up towards your mouth, you pressed along the massive button on the side while saying, "Listen up, as of right now Jung is dead." Doyeom watched on in confusion as you went on with your announcement. Hearing some chatter and feedback in the voice channel at your statement, you pressed forward with, "Rejoice because the very merciful Hoseok, who's alive and well has decided to reclaim his bloodline right of being the next head in line of this mafia. So you have two options, become apart of the new order or follow your former leader into his grave. We're not here to fuck around, it's either step aside or get in line. And that's on checkmate boys."

Satisfied with your simple ultimatum, you removed your finger and returned the walkie talkie to Doyeom. Who took it back after staring at you mesmerized for a beat, you swore for a moment you heard something along the lines, 'Step on me.' Which you figured was just a misheard statement on your end of things. Clearing his throat, Doyeom asked, "Wait Jung's dead? Didn't we just see him?"

"Jung's not getting out of here alive, and if I'm saying that he's as good as dead." Looking over to the unconscious body of the guy who didn't get picked off by Doyeom, you walked back to him. Kneeling down, you began to scavenge his body for weapons and other gear you may need to strap yourself with, as well as snatching a walkie talkie for yourself. After all hunting down Jung didn't seem so difficult, it was just cutting through the last of his die hard underlings you wanted to be prepared for. Once you felt dressed for the occasion, you located the knocked away gun. Picking it up you removed the magazine to count the left over bullets to know how many to count down from.

"I'll come with you then." Doyeom stated as he approached your side. It was endearing in a way how quickly he put his trust into you like some abandoned puppy tagging along after someone giving them a sign of affection for the first time.

Looking to Doyeom's confident yet still nervous demeanour, you told him, "No can do, you've already been a big help as is. Ah," Putting the magazine back into the gun securely, you had a sudden thought, "Actually if you still wanted to do something for me, I need you to find my allies. There going to be dressed differently from you guys, and they're probably going to try and kill you. Just tell them," Pausing you took a moment to it over before saying, "'Her highness says you took long enough.' they'll know you were sent by me, and give them your walkie talkie so they can reach me just in case they have their doubts. Can you do that?" You asked with genuine worry as you didn't want to just boss him around.

However Doyeom seems to take your orders as they come with zero show of complaint, "You can count on me! Just be careful when you go after Jung-" Cutting himself off, he glanced of to the side before sheepishly saying, "I forgot to ask but, what's your name?"

Seeing this as a chance more than ever to forcibly embrace your new stage name, you told him, "As embarrassing as it is, I'm known as Queen." If it wasn't for your past love of Irene you would've changed it honestly.

"I see, so you're Queen, ah that's why you said her highness. Alright then, be careful Queen, I'll make sure I get to your allies like you said." He gave you one final determine look before taking off out the room.

Once you were left alone, you also headed out of the interrogation room. Murmuring a little too sadistically to yourself, you mused out loud, "Now then, ready or not, here I come Jung."

I decided to throw in some last minute art stuff I drew of outfits i just imagine for [Y/n]

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