Bound In Ruins

Por dinaAbu

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A promise. A secret. A choice. One girl and one guy. Bound by a contract that states they are betrothed to e... Más

Bound In Ruins- Chapter 1
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 2
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 3
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 4
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 5
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 6
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 7
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 8
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 9
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 10
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 11
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 12
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 14
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 15
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 16
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 17
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 18
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 19
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 20
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 21
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 22
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 23
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 24

Bound In Ruins- Chapter 13

36 3 0
Por dinaAbu

Chapter 13

Present Day

The room was filling up with all thirty members of the Board. I looked at the clock and noticed that is was 4:00 on the dot.

I was nervous this time around.

Today I would propose our expansion project in three cities abroad and I was hoping that they would all be up for it.

I knew that would be wishful thinking.

"Thank you everyone for coming. Let's first go over the logistics, budget, and any concerns you may all have. We will then go over Quarter 2 proposals. If any of you have any questions at any point, please feel free to ask along the way," I stated, causing everyone to silence.

We were in the large conference room as I stood up in front of everyone at the head seat.

After finalizing our proposed budget and running over numbers, I began speaking about the properties that I wanted to go ahead and expand to overseas.

"Do you realize how much money our investors will need to put in, to ensure the success of each of these new locations abroad? This isn't familiar territory we are working with here, we will need double the amount to accommodate the needs and infrastructure abroad," One of my board members stated.

Nodding, I prepared for several contradictory comments, "Julia, I can assure you, we have gone over all the necessary reviews for the budget needed as well as the infrastructure plans to ensure all accommodations abroad. Where is your hesitancy coming from?"

She shook her head before responding, "How are we to ensure that this will be successful? We can't have our investors feeding us their money blindly and not give them any sorts of certainty."

"We have the funds, but what differs these projects over the other?"

"We need an edge, something different than the other projects," Another member threw out.

Comments were flying at me left and right and all of them began speaking over the other.

The glass doors opened and immediately everyone stared, wondering who barged in.

I turned around and saw Kaius swiftly enter and sat on the edge of the table in his gray suit.

"Don't stop on my accord, please. Go on," He stated taking me by surprise.

I had not expected him to be here.

I looked at the board and saw that every one of them were shocked at his arrival.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Julia interrupted.

Kai smirked and turned around to face her, "That's not important. We'll save introductions for later, right now I'd like to hear what Ms. James is saying."

I smiled at his comment as it shut Julia up.

Kai looked at me, probing for me to continue with my presentation.

"The difference with this project is that it takes on a whole different market appeal. The location, it's astonishing, the concept and approach takes on a modern approach that will be sought out come time of the finalization. We are focusing on every detail in these properties to ensure that this plan will. In fact be successful." I answered firmly.

Mark, one of the members began to speak, "But that doesn't answer how this is different to other projects. What's the edge or difference with this one?"

I looked at him and smiled.

"The difference is that she will have me with her by her side throughout all of this. The public appeal and the conjunction of us will attract a greater market pool and will ensure that this will far more successful than you thought so. It's a great idea, truly. Especially with the design details on the screen. It's different," Kaius replied for me taken me by surprise.

"And who are you exactly?" Ella, another member challenged.

I smirked at her. She was one of my newest members, taking on for her father's shoes in his seat. She had yet to meet the Devereux's but every single businessperson in New York City knew of the Devereux. They truly were a force to be reckoned with.

Kai stood up and walked over to stand in front of the head of the table, facing all of them.

"What's your name?" He asked curiously.

She lifted her pen up to her lips, making me laugh instantly. She blushed, and I knew that she was feeling a mixture of intimidation yet flustered.

Kai had the tendency to do that.

His looks were strikingly beautiful, yet his presence caused everyone in the same room to feel nervous.

"Ella Foster," She replied.

"Well, Ella. What are your thoughts about this plan?" He asked more as if he were trying to set herself up to fail at whatever were to come out of her mouth.

"I think that it's a spectacular idea however, in theory. I don't see the difference in this project over the last one we did," she replied firmly.

"The difference in this over any projects you might've seen is the vision. Look at the details people, not the overall picture. It's those details that will ensure the success for this project. Take a moment and look at all of the facets that are comprised in it. Quit looking at whether you will see a profit coming into your pocket because that will get you nowhere." Kai responded.

"With the addition of my attendance and appearance supporting this project, it will not only create a more larger appeal, but it will ensure the overall long-term growth." He added.

"These questions are silly. Don't bother wasting Ms. James time with such matters if these are your concerns." Kai responded shaking his head as if the people in from of him were stupid.

"Who are you? This meeting is confidential, who gave you permission to enter without any regard?" Another remember replied.

I had a feeling that after this meeting, I was to get shit about Kai's sudden arrival, however, I knew that with his ties to the company moving forward, they would be ecstatic over partnering with the most wealthiest and successful property management company to mankind.

"Kaius Devereux." I answered for him, causing everyone's mouth to fall wide open.

I wanted to laugh at the sudden reaction from each of them. I noticed Kai was unfazed at them as his facial expression hadn't changed reaction.

I looked at Ella and Julia who kept looking from me to him, trying to understand what exactly was going on.

"That will be all for today, you are all excused." I told them, ending the meeting.

Kaius came over to me as everyone existed the meeting quickly, not asking a question more.

After the last member left, I shut the door.

"What made you come?" I asked.

"I thought you had an important meeting today?" I added walking back to him. He was sitting on the edge of the table as I stood in front of him.

"I cancelled it. Your board seems quite opinionated," He replied, staring into my eyes intensely.

His green eyes showed no emotion, as if it were hiding a barrel of secrets.

"They do have a major say in what happens here. I never wanted it to feel like a dictatorship," I replied.

"There's a fine line between a democracy and a dictatorship. They should never feel that they could just ambush you with questions the way they did today. They should respect you-"

"They do. I've just never wanted to establish a hostile work environment. I want them to feel that they're being heard." I answered, crossing my arms across my chest.

He nodded his head slowly, "Sure."

I was surprised to not see more of a fight come from him.

"Thank you for coming though," I told him.

Thanking him was an unfamiliar feeling but I wasn't him. I wasn't an asshole.

He looked at me amused, as if I had done something interesting.

"It's a good idea. You just need to polish on some things and it'll be great." He spoke.

I nodded my head, "Agreed."

I wanted to express my gratitude for coming and defending the idea, but that would go straight to his head which I refused.

"They'll probably be curious about us. Do you know what you're going to say?" He asked looking at me intently.

"Honestly, no." I told him.

"Let them think that we've been seeing each other privately for some time and that things are getting serious. They don't need to know details but when they hear of our engagement in a couple of months, it will be less of a shock if they believe we were seeing each other months prior." He answered quickly as he pulled out his phone nonchalantly.

"I have to take this call," he stated answering his phone.

I let him be and excused myself to head back to my office. I'm sure he would find himself out, the same way he found his way in.

Sitting at my desk, I felt sorts of relief yet nervousness.

Relief due to the plan being supported by Kai, but nervous because of Kai.

Looking over my calendar, I answered an email before my door quickly swung open.

"Try knocking next time," I answered not looking up.

Hearing a chuckle, I knew it was Kai.

"Get up," he stated.

"Excuse me?" I asked really not up for his games.

"Come on, we're going to be late." He stated walking to the table and grabbing me softly by the hand.

He grabbed my bag and coat in the process and handed it to me as we made our way outside the building. His car had been waiting outside for us and we quickly hopped in.

"Hi Frankie," I greeted.

"Hello Ms. James. It's good to see you again," he replied warmly.

"You too," I stated shooting him a genuine smile.

I was happy to see that Kai's driver was consistent. He must've been the only one able to deal with Kai's shit.

"Where are we going?" I asked curious.

"Clarissa doesn't know about this so she never puts this on my schedule. But the first Monday of every month, I go here. I thought you'd want to come." He answered, looking at me to gauge my reaction.

"Okay, where is that?" I asked.

He shot me a smirk before replying, "You'll see."

The drive was only about ten minutes through the city and we landed outside of a facility.

Stepping outside, I tugged on my coat as a cold wind gust greeted us.

"This is a Foster facility I built. My parents don't know about it though. They have no idea actually," He responded as we walked inside.

That took me by complete surprise, "Kai."

He stopped to look at me, "What?"

I felt a small smile spread across my face, "You did this? When?"

He let out a small breath of air before responding, "Years ago. In fact, this was the first thing I ever did when I had access to my money. My parents wanted to kill me for spending a quarter of my inheritance so quick yet they never knew the reason why. Nor do I care in ever telling them."

"But why is that? This is incredible," I stated taking in my surroundings.

I was truly in awe.

The facility looked too nice for a Foster shelter, and I admired that he this was something no one knew about, other than me and him.

He shrugged in response, "I have my reasons."

I was beginning to realize that Kai may have been hiding a lot more than he led on.

"Why did you bring me?" I finally asked.

If no one knew about this, why had he decided to take me?

"I come here once a month, see if there's anything they need help with or if there needs to be any updates. I want you to see what I do, in and out of the office. If we're to do this thing, you should at least know where I'd be and what I'm doing," He answered.

He didn't have to tell me about this go. Quite honestly, he could've kept this a secret our entire time together and I would've never second guessed his whereabouts.

Not believing his answer, I took it any way.

"Right," I replied.

We continued walking down the hall and were greeted by a beautiful dark skinned lady who seemed ecstatic to see us. Well, Kai that was.

"Kaius! It's so good to see you again," She responded pulling him for a hug.

Taken aback, I was surprised to see Kai respond, hugging her back.

"And who have you brought? This is a first!" She stated delightedly as she shook my hand.

"Hello. I'm Sophia," I told her, shaking her hand.

"Sophia, it's good to meet you. Kaius never brings another person so this is great. I'm sure the children will be excited to see one more pretty face," She stated turning around, expecting us to follow.

I shot Kai a confused look. I thought we were just here to speak to the head of the facility to ensure the operations.

Kaius nodded for me to follow and placed his hand on my lower back, ushering for me to walk behind her. She spoke as she walked, assuming we were behind her following.

"The children have been asking for you since last month. I kid you not, they do not sleep a wink the night before you come," She stated, opening large double doors that opened to a huge room the size of a gymnasium.

"Kaius!" I heard from all over the room.

Children squealed and shrieked as Kaius entered, swarming him with hugs.

I stepped to the side with the lady and took in the events that were unfolding.

"Hi guys! I know it's been a little bit since the last time," He responded to the children as the clung to him.

"These kids adore him," The lady stated, smiling proudly at them.

Kai took off his coat and the lady grabbed it, asking for my coat as well so she could hang it.

"Thank you," I told her.

"Go make yourself feel at home. I'm sure these children would love speaking to you," she stated walking away.

I looked over at Kai who had his sleeves rolled up as he went over to sit with the kids on the floor.

Standing a few feet back, he instantly got to work and played with all of them.

I stayed back, watching from afar as I was in complete utter shock.

Kai transformed into a completely different person, and for once, I felt that maybe I was seeing him for him.

I felt a million thoughts race in my head.

Kai was an asshole, but only by choice.

I was beginning to believe that maybe, he truly wasn't one, but he was trying to put up a front that he was. But why?

If he truly was the prick he portrayed himself to be, there was no way that he would treat these children this way, as well as continue to spend his free time here the way he does.

I looked at him, and he had been teaching a group of kids that were no older than ten the states and capitals of the country. It wasn't for about an hour into our visit did the lady come out to eat dinner.

This facility had children varying from age five to sixteen, and while Kai had spent a majority of his time with the younger ones, I noticed that the older kids followed him as well.

They all seemed to admire him which made me feel quite good that I was sharing this moment with him.

"Alright everyone. Go and eat your dinner. I'll be back before you even know it," kai stated as all the kids said their goodbyes.

I was sitting in a corner where he walked up with our jackets.

Unable to say anything, I kept quiet until he broke the silence as we headed back to the car.

"Are you alright? No sassy comment about how much of an arrogant asshole I am?" He asked as he we hopped into the car.

I waited for him to sit beside me before I spoke, "What you did for them, it's incredible. I don't even think you realize how those kids lit up when they saw you."

He shot me a sad smile.

Instead of responding, he nodded his head.

"Can I go again with you next time?" I asked curiously.

If this was going to be a thing, I wanted to be a part of this moving forward.

He looked surprised at my comment but that got him to speak.

"If you want. I wasn't sure if that was something you wanted to come along with. I just wanted for you to understand where I'd be and I'd figured that you're the right person to tell that to," He answered.

"What do you mean, I'm the right person?" I asked curiously.

I saw his jaw clench, "I've never told anyone in my world purposely, James. They wouldn't understand."

"But you believed I would?" I asked.

"I knew you would," he answered matter of fact.

Nodding my head, I felt relieved.

Kai had really showed me a different side to him today, and I knew that there was more to him than he puts on.

I just hope he didn't make me hate him too much preventing me from figuring out just who he truly is.

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