My StepBrother Taehyung x...

By Princess_penguin23

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"What you doin stepbro?" "..." "Don't just don't." A/N: This is the first fanfic I made and I started writing... More

Not a Chapter


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By Princess_penguin23

A/N: I'm sorry if I just updated! But here you go!🤗 I made this chapter a lot longer compare to the previous chapters since I keep you waiting and I hope you will enjoy it. I purple heart you all!💜

Taehyung sat on the bar stool in the dim dining room, his forearms fold over the bar isle taking a swing of his beer, a heavy feeling weighting on his chest as his back slouched.

It was his fifth can of beer yet he could still remember so clearly the memory.

A bitter chuckle left his lips as he wipe his mouth with the back of his hand furiously.

He seen everything and he wish he didn't.

"That bastard." Taehyung scoff, a lopsided grin curling on his lips sorely.

Jimin kissed you and you didn't even pushed him away which infuriates him.

It took everything in him not to march towards you two and punch Jimin on the face and push him off the bridge a while ago.

He knew Jimin was going to confessed to you and Taehyung was there, lurking in the shadows under the tree watching.

He laugh to himself, realizing he look like a stalker earlier following and hiding.

Taehyung was certain that he have feelings for you yet he didn't knew it was that deep that he was hurting upon seeing you in the arms of another.

Heaving out a long sigh, Taehyung shook his head and snorted as he remembered the confrontation with Jimin.

~Earlier that day~

"You like her don't you?"

The question caught Taehyung off guard as they stood facing eachother in the front of the school yard.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't?" Taehyung coldly response, not in the mood to be bothered as he lean on the hood of his car with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You're just denying it Tae because you know you'll never be with her because you know it's wrong to like y/n because she's your sister." Jimin said leaning on his car as well, disgust lacing in his tone as he casually look around the parking lot, students passing by to get into their perspective cars and glancing at the two school heartthrob, fawning.

"Stepsister."Taehyung correct deadpanning as he heave out a sigh.

Jimin shook his head, laughing in disbelief and point out, with a raise brow.

"I can see it in the way you look at her Taehyung, actually all of us, every time you get possessive when we're close to her, when any boys is trying to hit on her-"

"Shut up."

Taehyung cut him off, his gaze hardening in warning.

Jimin's grin only widen.

"I don't fucking care what you have to say Jimin, I don't like her." Taehyung coldly clarify, lying.

Taehyung had admit it to himself that he like y/n but he didn't want to give the others the satisfaction that they were right about his feelings.

"I like Y/N." Jimin suddenly said catching him unaware.

Taehyung jaw clench, the words ringing in his ears tauntingly as his crossed arms drop to his side in stagger.

"What did you say?" Taehyung probe quietly in seething rage, raising a brow as he straighten his back, he step closer, his hands balled into fist.

Jimin didn't back up and keep his confident stance, a satisfied grin on his face.

He knows very well how to get into Taehyung nerves.

"I like-

Before he could even say it done Taehyung swing a hard punch on the pink hair man face cutting him off.

Some nearby students stops on their tracks, gasping as they witness the scene, others pulling out their cellular phones and snapping pictures and recording.

The news will surely spread through the campus like wildfires and gossip will be pass around but the two boys were too preoccupied in their brawl to pay attention to the forming crowd.

Jimin smirk, touching the sore spot on his jaw and taste something metallic in his mouth and spit it on the ground.

He cackles, swinging his amuse gaze back at a fuming Taehyung.

"Now tell me again that you don't like her you pathetic liar." Jimin spat incredulously, intentionally bumping his shoulder as he brush past the dirty blonde and get into his own car.

Taehyung breath out, poking the inside of his mouth with his tongue and drop his hands on his hips, glaring at the group of students gawking who immediately shuffle on their feet and run away.

Taehyung suddenly felt edgy knowing Jimin also have feelings for you and his heart beats frantically against his chest in building anger.

he actually felt threatened?

Taehyung sighs,

He knows too well he won't stand a chance with you because you are now family, but Jimin do...

~End of flashback~

The sound of a car engine outside pull Taehyung out of his thoughts.

Knowing who it was he immediately get off of his seat and saunter to the front door just in time to see you get out of a red sport car with Jimin's help.

He snort, rolling his eyes in annoyance as he watch him hold your hand and both of you exchanging words he couldn't hear over the door step.

He watch your lips curl into a smile as Jimin tell you something that made you laugh.

"What is she laughing at." He grumble under his breath, scoffing.

He was beginning to get very annoyed as he pursed his lips, his eyes narrowed into annoyed slit and huff through his nose in jealousy.

Having enough of it, Taehyung made his way towards the two of you with an irritated frown set on his lips.

You can't be laughing with anyone else. his possessive self thought.

"Why is Jin's laugh sound like that." You laugh, clutching your stomach while laughing at Jin's dad joke he told Jimin earlier and Jimin share it with you mimicking Jin's famous laugh.

"Y/N" a low voice suddenly broke through your shared laughter and you quiet down.

Jimin face hardened and a scowl plaster on his face to see his rival interrupting his moment with you.

Your eyes widened in alarm as you turned to face the intruder to find Taehyung behind you who doesn't look very happy, "Tae! Wh-what's up?"

Taehyung's blank gaze narrowed at the other man, his lips set in a straight line as his attention was only focus on the pink haired man.

You could feel the tension building between the two as you look back and forth with eyebrows pull downward wondering what's the matter between them.

"You can leave now."

Taehyung's attitude caught you off guard, the distaste in his look was clear to see.

Jimin ignore Taehyung's rude remark and turn towards you, he smile, his eyes turning into crescent shapes.

"Thanks for the time kitten, I had fun tonight."

You smile and open your mouth to response but you were caught you off guard when Jimin lean in and kiss you on the cheek abruptly.

Taehyung clench his fist on his sides, his tongue probing the inside of his mouth in annoyance.

Aish do he really have to kiss her infront of me?

Jimin smirk, glancing at the dirty blonde who looked very pissed over your shoulder, irking his nerves on purpose.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Jimin beam as he pull away before turning around and getting into his car with a satisfied grin.

"Why'd you do that Tae?" You turn around and look up at Taehyung as Jimin drove away, quirking a brow as you demand for an explanation.

You stare at him, his dirty blonde locks were tousled like he had been running his hands through it and his cheeks were slightly flushed – probably he has been drinking but you didn't know.

Taehyung ignored your question, and march inside the house silently, you quickly scramble on your feet tailing behind him with an annoyed frown.

"Why are you so rude today?" You grumble in wonder, his attitude suddenly getting into you as you follow him into the kitchen.

Taehyung's response seriously caught you off guard, he gave you a resentful glare before proceeding to the fridge and completely ignoring your presence.

You scowl at him while he just continued to rummage around the fridge, probably looking for something to eat or drink.

You snort, shaking you head at his odd behavior.

Why do he keep pulling this attitude huh.

"Tae." You called, your voice stern and demanding.

Taehyung straighten, probably found what he was looking for. He closed the fridge, spun around, and in his hand he holds a can of beer.

his dark icy gaze turned back to you, "Why Jimin?" He deadpan, his tongue poking the insides of his cheek as he blindly open the can.

Your eyebrows furrowed, confuse at what he's referring, that was not the answer you were expecting, "What?"

"Why were you with Jimin at this hour, (y/n)?" Taehyung moved closer to you, backing you into the counter behind you, clearly annoyed, "Stop going out alone with anyone especially when I don't know." He almost growl as his voice increase its octave higher.

You understand that he was mad because you went out without letting him know and your mother left you to him as his responsibility but you didn't thought he will take it this seriously.

Your eyebrows quirked up, crossing your arms over your chest. You sass, "And why's that?"

Taehyung breath in and out calmly,

"Because, I don't like it... I hate it y/n... I hate it when I can't find you when I want to see you... I hate it when you're with anyone else than me." Taehyung didn't yell, his voice were low, gentle and raspy.

In every word roll out from his lips he inch closer until he is standing right infront of you.

You struggled to formulate an answer as you watched as he took a long sip of his beer, his eyes continuing to burn into yours.

"Are you drunk, Kim Taehyung?" You ask, eyeing the can in his hand and his flushed face.

Yes he's probably drunk.

"Lil' bit" he muttered and shot you a devastating half-smile, "But still sober enough to appreciate your beauty." He mumble under his breath but you clearly hear it.

You were taken a back, your face burning at his abrupt words as you almost choke in your own saliva.

You didn't see that coming.

Clearing your throat, you straightened your back and compose yourself.

Your mouth opened and closed several times before you choked out, "stop speaking nonsense, you're just drunk." You murmur, getting hot all the sudden as you fan yourself with your hand.

Taehyung's hand darted through his hair as his jaw flexed once... twice, he chuckles breathily staring at you getting flustered. "Not even close."

Taehyung tilt his head to the side, a lopsided grin on his face and he said,

"You know what... it really annoys me when someone would stare at you the way I do, I don't like it a little bit when anyone rather than me is so close to you, do you know that?" His voice was slurred but not gibberish and you know you heard it right.

All air had escaped your lungs at this point. You let out a jagged breath as Taehyung close the space between you two.

"It's late we should go to bed-"

Taehyung suddenly slid his hands around your waist and pull you closer shushing you.

You can't utter anything other than staring, shock written all over your features as you gawk at him with wide eyes.

Taehyung scooped you off the floor that took you in surprise and placed you on the edge of the kitchen isle. Your arms circling his shoulders instinctually letting out a small squeal and his grip tightened on your hips. When he glanced down at you, he let out a rough breath, sounding like you were punishing him.

Taehyung's eyes turn soft as his eyes trail every features of your face.


Turning to the side, you tried to hide from his intensity behind the curtain of your hair, but he just pushed it back behind your ear, his touch grazing your skin lightly and it made you shudder.

Your position is intimate that if anyone would walk in and catch you on the spot they would think something was going on and that is not a good gossip in the household as you two were now siblings.

"Taehyung, what are you doing..." Your hush words left your mouth subconsciously, the feeling of his lips so close to yours made your pulse race and your head spin.

"Why are you so hard on me y/n?" he asked, his deep voice hoarse and his pupils dilated, "Why are you giving me such a hard time." He whisper huskily.

"I don't understand what are you talking about-" You barely finished asking your question before Taehyung's lips slammed onto your own cutting you off.

Your eyes widen in shock.


your stepbrother,

is kissing you.

He kissed you like he wanted to own you – and to have you own him.

It's not even an hour when Jimin kissed you over the bridge and now it was Taehyung kissing you on top of a counter.

Taehyung hoisted you up higher with a firm hand on the back of your thigh as his kisses got greedier, more desperate as he seemed to be trying to memorize the taste of your mouth on his. You gasp when he squeezed your thigh and he took the opportunity to slid his tongue inside your mouth.

You don't know what air you breath when your eyes instinctively close and you let his mouth dominate you.

Gravity tried to drag you down off the counter at how deep Taehyung kiss is and your mouths separated in a gasp.

"Fucking damn," Taehyung panted, pulling back slightly and resting his forehead on yours, both of your chest heaving up and down.

The only sound that could be heard was your ragged breathing.

Your eyes slowly flutter open, your breath mixing together. You were still in shock that you can't comprehend anything as your mind is still processing.

"You taste sweet." Taehyung snicker quietly after a while breaking the silence, his hot breath fanning your face that smell beer and mint.

You were not the one drinking but you feel yourself getting hazy.

You open your mouth but there's no sound that came out and you close it again doing it several times like a fish.

Taehyung rested his palms against your skin and you shiver from his touch, fingers splayed down over your hips and his hold was firm and undeniably possessive.

Shifting his head into the crevice of your neck, Taehyung muttered, still out of breath, "Don't leave without letting me know next time (y/n)."

The only answer your last few braincells could formulate was a garbled "O-okay."

Taehyung pull back and step away, his grip on your sides loosening and lay his palm flat against the cool marble on either side of your thighs instead, leaning his upper weight over his arms, he stare at you deeply.

You look into his eyes and shifted under his gaze, there's something you cant decipher in his eyes as it swirl with so much emotions.

"Sleepwell. Tiger" Taehyung whisper, before turning around and walking away, leaving you alone pondering.

Your finger touch your lips unconsciously as you watch Taehyung's back retreat away, the touch of his hand still lingers on your skin and you could still feel his lips pressed against yours.

You place your hand over your pounding chest.

You are confuse of what had just took place, never in your mind enter a thought that something like this would happen.

But what confused you more and make you wonder is that,

Why the hell did I kiss back?

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