The Words You Speak

By HeToldTheMoon

28.7K 859 240

Sequel to The Secret. Book 2 More

The truth
Meeting 2
The fight
Black out
Fiancé problems
11 minutes
Trip part 1
Trip part 2
Trip part 3
Trip part 4
Makeup sex
The truth comes out
Planning tour
Last day
First show
Smut on the bus
Next book


578 18 8
By HeToldTheMoon

Three months later...
I'm four fucking months pregnant and it hasn't gotten any easier.

I felt big and both girls tried to convince me that I wasn't.

I was currently getting hair and makeup done for the wedding, slightly panicking.

I was separated from both girls, and wasn't feeling good about it.

Alpha tried to calm me down by sitting on my lap, his head rested on my bump, but it didn't seem to work.

"I'm gonna throw up..." I said and Ally quickly called Lauren.

"Laur, I need you to calm down Y/N. She's freaking out." Ally said over the phone and put Lauren on speaker.

"What's wrong, Mi Amor? Hmm? Are you nervous? Is that it?" Lauren spoke, and I immediately calmed down, hearing her raspy voice.

"Majorly..." I said and I could almost see her smiling, in my head.

"Well, Princessa. In about an hour we'll see each other, and when we do it'll be at our wedding. Can you wait that long, baby?" She said, making me smile.

"I think I can." I responded with.

"Good, baby. Now, don't stress. You'll see Camz and I soon, I promise." She said and I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

"Okay." I said, it coming out as a whisper.

"Te Amo, mi amor." She said, making me smile.

"Te Amo, mi corazon." I responded with, and we hung up.

They did a few finishing touches on my hair and makeup.

They helped me with my dress and I looked into the mirror.
I actually felt beautiful...

I teared up and Ally quickly wiped my eyes.
"Nope, Y/N! No more tears! I know you're emotional with the baby and this being your wedding, but seriously stop the water works before you ruin your makeup." Ally chuckled as she patted at my eyes.

I smiled and nodded at her. "Okay, no more tears." I said and they helped me slip on my heels.

Mani smiled at me. "You look so beautiful, Y/N...." she teared up.

"Oh, god! Not you two Mani!" Ally shouted as she fixed Mani's makeup, all three of them being my brides maids, Ally my maid of honor.

I knew that Lauren had three of her friends from her highschool as her brides maids, Jesy, Jade, and Perrie were their names.

Camila had Leigh Anne, Hailee, and Hayley. Yes, two girls with the same name, spelt differently.

I sipped my water and tried to calm my nerves.

We had five minutes before Lauren and I were to walk down the isle, hand in hand.

My hands were shaking as I heard the music start, I couldn't see Lauren from where she was, but I knew she was there.

We started walking when we heard our cue and met in the middle, grabbing hands and tearing up as we saw each other.

I knew Lauren wouldn't pick anything extravagant to wear, but she looked absolutely beautiful.

When I locked eyes with Camila as we neared her, a tear fell.

I smiled as she mouthed "Don't cry, princessa."

Lauren and I both stood, hand in hand as we gazed at Camila.

"Do you, Karla Camila Cabello-Estrabao take both Lauren Jauregui and Y/N Y/M/N Cabello-Mendes to be your lawfully wedded wives?" The priest asked.

"I do." Camila stated.

"Now, do you Lauren Michelle Jauregui-Morgado and Y/N Y/M/N Cabello-Mendes take Karla Camila Cabello-Estrabao to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked.

"I do." Both Lauren and I said in unison.

It was all a blur from there until he said "congratulations, you three. Camila, you may now kiss the brides." He said and Camila took both of us by the hand before kissing me first, then Lauren.

Claps and whistles filled the air.

I hadn't noticed that all of our families were here and blushed when I saw a few of Camila's family.

Lauren kissed my ring, happily.

From there we changed outfits and went to our after party on the beach.

Tiki torches were out, a Bon Fire, it was perfect.

I walked out, onto the sand holding hands with Camila and Lauren.

All of the sudden I was lifted up and rushed to the water.

"CAMILA, DON'T YOU DARE!" I shouted as I tried to get away.

"Lauren, help!" I squealed out.

The photographers were taking pictures and filming, Simon watching from his seat, with a smile.

Soon enough, I felt the cold of the ocean water on my body.

I shivered and glared at Camila.

She smirked and kissed my lips. Lauren came over and tickled me, making me laugh and squeal.

"Lo, stop!" I shouted as I swatted her hands away.

She smiled and pecked my lips before rubbing her hands over my stomach.

"I still can't believe you want us to wait until it's born to see what the gender is." Lauren said as she rubbed my stomach.

"I want it to be a surprise, Lo." I said and smiled at her.

Soon enough, we got out of the water and greeted the guests.

Everyone was in their swimming attire and I smiled as I watched Lauren and Camila from where I sat on the sand.

I didn't really have any family besides Camila, before this, so I just sat with the girls on the sand.

The brides maids of Lauren and Camila were really nice, and I came to learn that they were singers too!

"Y/N/N! Come here, I want you to meet some people." Lauren called after me, making me stand up and dust off the sand from my legs.

I came over and saw a few people that looked similar to Lauren.

"This is my family, Y/N. My mom and dad, Clara and Mike, and my two siblings, Taylor and Chris." She said and I smiled at them.

"Oh, gosh! I can't believe we're going to be grandparents already!" Clara exclaimed, making me realize that this was where I'd have my family.

I'd actually have a family that was there for me. A father in law, a mother in law, and no much more.

"Y/N! Come here!" Camila called out and I saw Sofi, Ale, and Sinu.

"Mi familia!" I shouted as I ran to them, hugging them.

"You're pregnant! I can't believe it! When Camila told us, I was so happy! We're going to be grandparents!" Ale and Sinu gushed as they looked at my bump.

"May I...?" Sinu asked as she reached her hands towards my stomach.

"Yeah. Go ahead." I smiled and watched her as she placed her hands on my bump. Camila watching, lovingly.

I saw someone that I least expected to see here.

"Diana?" I said and she turned around to meet my eyes.

"Y/N! Thank god you're okay..." she said and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry about what happened..." she said and looked down to see my bump.

"I don't know what to say, Diana.." I said and she smiled, sadly.

"Don't say anything, just except the wedding gift I'm giving you." She said and handed me a check.

"Diana! No! This is way too much!" I exclaimed.

"It's all the money Demi earned from your fights... take it. It's rightfully yours." She said and gave me the check.

She walked off to mingle with some other people and I ran a hand through my hair.

"Don't stress baby, just embrace it. Take the money, she said it herself, it's rightfully yours." Lauren said as she left a loving kiss to my lips.

After the party Lauren, Camila, and I all were on a flight to Hawaii, for a week of relaxation after all of this craziness.

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