Astith's Prophecy

By TNckitty

343 6 25

In the Kingdom of Astith, there was a prophecy: When evil comes to plague the land, five heroes must band tog... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 8

10 0 1
By TNckitty

~Danielle's POV~

It all happened so fast. The boy used his power to put vines on the girl's cart and then the girl caught on fire and don't even get me started with the wolf. I had to backtrack everything to make sure I didn't get hurt or worse killed, but I am smarter than that.

I told the girl I was there to help, but she didn't want it... I mean all I was trying to do was help her, but she seems very rude. Then she catches on fire which caught all of us off guard. That would have been useful to know. I would have never helped her if I knew she had powers.

I see a wolf next to her and just stare... Thinking up a plan, I look at the two boys with one of them having a green light around his hand. I smile on the inside. This is going to be fun, but I wish the other one uses his power, so it would be a fair fight that way.

"Danielle," I hear Jake's voice and see him coming towards us with annoyance.

Good. Maybe he can stop me before I just kill these two idiots. Or maybe he will help me kill them. Who knows, it depends on his mood.

"Well, well, well. Looks like we got ourselves a show now, do we?" The brother with the green hand said looking at my brother and Brent who backed away, trying to disappear into the background.

"We aren't looking for trouble," Jake said as he now closer to me. He blocks the brothers' view of me like I need protection. He should protect these two idiots from me.

"Well, I beg to differ. Your sister always seems to like trouble. Aren't you suppose to be in school, girl?" The brother with the glowing hand asked like he didn't know my name.

Which was impossible since everyone in the village knows us because of what happened to our parents.

I glare at the two brothers, but I realized something interesting. The brother that didn't used his power is standing behind the other like he needs protection, or maybe that's what he wants us to think. I can't tell though, so I'm going to have to watch. I can't sense him but sometimes it's hard to do.

I angle myself to where my left hand is behind the girl, away from the brothers' sights. "It's none of your business"

"Oh, I think it is. Interrupting our little chat with the witch like that. Now, let's have some fun, shall we?" The boy with the green hand said smiling.

"Yeah, let's." I said as I curl my left hand into a fist as I concentrate.

My hand starts to glow the same green as the boy. I remove the vines from the cart and wrap it around the other boy tightly. He chokes out 'Sam' as he falls onto his knees. So that's his name... I could never remember. Or maybe I just don't care enough to remember.

Sam looked at his brother in horror. When he tries to get the vines off from him, nothing happens. Sam keeps saying he can't control it as he tried to get him out.

I turned to the girl to see how she'll react. She just stared at me shocked. I couldn't help but smirk at her. She shakes herself out of shock and glares at me in suspicion. The fire grows even more from her. This actually helps me as I can feel her power coming to me. My smirk then turns into a smile. The girl glares harder when she saw the change. Seems like it'll take a while for her to trust me. Oh, well. At least I have her power that I know will help me in the future. I thank her silently.

I turn my glaze to the wolf for the second time and freeze. I see its eyes...those eyes from my dream. It can't be...

I shake my head from thought. Now was not the time to think about that. I stare into the wolf's eyes and told it to attack them. He stiffens. He looks at me with confusion and distrust as to how I could be in his mind.

I'm trying to help you. I said in his mind.

He growls at me but moves anyway towards the boys. I'm guessing it is for his master's sake but as I look closer, it doesn't seem so. It seems that they are friends but how?

"STOP PLEASE!" Sam yells.

I debate to not, but then I see the people from the corner of my eye. I turn my head and see... law enforcements? I quickly stop the vines and weakly command the wolf to move back, to hide, as I fall to my knees. To control two powers at once can really drain a person. The wolf stands still when he hears me.

No. He said.

If you don't hide, she'll be sad. I said back.

The wolf looks conflicted as he didn't want to leave her, but he knows better. So, he walks back into the forest where no one could see him... but I can still see the eyes.

I feel his emotions... that he is scared but not for himself but for her. The sudden rush of emotions hits me as try hard to it ignore them. To control animals. To command them, I can feel their emotions. This is one of the backlashes when it comes to using powers. And the stronger the power is, the worst the backlash is. That is how this world works.

Because the emotions come out of nowhere, I didn't even notice my brother coming by me and asking if I was ok. What I do notice is that I couldn't speak. It feels like my lungs have the vines wrapped around them but not to where I couldn't breathe. It feels more like it winded me out. Another backlash, but it is from Sam's power. These side effects are really annoying, but everyone learn how to deal with it.

It feels like ages, but I could finally focus on what is happening. I wish I didn't as I hear something I didn't want to.

"All of you are in trouble." the man said.

Great what else can go wrong today?


We are all standing in the middle of the town hall right now, waiting for the mayor of the town to come out. We are surrounded by big men with swords. I sigh quietly as I tell myself how I really do hate today.

The doors open to reveal an older looking man with gray hair and dark green eyes. He looks to be around his fifties. He sits behind the council's desk and stares at us.

"Let's get started, shall we?" He said.

At that moment, I want to throw myself off a bridge.

Written by: Dan

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