Chapter 28

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Jake's POV

I never thought I would be sitting on top of a wall in front of a palace wanting to talk about my past. But here I am sitting next to TN after telling her I would tell her just that. But as I look at her waiting for an answer I know that I can trust her, she just gives me that sense of comfort and it feels like I can trust her with this piece of me that I buried long ago.

"No." TN said. "I don't want to hear your secret."

TN gets up, standing on the wall. TN pushes a strand of hair behind her ear before turning away from me and walking along the wall. The wall is narrow, but TN walks on it like it is nothing.

I sigh and let it go. I get up as well looking at the view. I look at TN one more time and then say "that's fine. I'll see you tomorrow then" I said a frown on my face. Then I start climbing down the wall ready to get going. Once I get down I look back up at her one more time before turning away.

I start to jog and then start full on sprinting. I avoid the road as much as I can to make sure no one questions me. I see the village on sight somewhere in the afternoon but I deviate and go to the cemetery a few miles away.

As I catch my breath I start to look for some flowers. I take some from the ground that look the best as I continue to walk towards the cemetery. As I walk into the cemetery I frown. I see Danielle sitting in front of our parents graves.

I walk up to her and say "how did you get here?"

She just looks up and me and then back down "I always came here when I needed to think. After they died it was almost like they helped me in a way"

"That wasn't my question"

"Dark's power how else? I'll leave soon though"

"You don't have to" I said, looking down at our parents' graves.

"I do and besides I thought you were mad at me"

"I was and then I thought it was stupid and your right she's not Sophia I'll remember that"

She looked at me with sadness in her eyes but before she could say anything I went to Sophia's grave and set the flowers down. I sat down saying a little prayer thinking of her.

I can still hear her voice and the way she laughed and the way she used to look at the moon at night when we would lay on the ground and talk for hours. How she always used to brag about winning the race even though we both knew I let her win and sitting at her grave feels so unreal...even after two years.

I take out the bracelet in my pocket that she made for me and just stare at it. I smile remembering that day like it was yesterday. I used to wear it everyday after she gave it to me because she was sad one time when I forgot to put it on. After she died I couldn't bear to look at it so I always had it in my pocket and always will.

Danielle left an hour later and after she left I let myself cry...I curled up besides her grave and cried.


I woke up laying down next to her grave. I got up slowly from the ground realizing that it's night time. I am amazed that I sleep so well without any interruptions. I say a silent thank you and lay down again to look at the stars.

"There are better places to take a nap than on the ground." a deep voice suddenly said.

I bolt up and see someone standing a few feet away from me. Since it is dark, I can barely make out the person. What I can tell is that the person is a male. From his silhouette, I can see he has long dark hair. He seems to be as tall as me and more muscular, but I can't really tell. What stands out the most are his eyes. Two yellow glowing orbs look straight at me. For some reason, I feel like I know him but can't put my finger on it.

"Who are you?" I say suddenly getting up and in alert mode.

"Calm down," the man said. "I am not here to hurt you."

"I won't ask again...who are you?" I said getting a little upset like I'm gonna believe what he says.

The strange man lets out an exaggerated sigh.

"You don't need to know me yet. For now, I can tell that I am unwanted here. You better watch out on your way back."

With that, the man turns away from me and walks away.

I was confused. No, I am VERY confused.

I looked around me to make sure no one else was nearby and then I walked towards the village after saying goodbye to Sophia.

I played with the necklace around my neck until I arrived at a small blue cottage. I went around back and jumped over the fence. I went to the back door and grabbed the envelope with money in it from my other pocket.

I played with the lock of the door until it opened and set the money on the table. I made sure to lock the door sitting down. I think about the first time I did this...I thought it was right of me to do. I knew after Sophia died her mother was going to lose everything so I helped out giving her what I could.

That's why sometimes I didn't have enough money for me to eat but it was worth it. She got to keep her cottage and I was happy about that. I think about how I would have told TN that even though I didn't even tell Danielle that stupid I am. I can't trust nobody and I have to remember that.

When I get back to the palace I need to tell the prince about the strange man. How weird all of that was. I play with the string around my neck and the ring on it thinking about what could have been if she was still alive. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I love you Sophia and I always will...

With that thought I left going back to the palace.

AN: Sorry for not updating in a while. Now that the semester is over, I have more time to write, although Danielle and I have written chapters far in advance. And if anyone notice, I have not been proofreading the recent chapters. Anyways, I will probably post another one tomorrow, so until then, see ya next chapter.

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