Chapter 33

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~Michael's POV~

Jake pisses me off. He has no clue how much chaos it'll be if words gets out about an attempt assassination against me. Although he gets my blood boiling, I must not let my anger show. I am a prince and my anger would affect my people.

I let out a heavy sigh as I made my way to the garden near my room. Honestly, I wish I could take a long break from being a prince, but my duties would not allow me to rest.

As I walk into the garden I see Danielle sitting on a bench. I stare at her in confusion as no one comes here but me. I also see a snake going into the bushes.

She turns to the sound of my movements coming towards her. "Your highness" she says bowing her head "I hope it's alright that I'm here. Aragon said it was ok"

"It's fine. And I told you that you don't have to address me as 'Your Highness'. Just call me Michael." I said.

I made it to the bench and sat next to her. We sit there for a while in silence.

"Thank you" she said after a few minutes of silence.

"For what?" I asked. "I have don't nothing for you to thank me."

"For making my future unknown" she looked at me "I would have been married to my best friend by now. It would have been nice to graduate though I would have been top of my class"

She shrugs "so even though I don't know what I'm doing I'm thankful for it. I can make my own future now"

I tilt my head to the side, trying to remember who her friend was. It takes a while, but I finally remember.

"You are talking about the young man, Brent, right?"

She laughs "yes Brent, he's my best friend and I miss him a lot. But seriously young man? We're around the same age"

"Sorry," I said, "It became a habit to be polite even if I am in an informal conversation. As prince, I must keep a perfect image. But since we are in my private garden, I think we can be as informal as we want."

"It's alright and I'm glad to hear it" she leaned in closer "I actually wanted to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"Do I still have to get married?" Her face went serious. "I mean I know it was avoided because we left but what about when we have to go back? Would I still have to marry Brent?"

I stay silent. I am trying to find an answer, but nothing comes to mind. I understand that her village has strict rules about dating and marriage. Honestly, I want her and the other two to stay, but I know that it is their choice to leave this place or not. I know TN and Dark want to leave as I seen all those looks the other students have given TN since day one. Jake clearly wants to get away as soon as possible and probably take Danielle with him.

"I don't know." I said after thinking it over. "The future is unknown, so there might be a chance you will be married to him or to someone else. There is a chance you wouldn't get married and live a life in solitude."

There is a chance you can die before you can make that choice. I think to myself. I wouldn't deny that possibility, but I don't want that to happen. I curl my hands into fists as I remember an unpleasant memory. I quickly push that memory deep in my mind and make sure it will never resurface again.

"Whatever path you choose, I hope you choose the happy one."

She takes my hand looking at me with sadness "thank you but I don't think it's that simple...for either of us for that matter. If I go back to the village I have to marry someone and he is my only opinion. I have nowhere else to's the only place I call home"

She looks away "I don't know which path will lead to happiness, maybe none of them at all but that's life and I have to accept it but if there is hope for happiness and if there was a chance I would follow it wherever it leads"

She looked at me again "I hope the same for you. I hope you find that path and follow it. Everyone deserves it"

You're wrong. You are so wrong. As prince, I must put away my emotions for my people. That includes my happiness. I must think of my people's needs and wants before mine's. Plus my future has already been decided, so I have no freedom to choose my path.

I want to tell her that but couldn't. I have a feeling that she would fight the kingdom if I told her that. Instead, I smile at her.

"Thank you for saying that," I said, "Danielle."

For some reason, saying her name makes my heart jump a little. I look into her dark brown eyes. I start to lean towards her. Like she was reading my mind, she also starts to lean closer to me. We were so close that our lips almost touched. We slowly close our eyes and lean even closer...

The ground shakes suddenly. The ground shakes so strongly that Danielle falls forwards, landing against my chest. On instincts, I wrap my arms around her and curl my body over her. Once the shaking stops, I straighten myself up. I look around and see smoke coming from where the students' living space was. An alarm rings in my mind as I get up from the bench and run to where the smoke is coming from. I can hear Danielle running behind. As we get closer to the smoke, I feel my gut dropping.

Something bad is going to happen. 

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