Chapter 29

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~Dark's POV~

Another day has passed. Another day where we are still stuck here at this dreaded place.

I want to badly get away from here, but I can't leave TN. I can tell that TN wants to leave too, but there seems to be something that is holding her here. Like she is forced to be here. TN never did say the reason as to why we are. It must have greatly upset her if she unwillfully living in this castle.

It could have been worse though. It is not like when we are going to town and the people there are treating her like an outcast. Although there are some girls giving TN a dirty look just because she is hanging out with the prince and Mr. Popular all the time. Really, it is almost ridiculous how horny these girls are for a guy who has no interest in them whatsoever. I feel bad for Charmer too when he is surrounded by them. I'm surprised that he hasn't murdered anyone yet.

Before I can go even further, my thoughts are interrupted by the sounds of pots and pans clinking together as TN fires up the stove.

Currently, TN and I are in the kitchen very late at night. TN said that she was hungry and wanted something to eat. So, right now, TN is quickly making a dish for the both of us. I feel my tail wagging back and forth with excitement at the thought of TN's cooking. It has been a while since I have eaten some of her homemade meals.

"Just a bit longer and then you can eat it." TN mumbled to me as she put a lid on top of the pot that she was using.

TN leans back on the counter just behind her as she stares at the pot. My ears perk up, sensing something is bothering her. I get up from my spot and bump my nose on her shin. TN flinches from the cold, wet contact and looks down at me. We stare in each other's eyes, trying to convey what we want to say. TN lets out a sigh as she bends down a little and runs her fingers through my fur.

"Sorry." TN said. TN quickly lifts the lid once the pot starts boiling. "I didn't mean to worry you. I was thinking about Charmer."

Lately, she and Charmer have been together. I would have been against it if it wasn't for the fact of how much of an impact Charmer has on TN. I don't know if TN knows this, but I was worried that TN would be alone forever. Sure she has me, but I know that she can't survive without other humans to be with. So, I was happy to find that there are people who want to be with TN and might actually protect her.

"Here you go." TN said as she placed the plate of food in front of me.

My mouth waters as she straightens herself up and starts plating another plate. Can't wait any longer, I wolf down the food at a recorded speed. TN chuckles as she eats hers at a slower speed. We eat in silence, enjoying each other's presents.

The silence didn't last long as I heard shuffling coming our way. I sit up straight, twitching my ears to hear what it was. TN pauses and slightly holds her breath. The shuffling is getting closer and louder. The shuffling turns into footsteps. Quickly, TN gathers all the flames towards her and absorbs it. The room is now in complete darkness. The sound is much louder now. I sniff the air to identify who it was. The scent of books and forest hit my nose. I relax as I realize who it was.

I bump my nose against TN. Getting the message, TN creates fire from her hands. Once the room luminates, I can see Troublemaker freezing near the door. TN relaxes as she lights one of the torches on the wall.

"What are you doing here?" TN asked as she picked up her plate again.

"I'm hungry. I haven't eaten all day and I've been wandering around trying to clear my head. I didn't know anyone else was here."

"I made some food if you want some." TN said. "I made quite a lot honestly."

She hesitates for a moment then shakes her head "yes please that would be great thank you"

TN nods before putting down her plate. TN digs around to find another plate. Once she finds one, she starts putting the food. She hands it to Troublemaker with a spoon. Troublemaker takes it. TN goes back to her food. Although it doesn't seem like it, TN is nervous of what she thinks of the food. TN and I watch as Troublemaker takes her first bite of TN's food.

"What do you think?" TN asked softly, nervous vibes radiated from her.

I can see that Troublemaker tries to savor the flavor, trying to decide how she feels about it.

"It's really good. It reminds me of my mother's cooking" she said smiling sadly. "Why are y'all up so late anyway?"

"We were hungry." TN answered. "Plus, the room is really cold."

The room wasn't cold. I think TN is just always cold. Luckily it isn't as severe as last time.

Troublemaker looked at me and asked "is she ok" in my mind.

I nod. Out of the corner of my eye, I see TN make a face.

"Well I'm glad you made this food I'm enjoying it very much" she said out loud.

TN turns away. A light blush spreads across her cheeks.

"Thanks." TN said as she shoves the food in her mouth.

"Of course" she said smiling

We all stay quiet, enjoying the food. It broke when TN opens her mouth though.

"What was your mother like?" TN asked, so quietly that I almost didn't hear her.

Troublemaker looked at her and said "well she was a very smart woman. She taught me how to read and write. She was very kind and had a big heart. She loved to garden too. She would have liked you"

"Do you really think so?" TN asked. "Do you really think she would love someone as cursed as me?"

Hearing how heartbroken TN sounds makes my own heart hurt. I get up from my spot and headbutt my head against TN's leg. TN gets startled by the contact but immediately relaxes. Putting her now empty plate down, TN slowly sits down on the floor next to me. I lay over her stretch out legs.

Troublemaker comes to sit down across from us and says "you are not cursed. I don't think you are. She would have liked you because of your personality not because of who others say you are. Besides I know she would have loved Dark, she adores animals. I got my power from her to be able to understand them and besides my brother is quite fond of you"

I think for the first time and a while, TN smiles. Like a genuine smile. There was water building up in her eyes, but they never came down.

"Thank you."

AN: Sorry for lying, I sort of forgot about posting this chapter last week. As a late Christmas present to all of those who read this, I will be posting two chapters. This one and the next one. I hope you enjoy.

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