Chapter 10

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~Danielle's POV~

I wouldn't be surprised if the mayor just let them go without any punishment. I mean they are his sons after all. He lets them go when they and his little buddies did pranks on some villagers, but it's not like they were harmed. I defended myself and the girl, but it was harder than I thought.

We are in that office way longer than I wanted, and then this girl had the nerve to say she started WHAT!?!

Obviously, I am upset. I mean, why is she lying?

I had to start yelling just how upset I am. And just as I was about to punch the girl in the face, the door opens and a familiar voice rings through the room.

"I do agree with her. Why aren't you defending yourself when clearly you did nothing wrong?"

We all turn around and there he is in all his glory.

The prince.

I bow with everybody else, everyone except the girl. She didn't kneel and she's giving attitude to the prince. We are gonna die. Well I mean she is...I might just say I was trying to help, and things got out of hand. Besides, Sam and his brother didn't see me using my powers. For all they know is that Sam lost control. It's as simple as that they can't keep me here.

"Stand," the prince says. We call follow his command. The prince then turns his attention to the mayor. "I want to talk to each of them individually. Get them prepped. I will be in the other room waiting."

The prince leaves the room. The guards bring all of us to a back room and told Brent, Jake, and I to sit down while we wait. They bring the girl to a different room, and the two brothers in another. I'm guessing to not cause any more of a mess.

To my surprise, they left us without a guard. My guess is because they don't think we pose a threat as a "simple common folk".

"Well, what an eventful day," I say as I sat down against the wall.

"Eventful? We could have gotten killed," Brent says.

His voice is loud but not too loud where the guards can hear. Brent sits in the corner with his knees to his chest.

"Yes, Danielle. What were you thinking," My brother asks.

By the look on his face, he is clearly agitated.

"She doesn't think that's her problem," Brent says.

Brent buries his face against his knees. I feel bad for dragging my only friend into this mess. Jake, still agitated, is in sass mode.

"Oh yeah, my mistake. I forgot."

I feel one of my eyebrows twitching in annoyance.

"Can you two stop acting like I'm not here," I asks.

Brent lifts his head and looks towards me.

"Oh, Danielle, when did you get here," Brent sarcastically asks.

"I hate both of you."

"We love you too," my brother says as he shot me a forceful smile

Before I can even shoot a glare at Jack, one of the guards comes in and takes Brent into the other room. I hate waiting...they could have at least given us some food or something. I'm hungry.

"Seriously, what were you thinking using his power like that? They could have saw you," Jake argues.

"They didn't, Jake. They probably thought he lost control when it happened," I argue back.

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