Chapter 31

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~TN's POV~

I was on my way out of my room with Dark by my side when I saw Charmer stomping to his room and slamming the door open and close.

"What ticked him off?" I asked no one in particular.

Dark looks at me before shrugging his shoulders. Or as close to shrugging as a wolf can do. I just shrug back before going to the intended destination before I was distracted. It isn't long before we reach the training area. I see there are a lot of people training already. I quickly led us to our spot to avoid people, but I wasn't quick enough.

"Hey, witch!" I heard someone shout. I ignored them, but they kept persisting. "I said Hey, witch!"

I keep walking.

Someone grabs my arm making me turn around. "Hey I'm talking to you, are you deaf?" A guy said with that girl that can't stop flirting with Charmer next to him.

"No, but I have no business with you." I said harshly.

I tug my arm away from the guy before turning around. I can sense that the guy was not satisfied as he goes for a more aggressive approach. Because I live in a forest filled in with blood-thirsty monsters, my sense of danger starts to ring. I dodge to the right of the attack, barely got out of the way.

"Got some fight in you huh?" The boy said smiling while the girl just laughed. "I just wanna talk"

"That's tough, because I don't."

I barely finish saying that when another attack comes my way.

Before he could attack me someone stopped his hand. "Don't touch her" Charmer said furiously.

I blink as I was not prepared for Charmer to appear out of nowhere. Dark, which I forgot who was beside me, stops growling, but is still ready to defend me when needed.

The boy laughed "and what are you going to do about it huh? I just wanna have a little chat with the witch. Got a problem with that?"

Charmer tightened his grip on the boy's hand to where the boy made a face. "Yes I do. You don't talk to her like that"

"Jake stop hurting him. He was just joking" the girl said.

I let out a snort. That is honestly the funniest thing I heard in a while.

"Nothing is a joke around me." I said. "Honestly, I am surprised it takes this long for you to do something to me."

Charmer turned his head to look at me and then looked back at the boy "Shut up Emily it clearly wasn't a joke and I will hurt him until he apologizes" Charmer tightened his grip more his eyes glowing making the boy fall to his knees.

I flinched a little when I heard Charmer threatening them. Although I do not seem like I care, I do care about not getting involved in a fight when it can be avoided. Not knowing what to do, I just let my body move on its own. I grab Charmer's arm, the one that was holding the guy, and tug it away.

"Stop." I said. "It is not worth the effort. Save your energy for something more important."

Charmer looked at me letting his eyes go back to normal nodding in agreement. He opened his mouth to say something but it was cut off by the boy punching him in the face knocking him down on the floor.

"That's for my arm you ass" the boy said, rubbing his arm and walking away with the girl.

Charmer looked at me his lip bleeding "can I beat him up now?"


I take his face in my hand and try to wipe the blood off, but all it did was smeared across his cheek. I frown before taking the edge of my sleeve and wipe it off.

He winced a little before saying "are you ok?" Looking into my eyes to make sure I was indeed ok.

"Yes. No need to worry about me." I said. "But you on the other hand, need to calm down."

"I'm fine I just...I was upset about something. I'm sorry you're right I need to calm

down it's just I didn't want him to hurt you. I get so upset when people call you that and then him putting his hand on you..." he let out a sigh letting his fingers go through his hair.

I let out a sigh. I let go of his face before going to do what I was supposed to do before I was rudely interrupted. I take a few steps before turning around. I still see Charmer standing.

"What are you standing there for?" I asked.

He looks at me in confusion. "Huh? Oh I was just thinking" he said before coming to me. "Is it ok if I tag along? I don't want people to bother you anymore today."

"Of course." I said. "I wouldn't be waiting for you if I wasn't okay with it. Plus this is a good way to let out some steam, right?"

He smiles " yeah it is. Well then lead the way my lady"

I lead us to the spot. As we are walking, I feel my face heating up. I hate to admit it, but his smile looks cute. My face returns to its original color when we are there. I look around and see that no one is around and there is enough shade for Dark to use his power.

"We're here." I announced. "Before we begin, I want to know what your power is. You never said it last time since we were interrupted"

He laughed "I thought it was obvious by now but my power is strength. I'm very strong."

I shrug. "I didn't notice. I just thought you are just muscular."

"Well yes I am quite muscular thanks for noticing" he said winking at me "but I had to work out very hard to make me more powerful I use to hurt myself a lot when I was just a boy using this power"

"Really?" I asked. "Well, I guess that makes sense. You are probably still trying to learn your powers when you are younger, and you can't learn if you don't get hurt."

"Very wise words that are so true. I remember when I first started to cattle cows I thought I was going to get run over" he said laughing at the memory.

I smile, imaging a little Charmer running away from cows.

"What about your sister?" I asked. "Does she have super strength too, or she has to copy it?"

"She can only copy people's powers but somehow it's stronger than the person's actual power. She learned how to adapt to each one she came across and practiced each one. She's a quick learner" he said a sad smile on his face.

I feel my heart prick in pain when I hear the sad voice.

"So what were you doing before coming here?" I asked, wanting to quickly change the topic.

"I use to work at a farm to pay for the bills"

"Fitting for a musclehead like you. Is your sister smart of the two of you? She mentioned that she likes to read."

"Yeah she's very smart she was going to graduate at the top of her class well if we didn't leave"

"I honestly don't know what it is like," I said, "to go to school and learn from other people. I learn from just doing it, you know."

"Yeah I know. School wasn't really for me I was focused on getting a job to support the family I was planning on having after school but things changed and I just got a job that was enough to pay for me and my sister" he said sadly.

I really can't stop bringing sad things up. I let out a huff, plop myself down on the ground and lay back. Before I can fully lay down on the ground, Dark slips behind me and lets me lean against him. I watch Charmer sit down, his legs cross in front of him and his arms supporting him from behind.

"Sorry." I said. "It seems like I keep bring sad memories for you."

"It's alright" he said "those memories are happy as well. We always have to look on the bright side you know?"

I shrug. We stay like that for a while. For the first time in a long time, I feel at peace. So at peace that, I couldn't keep my eyes open. Before I know it, I have fallen asleep.

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