Camp Camp X Counselor! Reader

By ItsyBittySpider01

360K 9K 16.6K

When (Y/n) gets hired as a camp counselor she wasn't expecting much. She just wanted a summer job to get away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Best Script Reading, Ft. (Y/n)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hey Guys
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
115 Follower Special
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
this will only be up until the next update!
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

9.3K 258 443
By ItsyBittySpider01

Jen drove along an abandoned road, bobbing her head to the newest catchy pop song. Her bright smile was quickly washed away as she reached her destination, a large white house surrounded by a large fence. Jen slowly pulled up to the gates and honked her car in an obnoxious manner. She waited for a few minutes before a security man walked towards her. He stayed on the other side, barely able to hear him over the pop song.

"State your name and business,"

Jen gave an evil smile as she popped her head out, she kept her eyes on him through her large sunglasses, "I'm here to see her,"

"See who?" the man gave her an eyebrow raise

Jen only laughed, "You and I know damn well who! Just tell her that I'm here, she will know you're talking about,"

The man sighed as he began to speak through her walkie talkie, the two waited for a few seconds before he reluctantly opened the gates.

"Thanks, hot stuff," Jen flirted before cackling up a storm. She drove to the driveway before parking her car. She took notice of the three new cars that were also parked there.

Jen skipped her way over to the front doors and knocked. A man in a butler suit opened the doors, which Jen immediately pushed past.

"Yo Sebastian, where is she?" Jen asked as she took off her sunglasses, the butler only sighed.

"Ms. Jen, that is not my name," He mumbled to himself, "Mistress Juilet is in the library drinking her afternoon tea,"

Jen quickly made her way over to the library, her pink boots echo across the massive house. Jen walked past various paintings of Zemug until she reached the library door. Jen placed her tan on the door and opened the door. She quickly took off her large sunglasses, keeping her turquoise eyes on Juliet.

Juliet stayed seated on her large chair, not once looking at her. "Jen, what a lovely surprise. Please, take a seat,"

Jen walked over and sat herself down in a seat in front of Juliet. She could finally see Juliet's appearance. She wore a collar white dress with a baby blue belt. Juliet's hands were covered with lace white gloves and had baby blue heels. Her dyed blonde hair was more noticeable as her (color) roots were growing. Her sapphire dark blue eyes finally met Jen's turquoise eyes before she spoke up again,

"I saw Daniel in the newspaper again," She took a sip of her tea before laughing, "Then I saw you BOTH in the paper,"

"Yeah," Jen smiled at her, not a forced or evil smile. "We both decided to take over the same camp,"

"And yet you both fail, a bit pathetic,"

"Hey, don't blame us! It was those damned camp counselors!" Jen defended before Juliet laughed again

"Camp counselors? Seriously?" She set her cup aside, "What's the matter? Just sacrifice them like before. Honestly, you two are just becoming too soft,"

"You don't understand Juliet," Jen sighed, "These counselors are..."

"Different?" Juliet asked sarcastically

"No...they look just like us!"

"Exactly... like us?" Juliet began to think silently before Jen sighed out loud

"OMG Julie! That's not even important!" Jen whined, "The only reason why I'm here is to talk about Danny!"

Juliet cringed at the nicknames as Jen continued, "He's like, a completely different person. So obsessed with the chick named (Y/n) who looks exactly like you,"

"Me?" Juliet pointed her gloved finger towards her, "why are you even telling me this Jen?"

"I was hoping you would come to talk to him?" Jen sheepishly said

"So you come to my house uninvited, tell me about your recent failure and expect me to talk to Daniel?"

"Woah, mega harsh," Jen shrugged her shoulders, "But yeah, that's the gist of it,"

Juliet stayed in her seat while thinking. Her delicate, gloved hand reached over and picked up the paper again. Juliet's eyes scanned the paper, before she nodded her head, "Alright, let's go talk some sense into that idiot. If he failed once then he's bound to do it again,"

"Aww shit! You do have a soft spot for us!" Jen laughed before Juliet cut her off

"I'm not going because I care about you two failures," Juliet's eyes darken. She quickly crossed her legs and leaned slightly forward, "I'm going to finish your mistakes, to make sure that the two of you remember who's really in control,"


(Y/n) stopped herself writing on her journal. A feeling of discomfort caused her to stop writing as she looked around the cabin confused. Her (Color) eyes landed on Gwen as she was writing away in her own diary filled with fanfiction.

"Hey, Gwen?" (Y/n) sat down her narwhal pen on top of her (color) journal, "do you feel like something bad is going to happen?"

Gwen also stopped her writing as she looked over to (Y/n). Even though their desks are right next to each other, (Y/n) felt like she was miles apart.

"Well let's review," Gwen started with a sigh, "we don't have much money, even with the success of the fundraiser. We don't have insurance and Erid twisted her ankle last week,"

(Y/n) looked down at her bat. It was part of the crutches Erid used and now had nails into it. She was just glad that she could walk again, but she couldn't ignore the fact that Gwen had a point.

"Not to mention that the founder of this place is in jail and we're stuck to keep this place afloat and we have ZERO idea of what we're actually doing!"

(Y/n) took her eyes off her bat and glared slightly at Gwen, "Hey! My parents own a camping company! I have more experience than you do!"

"No, you have experience in making friendship bracelets and s' mores. We both know that was clueless on how to run this stupid camp,"

(Y/n) let out an angry huff as she realized Gwen again, still had a point. (Y/n) was trained in the most basic counselor style thanks to her parents but that didn't mean she knew how to react in situations like the Foreign Exchange campers from the other day.

"By the way," Gwen crossed her arms while spinning her chair to face (Y/n), "you and I need to go to see David at the mess hall to pick out a movie for tonight,"

(Y/n) pouted at the mention of David, but Gwen only rolled her eyes.

"You two need to stop being so childish and make-up already," Gwen groaned, "it's becoming so obvious to the point where even the campers know you two are upset with each other,"

(Y/n) turned herself back to face her desk. She continued to listen to Gwen's scolding as her (Color) eyes scanned her desk.

The desk itself is now more decorated compared to when she first began to work there. She had little nicknacks, some books, a mirror in the corner, and even a small makeup in the corner of the desk that she rarely uses.

As (Y/n) continued to scan the desk, her eyes landed on the picture the three of them took at the beginning of the summer. (Y/n) was wearing her new councilor shirt and had a huge smile as she draped her arms around Gwen and David.

Before Gwen could finish her scolding, she watched as (Y/n) close her notebook. Her hands scanned over the book gently as she turned back to Gwen, her sadden eyes met hers.

"Your right, I'm being too childish," (Y/n) kept her eyes on Gwen as she continued, "I exploded the other day and I avoided David. It's not fair for you or the kids, I will talk to him about it,"

Gwen gave (Y/n) a smile in return, "finally, I was getting tired of this shit drama, now let's go pick a movie for tonight!"


"Gwen, (Y/n), are you two sure this is the right pick for movie night?" David asked hesitantly as he pulled out the Tv.

(Y/n) let out a small laugh before handing Gwen the laser disk, "um yes!"

"Horror death camp is the best!" Gwen added as the two high five each other.

"But aren't the campers too young to watch something like this? It says it's rated Z!"

David sat down next to (Y/n) while Gwen sat on the other side of her, still holding on the laser disk.

"Nah they can take it,"

"Besides," (Y/n) playfully shoved his arm, "Kids see way worse stuff online!"

"And I watched these movies all the time as a kid and I turned out great!" Gwen smiled at the two.

David and (Y/n) both forced a smile and silently went mmhm. Before (Y/n) or David could add anything more, Space Kid arrived in front of them.

Normally (Y/n) would be more than happy to help a camper, however, Space Neil began to stare intensely at the three.

"Uh... Hey Space Neil," (Y/n) rubbed her arm in confusion

"Did you need something?" David smiled down at him.

Space kid continued to stare up at the three, causing them to grow slightly more uncomfortable. Gwen turned her head over to (Y/n) to ask,

"Is he having a stroke?"

Space kid finally broke the silence as he looked up at the three, "what happens when you die?"

The three camp counselors widen their eyes at the question. Gwen got up slowly and began to pull (Y/n) and David away from Space Kid to talk in a whisper voice.

"I don't get paid enough for this,"

"What should we tell him?" David began to panic silently as he listed different ways to explain heaven before (Y/n) cut him off,

"We should be honest with him,"

"Yeah, we look him in the eye and very gently explain to him that there's likely no God and if there is one we will end up in hell anyway," Gwen mumbled as she nodded her head in agreement

"N-no, that's not what I meant," (Y/n) stuttered out. David quietly gasped before turning over to Space Kid.

"Have you ever been on a farm?"

* A few moments later *

"And if your very good your whole life, you might be reborn as something wonderful! Like an aardvark or a music producer!" David finished his little speech. (Y/n) was still confused about how they ended up picking a movie to talk about reincarnation.

"That's dumb if anything you reincarnate into a hotter version of yourself!" Gwen's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Ooh! I gotta believe that! There's no way this is what I'm stuck with," (Y/n) placed her hands on her body to indicate what she was talking about. David followed her hands before looking up and away with a blush.

"That's neat and it sounds fun!"

"Close enough," Gwen mumbled as the three smiled in relief.

Before a minute passed, space kid began to think,

"But..what happens when your bad?"

* More time passed *

"So that's what happens based on Dante's multilevel structure of the afterlife," David pointed at the blackboard.

"Does this make sense?" (Y/n) asked tiredly with chalk on her face

"Wow! So, which religion was right?" 

"Enough!" Gwen shouted, slightly irritated with how long this took

"Look, Space Neil, we don't have a good answer for you. Truth is we don't even know what happens when someone passes away. The important thing is to live your life meaningful with people you love," (Y/n) explained while keeping eye contact on the young astronaut

"It's perfectly fine to not have all the answers," David gave him a supportive smile.

"So next time you have a difficult question," Gwen's face turned annoyed, "just ask someone else,"

"Huh... I get it now, I guess we just have to wait for death to come to know what happens,"

"Exactly," David gave him a closed eye smile as Space kid continued,

"I guess I can go tell Nikki she can go die in peace now,"

"Okay!" The three said in unison. Before he could walk out the doors, the three opened their eyes in horror, "WAIT WHAT!"

The three ran out the mess hall to see the campers all gather around the lake. They all rushed over as (Y/n) shouted for them to stop. As David took away the bow and arrow from Nurf, he asked them why they were planning on burning Nikki.

"Neil poisoned Nikki and now we're trying to light her like Vikings,"


(Y/n) turned to Gwen as the two walked over to Nikki, who lay lifeless on the boat.

"Nikki are you really dead?" Gwen asked softly. Nikki opened one eye and whispered back yes.

(Y/n) reached over and pulled Nikki off the boat. "Really! I'm going to die any second now, my tummy feels better but the bleeding is getting worse!"

"Bleeding?" Gwen asked

"Yeah," Nikki continued, "I put a bandaid on it but it is persistent!"

"Those stomach aches, do they feel weirder than usual?" (Y/n) asked

Nikki agreed with her

"Weird food cravings?"

Again, Nikki agreed

"Mood swings?"

"WHAT! NO! SHUT UP!" Nikki shouted before crying

"Oh Nikki," Gwen began to pull Nikki as (Y/n) held her other hand.

"So Nikki's not dying?" Neil asked a bit confused as (Y/n) shook her head no,

"Nope, she's just growing up,"

"What! Nooo! That's worse!"

"This is what happens when we avoid telling them things, they try to burn each other on flaming boats," (Y/n) mumbled to David as Gwen continued to walk with Nikki. 

"Read you loud and clear!" David turned to the rest of the campers, "who's ready for movie night?"


As the kids screamed during a scene of the movie, the three counselors stood at the back leaning against the wall.

"I guess our kiddos are growing faster than we thought," David said with a proud smile. (Y/n) nodded her head at the thought as Gwen continued,

"Just don't be afraid of being honest," Gwen smirked at the two before leaving.

Realizing that Gwen meant her, (Y/n) tried to leave as well before David grabbed her hand. The two stared at each other in surprise before he quickly let go.

"David, I'm sorry," (Y/n)'s face flushed as she tried her best to hide it, "I'm sorry for what I said back in parents day, I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me,"

"It's not completely your fault," David rubbed his neck, "I was so focused on setting a good example for Mr. Campbell that I forgot to care about you or Max,"

David and (Y/n) stayed in silence as the movie continued to run. The tension was thick as David reached his hand again,


(Y/n) felt her throat tighten at the word "friends", but smiled back at him as she nodded her head. But before she could reach for his hand she felt a small grip grabbed the other hand. (Y/n) looked down to see Max as he held her hand while looking up at her.

"Mom, can you go sit with me? The movie is too scary," Max gave her puppy dog eyes

(Y/n) gave David a smile, mouthing an apology as she picked up Max. Max snuggled against her mother's shoulder as she began to walk to the nearest spot to watch the movie.

As David watch (Y/n)'s figure, his eyes landed on Max who gave him a glare. Suddenly Max smirked at him before flipping him off, still snuggled up on (Y/n).

David blinked a couple of times in shock before Space Kid walked up next to him, "David, when do I get my period?"


It feels good to be back in writing

Let me know what you guys think on this filler chapter, I'd appreciate any feedback.

Again, if you guys were wondering why I was absent for so long go check out the previous chapter. It's okay if you didn't read it but just know I'm here for you guys. I'll always try my best in having a small outlet from the outside world.

Thanks, guys, for everything.

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