I keep falling for you | Meli...

By _Lullaby_Dream_

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Before the 10 year hunt for the seven deadly sins, there was going to be eight. But she refused, ran away lea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A Christmas Special
'Girls in the streets'
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you for the support + my thank you to SU
Chapter 20
Update (Not the normal kind)
What's been going on
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

856 17 5
By _Lullaby_Dream_

Elizabeth grabbed four cups of ale before heading over and serving them to some customers. Ever since what happened at Vaizel, me and her were making our way slowly back to Liones. Because at every town we have made at stop. It was Elizabeth's idea as she wants to make sure the tavern still has money for Meliodas. She is still clinging onto the hope that Meliodas is still alive somehow. I understand that Meliodas was complete unpredictable and was seen as extraordinary person sometimes referred as a god in present day. Yet, he kept his secrets and was flawed like others. Heck, he was even the son of the demon king, but as that silver haired man said when all seven hearts of a demon are destroyed they will die no matter how strong they are. So what would make Meliodas any special? Only that he is the son of the demon king.

But i won't hurt... I can't hurt Elizabeth's spirit anymore. She's been fragile after Meliodas's death and well Y/n's disappearance.
Which I'm very worried about Y/n, all i know is that she went to go help Meliodas but arrived when he died. The crystal ball was then unable to see what was happening, it was just black. Than she was gone. All that remained of her was the scarf my sister had made for her. It was slightly damaged but otherwise alright. The commandments might of taken her and...

killed her but she won't die properly.
She'll just come back, but if that was the case i would of thought she would of joined back up with us with somebody new. But it's nearly been four weeks since the fighting festival.
And nothing.
I'll just keep my hopes up that she's safe. I'll keep the scarf safe until she comes back. It's just tied around my wrist for now. It is a bit weird with my jacket being in the way but I've gotten used to. But I don't wear my jacket that often anymore as i spend most my time in the tavern and the tavern does have a furnace in it. So it gets a bit toasty. So I mostly leave it in my room to avoid feeling like I'm in hell.

I noticed Elizabeth beginning to walk back over to me probably for the next cups of ale.
"Are you doing alright Elizabeth? You can take a break and i'll handle serving for a bit. Or well Hawk could serve and I'll continue cooking and pouring ale." She just shook her head at my statement. She picked up the next tray.

"It's fine Christine. I can handle it. I have to keep working hard for Meliodas and Y/n!" She than walked off to serve more customers. If you are wondering, she still stumbled a bit but not as bad as used to.
I kept staring at her as she walked to another table. I was feeling pity for her which I didn't want to feel.


Some small footsteps could be heard besides me. I looked towards it and Hawk was standing there beside me. He looked concerned.
"Are you alright Christine? You look upset"
"I'm worried about Elizabeth. She's working to hard. And the reason is she's working hard for them. I don't want to hurt her but Meliodas is dead. Even though his body has decayed yet, it's probably because he is a demon. But she thinks he is still alive. And for Y/n... We don't even know if she is alive or dead. What if Elizabeth works so hard for her but she ends up being dead? I don't want her to be crushed."

"Hey Christine! Don't give up hope yet!
We don't know if Meliodas is truly dead or if Y/n is. Who knows? Meliodas is always full of surprises and Y/n is the one and only sin of insanity. Also she can't die from what you've told me. So Elizabeth is just working hard until they get back to action and than those demons won't know what hit them." Hawk. I wish I could believe you but I just can't.
Even if Y/n is my best friend, I want to believe she's alive but if she isn't dead, that means she'll be with the demon race or maybe she just left us.
I should just stop thinking about this now and continue working.


The tavern had closed for the day. We decided to give Hawk's mom a rest so we would start travelling again tomorrow. Though we should be arriving at Lioness in maybe a few more days, a week at most. I guess then I could have a proper rest even though I won't be able to resting fully until the Ten Commandments are gone.

Normally after the tavern closes, I just help clean up and mostly spend the rest of it in my room. Trying to find a way to contact Y/n through the necklace she gave me but sadly I don't know how it works enough to find a way for it to call out for Y/n. I've tried saying her name multiple times, trying to talk to her but nothin'.

Anyway, today I decide to do something different. I made my way up to where Meliodas's body was. I don't know the full reason why. I think that maybe if I talk to him, I'll be able to get some things off my chest. So I just pulled up a chair next to the bed and began speaking.

"Hey Meliodas. Sorry if this seems weird, I just needed to talk to something about stuff but I don't want Elizabeth or Hawk to think I'm weird or not like me anymore. And I can't tell it to you since you're... not really here. But I want to know Elizabeth still has hope that you are alive and that you'll be back soon. Hawk thinks the same thing. And me? I don't know. I want you to come back to life because your the Meliodas. Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins and apparently the son of the demon king. You'd have to very powerful to do that. So it would be amazing if you did come back. Maybe if you came back, maybe she would appear back as well.
I'm sure Elizabeth has said this to you but... Y/n disappeared.
Heh, she always seems to disappear for random things. I guess that's want made her interesting. But it's this time I... I don't know what's happened to her or even if she's alive. When we arrived at the seen, Elizabeth was sitting near your body crying, you were... dead and Y/n... well the only thing that remained was a gift she had gotten of my sister.
I..I... I just don't know what to do. The sins have just scattered around. Ban is I don't know, he just exploded but he is immortal so I don't think he's dead. Escanor, Merlin, Gowther I think they went back to Liones. King and Diane, I don't know where they have decided to go. Me and Elizabeth are just staying with the tavern." Tears started to form in my eyes and run down my face as I continued to speak.

"Please Meliodas... Please actually be alive! You're our captain, the best knight in all of Liones. We need you back so you can fix things! So that we can all stop the demon race! I...I don't want for our world to just end like this. I just want everything to go back to how it was before! But I guess nothing will be like before, will it..? Why am I even bothering speaking to you? This didn't help anybody. I..." I stood and left the room quickly making my way back to my own room. Before anybody could see me.
I entered my room and immediately sat down at my desk. Laying in the centre was the beautiful necklace given to me by Y/n. Surrounding it were a bunch of notes that I had been making in the past month. And books I had brought from library's. They were spell books so I thought they could help me decipher what spell she had used for this.

If you don't remember what the necklace does. I remember when she gave this to me, and I quote.'Just say my name in whatever pitch or tone you want. I'll be sent a signal of where you are, and I'll come running. Trust me!' Yeah, but I've said your name in different tones for hours on end. And you haven't even shown up once. Maybe she has been ignoring it? Or maybe... I..I don't want to think about that. Or I'll probably lose more sleep than I already do.

What... What has happened to me? Before this I was more reckless and more relaxed but I guess after what happened I've changed. I've grown up finally, I've been wondering when that would happen. But I should be trying to get more sleep though. As I don't want to end up getting sick. I'm no use when sick.

I grabbed one of the books of spells from a tall pile and began reading through it. Y/n must of learned this spell somewhere. Though it could actually be from over 3000 years ago. But people do try there best to keep books restored. So maybe it will still exist and be in good shape if she did use an old spell. Maybe, when I get to Liones, I'll get a mage to help me pay Louisa a visit. If Y/n learnt that spell over 3000 years ago, it would of been at Misite as she was a lord there. Well I hope they would have the book.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by soft knocking on the door.
"Christine, can you come out please?"
"Oh one second!" I placed a little marker on my page. Before setting it down, and going over to the door. I opened it and saw Elizabeth standing there.
"Do you need something Elizabeth?" She started to mess with her hands before speaking.
"Well i just want to speak it you, it's been awhile since we had a proper conversation that didn't include what happened at Vaisel."
"Oh, well alright then." I stepped aside and let her inside the room. Closing the door behind her we both sat at the bed. There was a very awkward atmosphere in the air for a few minutes.

"So well Elizabeth, are you excited to get back to Liones?"
"Of course i am but i wish it was under different circumstances like we had defeated the ten commandments would make this feel better. But that isn't the case. I hope everybody there is doing well. What about you Christine?"

"I guess I'm happy but like you said i wish the reason why we were coming back was different. I wish we were returning to tell the king how we defeated the Ten Commandments and claimed victory for Liones. But instead we are coming back because we only defeated one, and all the sins are spilt up! Meliodas is dead! And who knows where Y/n is!" I had to recompose myself before continuing to speak so I wouldn't get any more upset than I already was.
"I...I just don't know what to think right now. What can we do? We have no hope like this."

"You can't give up yet!" My snapped towards her direction. I've never heard her like that before. She shouted? But it wasn't in a mean way but in a encouraging way.

"We shouldn't give up! Not now and not ever. I still believe that Meliodas isn't dead. I don't believe that someone as wonderful as he is, would just lay down and die! He is just in a coma, i think. He was the demon king's son, he wouldn't just go down like that. I know it! When he comes back, he'll reunite all of us again. I just know it! Until then we must keep the hope." I never thought Elizabeth would give a speech like that to me of all people.

"You wanna know something funny, Christine?"
"I never thought i'd be giving you this kind of speech. So i apologise if it wasn't that good."
"Why did you not expect it?"
"Well, your powers come from others hope or emotions. So i thought you'd give this speech to me, like that speech you did at the first fighting festival we were all at. But you are human, so even you can be brought down like everybody else. So even you would need encouragement. I used to think you and Y/n were just these ultimate beings but everybody does need encouragement and is sometimes brought down."

"I can't believe you thought of me like that. Wait, didn't you hate me before?" She put one of her arms over her eyes and fell back on the bed. She looked upset.

"Ugh. I just want to forget about how embarrassing i was. I was wayyy too over protective of Meliodas, and excuse my language but i was very bitchy. I wish i could just forget. It's just i had feelings if you didn't know ,which you probably did, and i was afraid somebody was going to take him away. Not just because i liked him because he was my only hope for the kingdom and he was a very nice person which i hoped to become friends with."

"Oh. Now i feel bad for kinda hating you."

"It's fine i completely understand if you did. But when we finally did what we needed to do. We saved the kingdom for the once corrupted holy knights. I had time to rethink everything. And realise that i never truly loved Meliodas the way i thought i did but began to get feelings for somebody els-" I quickly looked back at her. She had taken her arm of her face. And now she was just laying there with a pink hue on her face. While her face just had a 'Now I've fucked up' kind of expression.

While i was shocked and to be honest, kind of jealous. Who are they? Do i know them? Heck, she is a princess so it might be some hot prince.
"So who is this somebody else then? Do i know them?" She shot up immediately and turned away from me obviously embarrassed. I guess she didn't mean to say that last part.

"I-I have no... no idea what you're talking about!" Oh playing defensive.
"Come on! You mentioned it so you might as well tell me!" I moved closer to her. And wrapped my arms around her waist. My face started to redden. Well i could feel the heat from hers.

"N-No i won't"
"Come on please" We were giggling the entire game. So it was obviously as it being a playful thing. We started just moving around and playing as she tried to escape my grasp.

And somehow we ended up with her being pinned underneath me. Both of our faces were bright red. It was just very awkward. i was just at a stumbled for words with like no idea what to do. But just stare at her beautiful face.
Her silky sliver hair. Her ocean blue eyes that stared into my own. From the rough housing her bangs that covered her eye was brushed to the side and was a bit messy. But she still looked so heavenly. Everything about her was so perfect. Even down to the uniform that she designed. Luckily it wasn't as revealing as the one Meliodas has designed previously.

We just stared like for a few minutes. Staring into each others eyes. It was so awkward that none of us did anything. I had no idea of what to do and from the looks of it, neither did she. It was all silent until Hawk bursts through the door.

"ELIZABETH! CHRISTI-..." He stared at us, both of us staring back with even more red faces. We both separated and scrambled to the opposite edges of the bed quickly. I held my face in my hands to try and cover my embarrassment.

"Um... WhAt'S thE MatTeR HawK?" She squeaked out. Her voice was cracked probably from embarrassment. As she was just caught with another girl on top of her.I still can't believe that happened. She patted her chest before speaking again. This time it was much more clear and less squeaky.
"What is the matter Hawk?"

"IT'S HERE!" Hawk screamed so loud, i covered my ears and they still felt like they were bleeding. But what is here? It might be something very dangerous, but Hawk does overreact a lot.
"THE GHOST KNIGHT IS HERE TO MURDER ME!!!". I lowered my hands from my head and just gave him a disappointed face. What the hell? I was actually worried. And i couldn't blame them if they wanted to murder you as you can be very irritating.

"What do you mean, the ghost knight?" Elizabeth asked, while i was about to laugh. The 'ghost knight' that sounds like a children story. Please don't tell he actually believes in those stories. Hawk i will lose the already little respect i have for you.

"I have no idea what that is but i'm guessing somebody is downstairs. So we should go down?" I stand up from the bed and brush off the invisible dust of my dress. Before reaching my hand towards Elizabeth to help her up as well. She accepted it and i pulled her up. And started to head downstairs. The footsteps behind me indicated they were following me. I peeked my head around the corner to see who was there.

I immediately moved my head back in line with my body being hidden by the wall. Elizabeth was right next to me.
"Well is somebody there?"
"Yep. And they are so tall!"
"He's like seven foot! He looked about the same height or taller than Ban and peoples like that scare me!" I felt my pride crumble, as i just confessed that to a girl i'd like to impress.

"He's still a potential customer so i will treat him with respect." Elizabeth said bravely. She gently moved me to the side as she went out into the main part of the tavern. Not wanting to be stuck with Hawk. I run after her, as i stood behind her. I grabbed my sword from my room before leaving, just to be safe. I held onto the handle with my right hand ready if this guy tries something. My other hand was holding the scabbard. Hawk was also standing to the right of us. The knight showed no signs of danger but i wasn't letting my guard down. He couldn't just be here for a drink, we are closed for the night. So what does he want?

"Ah, Lady Elizabeth. My, look how you've grown." What? Does he know Elizabeth?
"When i caught sight of you in Vaizel, I couldn't believe it was you, so i was hesitate to approach."
"In Vaisel?" Elizabeth repeated obviously confused. This guy was at the tournament? I don't remember him being there but i was a bit distracted. Elizabeth drew the dots in her head. As the man started to take of his helmet.

"I mean after all we haven't seen each other in ten years." A bunch of luscious long grey hair came out of the helmet revealing the face of the unknown knight. A face that i...
Did not recognise. I'm still wondering who he is. But Elizabeth seemed to know him.

"Wait no way... It can't be... Are you Grand Master Zaratras?"
"It's been too long Lady Elizabeth. His Majesty must be overjoyed that you've grown up to be such a lovely women." Elizabeth was too shocked to even recognise the compliment he just gave her.

Zaratras. Zaratras. Zaratras. I kept running that name through my mind trying to remember where i have heard it before. I have heard it before i swear i have. I think it was Gilthunder or Meliodas that mentioned it before.

"I must be dreaming, You're right in-front of me. But still.."
"Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Zaratras?" So Hawk knows him surprisingly. Also why did he have to stutter like that? I thought a fly was near me for a second.

"You mean the former grand master who got skewered like a pincushion by the other two grand masters ten years ago?" Oh, that's who it is. I think i remember people talking about him.
"Indeed. Yes the very same!" Holy crap, he went from serious to something else in like ten seconds. "That fish pie! If only Hendy hadn't offered me it as a snack. I mean, it was piping hot, rich and flaky, fresh out of the oven! How could i ignore it on an empty stomach after a night shift. I am only human. No one would of suspected that this delicious pie from the yawning black cat tavern was poisoned, right? Grand masters get hungry too, you know!"

No i thought when you were a grand master you aren't even need to human functions to survive anymore. All of us were just standing there confused. He approach Elizabeth. Stood directly in-front of her as he spoke. Jesus Christ! How tall is this man?
"Lady Elizabeth , are you familiar with the black cat's fish pies also?" He looked very serious as he asked this question.
"Y-Yes i am.." She stuttered out probably intimidated by the former grand master.
"They taste delicious and they are my father and sister's favourite food too." Oooo, if they are good enough for the king, i might need to go and try them out.
"Of course they are!"

"This guy has got to be an impostor!" For once, i may agree with Hawk.
"Yeah, you don't seem like a grand master. Who are you really?!" I released my sword from the scabbard ready to attack and protect Elizabeth.
"Wait a second!" He seemed panicked. Like he's been caught. Gotcha!
"No Christine." She moved her hand to mine making me withdraw my sword. Once back in my scabbard, she placed her hand between my wolfine ears. Making me just stand there.
"It's definitely the real Zaratras. And he hasn't really changed at all." Are you serious? An Grand master was this childish? I'm disappointed. We didn't have grand masters in Misite when i was younger but even then all higher level knights were very serious about well anything.

"That pie was the biggest blunder of my life! If only i hadn't been so tempted. I could of been there for them, I could of saved Dreyfus and Hendy from the darkness." That got dark quickly. What he said was actually pretty sad. A sad silence swept over the tavern. Elizabeth just looking at him with pity. There was silence for a few minutes.

"Sir Zaratras... How about you sit down and I'll brew you some tea." Elizabeth asked him.
"That would be lovely." He started to take off the remains of his armour.
"Would you like some Christine?"
"Sure Lizzy. Just let me go get something from upstairs." She stopped walking towards the counter to look at me. I was going to begin my own walk upstairs but i realized what i said.

"Lizzy?" A red coloured exploded on my face as she repeated what i said. I can't believe i did that. I wanna curl up into a ball and cry. I turned around to face her.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to call you that! My brain was probably too lazy too say your real name. Like i said before I'm so sorr--" I was talking so fast i couldn't hear what i was saying. She just walked over and placed one of her fingers against my lips to silence me. Her hand is so... soft.

"It's alright Christine. I quite like it. It's a very cute nickname. And i understand that saying my full name often can be quite annoying so i'm fine with you calling me that." She gave me that beautiful smile i often see. I could feel my face turning even more red which i would think is impossible.
"I am i allowed to think of a nickname for you as well?"
"Of course. I don't mind at all." She had taken her finger off my mouth. So she was just smiling at me. I smiled back, hoping i don't look like an idiot.

"I'm gonna go get that thing now!" Before running up the stairs. Nearly tripping since I'm not wearing shoes and just socks.


The tea had finally brewed so Elizabeth starting pouring me and Zaratras a cup of tea before pouring herself one as well. I took a sip of it before reading the page which i was reading before. So far i have found absolutely nothing that is similar to the spell Y/n must of casted of the necklace. They began to have a conversation, i tuned in to the figures i thought were important but mostly placing my attention in the book.

"Well as you can see, I've somehow been resurrected for now anyway." Oh how i wish it was Y/n who did that but it wouldn't of been. She has never met the former grand master and cared about it. And her resurrection can only work on one person as it takes up all her energy meaning she would... She wouldn't do that for him. I believe the only person she'd be willing to use that magic on is the man she loves.
So from what I've heard, it would of been a commandment called Melascula. She's the one who brought Elaine back.

"Such an incredible ability. Bestowing a grudge and a physical body on souls that have regrets in this world, then resurrecting them."

"Huh? Hey now hold on a second! Does that mean you were revived just so you could get revenge on the two grand masters who killed you?" Zaratras turned round and gave Hawk a look, that scared him half to death apparently.
"Yes. Exactly..." Hawk than let out a scream that could break glass.
"At least if that was true, things would be much easier. In all honesty, I think the only grudge i have is towards myself for not seeing Dreyfus and Hendy were being controlled by a demon. That's my lingering regret for this world. Sometimes i feel so pathetic, i can barely stand myself." Zaratras said before taking another sip of his tea.

(So pathetic i can barely even stand myself? Bro, when was it okay for a line in this anime to relate to me so much?! And it's from a character i have just an average opinion on.)

"Elizabeth, can i punch him?!" Oooo, Hawk get angry?
"Come on now! Give him a break! He's a lot more dignified when he's working. Does Gil know that you've come back?" Zaratras than smiled at her before placing her tea back on the table and then freaking out!
"What can i say to him after everything's that happened?! If he sees his dead father all of a sudden than he'll be more than just shocked. And what if by chance, He's forgotten what i even look like. I was never my son's favourite. Gil was always more attached to Sir Meliodas than me!" Oof. I looked over to Elizabeth as soon as he said Sir Meliodas to see if she was okay. Also i don't think Gilthunder would of forgotten your face it's probably burned into his mind as he did see hid father dead as a child.
"The more i think about that the angrier i get. Please take me to speak with Sir Meliodas. Cause I'd like to give him a piece of my mind."


Elizabeth smile dropped. Seriously dude, you said you were at the festival did you not see what happened? Or is this guy dumber than i thought? Elizabeth did say anything after that. It was all silence until i decided to speak to her.
"Elizabeth we don't have to if you don't want to go up and see him." She raised her hand towards signally me to stop talking. She gave me a small smile until saying.
"It's alright Christine. If he wants to go and see Meliodas i don't mind." With a quick motion of her hand, they started to head upstairs. I placed my book down before following them.

I didn't want to go into Meliodas's room but i really didn't want to be left downstairs alone.

We reached Meliodas's room in a few minutes of silence. By then i had overtook Zaratras and Hawk and was now walking next to Elizabeth. What? They were super slow walkers and i didn't want to be trapped behind them all of my life. When we reached the room where he was, i opened it and stepped aside to let everyone through.

Something in the room felt different from when i was in here a few hours ago. Maybe Elizabeth came in but i don't know. The window seems to be more open than it was before and something just seems missing. Maybe I'm just being weird. Though i went over to close the window as they talked.

"Looks really good, doesn't he?"
"You've healed him to perfection. No ordinary druid could've done it."
"This power. Is absolutely useless! All of his hearts are still completely stopped. I'll never see his smile again...
I'm lost...
What should i do?" She began to cry and i can tell by her voice. I walk away from the window and to her side. I grabbed her hand and intertwined it with mine. It was a way to show I was her for her. She squeezed my hand tightly as she cried.
"Tell me... Sir Zaratras... Please!" The man just smiled at her. What the hell. He placed a hand on her shoulder.?

"Well how about this? Why not just simply ask Sir Meliodas Directly?" Is this man on something? Because what he's on, i want in. Because apparently he be seeing something that i can't see. Like he does Meliodas is pretty much dead. Zaratras asked Elizabeth, Hawk and I to go and see if we had certain ingredient for a thing he was doing. Lucky we had most of those things in the tavern and the other few were not that far.

He placed them all down on a old cloth. Started to mix up something.
"As i'm sure you know. Meliodas was a truly mysterious man." Once he had deemed the mixture to be ready, he started to draw symbols on Meliodas.
"At the time, the true meaning of his words and thoughts, they escaped me. I couldn't begin to understand. When he uttered those perplexing things. It was like he was living far in the past while grieving over the distance future. Surprisingly, many of the strange things he said now make perfect sense to me. And they come up again and again. He reached out his hands towards us.

"Lady Elizabeth, please take my hand."
"Uh, sure." She placed her hand in his. He than reached over to me. He made a gesture for me to tell him my name.

"It's Christine by the way."
"Alright then. Would mind taking my hand, Lady Christine."

"Lord Piglet, take their hands." Hawk placed his... trotters? into our hands.
Zaratras began to recite some words that i couldn't understand. Once he had finished, the world around us went white. It looked like we were being brought somewhere. Next thing, you know. We are on some grass.

"We've succeeded!"
"Where are we?" What are we doing here? It's just grass.
"Weren't we at the boar hat a few seconds ag--" Hawk than screamed. I immediently dropped holding hands and stood up in a fighting position. In the direction which Hawk screamed at. Though i was paralyzed at what a saw. A huge thing of black smoke. So dense you couldn't seen anything from behind it.

"What is that!" It seemed to be coming from a hill? I've seen this location before.
"Danafall, right after it was destroyed!" That's what happened? Geez, i've heard about the story of Danafall before. I didn't know when it was destroyed it was just a pile of smoke.

"If I'm right about this. Sir Meliodas lived there with miss Liz." Geez. I'm guessing Meliodas was the only survivor of this.
"This is horrific! I can't believe my eyes." A deep voice was heard behind us as we turned around to see the past versions of the king and Zaratras. What in the world is going on?

"It's a memory of the past. No one that we may encounter can see of hear us."
"But what's the point of all of this? I still don't know what we are doing here in the first place."
"Likely because this is where it began?"

"What do you mean by that?!"
"Well, Lady Christine. This is where Sir Meliodas, Lady Elizabeth and i first came into contact." Elizabeth looked up at him confused.

"What are you talking about? I've never been out here before."

"Over there! Look a young boy!" Past Zaratras pointed to a small blonde who made there way out of the smoke. He had rips all over his outfit and cuts here and there. That boy was none other than the dragon sin himself, Meliodas.
"Hey! What in the world happened in this country?" Meliodas didn't respond. As he walked closer i could now see what he was carrying so tightly in his arms.

"Now you see..."

A crying Meliodas was holding with a very secure grasp, the old handle for his sword. One of the seals for the demon race. But the thing that drew my eye more. Was a sliver haired baby wrapped in a old blanket.

"That's you as an infant and Sir Meliodas."

(Your regularly fanfic will be back after these short messages!

Are you tired of your kids, siblings, co-workers etc?

Yes i am!

Well than you need to buy naptime!
Naptime, it small bottle filled with chemicals that will make anyone go to sleep. And not even harming them at all ;) Naptime can be used on anybody when you've had enough of their BS.
All you have to do is squirt some into a rag or cloth. Cover their face and nose. And in a few short seconds, they'll be out of your way! And you can use it on anybody. Heck even yourself. And i'm talking to you Maisie, the writer of this fanfiction. Cause let's be real, you hardly get sleep anymore.

But anyway, buy naptime now for only 19.99. And you'll get that piece and quiet you've always wanted~

Warning: This is not a deal with naptime. I just wish it was a real thing so i can get some sleep and shut all of my family up. I thought this would be funny as i've been working on this chapter for hours. Also naptime is not responsible for any injuries or death. Nap time is also just chloroform in a nice bottle. If you don't know what I'm talking about search up nap time on YouTube. It should be the first thing you see

Thank you for you time!

Now back to scheduled fanfic!)

"Why would i have been with Sir Meliodas as a baby?" I can't believe that's baby Elizabeth. She was a cute baby and that's a real compliment from me since babies scare me.
"I don't know. In all these years, i don't recall him ever saying a single word to me about it." Past Zaratras quickly goes over to past Meliodas. Leaning down to talk to him.

"Hey, those are serious injuries. Maybe you should lie down for a bit. Let me take the little one." Past Zaratras's hand was quickly slapped away from baby Elizabeth.
"Don't touch her!" He race the dragon thing as a weapon. He was very protective of baby Elizabeth.
"Keep your hands of my best friend! Understand, me?!" What? But she's just an infant. Heck, she probably can't even talk yet.

"What? Your best friend..?" Past Zaratras was just as confused as we were.

"What's he talking about?" We were surrounded by the white light once again. We ended up inside this time. In a room with a few swords and a table which past Zaratras now sat at. While Meliodas who was dressed in non-ripped up clothes stood by.

"The king has vision. A magical power which allows him to see the future. The other day he saw an omen concerning the child you were holding. He believes this baby from Danafall is destined to become his third daughter." So are we just watching Elizabeth's backstory? Because that's what it seems like.

"So in other words he wants to adopt Elizabeth, right?"
"Okay then. But only on the condition that he gives me a job in exchange."
"Sorry, but we don't really need a new babysitter!" I had hold back a laugh on that one. Just imagine Meliodas as a babysitter! It's hilarious.
"Oh you've got the wrong idea. I mean as a holy knight." Past Zaratras started to laugh at what he said. But that didn't last long as Meliodas quickly grabbed a sword, pushed Zaratras down and dived it into the ground right next to his head.
"Wait! Very well!" Geez. I forgot how terrifying Meliodas can be at times. Why did Y/n fall for him again? Maybe because he's short, i swear she has said once the only people she truly has interested in are people shorter than her....

That bitch!
I swear next time i see her, i'm going to punch her in the face. Actually i'm going to punch her so hard, she get smaller than i am from it.

I snapped out of my thoughts to listen to what present day Zaratras had to say.
"I could sense his true essence, a demonic murderous intent. But there wasn't a hint of evil in his eyes. He was focused, in control."

"Bet you went yourself, huh?" Really Hawk.
"Well maybe a little." Really Zaratras. "On my recommendation, he was appointed to the royal family..." We began to teleport again. I sat down on the floor since my legs were getting tired. "...Or to be more precise about it, he was appointed to you as a holy knight."

We were now in what looked like the royal gardens. And a very small Elizabeth ran towards Meliodas jumping into his arms. What? Lucky. I wish i could do that. Well i'd be lucky to hold present Elizabeth in my arms.

"I'm sure you don't remember, but when you were a child, you were very attached to sir Meliodas."
"Really i was?" I'm not surprised. Though i was surprised when Meliodas got a kiss on the cheek from smol Elizabeth. He's even more lucky. I placed my head in my arms. I just stared at him with jealousy.

We teleported to the throne room where past Meliodas and Zaratras were standing before the king.
"It was right after that."

"What did you say!?" Past Zaratras shouted in obvious disbelief.
"The kingdom of Liones is destined to be under the protection of Eight sinners. How could something so ludicrous even be possible?" So this is where the Seven or eight i guess, deadly sins started?
The clicking of heels could be heard throughout the huge throne room. I turned around to see a familiar face walking towards the three.

"Please rest assured!" Past Zaratras and Meliodas finally turned around to see past Merlin walking towards them. They were all quite confused. Trust Merlin, to have an over dramatic entrance. And a very revealing outfit. Geez, she is not afraid to show some skin.
"Regarding that premonition, I've already handled the research and selection process." Hold on. How did Merlin, a complete stranger to these people enter the castle or well the throne room without any difficulty. The have to step up their security.

"The king's omen has proven to be quite impressive, hasn't Meliodas? Without it, I'd say locating the five of them would of been close to impossible."
"Which means the remaining three..?"
"Naturally, two of them are me and you. And the third hasn't made her entrance back to this world yet."
"All right! Then let's gather everyone right away. And hopefully whoever is the she you were talking about can return to this world as soon as possible. It's time to destroy the commandments forever!" I'm very confused. So they have known eachother for a long time then. And they were gathering the rest of the sins before he got to Liones? Like i said before, i'm very confused.

"You mean that was the plan all along? It couldn't be!" Maybe this is why Y/n never wanted to join the sins in the first place because of her fear of the demon race. She never told me the true reason why.
"It was exactly that Lady Elizabeth. The Eight Deadly Sins were specifically chosen and gathered to defeat the ten commandments." That didn't work out well as we could hardly beat one. Though apparently Escanor beat the one we had the most trouble with by himself. But he is like super buff apparently so it makes sense.

We began to get teleported again. Hawk was getting scared. We ended up at a tavern? What are we doing he... Oh no.

"Hah. Your face is red! Seen you drink but I've never seen you drunnnnk before" What happened to his voice? Did it crack or something or is he that drunk? Also I CALLED IT! As soon as i saw a tavern i knew what was going on.

"HOW MUCH DID YOU DRINK?!" Hawk did you have to scream that loud? Also they probably drank all of the booze they had. Knowing Meliodas.

"After 3,000 years, you learn when to celebrate. And if i'm this happy waiting on that curse to be lifted, i'd say it's time." 3,000 years?! Oh my god! I know he was old but i didn't think he's that old. The only person i know who's that old is Y/n but she kinda has a reason, you know being stuck as a ghost.

"A curse?"

"3,000 years, huh? How can a human live that long? No one in the fairy race or the giant race ever has. Not the goddess race or demon race either. 3,000 years yeah right" Geez he's really hammered.
"If that's really true and you are that old than you're astounding Sir Meliodas." Past Zaratras was like messing up Meliodas's hair for some reason.
"I mean if it were me, i don't think i'd be able to stand it. I'd have to kill myself or someone kill me."
"Oh, i've tried everything..."
"But the curse won't allow that to happen."

"What's he talking about?
"Perhaps he has a curse that won't allow him to die. I'm not sure." That would be so sad. You'd out live and lose everything you love and care about. Meliodas than moved to stare out the window at the moon.
"A storm is coming..." ...what...

We got teleported again. We were now apparently back at the castle. Some footsteps were heard. Meliodas was now walking towards Elizabeth..?
"Yo Elizabeth!"
"Sir Meliodas!"
"What's wrong, can't sleep?"
"Hold one a second. Can you actually see me?"

Turns out he couldn't. He was talking to a young Elizabeth who was behind present Elizabeth.
Why are all versions of baby Elizabeth adorable? She even has a cute little bear.

"Aww. Look at you. What a good little girl you are, Ellie!" He patted the young girl's head as Elizabeth looked at the scene with a sadness in her eyes. From the fact he couldn't see her. I stood up and walked next to Elizabeth. Holding her hand once again. She held on to my hand tightly, not wanting to let go.
Yeah. I'm willing to give up my hand today. Yeah, that's fine! I'm fine.

"You're going away to work somewhere tomorrow, right Meliodas?"
"Uh huh."
"Do you think you'll be able to come back to met right away?"
"Come on. Is that what you were worrying about?"Meliodas she is a toddler. Of course she was.

Elizabeth turned away from the scene. She began to speak.
"I believe even now. Somehow, someday you'll come back to me." I stared at her as she spoke those words. I couldn't see what was going on anymore but i could hear it.

"I'll make you a promise, okay? No matter where i might be, I'll always come back to you alive. I promise!"
Once hearing those words. Elizabeth quickly turned around and stared at her younger self. We ended back in the tavern. Sitting around Meliodas's body. I let go of hawk and Zaratras's hands immediately.

"Looks like we are back to where we started." I look in-front of me at Elizabeth. She didn't say a word. She just stared at the ground so intently.

"Lady Elizabeth... Are you gonna be alright?" I saw tears fall from her eyes. I made my way quickly around the body of Meliodas. To be at her side.
"I'm fine. Sir Meliodas is definitely coming back! After all he made a promise to me, right?" She hugged Meliodas body while still in tears of what seemed happiness. All of us silently agreed to leave the room. Not before Zaratras places Meliodas's body back on the bed and pull up a chair for Elizabeth to sit on. Zaratras, Hawk and I made our back downstairs. I picked up the now cold tea and get rid of it. I decided to just do the dishes. Any leftover food that was on plates, i placed on the floor for Hawk to eat. Zaratras just sat at the counter.

"Hey Lady ...Christine, was it?"
"Yeah what do you need Sir Zaratras?"
"How come you changed your name?"
"I'm sorry. What?"
"Your name is different but your face is the same from when i last saw you in Liones. You went by Y/n 12 years ago."

"Oh well it's difficult to explain but that was my body but not me. You see a girl saved me from my awful life before. And i allowed her to use my body to gather up energy for her to form a new body. She was a lot more wise than i was and had more experience adventuring so i allowed her to be in control more. And we were scared somebody might have know which family i came from. So we used her name not mine." I tried to be as brief as i could be with the explanation. I didn't want to spend much time explaining and remembering that time of my life. Though i can not decide if my life was better then or now.

"If you don't mind me asking what do you mean by awful life. And knowing what family you are from. So are you from an important family?" I giggled before turning to respond to him.
"Well i am no other than oldest child in the Spectrum family!" His eyes widen at what i said.

"The Spectrum family?! You mean the royal family of the Misite Empire?!"

"Of course! I mean i don't think any other family has that name." He raised his hand to his chin and thought for a few minutes. I turned back to continue with the dishes. It was mostly just sliverware and cups left. Than i have to dry everything.
"Wait, are your parents King Charles and Queen Veronica?" I just hummed in response to his question.

"But that doesn't make sense..." Now this shocked me. It doesn't make sense?
"What do you mean it doesn't make sense?" You could feel some traces of anger in my voice. What is he talking about?

"I know them... I can't believe they'd let their daughter have an 'awful' life. What do you mean by awful life?" He knew them? Poor him for knowing my father. My father probably lied to him. About everything, about being a good person, about being a good father, about his family!

"Umm... Christine?" I look down at Hawk as he called my name. It got me out of my thoughts.
"Oh sorry. I was spacing out. What did you want to know again Zaratras?"
"What did you mean by awful life?"

"Oh well... So when i was younger. I was much... different than the other kids. Since i was the heir to the throne... Father wanted me to be perfect!" I could feel tears swell up in my eyes. Don't cry! You should be over this already! You shouldn't be crying.
"But my life really went awful when my father found out... that i... that i liked girls more than guys..." My voiced started to hiccup as tears flowed down my cheeks.
"And my father... my father he found out. And he wasn't that accepting... which i can understand as i've never heard of a girl liking another girl before... But he saw it as an... imperfection... And he put somewhere where i'd learned that imperfections are causes to be... punished." I heard Zaratras's chair moved back signaling he stood up.

My knees started to feel weak. Tears were non-stop following from my eyes. I couldn't stop it anymore. More tears fell as i started to remember my past in that castle.
"He... He locked me in a cellar for days... weeks... I wasn't allowed to eat... As i was imperfect! Haha... And that wasn't the only time... Though the thing he hated the most was the... was the fact. I loved girls... I..." My knees collapsed before me. I fell to the floor, i used my hands to cover my face as i sobbed. I couldn't stop crying. It was causes my chest to tighten and my breathing to become uneven and rough.

"Christine!" Hawk's voice sounded so distance i could hardly tell it was him. When i looked up from my hands. The world was so dizzy. What's going on? It was long until flashes of my father made me bury my head back into my hands. I don't want to see this.

By now my whole body was shaking, i could hardly breath. And i couldn't stop crying. I kept getting those flashes of my childhood.
Leave me alone!" I heard voices. Though i couldn't hear what they were saying. This kept up for a few minutes.

Until i felt someone place their hands on my shoulders. I quickly raise my head to look at them. All i could see was a blurry sliver.

"Christine, it's okay. It's going to be okay. You're safe here. He's not here. He's gone. You're safe."
"I..I..." My head started hurt as i got the flashes again. I move my hands onto my head trying to keep them out. My breathing was getting worse.

"Elizabeth... it hurts..." She wipes away the tears, my vision gets a bit less blurry.
"Christine... I need you to name five things you can see." She spoke in a soft voice. I look around to do what she said.

"I-I see... You... Plates, the floor... I..."
"I CAN'T DO IT!" I scream out.

"Christine, it's fine. It's going to be okay. Can you name me four things you can hear?"
"I... Hawk. You. I...I... You breathing. And Z-Zaratras..."
"That's wonderful. Now name 3 threes you can feel." Her method was being to work. I could feel my breathing becoming more even.

"Your hands... My dress... The floor..."
"You're doing alright. So two things you can smell."
"Alright... S-scraps. and Hawk..."
"Okay and one thing you can taste." Her soothing voice helped a lot in this. The flashes are gone now. And my breathing is getting better.
"My tongue..." She wiped the remaindered of my tears away. She took her hands of my shoulders and opened them inviting me into a hug. Which i took immediately. I buried my face into her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my waist.

I felt safe.

"Lady Christine. I am so sorry. I was just curious and i didn't know that would happen.

"It's alright. It isn't your fault." I stayed where i was for a few more minutes. Before deciding to part from Elizabeth. I rubbed my eyes before looking at her.

"Thank you Lizzy. You're always here for me when i go through that."
"It's alright Christine. You're one of my best friends. I'll always be there for you." Ouch, friend-zoned. Both of our cheeks seemed to have go red as we were quite close to each other.

"I'm going to head upstairs. Elizabeth do you mind finishing the dishes, for me?"
"It's alright. It is getting quite late."
"Alright then, i'll see all of you tomorrow then." I quickly stood up, grabbed my book and headed upstairs to my room. I place my book on the desk and decided to read through it as a way to forget about what had just happened.


A few hours had past, I was nearing the of this spell book. And guess what? I haven't gotten any closer to figuring out the spell. This book was just a waste of time. Though i couldn't really focus on it. As all i could think about was what happened. I can't believe that happened. I wish i didn't react like that. I thought i was over my past but i did that.

I'm so happy Elizabeth was there. Since it wasn't the first time. While on this journey back, Elizabeth herself asked me and i was in a similar scenario. She was there to help. She knew how to help and I'm so happy for that. I'm happy just to be around her.
Even though she might never return the feelings that are beyond friendship that i have for her. I'm just happy to have someone as wonderful as she is in my life.

I awoke from my thoughts from a quiet but hearable knocking on my door.
"Come in" I make sure my words are hearable but not too loud that it would wake everyone up. The door opened and Elizabeth stepped through, closing the door behind her. She held a small candlestick with a small candle with was lit to help her navigate the dark halls of the tavern at night. She was holding something else that i couldn't see in her other hand. She was also wearing a lilac nightgown that went past her knees and completely covered her forearms.

"Christine, i didn't expect you to be awaken at this time. I didn't wake you did i?" Did she not see how i'm sitting at the desk with a book open.

"No you didn't Elizabeth, don't worry." I turned back to my desk, i heard her footsteps approach me. She looked at what i was doing.
"Isn't that the book you were reading earlier?"
"Yeah, i'm nearly done reading it."
"It's for Y/n's spell isn't it?" I nodded at her question. Than responded.
"You guessed it"

"Christine, i think you might need to take a break from looking. You look exhausted." She placed down what she was holding and put her hands on my face. Exterminating the bags on my face. She's right. I haven't gotten much sleep lately. I've just been so busy. Not wanting to look in her eyes, i look back to my book. She sighs than lets go of my face.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing here?"
"Oh well... I just wanted to check up on you because of what happened earlier." She's half lying. I can tell. She's not the best liar. And she wouldn't check up on me this late and she did check up on me when everyone else went to bed.

"Well thanks but what's the real reason?"
"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to."
"I just had a nightmare." Oh another one. She had one not to long ago about Meliodas. I move my hands down and grabbed her. As a way to show her that i'm here for her.

"What happened to Meliodas now?"
"It wasn't about Meliodas..."
"What?" This is new. Well she has had a nightmare about something happening to Y/n so could it be about her?
"Did you have one about Y/n?"
"What was it about then?"

"It was about that person that i said i had feelings for..." oh not this again. The mysterious person that is a reminder that she doesn't like me. I stand up and move us over to the bed so she can sit down.
"What happened?"

"Well... in my dream, the commandments had fully opened the seal. The demon king hadn't gotten his full power yet. But we were all in a battle against him and some of his disciples. I mean all of us including Meliodas and Y/n. And in the battle, i got rendered unconscious but since it was a dream/nightmare. I could still know what was going on around me. And for some reason, the demon king wanted me to never come back. So he got a disciple to summon seven swords. And as soon as i was unprotected they fired them towards me. But they never hit me. The person i love got in the way of them, taking the hit for me. The managed to use an attack and kill the person who tried to kill me. The demon king had apparently retreated as well. But the person i love was dead. And as soon as i woke up, everyone was crying around me. And my love one was lying against me. I couldn't bring them back or heal them at all! It was terrible!" I pulled Elizabeth into a hug as she began to cry into my shoulder, i rubbed her back to comfort her. That sounds like a terrible nightmare. Losing the one you love. But learning they died to protect you.
"It's alright Elizabeth. It wasn't real" Wow i think I've been in this situation before, i wonder where.

We stayed in this hug until she stopped crying. We separated and sat in silence for a few minutes.

"So you gonna tell me who you like now?"
"You said you didn't have a crush but now that its canon. Who are they?"
"Heh. I'm not gonna say a thing." She crossed her arms, turned away from me and smirked.

"Oh come on"
"Nope. Not gonna tell you"
"Aww... You're so mean." I faked a sad voice.
"Sorry, i was just joking i didn't mean to upset you."

"Chill Lizzy it was a joke."
It became silence once again. I'm not sure what to do now. I was going to stay up and continue my book but Elizabeth might get mad if i do. What am i saying it's Elizabeth she never gets mad. But what if nobody has seen her mad and i'm the first that won't be good.

"Hey Christine?"
"Do you mind if i sleep in here tonight? I don't want to have another nightmare."

"Oh it's alright. I don't really mind." I move off the bed and she moves to the top of the bed. I turn my back on her and go back over to my desk.
"Aren't you going to go to bed too?" I quickly turn back to face her. She is now under the duvet. She's just facing me with a sad look on her face.

"If I'm being honest, i wasn't going to try and get some sleep until much later."

"But it's already pretty late and we have a day of travelling ahead. So it would be best if you go bed now."
"I..." She pulled out the puppy dogs eyes. Holy crap, since when could she do this. It's so cute! Damn being lesbian!
"Please for me"

"Fine, just give me a second!"
"Yay" She smiled. I just smiled back. I started to get ready for bed. By taking off my boots. And making Elizabeth turn away so i could put on a nightgown. The nightgown was just an off-white, and was about as long as Elizabeth's. I made sure take off my bra since i have slept with it on before and it wasn't comfortable. I go and blow out the candles, so nothing bad happens. It's dangerous to leave candles on at night.

Finally i go and get in bed with Elizabeth. The bed wasn't the biggest in the world, so me and Elizabeth were pretty close. And on top of that we were facing each other there wasn't a lot of room to turn.
I could tell that my face was a bright red. But as it was getting late, i didn't really want to focus on this.
"Goodnight Lizzy"

"Wait..." She than moved closer and placed her head against my chest, cuddling into me. This took me by surprise, i swear my face could go so red it might shine in the dark. But i eventually get use to it and wrapped my arms around her body.
"Goodnight Christine"
"Goodnight Lizzy" I managed to finally go to sleep. I must say it was the best sleep I've had in awhile. 


Luckily it was dark, or the couple would of noticed the bright red blush on each others faces. Why do you think Elizabeth moved down to cuddled into Chrissy's chest? To hide it and so that she'll be more comfortable.

Maybe one day the two will notice their love for each other. At least it's not as destructive as the love story between Y/n and Meliodas. But one day that destruction will finally die down.

Thank you all for reading! I'm so sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out. The original version was deleted by accident. I'm very sorry for that. But while rewriting i was able to improve it a lot. Like for example, Chrissy did not have that break down before. But i found it appropriate for her to have that. To show the trauma she had gotten from her family. As i didn't want her to walk away from that un-scarred. Well technically she didn't as i'm sure if i made this canon yet. But Christine does have burn scars on her body from the fire of Misite. Which i need to explain how it happened soon. But anyway, so the chapter has improved from how it was originally. So maybe it was worth the wait.

Though i do apologise for it being stalled because of me getting ill. I really wanted to work on it on the day i got ill. But i was in a lot of pain, and felt terrible.

Also i'm working on some side stuff to do for this book while i might get writers block for the main story. So this would be au, so the characters from Seven Deadly sins and my own character as for example bendy and the ink machine characters. I thought it would be fun to do. As it sounds interesting. Because to be honest, the reason why i made that post about what was griamore's name the other day was because I'm making a BATIM au with the characters. Like i've already been assigning characters to them and are planning to draw and write about them. Tell me if you guys would actually be interested in this.

And i need suggestions for the nickname that Elizabeth should give Christine. It can be anything, just nothing inappropriate and that makes sense.

Also can everyone please not try to spoil the latest season for me as of the time of this update I haven't watched it yet. Though I've had some spoiled for me when looking up Elizabeth's hair colour and getting distracted and learned some things that were spoiled for me. Curse you Seven deadly sins wiki!

Anyway i think that is it for now. Remember to stay safe, wash your hands. And I'll talk to you guys again when the next chapter or little update comes out. And remember to comment if they are any spelling mistakes or parts you don't understand so I can fix them/or help out. But for now.

Buh Bye!

p.s. i just want to point out this chapter is over 10,000 words. One of the longest chapters i have ever made.
And i want you guys to tell me if you like how I've changed Elizabeths. Is it a good change or a bad change?

Okay this is goodbye now!

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