Family Matters

נכתב על ידי SeekingAndromeda_

1.6M 55.5K 20.4K

Ceres wasn't even born when she was taken away from her family who she now has no knowledge of. Her life with... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Q & A #2
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Popularity Results
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
A Year With You
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
The End
More Family Matters
PART 2: Chapter One
PART 2: Chapter Two
PART 2: Chapter Three
PART 2: Chapter Four
PART 2: Chapter Five
PART 2: Chapter Six
PART 2: Chapter Seven
PART 2: Chapter Eight
PART 2: Chapter Nine
PART 2: Chapter Ten
PART 2: Chapter Eleven
New Book 😁

Q & A

16.1K 494 261
נכתב על ידי SeekingAndromeda_

Andromeda_: Welcome everyone to the first ever Q & A of this book! Today we are here to answer the questions that you guys have so kindly asked! Here with me, is the Spencer siblings, say hello everyone

Lance: It is nice to meet everyone

Kade: Hello my adoring fans! Much love to everyone~

Max: ...nasty...nice to meet you guys, I guess

Roman: *sighs* Hello everyone

Ares: What Kade said is a load of bullsh*t. I'm everyone's favorite!

Andromeda_: Ares...this is a Q & A, you can't curse here

Ares: Ah sh*t...oops my bad

Lucas: *stomach growls* Can we hurry up and get this over with? I'm hungry

Ceres: Hello...

Andromeda_: Okay, now that you all have more or less made your presence known, let's get down to business shall we?

Question #1: Will Ceres get a love story in the future?

Ceres: Love story...?

Kade: W-Why on earth would someone ever want to read that?! I already said that none of my siblings are allowed to date!

Ares: But Roman has a boyfriend...

Roman: Please don't throw me under the bus like that *facepalms*

Kade: Who? That pretty boy? Yeah, I got rid of him

Everyone: WHAT?

Andromeda_: He is just joking, there is no way that I would ever allow that to happen

Kade: I would never joke about something like that

Andromeda_: is very possible for it to happen but as of right now, I haven't been making an attempt to start on it

Kade: And you can't if I break your hands, right? *smiles*

Andromeda_: *Laughs nervously* Next question!

Question #2: When did Roman realize he liked Alain?

Roman: I don't think there was a clear moment when I realized it. I feel like with all the time we had spent together, I had realized little by little how attached I had grown to him.

Ares: But wasn't he a weirdo when you two first met?

Kade: Yes, from what I hear he creeped you out a little...

Roman: Yes, the first time we met was a little off putting. Believe it or not, that was his horrible attempt at flirting. He apologized and revealed to me later that he wasn't good at flirting and didn't mean to come off weird.
I find it ironic that someone who could write in such a sophisticated manner is extremely bad at something like flirting. It's endearing in a way but I told him to never do it again...I'm rambling aren't I?

Kade: *mumbles*

Lance: Kade, stop that right now

Kade: What? I didn't do anything...

Lance: I know that look. Get over yourself

*Kade crosses his arms and huffs*

Andromeda_: Well, it seems we are in need of a question change so, next!

Question #3: For Ceres: What is your sexuality?

Ceres: I am not sure what you mean by that question. Are you asking for my sex? I am clearly a female.

Lucas: No, they mean as in who you like. Do you like men? Women? Or both? There are also a lot of other things that fall under that category

Ceres: Who I like...?

Lance: I am afraid that this question is a little too complex for Ceres to understand right now

Kade: The answer to that question is nobody. She doesn't like anyone and never will

Ares: *scoffs* That's just your wishful thinking

Andromeda_: And let's save wishful thinking for later, hm? Next question!

Question #4: For Ceres: Why won't you tell your brothers what happened with your mother?

*Ceres puts headphones on all of her brothers ears*

Ceres: I would rather if the image of their mother isn't ruined any more than it already is. I can see that they've moved on from the things she's done, if I were to put more horrible things about her in their heads that wouldn't be fair to them

Ares: *singing along loudly to the music*

Max: *takes headphones off* Is he having a seizure or something?

Kade: What did you say?

Max: Fu**ing forget it...

Roman: *takes headphones off* That book wasn't very well read...

Max: They let you listen to an audible book?!

Andromeda_: The headphones are tailored to the things you guys like to listen to so yes, he was listening to an audible book

Lance: *takes headphones off* Is she done answering yet? These headphones are kind of hurting my ears

Andromeda_: *sighs* I guess it's time for the next question

Question #5: To Ares: Do you have a job yet?

Ares: Uh...

Everyone: No

Ares: Well that's a little rude, don't you think?

Andromeda_: Don't worry Ares, you'll get a job soon...and maybe even your license back

Ares: Holy sh*t! Really?!

Lance: Please don't tell me you're seriously considering giving that back to him...

Max: I'd rather walk to school everyday if that's the case

Kade: Well, he isn't driving my car that's all I know

Ares: Oh come on, then what's the point of getting my license back?

Lucas: If you got a job you'd be able to get yourself a car *munches on a bag of chips*

Ares: You don't have a job either...

Lance: Yes but at least he's attending college to get one

Ares: fu**ing question

Question #6: How would you guys react to Ceres having a boyfriend?

Kade: This goes without saying but I am very opposed to that idea

Lance: I don't think I would be okay with that either...

Kade: Y-You're agreeing with me?!

Lance: Yes as strange as it is. This guy would have to prove himself to me and trust me, my standards are very hard to meet

Max: If he hurts her, I'll make the school rumors come true

Ares: Oh geez, you guys are so protective

Max: Are you saying that you wouldn't be upset if the guy she likes hurts her?

Ares: Oh yeah, for sure that guy is dead. I'm just saying that Ceres should have the opportunity to at least understand what it's like to be in a relationship

Lucas: That's surprisingly understanding coming from you

Ares: ...thanks

Andromeda_: Roman? How would you feel?

Roman: I've said before that I don't have any problems with her dating, so yeah that still stands as my answer

Ceres: ...must you guys speak about me as if I'm not right here?

Andromeda_: It can't be helped as this was a question about you and not for you. Let's move to the next question, yeah?

Question #7: Why isn't Roman coming out?

Roman: It isn't a matter of me not wanting to come out, I know that my brothers would be supportive of whoever I chose to be my partner. I just didn't want to say something and have them get the wrong idea in case things didn't work out

Kade: I wish it didn't...

*Lance slaps Kade*

Kade: Ow! I was just kidding geez...

Lance: Even so, it isn't nice to say things like that. Don't do it again

Kade: Yeah, yeah...sorry

Andromeda_: Guess that one was wrapped up pretty quickly, so let's continue!

Question #8: To Lance: Who is your favorite brother?

Kade: Does that even need to be asked? It's clearly me

Ares: That's quite some confidence you've got there

Kade: And I have every right to have it! Lance and I were like two peas in a pod, he used to spoil me rotten!

Lance: I don't think I would say I spoiled you...

Lucas: It's honestly very hard to tell if Lance has a favorite. He treats all of us more or less the same

Max: True, but he's also pretty lenient with Roman so I wouldn't be surprised if he chose him

Roman: M-Me? I don't believe that's true at all

Andromeda_: So how about we let the man answer the question, hm?

Lance: *sighs* I guess if I had to choose...

*unbearable silence*

Lance: my favorite is Ares

Ares: Ha! I knew it!

Kade: W-What?! How can this be?! Are you forcing him to say these things? Lance don't be afraid to speak the truth!

Lance: I'm sorry Kade, it's the truth. Even I don't understand it but I guess since he was such a troublesome little kid and even now as an adult, he's just grown on me

Max: It's always the problematic ones...

Ares: Wow, I didn't know you felt that way...come here!

*Ares tries to bring Lance into a hug but is pushed away*

Lance: This doesn't mean that I'm still not upset with you

Ares: Upset with me for what?! I've done nothing!

Lance: I just have a feeling you're going to do something to upset me in the future

Ares: You're mad at me and I haven't even done whatever it is you're mad at me for! Unbelievable!

Andromeda_: Next!

Question #9: To Max: How much do you know about your mother?

Max: I barely even remember her...she left when I was about three or four. The only things I know about her is what my father and brothers have told me

Lance: ...I wish that it didn't end up this way

Max: *shrugs* It doesn't matter now, let's just go to the next question

Question #10: For Ares: Who's your favorite brother?

Ares: That's an easy one! Lucas is my favorite

Lucas: Somehow this does not make me happy in the slightest

Kade: It's definitely not an expected answer

Ares: Lucas is easy going and laid back. He doesn't scold me or nag me endlessly like you guys

Lucas: ...then I think it's time I started. Get a job you lazy NEET

Ares: What the fu*k is a NEET?

Lance: "Not in Education, Employment, or Training"

Roman: He's calling you jobless basically

Ares: Guess I'm gonna have to change favorites...Kade the application is open if you're looking to apply

Kade: thanks, next question

Question #11: To Ceres: Did your mother ever abuse you, because she said that you reminded her of her divorced husband and the boy she fell in love with, who left her?

*Puts headphones back on her brothers ears*

Ceres: When their wedding anniversary would come around, Mama would get really really bad. Around those times, she would say that I reminded her too much of Papa and that I was a sight for sore eyes. She rarely physically abused me but around that time she became unpredictable. I had no idea what to expect from was really hard

Andromeda_: It's alright, you don't have to worry about that anymore *rubs shoulder* Let's move on to the next question

Question #12: How is Ceres so innocent as a fourteen year old?

Lucas: I don't think it's so much the fact that she's innocent rather than it being that she hasn't been exposed to much. From what I can guess, Ceres lived a sheltered life

Ares: Yeah, the kid didn't even know what Frozen was and every kid knows what Frozen is

Kade: And it'd be nice if she could stay that way forever but...

Max: Yeah, it's just the world we live in...she'll eventually go off and find a boyfriend

Kade: Alright, Max you don't need to go into detail

Ares: Get married and have kids

Kade: Alright, I get it! Just stop!

Lance: Let's move to the next question before Kade starts crying

Question #13: For Kade: Would you consider marrying me?

Kade: M-Marry? *blushes*

Max: I can't believe there are actually people out there who want to be with you...nasty...

Kade: I-I don't know what to say...we haven't even met, isn't it a bit too soon?  >\\<

Ares: Wait how the hell is he doing that?

Ceres: It's like a magic trick, right?

Lucas: No, I'm pretty sure he shouldn't be able to do that at all

Roman: Kade is known for making the impossible, possible

Lance: And making a fool of himself, just look at him

*Camera zooms in on Kade blushing like a school girl and mumbling incoherent things*

Andromeda_: Yeah...I don't even want to know what that's about so let's just move on to the next question

Question #14: For Roman: Are you going to knock some sense into that head of yours and marry Alain?

Roman: ...another marriage question, I see. I feel that marrying Alain right now is a little too fast since we've only known each other for a few months. But you never know what the future may hold

Kade: Marry...? You wouldn't seriously consider that?

Ares: I'm pretty sure everyone considers the future when they're in a relationship with someone

Kade: Okay, then he can consider the next few days not the next few years

Max: Kade, when the hell are you gonna get a girlfriend and leave everyone the hell alone?

Kade: *gasps* Y-You want me to get a girlfriend? I would never betray you guys like that!

Lucas: It isn't really betrayal when we want it for you. Besides, Max is right. Roman has his own life to live, he's not gonna spend it depending on you, you know? None of us are

Kade: ....

Ares: And this is why Lucas is my favorite!

Lucas: Still not happy to hear that so let's move to the next question

Question #15: For Ceres: If you could trade any of your brothers for the day, who would it be?

Ceres: Hmm...that is a tough question

Max: *chanting quietly* please pick Kade, please pick Kade, please pick Kade, please pick Kade

Kade: MAX!!

Ares: *Ares joins in* please pick Kade, please pick Kade, please pick Kade, please pick Kade

Kade: You two are so rude!

Lucas: Well, you know what they say

Lance: And what exactly do they say?

Lucas: ...I don't know, I didn't think someone would actually ask me that

Roman: *sighs irritably*

Ceres: I would trade Lance

Max & Ares: Damnit...

Lance: ...okay not gonna lie that hurts a bit

Ares: Who would you even trade him for?

Ceres: *smiles* Diana of course

Lance: Not to sound sour here but why exactly do you want to trade me?

Ceres: I want to trade you because I would like for you to be able to have the freedom to do what you want, when you want. I want to see you be happy because you're doing something you love

Lance: ...

Roman: Lance, are you...?

Kade: Holy sh*t, where is my phone?!

Lance: Cut the cameras...*looks into the camera* Deada**

Question #16: For Max: Bae, can you paint me like one of your French girls?

Max: *avert eyes and blushes* I don't think that would be a very good idea...a regular portrait is fine however

Ares: *cackles* Man I don't know who asked that question but you just killed Kade

*Ares points to Kade who is dead on the floor*

Roman: That was a pretty bold question, I don't think he was able to handle it

Andromeda_: Maybe it's best if we just move to the next question?

Ceres: Are we not going to take him to a hospital?

Andromeda_: Of course...after these next few questions!

Question #17: For Ares: Can I give you cooking lessons and we can vibe together?

Ares: I mean sure, I'm down. As long as you have home and life insurance then everything will be fine!

Roman: and if they don't?

Ares: Well, then "Good Luck, Charlie"

Andromeda_: The moral of this story: Ares is unteachable and will just kill you in the process

Ares: I wouldn't say I'm unteachable...

Lucas: You can't even roast marshmallows properly

Lance: Or make cup noodles

Ceres: Or make a sandwich

Ares: Wow, is that the time? Seems we have to move on to the next question.

Max: If you can't handle the fire, stay out of the kitchen I guess

Question #18: Do the boys remember their mother? Do they have good memories of her?

Lance: I would say for the most part that our memories of our mother are all good. She was always kind to us, a very good mother

Kade: *rises from the dead* Yeah, she was also an amazing cook and taught Lance and I how to cook as well so that we could pass it on to our brothers

Roman: You could even say that my love of books come from her. She would read different stories to me at night when she had the time

Ares: She loved playing outside with me. I was a pretty energetic kid so it must have been hard for her to keep up with me but I appreciate her doing it

Lucas: I do remember her face but there are times when I can only recall very short but specific moments with her. Like when she would tuck me in or something

Max: What I said earlier pretty much answers this question

Ceres: I wish I could have met this woman you guys speak so fondly of...

Andromeda_: *sheds tear* I'm so sorry...let's move on to the next question

Questions #19: For Kade: Who is your favorite brother?

Ares: Oh yeah, I've been waiting for this one

Lance: I too am also very curious about this

Kade: I'm so glad you all are so anxious to hear my answer! I assure you it will surprise you greatly!

Max: I wouldn't say all that

Lucas: He's shining brighter than the sun...

Roman: It's annoying in a way

Kade: My favorite me!

*Everyone looks at Kade in silence*

Lance: This was truly an underwhelming experience *gets up and leaves*

Ares: Yeah, that's just sad *gets up and follows Lance*

Lucas: No comment *Gets up and follows his brothers*

Kade: W-Wait! Where is everyone going?!

Max: ...nasty *gets up and leaves*

Roman: You couldn't have actually thought of a better answer? *Doesn't wait for an answer and leaves*

Kade: Ceres...? *Looks to Ceres hopefully*

*Ceres shakes her head and leaves*

Andromeda_: Well, uh, I guess that's all the time we have for today...haha

Kade: Not you too, Andromeda?!

Andromeda_: Kade, get out

*Andromeda_ kicks Kade out of the room*

Andromeda_: Thanks for reading everyone and as always, thank you for your reads, votes, and comments! I hope everyone's questions received satisfying answers and I will see you all in the next chapter!

המשך קריאה

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