The Unsinkable Ship (Jerrie F...

By Rebelix_Rose

4.5K 147 21

A story of two-class-crossed lovers who meet aboard the disaster-bound ship, fall in love, and then struggle... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Author's Note
Author's Note II
Author's Note III


63 4 0
By Rebelix_Rose



As I closed my eyes, I quickly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in a sound of the broken pieces of vase, seems like it's getting fixed. I immediately sat up and I saw an old man, cleaning the mess I've just made.

Curiosity strikes me because I know that no one will come over here in the middle of the night just to clean my own mess.

His body shape was so familiar, his muscles and round head. I am not sure if who I'm thinking is right, but I still tried to call him.

"D-Dad?" I called, stuttering. Not really sure if it's him. As I called him, he looked at my direction immediately and flashed a genuine smile.

"I'll just fix the mess you made, my daughter," He stated, smiling at me. Then continues to fix the mess I made. He is my father, he's here.

I did not hesitate to stand up and walk towards him. I feel overwhelmed because he's here. I hugged him and he gladly hugged back right after. My arms were wrapped around his waist, my hands on his back. Then he chuckled.

"I miss you so much dad, I miss you so so much," I stated as I put my hand on his shoulders, staring at his eyes. He's smiling at me and I smiled back.

"There you go, you are smiling again," he stated, caressing my cheeks with his hands.

"My baby is smiling again," he added, now caressing my hair.

"Dad please come back...I want you here..I missed you so much," I stated, pleading him.

He shook his head then I frowned. He pulled away from our hugging-session. He started to walk away and I spoke, calling him back.

"Are you going to leave again dad? Please take me...please," I pleaded, and he shooked his head one more time.

"You should fight my princess, I can't stay here and I can't be with you again," He stated and smiled.

" one loves me here...I am just a object for them," I replied, frowning. "You are the only one who loves me," I added.

"Like I always said, your mother loves you in a very different way. But the love you're looking for? You already got it baby, she loves you my princess. Open your eyes," He stated. Wait, who is he referring to?

I didn't dare to ask but then I kneeled in front of him, pleading once more hoping I could change his mind.

"Please dad...s-stay h-here," I pleaded, now in a verge of tears.

He shook his head as a response, then smiled afterwards. He held my hand guiding me to stand up, and whispered, "I love you my princess". He kissed my forehead and started to walk away. And he suddenly disappears.

"Dad!!!" I woke up calling my father. father? I had just...I had just a dream..I..I dreamt of him. My tears started to fall when I realized it was just a dream. Dad wasn't here. I looked at the mess I made earlier and it's still there. There's no sign of him, there's no sign that the mess was fixed. It's all just a dream. A dream I wish was true. I covered my face with my hands, sobbing. Why is this happening? Why is this happening to me? Dad...please I fucking need you here! I grabbed the pillow next to me and throws it on the floor harshly.

"ARGHHHH!" I screamed.

I just wanna scream out 'til my voice breaks. No one fucking cares anyway. No one even bothered to take a look for me here...but I don't care, I want to be alone. I want to be fucking alone.

I take a glance at the clock and it says 11:30 in the evening. 11:30? I sighed and kept on wiping my tears. I'm freaking exhausted argh. Seems like I'll not be able to sleep. I walked to the door, I was about to pick up another piece of broken vase but all of a sudden, the door bursts open, and it fucking bumped my head. Argh, who the fuck is in the door?!

I put my hand on my head, and I whined. Argh, it fucking hurts. And I forgot, someone's here. No other than my "fiancé" Zayn Malik. Nice.

I looked like a freaking mess now. He held the collar of my dress tightly, and looked straight into my eyes. Here we go again..

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you being like that?!" He asked, anger evident on his face.

I just stared at him. I can feel his hot breath hitting my face. When I finally build up the courage to talk, I say, "You don't care"

Right after I said that, he pushed me harshly on the bed, making me lay at my back.

"Won't you say the reason?!" He asked crawling on the bed. Now..he's on top of me, our face were only inches apart, and now I'm starting to get frightened. But heck no, I will fight for myself.

I tried to push him away but he's stronger than me so nothing happened. Now, there's only one thing I thought that will break him. I laughed at myself and stare at his eyes, smirking. His expression changed from anger to confusion.

I slid my leg up, and kicked his gems using my knee. He fell on the floor on his back, and now he's holding his gems for dear life. Aww poor Zayn.

I stood up from the bed and looked at him. He's definitely in pain right now. Good job Edwards.

When he build up the courage to stand and talk, he looked at me intensely, I can feel his anger after what I did.

"Fucking tell me, what the hell is your problem?! Why don't you want to answer my question?!" He asked, furiously.

"You don't have to know, you're not going to understand it anyways," I stated, fixing my face.

"How could I understand if you don't want to tell me?!" He asked, shouting at me.

"Even though I explain, you're not going to understand it. I know you, Malik. You can only understand yourself," I stated, trying to be calm.

"You really have a lot of things to say, haven't you? And you're still not answering my question!" He stated, emphasizing the last sentence.

"You.Don't.Have.To.Know," I stated, emphasizing every word in his face.

"So, you can now leave. Go, and tell my mother about this, then I'll expect when I wake up tomorrow, I'll hear her screaming at me asking what happened tonight. That's what you're going to do right?" I stated.

"We are not done yet," he said, pointing at me.

"Don't waste any more time here, Malik. I said, now leave," I stated and pointed my finger at the door. He looked at me once again, opened the door, and slammed it shut. Well, I am right, he's going to tell my mother about this.

I'm alone again. My mind wanted to go out, but my body is against it. It seems like I'm feeling so weak and exhausted for the umpteenth time.



I was about to sleep when I heard a sudden knocks on the door. Who could it be?

"Come in, it's open!" I shouted through the door, and it opened immediately, revealing my soon to be son-in-law.

"Good Evening Madame," He greeted, kissing the back of my hand gently.

"Oh, Malik, Good Evening to you too. Why are you still awake? It's already midnight," I stated, confused as to why is he here when it's already 12:00 in the midnight.

"I just want to tell you something to make you aware about your daughter's behaviour, Madame," he stated. My daughter? Again?

"What about my daughter? What did she do?" I asked, confused.

"Well, my valet went to her room and he told me that he caught your daughter on the ground with a piece of broken vase in her hand," He said, followed by a sigh. "And she told him that she's just fixing the broken vase," he added.

"And then what about her behaviour?" I asked.

"Seems like....she's being different," he answered.

"Different? How could you say so?" I asked, confusion is now eating my whole being. What's happening in my daughter?

"I came over there earlier too, Madame. And I saw her, she's like a crying mess, and the broken vase? I think it's not accidentally happened. When I asked her about it she said I won't understand," he stated, seriousness written in his face.

"Okay, I'll talk to her tomorrow. I won't be able to talk to her properly at this time. Thank you so much for informing me. Can you sleep now?" I stated, still confused about what he said.

He didn't talk any further, he just nodded and left my room. Now, I don't know what is my daughter's problem. I couldn't go to her right now because I knew her, she's not good at talking to someone in this matter of time. But why is she still awake? Utterly confusing.

Ever since her father died, everything changed. Including her. When we lost her father, it's very hard for her to accept it. Not just hard, but very hard. She started to skipped meals, and she didn't even acknowledge my presence after all. She was so close to her father.

Alexander was laid on the bed for what felt like an eternity already. He's getting weak and seems like bidding his goodbye. Perrie was settled beside him, who kept on pounding the bed where her father is laid on.

"Why are you doing this to me, dad?! Why are you being like that? Are you going to leave me?!" She asked with an annoyed tone of voice, smashing the bed while her tears are kept on falling.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Don't be mad," Alex stated, caressing her daughter's hair.

"Why didn't you stop from working? Look at you! Y-you're getting w-weak," She stated, mumbling the last sentence.

"Didn't you wished before that you wanted to maintain our fortune until you grow up? Aren't you happy that I worked hard for you...for the both of you," He stated, smiling weakly.

"You don't have to grant my wish should've let me do it on my own..n-not always y-you," she stated, her tears kept on falling.

"What I did is just right, sweetheart. It's for your sake that's why you should stop confronting me. I just granted your wish," He stated.

"N-no dad! You didn't! It shouldn't have happened! It's my fault! All mine!" She stated, scratching her head violently.

Her father grabbed her hand and kissed it gently.

"You shouldn't blame yourself my's not your fault...I just wanted to make you happy," he stated, still holding Perrie's hand.

"But...but no! How would I be happy if I am seeing you in that state, dad!" She almost shouted, still crying.

"Just always remember, sweetheart, no matter what happends, I will stay by your side. Take a good care of your mother, alright? I love you so much," He stated.

"DAD! W-why are y-you saying that?!" Perrie shouted.

"Please don't cry everyday and every night just because of me. Learn to stand by your own feet, you can do it," he stated, smiling.

"DAD! STOP!" She screamed, more tears fell on her cheeks. Alex wiped Perrie's tears using his thumb. Perrie held his hand on her cheek.

"I love you so much my princess...I love y—"
He didn't became able to finish his sentence. His eyes closed and he is no longer here with us.

Perrie kept on shaking and moving his hands and arms, kept on waking him up but it has no effect. Her father is gone.

Her tears continued to fall, still cannot believe what just happened. I approached and hugged her, she tried to protest, but I'm stronger than her so she just gave up. She cried and cried on my shoulders, while blaming herself.

Ever since that day, she changed a lot. Perrie changed a lot. And now, it is still confusing for me, thinking about her. Maybe she dreamt about her father or...there's another reason. I closed my eyes. Tomorrow, I am going to have a talk with her.


A/N: A little dream and flashback. Perrie's behaviour changes. What can you say readers? Hope you like it.❤️


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