I've Become Like Him

By KittenWoman99

175K 8.7K 2.9K

"Ahhh!!!" The man's body falls to the floor limp and I fall to the floor out of terror, "Why are you screamin... More

100th Woman.
Auctioned Her Off.
For A Man.
Mask Man.
Gambling Hall.
Forced Heart Attack.
Accidental Revenge.
Taking Orders.
Four Hours Too Long.
Drown To Your Death.
Baloo and Asca.
Two Down, Two To Go.
Joining Black Dragon.
Don't Cross Me.
I Can Die Now!
I Will Never Go Against You.
Stop Being a Coward!
You Should Be Honored.
Special Kill Failed.
The Harley Quinn to my Joker.
Special Place.
Bunny is Broken.
Eleanor Tucker.
My Pretty Little Psycho.
Psycho, but Not Stupid.
In Place of Him.
Who Do You Belong To?
Elias Tucker.
Since High School.
Your Type.
Missing the View.
Little Birdie.
Very Interesting.
I Saved You.
My Memories Are Back.
His Daughter.
New Owner.
You Being Alive Can Be Your Way of Thanking Me.
Your Room Is My Room. You Belong To My Room Now.
You're the Only One I Can Get Hard for.
Twenty-Three Hour Flight.
You Better Not Die.
Stockholm Syndrom? Could be.
Who is Estelle?
You are Mine and I am Yours.
Bunny and Wolf.
I'm Not Finished Yet.

We Were Set up.

1.9K 116 17
By KittenWoman99

Zaiden POV

"Nancy, go ahead and start packing. Also, pack for Bunny." She nods her head and I look at Luke.

"Do I need to pack too?" I nod my head, "Yeah. We're leaving for Greece in a few days. I'll let Cain know later on tonight."

I look at Bunny, "Let's go find us somebody to kill."

She looks at me and smiles, "Can it be a woman?"

I raise my eyebrow, "Why?"

She stands up, "Because the last man we dealt with punched me in the lip."

I walk up to her and look at her lip. I kiss her on the lips, "Pick out a name."

She bites her lip and I hand her my kill list. She walks away, "Come to my room once you find a name."

I walk upstairs to my room. I sit down on the bed and pull the business card Titus gave me out of my pocket. I look at the card and set it on my nightstand.

I look for something to wear and get dress. I look down and see Tiger rubbing against me. "Why are you so attached to me?"

Bunny walks in as I put my shoes on, "You found someone?"

She stands in front of me, "Yep, her name is Missy Bryan."

I wrap my arms around her waist, "Why is she on my list?"

She looks at the list as put my face in her chest, "She killed some woman's best friend. The woman wants her dead because of that. She went to trial for it, but was found not guilty."

I hum in response, "Okay, that number you see text it and tell them you will be done with the job tonight."

She reaches for my phone and text the number. I lay down with Bunny on top of me and she laughs, "How far is she?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know. I'm going to type it in the GPS. She's five hours away. Why is she so far?"

She puts my phone down and kisses me on the lips, "What was that for?"

She laughs, "When do I ever have a reason to kiss you?"

I sit up and squeeze her ass, "Touché."

She kisses me again and I kiss her back. She moans in the kiss and I smile. I pull away, "We have to get moving. Go change."

She gets off of me and I get a message from the number Bunny texted. They send me the woman's location and half of the money. I send Cain the woman's location.

Bunny comes out of my closet with a cami and a pair of blue jeans on. Her outfit is finished with a pair of heels, "That's different Bunny."

She does a little spin, "I have a robe just in case you want to fuck me. You might rip my clothes off in the process."

We walk out and I look around for Luke, "Luke. Me and Bunny are gone."

"Okay!" He yells back and we walk to the car.

We get in and Bunny looks at me, "Why is Luke coming to Greece with us?"

I look at her, "Why do you want to know?" She shrugs her shoulders, "I just want to know."

I look at the road, "Just to keep us company."

Five hours later we pull up to a bar. Bunny gets out the car and stretch, "That was a long drive. Zaidy, are you driving back?"

I look at the building and then at Bunny, "I don't know yet. If not we can just go to one of the hotels around here."

We walk in the bar and I let out a low groan, "Of course we would grab the attention of everyone in here. It's a bar in the middle of nowhere."

We walk to the bar and I look around for Missy. I look around and see no cameras. I sit down and Bunny sits down beside me. I order a drink and a man walks up to Bunny, "Is that your boyfriend?"

I take a sip of my drink, "No, he's not."

The man laughs, "Really? What is he then?" She looks at me and I smile, "He's my Zaidy and I'm his pet."

He looks at me, "Anything else you would like to know?" He shakes his head and walks away.

A woman comes from the bathroom and I smile when I notice it is Missy Bryan.

I turn around and seconds later she ends up sitting down beside me. I look at her and her eyes widen.

I raise my eyebrow, "Why did you look at me like that?"

She lets out a nervous laugh, "Because I never really see someone as sexy as you." I take a sip of my drink.

She plays with her fingers and I laugh, "What's your name?"

She looks up from her fingers, "Missy, you?"

"Zaiden." I look past her and see someone in the corner on the phone. We make eye contact and they quickly look away from me.

I look at the bartender and notice that the man is sweating. Why would he be sweating and it's cold in this bar? He also has a fan above his head.

"You hot?" He looks at me, "Y-Yeah. I'm moving around a lot."

I look around and see that it is no more than fifteen people here and only five people at the bar.

I text Cain to see if he's outside and luckily he is.

I look at Bunny and she has a pen in her hand tapping it on the bar. Bunny takes my hand and starts writing on my hand.

I talk to Missy as she writes, "Did you and Lyric just move here?"

I shake my head, "No, we're just visiting."

Bunny stops writing and I read what she writes on my hand.

They locked the door.

I close my hand and then look at the door. I look at Missy and I touch her thigh. I feel under the bar as I do so and feel a gun.

"How did you know Bunny's real name?" Her eyes widen and I quickly grab for the gun.

Bunny hits the man beside her in the neck and takes his gun from him. I aim the gun at Missy and Bunny aim hers at the man.

"One move and you're dead." I say as I take the safety off.

All of a sudden everybody pulls out a gun, "Shit. Bunny, behind the counter."

We jump over the counter and they start shooting at us. We cover our heads, "Bunny, four people towards the exit. Shoot them and I'll get the others."

She nods her head and we see that the bartender is cowering in a corner. Bunny aims the gun at him. He holds his hands up, "W-Wait! N-No! I'm not apart of this at all! Believe me!"

I stand up and shoot the men down. Bunny does the same and from the corner of my eye, I see Missy trying to go out through the back. Before I can do anything she turns back around and seconds later Cain comes walking in with a gun.

"Leave her and at least another guy alive." I say as me and Bunny stay behind the bar. I look at the bartender and he starts crying.

Cain finishes up and me and Bunny stand up. We climb over the bar and I sit down on it. Bunny looks around, "Were we actually set up?"

I look down and see Missy sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest. "See if anyone is alive."

Bunny nods her head and kick the bodies over. The bartender slowly stands up and Cain looks at him, "Who is he? Good? Bad?"

Leo walks in and he looks around, "Damn. Who the hell did you piss off?"

"Zaidy, the man who talked to me is alive." I look towards Bunny and see the man on the floor and leaning against a pole. "Is he dying?"

She shakes her head, "No, he just got a bullet in his arm."

She bends down in front of him and put pressure on his wound. He lets out a scream, "Ahhh! You bitch!"

Bunny laughs, "Why did you try to kill me and Zaidy?"

"How did you know?" Missy asks as I pour myself a drink.

"It was pretty easy to see. When you first saw me your eyes widen as if you already knew me. Not only that but you had a guy on the phone in the corner looking very suspicious. But what really gave it away was your bartender who was sweating when it literally feels like it's twenty degrees in here."

I take a sip of my drink, "How do you know Bunny?" She looks at me and laughs, "What do you mean?"

"Your plan may have worked if you hadn't said Bunny's real name. I never told you her name." She sucks her teeth and I swing my legs back and forth.

"Bunny asked a question and you didn't answer." I say to the man, "Why did you try to kill me and Bunny?"

He points at Missy, "Don't ask me, she's the mastermind behind this."

I look at Missy and laugh, "Mastermind? No. Dumbass? Yes."

Leo laughs and then clear his throat, "I couldn't hold that in." Cain rolls his eyes and I look back at Missy.

"You don't remember me?" I drop my head, "I thought you got all of your memory back."

Cain says and I look at him, "I thought I did too."

She stands up, "He's the reason why I did this in the first place."

I raise my eyebrow, "He?"

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