By babyyboi

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You're so golden I'm out of my head and I know that you're scared Because hearts get broken "Your Majesty, I... More

not an update


177 6 3
By babyyboi

The night continued with music and dancing and arrival of more royal family. I was handing out desserts after desserts. It was fun. The guests were nice. Some weren't. But it didn't bother me. When no one wanted to take the dessert anymore, I stood on the side while observing my surroundings. Of course, the man of the hour was the main talk.

Everyone wanted to dance with him. Wanted to introduce themselves to him.

The prince hasn't danced with anyone. He was walking around asking everyone how they were doing and talked to people, being the nicest and humble prince himself.

Ed came and took some foods but then left when he said there were too many people and he wasn't uncomfortable. I saw James as well but he was busy accompanying the prince to notice me. Plus they didn't know I was working as a servant that night.

Then it was time for the prince's first dance. Everyone completely forgot about foods and drinks. They wanted to focus on him. Waiting and hoping that the prince would notice them and asked for a dance.

Princesses fixed their hair and dress- making themselves looked better if it was possible and smiled brightly. I smiled. I wasn't jealous. Why would I? I was no one. I was a kitchen girl and a servant. I knew my place.

Then the prince walked to a particular girl. He bowed and reached his hand out to ask a princess for a dance. Blonde hair. Red lips. Rosy cheeks. Beautiful. So so beautiful.

She smiled and took his hand. Other princesses looked disappointed but they quickly moved their focus on the two human beings in the middle of the ballroom. The prince and the princess started moving their body to the music.

Their movement was so beautiful. His palm was on her waist, holding her. They swayed side to side. Then the prince lifted her up and everyone gasped. Their movement was so natural. Like they had been preparing their whole life for this.

He looked, happy. And I was happy for him. But I wasn't going to lie and say there wasn't a pang of jealousy deep down in my heart while watching them two dancing their hearts out under the chandelier to classical music.

"That's Princess Camille. From a kingdom in France." A voice startled me from behind. I almost dropped my tray but quickly hold it with both of my hands.

"You scared me," I said, trying to catch my breath. I was too focused and mesmerized on the dancing I didn't feel his presence behind me.

"Sorry!" Prince Zayn laughed and grinned. I smiled back and offered him the dessert. He gladly took a small cake and stuffed his mouth with it. The dancing was still going on. I smiled. Imagining myself on her place.

"They're perfect," I said almost came out as a whisper.

"His heart is yours." He replied. I looked at him and smile. I knew he was trying to make me feel better and distract me from feeling down.

"He can't be with me. You, him and I know that." I said, keeping my eyes on the two creature swaying beautifully and gracefully.

For the next few minutes, we were both silenced. Both focusing on the prince and princess. Then the music changed and more prince and princesses started gathering around and dance with each other to more happy and joyful music.

I tried to promote my dessert to the guest but they refused and some didn't even pay attention to me. So I decided to stand next to Zayn.

"Why aren't you dancing?" I started a conversation with the prince.

"Not my thing." He answered shortly and took a sip of his wine.

"What is your thing?" I asked again.

"Nothing is my thing." He laughed and I joined. He was so laid back. I felt comfortable around him.

"Are you okay?" He then asked, turning his head to me.

"Yeah, I am. Why?" Did I look sick?

"No, I mean about the whole knight thing. Harry told me about the whole thing and I must say, you are impressive. I was highly impressed. Do you know what I said to him the first time you walked into the tournament arena?" I shook my head.

"I said you're as big as Waliyha, my sister. And I jokingly asked if they have started to recruit women as their knights." I broke into a grin. Just as I was about to ask which one was Waliyha, two princesses came to us.

"Zayn, some of the princesses were asking us about you. Since they can't dance with Harry so they're looking for you." One of them said. I curtsy liked usual and smiled. Stepping back to give them some space.

"I don't want to." He replied.

"Their ball is always so beautiful. Remind me to tell father that I want my party to be just as big and beautiful as this." The other princess said.

"Your birthday was two months ago, Wali. Anyway, this is my friend, Evelyn. Evelyn, these are my two annoying sisters, Safa and Waliyha." Zayn introduced me to his sisters and they both greeted me with a 'hi' and 'hello'.

"You guys have a beautiful name," I said. They chuckled and said they liked my name. So for the next 10 to 20 minutes, I was in deep conversation with them. Maybe I was slacking with my task but in my mind, I was doing my job.

I was serving the Malik's.

When I felt like I was really slacking, I excused myself to go get another new tray of desserts to be served. I went to the kitchen to get a new tray full of delicious pastries and walked back in the ballroom. This time, I went to every single one of the guest, offering the goods.

Fortunately, more than half of the pastries were gone by the first few minutes.

"Excuse me, Your Highness, would you like some pastries?" I politely asked. The princess turned to me and it was her. Princess Camille. I kept my lips in a sweet smile.

"Oh yes, please. This looks delicious. Thank you." She took one and thanked me with a beautiful smile. She was perfect for him. A nice, beautiful princess. I left and continued with my job for the rest of the evening.

The ball went on till midnight and everyone was having such a great time. I almost didn't feel the soreness in my legs from standing for hours. Honestly, I didn't think I was one to love the scenery. The dancing, the glamorous party, the colourful dresses and the beautiful music. I always thought Ella was the one that was born to love this.

But I was starting to fall in love with the whole thing. I was starting to imagine myself being in one of the princesses' shoes. But it was just a silly dream. I quickly snapped out of my nonsense thoughts and helped the cleaners in the kitchen to clean some of the cutlery and plates.

I felt bad because I was supposed to be in the kitchen then I was asked to be a servant and I spent quite some time chit-chatting.

"Eve, James is looking for you." One of the maids came and tapped on my shoulder. He said that James was waiting for me outside in the hallway. I nodded and thanked him. I wiped my hands on a cloth and make my way to him.

"Haven't seen you in some time." I joked and saw he was leaning on the wall with his eyes closed.

"Ah, Evie. I miss you dearly." He answered and hugged me. I giggled and hugged him back. I really missed him. He makes my day better.

"I miss you too. I know you're busy with the whole ball thing." I said and ruffled his hair.

"Talking about the ball, the man of the ball wants to see you." I frowned. It was almost one in the morning. What could possibly be so important to see him at that hour?

"In his garden. Go!" Before I could even say anything, James kissed my cheek and left, walking quickly.

I quickly make my way to the prince's secret garden making sure not a soul saw me. It was almost one a.m. and everyone should be in the chamber by now. I didn't want to get into trouble. I pushed the wooden door opened and lost my breath once I looked up to see what he has done to the garden.



THANKS FOR READINGi love you, you've made my day ♡

im probably going to be late with update for the next a week or two since im visiting my brother in another state (we're out of quarantine already and we only have less than 5 cases per day here in my country!) 

i hope everyone is doing fine. pls stay at home if your country's cases is increasing like crazy and if you want to go out, wear a mask! Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting any airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, talks, sneezes they could release germs into the air that may infect others nearby. Face masks are part of an infection control strategy to eliminate cross-contamination.



Ways to help:

-Participate in a Peaceful Protest

-Engage on Social Media to raise awareness

-Donate to a charity that is helping children in Palestine

-Make Dua'a, #PrayforPalestine

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