Astith's Prophecy

By TNckitty

343 6 25

In the Kingdom of Astith, there was a prophecy: When evil comes to plague the land, five heroes must band tog... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 7

7 0 1
By TNckitty

~TN's POV~

You know. All I am asking for is to go home take a nap, get some work done before dinner, and do something relaxing after dinner. Apparently, that seems like a lot to ask.

I take a deep breath before turning to the two boys who even dare approach me. Although I just took a glance at them, I can already tell I'm not going to like them. They look to be brothers as they look similar to each other. They have an air of arrogance and 'I have a lot of money, so we do what we want' vibes all around them. Their faces also look punchable. And if their faces look punchable, then that means that they'll be on my bad side soon.

"Hey," the first boy greets. "What's a girl like you doing here all by your lonesome?"

I almost gag at that. Were they really trying to flirt with me? Do they even know who I am? I guess not as they dare to even look at me.

"That is none of your business," I said, trying really hard not let my irritation show.

"Come on. Don't be like that," the second boy pitched in. "We just want to get to know you better."

The first boy gets closer to me. I grip the handle of my cart tightly, trying to stop myself from doing something stupid, which was most likely having my fist into their faces. Luckily, Dark is there as I hear him growling beside me. The two boys flinch away from the aggressive beast.

"A w-wolf," the first boy asks. "That means..."

He trails off staring at me in terror. The second boy looks at his brother in confusion until something must have clicked as he too looks at me in fear. There it is. Those were the faces that I was looking for. I'm surprise it took them this long to realize.

"You're the witch," the second boy finishes the sentence.

"Took y'all long enough," I mumble under my breath.

Witch. One of my many pet names from the villagers. For as long as I can remember, I have been called that among other things. And since I live the forest, many people never go there unless they want to try to kill me or were dare into it. Well, I guess that is okay with me as I don't have to deal with people except for the stupid ones.

"I would love to stay and chat," I said sarcastically, "but I have better things to do."

I didn't wait for them to respond as I turn away from them and start walking. I don't have to look to know that Dark is walking beside me. It only takes me two steps before something caught onto my cart. Giving the cart a hard push, I look back and see what is going on. Vines have somehow wrap itself around the wheels of the cart. I turn my glaze from the cart to the boys. The first boy has his arm up. Dark green light glows around his hand. I click my tongue loudly.

"Hold on just a minute," the first boy said as he walks closer to me with the other not too far behind. "Why don't we talk some more?"

I feel my eyebrows raising as they have the look of determination on their punchable faces. Like, they have a new goal they must complete. This is new. Usually people would run away by now. They are apparently either very brave or very stupid. And since I believe they have at least one brain cell shared between them, I'm leaning more towards the latter.

Before I can say anything, I can hear someone calling out.

"Hey! You guys," a girl-like voice, which was coming from the forest, shouts.

Great more trouble. Just what I need. From a distance, I see a girl with brown hair and dark clothes running towards the boys, Dark, and me. Not too far from her is another boy with blond hair who is also coming towards us. I don't even need to know who they are as the girl is the type of person to rescue anyone in trouble while the blond boy seems to stay away from it. I like the blond boy as he knows not to interfere with me. The girl should take some notes from him.

Dark growls, not liking the increasing people. I hum in agreement.

"You two leave her alone," the girl commands as she is closed enough to us. "She clearly doesn't want you to bother her."

"Oh look. It is little miss don't-have-a-husband-yet," the first boy spats. "Sorry, but we're not interested in you."

"And she is not interested in you two," she spats back.

I can feel my headache increasing a little bit. They are arguing like I wasn't even there. It seems like my irritation did not go unnoticed as flames burst from me. I feel my body going cold. The four flinches back from the suddenly burst.

"Can you all just leave me alone," I ask in a threaten voice. "As she said, I'm not interested in you two. And you, Girl."

The girl flinches back. She looks at me like she did not expect me to threaten her too.

"I don't need your help. I can handle this myself."

I thought the girl would shake in fear like most people would, but I was wrong. To my surprised, she stares back at me with a glare.

"I'm only trying to help you. You don't have to be so rude," the girl said.

Well, excuse me for being like that. It's not like I want to be mean to people. Luckily for the girl, I did not say that out loud. I snort in amusement instead. This anger the girl even more. The girl didn't get to say anything else as a deep voice interrupts her.

"Danielle," the deep voice shouts.

I turn to where the voice was coming from to see ANOTHER person coming our way. The person that was coming our way is another boy that looks almost identical to the girl. I'm guessing by the way he shouted out her name is that they were related.

I sigh out loud. Why is today the day people decide to torture me? Why can't I just go home already?

Written by: TN

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