Transcendent Thirst

By YOLOwriting101

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"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... More

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1.5K 91 43
By YOLOwriting101



I sat quietly in the loft, contemplating on Achille and Darius' words. They had me thinking seriously about what I was missing, what I wasn't seeing. Never have I seen that the spell placed over me was a problem because it was appropriated.

I was certain I loved Deimos - I'm sure I do. I just...wish I could know for certain. What would my love amount to if this spell was removed?

My hands ran over my face, becoming stressed. I insisted to Achille that I could speak to Deimos. If he's here Deimos most likely won't talk. I don't want him to think I'm attacking. That's the last thing I could ever do.

I stand up, and head to Deimos' room. However as I open the door I saw a man already asleep naked in his bed. My eyes drifting off at the sight of another male he has slept with. Yet another failed attempt - since the man appeared to be nipped.

Heading into the room, I grab the man's arm. Pulling him out of the bed, this was another one of my jobs. Get Deimos' failed shots out of here before he's back - or he kills them.

"Hey, don't touch me!" The man hissed, trying to yank out my grasp. "The hell are you? I am sleeping with-."

"No one. You have overstayed your welcome and that is my fault. Now it's time for you to go - and don't come back." I smile mockingly at him, and watch as he folds his arms.

Shaking his head me, almost trying to measure up to me. Practically sticking his nose up at me and puffing out his chest. I could see him almost try to balance on his toes so that he could try to be taller. Yet I was already much more taller than him - so this was pathetic to watch.

"I had sex with Deimos, I don't think he wants me to leave - considering how loud he was." The man chuckled, sighing as if he was recalling memories.

Except I became furious by such a thing. How he gets to hold Deimos - all these men do! Yet I just have to be the trash boy and pick up these shitty men he drops every single time.

"You aren't special - he's always loud. You act like you're the first one he's been loud with." I mock him, and his face turned red. That's how I knew I was getting to him. "Deimos is only loud for those he thinks have horrible 'thrust game' he calls it. So that you're feelings don't get hurt. To not bruise his small-dick donors egos. 'The better the donor feels - the better the reaction comes'. His words...not mine."

That's when the man was suddenly no longer in front of me. I had to stop myself from being okay with this. Because tomorrow another man will be here and I have to do the same thing.

With the new people in the house you would think Deimos would stop; yet, he won't. He never...stops. Until there's the right one.

I walk onto his balcony, looking out at the beach. Seeing him walk onto shore, I jump off the balcony. Landing on my feet on the sand. As I head towards him I see him begin to lift off his shirt, and I was already captivated by how sexy he was.

He didn't even have to try. Guess his sexiness comes from all the sex he has...there's only a matter time before your sex-life shows through you. How unfortunate...and unfair - for me.

"Vince did you bring Achille and Darius?" He asked me as he walked towards me. My eyes staying locked onto his as I tried not to let my eyes linger.

"Beverly and I went to their house and they were coming - they're just handling a little more things. Then they'll be here." I lie right to his face, and Deimos nods.

I rarely ever lie to him, so he has no reason to question my words.

"Did you take care of Weston?" Deimos asked me, sitting on the sand. I watch him begin to yawn as if he was bored, and I nod. "Good. I was tempted to just kill him on the spot because he was so horrible. This sex thing is only fun for the person slamming it in my ass. I want...something better. Someone I can actually enjoy."

I look away from him, annoyed by that.

"When I do enjoy the sex - the person ends up being useless. So I have no reason to keep them around. There's just no answer...if Darius wasn't with Achille I would try with him." Deimos chuckled out of nowhere, and I felt my hands ball into fists.

I shake my head at him, crouching before him. I was already annoyed, but now I'm frustrated.

"Deimos why do you do this to me?" I question him quietly, and he frowns. "Why won't you just have sex with me-?!"

"I saved your life when you were a child! I practically raised you! I don't want to have sex with someone I raised almost as if they were my kid." Deimos snapped at me, and I sneer. "Where is this coming from anyway?"

I take a deep breath, remembering what Achille said. I can't drop this...I have too much on the line - my heart for example.

"When you love someone you shouldn't have to place a spell on them... Why did you do this to me? If my love for you is as much as I was told it was - there should be no reason why this spell is on me. Shouldn't my love have been strong enough for the spell to be unnecessary? Answer me that, please." I beg him, and I grab his hands.

Practically begging him as I pull his hands to my chest. I pleaded for him to answer me, but he just looked angry.

"Achille put you up to this." Deimos growled, yanking his hands away from me so harshly that I fell flat on the sand. Causing me to become more angrier than I was before.

"Yeah he did, so what!" I burst out in fury, making Deimos' expression darken on me. "It's a good thing that he did. Because I am beginning to question things reasonably and logically now. He and Darius helped me realize how wrong these spells wrong you're being to me!"

Deimos was standing now, and I watched him begin to walk back towards the house. I was watched his retreating back, pissed off much more.

"Get up, now." I hear him demand, and I couldn't help but stand. As I followed behind him as if I was a child about to be punished.

When we got into the house I saw Beverly pointing at me. Laughing silently, he pretended to choke like he was laughing too hard. Vannie was right beside him with her son, and she looked disappointed in me.

Those two...are of no assistance to me.

The more we walked we ended up going upstairs. Meeting Cherry as she walked down too. Her and I make eye contact with one another, and she grins politely.

I grin back, and I suddenly feel my arm being yanked along. Looking at Deimos as he shoved me into his room. Once he locked the door he made eye contact with me, his eyes completely white.

That's how I knew he was angry, and...I only ever saw him look this way before people he was going to kill. Never has this look been on me - expect when he placed the spell on me a couple hundred years ago...


"You dare question me as if I'm the bad guy here? Like I'm burdening you and hurting if you're in pain? I'm not wrong here! How dare you talk to me that way?! After everything I have done for you in your life?! You wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for me saving your damn life. So, again, how dare you act this way towards me and talk to me like that?! Huh?!" He shouted at me, and I glared at him.

I refuse to back down...I won't.

"All you've done is save my life - okay? I'd rather be dead than suffer like this! I can't even love you and kiss you and hold you like all these other men get to. I'm basically just your servant and I see it now! It's unfair to me that I can't tell if I really love you, or if I'm being made to love you! It's not right what I'm going through. I profess my love, you shoot me down and have sex with some stranger. Then I have to come in and clean you up, kick out the man, being what I am to you...a servant! This unrequited love of mine is tearing me apart! You don't love me, you're just keeping me here one else will really love you!" I shout back at him, and Deimos suddenly had me slammed onto the floor.

I watched as he had his hand over my throat, hissing at me as I saw his fangs near my face. Reminding me of how evil he really was. I never really got to...experience his evil power.

But the way he made me feel like I was being crushed just by his eyes, his nails practically digging into my skin. That's when I saw the tears made of blood leave his eyes, and that's how I knew he was really upset.

Since Deimos is a vampire reaper, there's many things about him that is different. Like his power and the abilities his able to do... One of them is that when he is truly using his power, tears of blood begin to leave his eyes slowly. Makes him look eerie and...insane.

When watching such a thing is fascinating. Experiencing it is...horrifying.

"Take that all back. Now." He hissed so sinisterly that a chill ran down my spine.

Except I wasn't going to take it back. Everything that I said...was true.

"I can't..." I say to him, and he chuckled as his hand removed from around my neck. As I sat up, I watched his eyes turn back to normal. Them settling on me as he looked at me in disappointment.

I don't know why he was looking at me like that. These were...genuine questions.

"All I want are answers, but you refuse to answer them. So you either seeing me suffer, you don't have an answer, or you know this is wrong. Which one is it...Deimos?" I question him gently, standing up off the ground.

Looking down at him again, he just closed his eyes. His lips falling into a straight line as he shook his head.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I already told you-."

"Why are you doing this now?! All when that...couple show up! We were perfect before!" He cried, and I shake my head. Seeing him flinch at such a thing.

"That's what you want to believe. We were never perfect...we were never anything - that's the problem." I state sadly, and I sigh...brokenhearted.

Deimos' arms folded tightly to his chest as he took a deep breath.

"Don't say that... That's nowhere close to being true-."

"Than what are we?" I interrupt, almost panicking. Because I couldn't see any other relationship that I could possibly have with him besides master and servant at this point.

The more he looked at me and didn't speak, it only made me more upset. I waited patiently - I tried to at least. Except he didn't seem to have answer for me as his eyes diverted off of mine. His arms dropping from his chest, hanging limply beside his waist.

"You act like I don't love you. Because I's just...morally wrong to me that I have a love partner that I practically raised. Basically my child-."

"I'm not your child! I never was! Can't you see that? I never saw you as my father, so how can you see me as your child? Just because you raised me doesn't mean I'm anything close to being like your child. No, I refuse to accept that. If that was the case you wouldn't have me do all those tasks that you didn't, couldn't, or wouldn't do - like a servant would. If that's how you think you raise a child than I pity the child you bore - if you even can." I sneer at him so cruelly that his expression told me he was hurt by my words.

We both just stared at one another, and I decided to break the eye contact. Rushing towards his door as I open it and bump right into someone.

"I'm proud of you Vince, don't be ashamed of anything you just said." I see Achille tell me, grinning up at me. Darius giving me a thumbs-up.

Before I could thank him I found myself shoved back. Looking as I saw Achille slammed against the wall by Deimos. I already knew Deimos was just taking his anger out on him because Achille is right in everything he says.

"Deimos stop!" I yell at him, grabbing his arms as I try yanking him back. Darius trying to pull him away only for me to be pushed away. Deimos shoving Darius so hard that I heard something snap when he hit the wall.

Causing me to see that his neck snapped and he began to heal very quickly. If he was human he would've died than and there.

It was evident that Achille didn't like seeing that one bit as his eyes turned black very quickly. Deimos being grabbed by the throat as...Achilles kneed him in the stomach. Watching to my surprise when Deimos collapsed by such a thing, Achilles grabbing his hair by the roots and pulling his head back.

"Have you lost your mind old man? Have you lost your fucking mind? If you want to hurt anyone - control that. I'd say me...but looks like Achille and I are sharing this body with one more person. So watch yourself, and watch how you want to throw me around. If you do anything that hurts the baby, Achille, or Darius, I'll gladly come in and kill you. Then this little war can be ended quite easily." Achilles warned him, and than he let go.

Before Deimos could get up we see Darius practically sock him in the side of his skull. His head hitting the ground and I saw he was staying there. I knew he wasn't dead and he didn't pass out...he can handle pain much better than most can.

Achilles grabbed Darius' hand, pulling him towards him. He grinned up at me, nodding down at Deimos.

"We are staying for your sake and everyone else - this bitch can gag on rotten dick. Everything you said is true and don't let him manipulate you into thinking otherwise. Just leave his ass here." Achilles suggested happily, and I sigh.

That's when I wave them on, and Achilles shrugs. Darius patting my shoulder in a brotherly way that was appreciated.

"Whatever you do, we will have your back. We're your friends, remember that Vince." Darius tells me, grinning.

With that they both walked away. Shocking me at how...caring they were for me. As if they've gone through the same thing...

Achille is also pregnant? In such a short period of time too? Deimos wishes it could be that easy for him... How unfortunate - he tries it with everyone but me.

I pick Deimos up off the ground, and put him back in his room. Since he was kind of embarrassed...basically. When I lay him down he ends up grabbing my arm.

"Vince I want to go back to what we were before." He begs, and I shook my head.

"Where I was obedient and incredulous to these facts? I...I don't think I can go back to that. Just be honest with me. That's all I want - is honesty. Which seems to be a hard thing for you-."

"I'll remove the spell if you promise to still be there for me, to be in love with me-."

"That's not fair. I don't even remember clearly my memories besides the one when you placed the spell. If I keep loving you, I need you to be willing to love me too. I am done with this unrequited shit-."

"I just don't want you to fall in love with someone leave me." He whimpers, and I sigh. Sitting on the curb of the bed, I set my hand on his.

I grin at him, shrugging as I didn't know what would come if he was to remove the spell.

"If that's the case...since you seem so unconfident on if I'll still love you... Then win my heart over." I tell him, and his eyes widen. "Now it's your choice on what you'll do now..."

"It is...huh?" He groaned, leaning back as he bit his lip. I smile, nodding as I stand and go to him. My lips close to his...chickening out as I kiss his cheek.

"Yes it is."



His choice means everything. 😶

That was Vince for you. 🤧

Literal sweetheart. ❤️

Deimos is next. 😲

Poor an extent. 😪

What'd you think of everything? 🤔

Wild, I know. 😏

Crazy, I know. 😏

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