
By krisnova13

1.1K 316 387

Charlee lives a normal life, Shes about to go off to college and make something of herself outside her small... More

Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
CH. 19
ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
ch. 23

Ch. 18

38 8 7
By krisnova13

I'm a fucking dragon.

Yes, we are.

There was the voice again.

"uh, dragon?" I thought


Holy shit. I was losing my mind, I'm talking to myself, in my head and apparently it's a DRAGON, or I'm a dragon. My thoughts raced, what was I? Am I stuck like this forever? Why can I breathe under water? Oh my god, they really are going to kill me.

Calm down, I will answer everything you want to know.

"Uh... what are we?"

We are a dragon shifter, the first in a very long time. I've been waiting for you.

"Are we the same person? Or dragon?"

I am a part of you, as you are a part of me. One cannot live without the other.

"Am I stuck like this? Is your name Charlee?"

My name is Helen

"Am I stuck as a dragon... forever?"

She chuckled. No but would that really be so bad?

I mulled over this information, unaware of what to do next. I'm pretty sure I was in shock, I mean I had just sprouted a tail for god sakes.

Charlee, you mustn't tell anyone about me or what we are. Not yet, we have to learn to work together and control our powers. The people of this world haven't seen a dragon shifter in thousands of years, we are meant to restore peace and magic. There are those left who wish for destruction and we would pose a great threat to them.

"How do you know so much Helen? Why me?"

I've lived many lives Charlee, we return to the earth when our life ends waiting for our next host. Since the Great War there has been no one with a soul pure enough to take on a Dragon. Mother Nature only selects those who are strong enough to resist the pull of shadow magic...As I said, I've been waiting a long time for you.

"We are the only ones?"


"What do we do now?"

We train. You figure out how to use the magic you've been blessed with, we become strong.

"And we tell no one?"


"What about Laura, she's done nothing but help me since I got here. I don't know much about magic I haven't even started properly training yet and you've been... well dead for hundreds of years."

Do you trust her?

I couldn't explain why considering I hardly knew her, but yes. Yes I did. "Yes, with every fiber of my being."

I don't agree with it. If you feel it is something you must do, then I stand behind you.

A warmth spread throughout my chest, I felt content as if a missing piece of my soul was finally in place. I took a second to take in my surroundings again and looked overhead, it was dark. I figured it was pitch black but with my enhanced senses I could see.

"How long have when been down here?"

Almost 10 hours, the first change always takes the longest.

"Ten HOURS? I have to go back, they'll be worried."


"Helen, how do I change back?"

Imagine the way your human body looks, imagine our legs and claws shrinking and returning to normal. Picture it in your mind, want it, feel it, and allow for it to happen. It will hurt, but not as badly as before.

"Will I be able to swim back?"

We will walk closer to shore in this form, once we are close enough, you can start the change.

We talked in a comfortable silence, me trying to get a grapple on my new form. Four huge legs, and a tail wasn't easy to navigate, eventually we reached warmer water and I knew it was time.

Charlee, there is one more thing you must know.

"Lay it on me." I said as I pictured my four legs becoming two, my blue scales turning into my olive colored skin, hands instead of claws. I felt my body contort and pain sizzled through every part of me, I bit my tongue to keep from crying out, less painful my ass, I was never going to get used to this.

We must find our rider. 

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