Believe in Love.

By blarry20

728 7 13

Liam never expected to fall in love again after his breakup with Danielle. You never thought a guy like Liam... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.

Chapter 9.

38 1 0
By blarry20

You woke up to a knock on your door. "What's up?" You called to whoever knocked.

"It's me." Liam said as he walked in and closed the door. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" You said, and moved over to make room for Liam to lay next to you.

"Are you sure? You're eyes are red and puffy like you've been crying." He told you as he layed down.

"I had a really bad dream, actually." You told him, as he moved the hair out of your face. "I was running, and I couldn't find you. Then I fell, and someone was dragging me." You looked him in the eyes, and he looked worried.

"I will always be here for you Mew." Liam said to you. 

"I know Liam." You replied. "It was crazy though. I hope we never run into that Charlie guy again."

"Me too babe." Liam said getting up. "Come one. Harry's making breakfast. Let's go."

"Okay." You smiled. "Let me get dressed first, then I'll be right down."

Liam left, and you went to the closet. You picked out a pair of blue jeans, and your neon orange shoes. All of your shirts were dirty so you went into Liam's room to get one. You found his black one with the butterfly on it, so you went it on. You threw your hair up into a bun and went downstairs.

"Hey Mew!" Liam said as you sat next to him. "Nice shirt."

"Thanks. I found it lying around in your room." You said, and Harry put a plate of pancakes infront of you. "Thanks Haz. I'm starving!"

"Are you sure Niall's not your brother?" Harry asked. You give him a look, and start stuffing your mouth full of pancakes. Just then the doorbell rings and Harry goes and answers it. "Hi...? Umm... What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize for what happened last night." You hear a guy say. His voice sounded familiar. "Especially to that girl. Nick told me that I had scared her a little bit."

"Umm.. Sure. Come on in, I guess." Harry says and steps away from the door letting the guy in. "Everyone's in the kitchen..." Harry leads the way, and you immediately recognize the guy. It was Charlie from Grimmy's party!

"Hey." Charlie says. "I'm sorry about last night. I heard I freaked you out a little bit." He says while looking you up and down.

"Umm... Yeah. A little bit." You answer and shift uncomfortably in your chair. The way he was looking at you was creepy. Especially when you're only 18, and this guy is about 28. 

"You kinda freaked us all out a bit mate." Liam said while standing up. He stood in front of you and told Charlie, "And I'd appreciate it if you would stop checking out my girlfriend.

Charlie put his hands up in the air. "Sorry dude. I wasn't about to make a move again. Especially with her boyfriend here."

"You shouldn't be making moves towards her at all. Ever." Harry said from behind Charlie. "She may be Liam's girlfriend, but she's my sister."

"I thought you only had one sister, Styles." Charlie said looking shocked. "Wait til the public hears about a secret sister!" Charlie turned to go out, but was stopped by Zayn.

"She's a sister to all of us." Zayn told him. "There's nothing to tell."

"Are you sure about that?" Charlie asked looking at all of our faces. "Because now that I think of it, she does kind of look like Harry."

"There's so story." You tell him. "I'm just lucky enough to have an amazing boyfriend, and 4 big brothers." 

Charlie stares you down, and you glare back at him. "Fine." He says and turns to walk away. "But there will be a story, and I'll be the first one to leak it."

"Good luck with that!" Louis calls after him. Once Charlie's gone and Zayn closed the door and locked it, Louis turns to Harry. "What the hell is wrong with you, huh?"

"I was just trying to protect her." Harry argued. "It's not like I knew he was a reporter."

"His name's Charlie Tyler." Liam informs us. You turned to look at him and see him on his laptop. "He runs a gossip blog, but  he's never done anything big."

"Big as in a secret sister to one of the most popular guys in the world?" You ask, and slump into your chair.

"Basically." Liam replies.

"Great." Harry mutters, and turns to Zayn. "Thanks for that."

"You should watch what you say more often." Zayn tell hims and goes to sit down.

You walk over to Harry and give him a hug, "It's okay Harry. I know that you were trying to intimidate that creep, but let's just try to steer clear of him, okay?" You look up at him, and he looks down at you.

"Okay." He replies, and hugs you tighter. "I've got a surprise for you by the way Mew! I'll be right back!"

You watch him leave and see him take the stairs two at a time. "Don't be so hard on him, guys. He was just trying to protect me, and sometime's words just come out and you don't mean to say them." You tell the boys, and look over at Liam who makes eye contact with you.

"We're not going to get over that, are we?" He asks you.

"We will... But I mean, You and I are both guilty of it." You reply.

"Mew's got a point." Niall piped in. "Plus, if she were blood to any of us and we saw that creep looking at her the way he was, we would have said something."

Louis sits down, and kind of sulks. "I guess you're right Nialler." 

"Louis?" You ask. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." He replies and gets up. You lead him to the living room and sit down on the couch. "What's up?"

"What's going on with you and Harry?" You bluntly ask him. "I mean, I thought we were best friends, but it's like ever since I started living with you guys.... You both argue a lot..." You looked down at your lap.

"If you think that us arguing is your fault, then you are completely wrong." Louis told you and grabbed your hand. "It's not you at all. It's the whole fandom."

"What about the fandom?" You ask. You yourself were apart of the fandom, and would fangirl on a daily basis. 

"They've gone to far with the whole Larry thing, you know?" He tells you. "A lot of them actually believe that it's real, and it really ruined our friendship. We used to be able to hang out and be ourselves, but there are some fans that got crazy, and now we just cant." You see a tear stream from his cheek, and he wipes it away quickly.

"I shipped Larry..." You tell him. "I believe you two are soul mates." Louis tooks over at you with an angry look on his face. "Soul mates doesn't always mean lovers. Soul mates just mean that two people can love each other for who they really are and be best friends." You explain quickly before he could respond.

He looks down at lap and starts playing with the hem of his shirt. "I can live with that. I like that actually." He stares into your eyes, "But answer me this: Do you think that Eleanor and I are really in love?"

"Yes." You answer with no doubt at all. "I believe that you do love each other, and I never sent her hate. Some of these girls in the fandom are just really jealous of her, and they don't know how to handle it." You explain to him.

"How do you know that?" He asks, the instantly answers himself. "You were a Directioner!"

"You best believe it buddy." You answer, and throw your head back laughing. "I made a lot of good friends from it too. Like... I know a girls up and down California, Australia, New York, the UK...." You trail off remember all of the good talks you had with those girls, and how long it's been since you've talked to them, and how long it's been since you've read a fanfic. "it's like I don't even need to read a fanfic anymore." You think to yourself. "I'm living one."

"Wow." Louis says suddenly causing you to lose your train of thought. "There are worlds of difference there. Different time zones, different stories-"

"But the same dream, the same love for five idiots who stole our hearts." You interupt him. "They became some of my best friends!" You thought about them again for a second, and then remember why you were talking to Louis in the first place. "Anyway Louis." You say to him very seriously.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Can you and Harry just... not argue anymore?" You ask. "I know the fandom sucks sometimes, but you just have to ignore them."

"Yeah." He agrees. "I guess I'm just mad because none of it ever seemed to affect Harry as much as it did me. I mean, he doesn't have a girlfriend that gets hate. It's only him. If he gets hate he has to protect himself, but El and I both get hate, and I always feel likeI have to protect us both." He puts his head in his hands.

You reach over and rub his back. "I know Lou... You're a good boyfriend." You tell him and kiss the top of his head. "But you need to remember to be a good friend too. Just because Harry doesn't have a girlfriend to protect doesn't mean that he doesn't feel the hurt when you and him argue."

"I guess you're right Mew." Louis tells you and gives you and quick kiss on the cheeck. "It's nice talking to you, we should do that more often." He gets up and rejoins the others in the kitchen, when Harry starts rushing down the stairs.

Harry looks in the kitchen first because that where he left you, then he turns around and notices you on the couch. "Here Mew!" He says excitedly as he hands you a small box.

You take the box from him and open it. Inside is the most beautiful necklace you've ever seen. It was sterling silver and had a key on it. "Harry." You say turning towards him. "It's beautiful! Thank you so much!!!" You give him a tight hug, and when you let go, you put the necklace on. "I love keys. They're so simple, but-"

"Effective?" Harry asks interrupting you. He gives you a big smile. "I noticed that you liked keys, when I saw the tattoo on your wrist when the lads and I first met you. "I got that a while ago, but never knew when the right time to give it to you was." He admits and looks down.

"I love it!" You tell him, as you look down at it hanging from your neck. "To me, keys are just like a symbol of unlocking something within you. When I got my tattoo, it my first time being on my own, and I knew that I had just unlocked the door to my future." You explain. 

"I completely understand that." Harry tells you. "I'm glad you like it!" 

You give him another tight hug and you both walk into the kitchen to finish eating breakfast.

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