Infinite Stratos X Neglected...

By Karna-the-lancer

336K 5.6K 4.7K

I say this for every book, but I own nothing. More

Chapter 1: New Arrival
Chapter 2: The Dead Soldier
Chapter 3: The bet
Chapter 4: The prototype
Chapter 5: A Sniper, A Sword, And A Soldier
Chapter 6: Family, Pride, and...
Chapter 7: Even Until His Final Breath
Chapter 8: Two New Addition
Chapter 9: Another Problem
Chapter 10: A...Minor Change
Chapter 11: A Time to Relax
Chapter 12: New Homes Are Cold
Chapter 13: Recommendation...Seraph!
Chapter 14: Echoing Bells
Chapter 15: A day Off
Chapter 16: New Students
Chapter 17: Airport Pickup
Chapter 18: Germany's Respect
Chapter 20: Seven Attempts, Eight Losses
Chapter 21: Stars Align
Chapter 22: A Culprit
Chapter 23: From Bad to Worse
Chapter 24: Sharp Experiences

Chapter 19: Confrontation

11.1K 188 355
By Karna-the-lancer

Chifuyu's POV

"Why won't you just tell me already?! Why won't anyone just answer my questions?!"

Hearing him complain about what I believed was the...twenty-second time in the last two days, I continued to sigh, rubbing my head from the migraine that was starting to appear from his constant pestering about this matter.

"Ichika, this shouldn't worry you, he isn't a part of our family anymore. If you can't remember what happened, that's on you, but I don't want to involve you in this, it's bigger than you realize," I told him, trying to calm him down...again.

Really, I'm glad that his memory is so poor that he can't remember all the details, but some of the traumatic events are still there along with ones of close friends...but he's always had trouble remembering Yn, an unknown side effect of it all, but one I'm thankful for at this moment.

"What do you mean he isn't a part of our family anymore?!" he yelled, slamming his hands on my desk with veins bulging in on his forehead. "He is, and always will be, my big brother! And he'll always be your little brother too!"

"I believe he has also claimed that he doesn't consider us his family either. The only one that hasn't caught onto this fact is you. You need to accept that he isn't who he used to be. The Yn we knew is long gone, now he's just...!"

I tried to take a few deep breaths to calm myself. Even I was getting too much into this argument, and I don't want to let something slip that Ichika doesn't need to hear, but he continues on anyway, making my self-restraint wear itself thin.

"He's what?! A soldier?! I've heard that plenty of times. But a soldier is still human, yet they treat him like some sort of puppet! He's not some kind of slave, he's not a machine, and he's not a monster!" he yelled in fury again.

I know that Ichika cares for Yn. He sees him as a sort of goal that he needs to reach, not knowing that the path to get there is one that is impossible for him to travel. He was devastated by the fact that he accidentally and unknowingly hurt him during the duel, so much so that he couldn't bear to face Yn much after it all came to an end.

But he doesn't understand a thing! He doesn't know what happened and he doesn't know what Yn's done! I know I've spoiled him a lot, ever since that night, but to be this dense is something I've never even dreamed possible.

"You don't know what you're talking about! He's the reason Mom and Dad left! He's the one that drove them out while calling him a monster, at least I still took care of him!"

"He...drove them away...?" he looked taken aback by the statement, but I could see doubt rising as well. "...No...Why would they run away and abandon all of us just because of him?"

Letting out another profound sigh, I slumped back in my chair. "They were scared of what he...They were scared that, one day, you could turn out like him, so they left both of you, and offered to take me along, but..."

"...What...what did he do?"

I could see that Ichika was starting to accept that Yn was the main reason that Mom and Dad left, so this was a start.

"...That's not for me to say, because officially, it never happened. But that could be said for many of his missions that he did while in the U.S, most having the same result," Ichika seemed to catch on, but shook his head and tried to deny it.

"I assure you, it's true. In fact, there's a pretty famous tale of him being sent into enemy territory alone and killing every one of their troops in such a way that there was no need to do any cleanup," I watched as his face paled from this information, it seemed he made some sort of connection. Maybe he's been told this already, but hearing his response, I narrowed my eyes at his interpretation.

"T-that can't be! I heard...I heard that he took everyone alive..."

"Really? Who told you about this? And what were their exact words?"

"...I-it was Rin...she said that there was no bury...anybody..."

It seems he finally put two and two together.

I could see the shock on his face as he fell back into a chair, his eyes wide with shock and despair. I couldn't blame him, after all, this happened less than two years ago. For someone so young to do something so brutal, without batting an eye, is truly terrifying.

"He's a soldier, remember? I'm surprised that most of the student body hasn't caught on to this fact yet and realized the truth. The first time he ever took a life was back when he was seven when people came to abduct the two of you, and he barely reacted when he did it, why would now be any different?"

My mind was drawn back to that memory of that horrid night. Back then, he didn't even look human to me, and I'm not exactly off base with that thought, but to truly say he was a monster in body would mean I would have to accept Ichika as the same thing, and I refuse to do that. However, there's no doubt in my mind that he's one in mind and soul, if he even has one left.

It was a shame that he got kidnapped at the age of ten since Tabane had actually taken a serious interest in him a little before that incident. She looked past his origins and accepted him as her greatest masterpiece, even if she wasn't mainly responsible for it.

Now that I think about it, something tends to happen to him every three years since it started with Tabane. At four years old, seven, ten, and so on. Maybe he's getting scared since his and Ichika's birthday is coming up.

"What about...what about those girls?" he asked hesitantly. "Kuro...Kirin?"

"I've already told you, I'm not going to tell you. You don't need to know any more about him, he hasn't been concerned with our lives, you shouldn't need to be with his. Do yourself a favor and forget about it. It would be better for you to remember, while you're twins, you're nothing alike."

Of course, I'm not going to tell him anything, there's the fact that I can't possibly let him know about their origins, and, I'm still trying to find out everything too, but I've already uncovered some things about those three, the so-called, Children of the White Night.

Those girls are just like him.

They're monsters.

3rd POV

"...Alright everyone...we have another two transfers...again..." how tired Kaede was at this point was evident by both the lack of anything in her voice and how she was slumped down on her desk at the front of the class to both help her rest somewhat and hide the bags under her eyes that were starting to form.

"Go ahead...introduce yourselves..."

"I'm formerly from class one, Cecilia Alcott, England's representative contender, a pleasure to meet you all," the blonde pilot politely bowed to her new class, even waving at Yn who gave one back to be polite as well. "I hope we all get along, and I look forward to learning from everyone here. If you have any questions about the I.S or piloting, I don't mind helping."

"I am Laura Bodewig, Germany's representative contender."

Laura's introduction was definitely smaller, and she didn't seem as interested in making friends with any of the girls in the class, but her gaze never left Yn.

Anyone could notice how Cecilia was no longer as arrogant as before, but it was to be expected when she was beaten so easily by someone who she thought so little of. She may have still acted the same way to Ichika, but it was clear she had changed her opinion of Yn a long time ago, and she even seemed to act friendly toward him now.

However, in contrast to the friendly blonde, the silver-haired girl seemed far more cold, seeming more to analyze everyone in the room. The atmosphere around her seemed very familiar to Yn, but there was a clear difference, hers was more intense, but not nearly as deep. It occurred to everyone that she too was a soldier, but Yn was obviously the more approachable of the two.

Despite all of this, no one really questioned it, at this point it seemed normal, and they wouldn't be shaken even if they got another transfer within the next day or two.

Classes went by quickly, though it was more for the fact that Kaede just wanted it to be over with so she could finally get some long-deserved sleep.

And, just like every day, Yn went to the gym again, but he found that it was much more crowded than before, there were girls everywhere. Many tried to keep up with the absurd workout regime of him, Kuro, and Kirin, but couldn't even come close to it, many just seemed content with watching him.

"It seems we might need to try and book the gym to ourselves if we want any privacy, or at least make it so no one can get in our way," Kuro laughed a bit as the trio were on treadmills, but they weren't really giving it their all even though it was on the highest setting.

"Is that possible?" Kirin asked.

"If we make a request to the student council, yes. But the only problem is that we could probably only book it for one or two days a week, so we'd need still need to deal with the other days of this place being filled," Kuro explained to them. "Should I try to set up a meeting with the student council?"

"If you could, that would be appreciated," Yn nodded.

It really wasn't a bother when a few people were observing them, but so many people at once could be troubling, as the Trio usually spoke about personal thoughts, or about subjects, others shouldn't be involved in.

After three hours had passed, Kirin and Kuro split from Yn as they all decided to finish what they needed before continuing training, but with the two sharing a different room than Yn, they were forced to separate.

Stopping at the door, he knocked a few times per the advice of Castle.


After a moment, Charles's eyes widened at Yn who stood at her door.

"Is there something you need?"

"This is my room."

If even possible, her eyes widened even more, before panic overcame her for a moment. "U-Um, can you...wait here for une minute?"

With a silent nod, the young blonde retreated into the room, quickly cleaning everything up that she believed could give away that she was actually a girl, not realizing that Yn was already aware of it. She even looked under the other bed to find that Yn was telling the truth, his bags already under his bed, making her pale.

Slowly returning, she opened the door slowly as she pulled him in. "Um...Yn...would you have happened to...see anything of mine...since I moved in?"


What should I do?

Say...damn, what's the best answer here, Crown?

For now, just say everything I say and we should be able to get through this with few problems.

"I've been in this room for quite a while, but I prefer to respect the privacy of others, so no, I didn't pay attention to anything you left laying around. I also wish to apologize for not greeting you into the room earlier, I usually leave early in the morning and arrive late at night, I apologize if it has inconvenienced you."

With a small bow, Charles was taken aback, quickly running the thoughts through her mind, she tried to calm herself down and think logically, and as much as she wanted to believe Yn, she was still suspicious of what he might have found out, but she knew that sharing a room with him would eventually lead him to find out, one way or another.

"Is there something bothering you?"

"Oh! No...Just thinking! Oui, I was going to go train for a bit, would you like to accompany me?" she asked quickly with little thought.

"I apologize, but I have a few reports to finish before I can afford to do anything else. However, I am sure Kuro and Kirin are going to be going to do some sparring soon. I'd promised them I'd join once my work was finished, but you are more than welcome to join as well, I believe it would be a good chance to get to know them as well."

"Do you believe so?"

"Yes," However, he wouldn't admit that he also wanted to get some data on her fighting style and weapons as well, but it was simply a secondary objective, after all, his promise came first.

"Then, when should we expect you there?"

"I shouldn't be long, fifteen to twenty minutes at most. However, they will most likely already be training right now, and they will surely help you with any lack of combat experience."

"G-good to know. Then I shall be off first, see you later, Yn."

Waving to him as she passed by, she made her way to the locker room, deep in thought the entire time. She believed that Yn may know about her little secret, making a frown spread out across her face.

If what he said was true, then he didn't pay attention to my stuff or me at all when he gets in, and apparently I was always asleep when he was there? But still, if he does know...

If he did know, then he could easily use it as blackmail, but he didn't seem like the type to do that unless forced, but even then, what could he possibly want from her?

He's said to be a soldier in mind and body, right? So maybe he'd want information? Blackmail would certainly help with getting what he wants. If papa found out, he'd try something drastic, he might even make me go back, or...

While it was true that there were laws that stated that outside powers couldn't influence any students at the academy openly, it was just like a paper shield, sure, it might look like it can provide safety, but it was only for the foolish. She knew that it was just one big lie. If someone really wanted to do something to someone at the academy, it was easy so long as the right preparations were taken and their tracks were covered up.

In other words, for someone like her father, who was relatively powerful and wealthy, making her return home or doing something to anyone in her class would be a troublesome task, but certainly not impossible, and if he learned that Yn knew their little secret, he could overreact and do something they'd both regret.

However, it was practically public knowledge that Yn was basically untouchable. His mere skill and combat prowess alone was enough to keep him safe, but then everyone who would go against him would also have to account for practically the entire U.N backing him up as well as having a personal connection, and still questionable relationship, with Tabane Shinonono, the creator of the greatest weapons known to man.

...Papa wouldn't threaten him, he can't afford to, it would be far too risky. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't try to make him stay quiet about it...but what could he offer him? He's a world-renown I.S pilot, has a large influence in politics which he doesn't really seem interested in at the moment, is financially stable from being both a soldier and a representative contender, and his weapons are all being made by himself or Miss Shinonono...

Being honest with herself, there was nothing her father could really do. Sure, he wasn't the best father around...even if she's only ever spoken with him a few times...but he put more into his business than his own family. He'd try to find something to keep Yn quiet.

...But...he's still a maybe Papa would demand me to...

With such thoughts running through her head, he silently and blankly approached the locker room, opening the door smoothly and closing it behind her quickly, before holding her now reddening cheeks as she just let the very naughty thoughts that ran through her mind a moment ago sink in.

The first thought led to another, then another, and another, and so on. The scenarios that came to mind were all one word, rough.

Shaking her head from side to side, she tried desperately to rid her mind of thoughts she wouldn't dare admit that she might like. She didn't even notice when she had gotten her I.S suit on and began walking to the arena, but as she arrived, all thoughts instantly stopped as her eyes widened in awe at the spectacle in front of her.

The two she had come to meet and train with at Yn's suggestion were already started, which wouldn't really bother her, but when Yn said they could give her some combat experience, she didn't think that it would be as intense as it was.

Numerous blades were flying around Kuro, each moving in unorthodox ways that made them nearly unpredictable, but she was still dealing with them as if second nature, the giant staff in her hand being twirled so skillfully that it looked much more like she was dancing than defending as she hit one after another away from her, all with a smile on her face.

In this blur of attacks, giggling was heard, and as the intensity of the strikes increased, Charles watched as flames burst out of one end on the staff, the flames soon taking the shape of a scythe, but its purpose was merely to give a small boost in speed so Kuro could clash weapons with Kirin, who had rushed in for another assault. 

"You had your turn, now its mine," pushing away from each other casually, Kuro swiftly winded back her weapon and one of the numerous wings she had quickly attached on the staff, on the opposite side of the scythe of flames, while the others let out short bursts of air to balance her with the quick and erratic movements. As she swung the Warhammer-scythe mixed weapon, the flames burst to life with even more power, adding to her swing, but Kuro raised her hands, and the eight floating swords around her all moved in front of her to block her friends strike but caused her to fly back quite a bit. 

But Kuro didn't let her regain her composure as she rushed forward again, but as Charles could tell from the short amount of the fight she had witnessed, Kuro only had more power, it was Kirin that held the advantage in speed, and the distance was too great for her to reach Kirin before she was fully recovered. Or rather, normally the distance would be too great. 

A few of Kuro's wings flew in front of her as she ran, but she stepped on them. The moment she did, they turned and let out more bursts of air, boosting her forward even more. She was using those wings as stepping stones while her other ones adjusted her so she wouldn't lose balance. 

Within a split second, Kuro was swinging her armament again, but the smile never left Kirin, and it seemed to move in slow motion as Kirin delicately jumped over the weapon that held so much destructive power, it passing by her by mere millimeters as she twisted in mid-air, swinging one of her legs for a round kick, only for it to be stopped by Kuro. 

Pushing off of it and flipping back, Kirin's arm swiped across the air in front of her, four of her floating swords following the movement, ending with the result of her blocking and redirecting the object that was just sent at her with incredible momentum. 

Looking back over at Kuro, Charles' eyes widened again as she saw her twisting and swirling her weapon at high speeds, and then smashing it into one of her wings sending it toward Kirin at an unbelievable speed, the air parting in its wake, but Kirin continued her dance, each of her movements being followed by her floating swords.

With every hit, Kuro's wings would disappear and reappear right behind her after being deflected by her rival, but there was a change soon after. The wing on Kuro's staff to make the Warhammer was soon switched out for another, this one is far larger, and carrying more power with every swing. 

Charles thought that with the increase in power with every hit, Kirin would find everything to be near impossible, but what she found was...that she was yawning. 

"Kuro, when is Yn going to get here?"

"I'm not sure, he said he wouldn't be too long. Are you getting tired of taking it easy?" She asked with a small tilt of her head, making the girl with the eyepatch nod several times. 

"Can we get a bit serious? I find that this academy is pretty boring, I can't fight nearly as much as I'd like, and even then, those that I can fight again aren't as much fun."

"Then why don't we work up a bit of a sweat before Ghost arrives?"

Hearing this, both girls' I.S started to change a bit. Four of Kuro's numerous wings moved to her limbs, covering and molding to them to make the proper arm and leg coverings that pretty much every I.S had. Meanwhile, Kirin's legs were encased in metal, soon taking the shape of giant blades, this was also accompanied by her fingers becoming more like claws and a small sword for an accessory at the end of her hair.

However, before either could start, Charles tripped over herself at the shock of the two in front of her, causing both to finally acknowledge that someone was there. 

"Yn!" Kirin turned quickly, her hand stretched out as a small blush adorned her cheeks, obviously excited at the chance that the one she was waiting for had finally arrived, but soon became disappointed at the fact that it was Charles and not the soldier that was expected. 

"What are you doing here?" Kuro asked politely as Kirin merely puffed her cheeks and turned away, pouting in adorable frustration that it wasn't who she wanted it to be. 

"U-um...Yn said that I...could join in your training?" she even questioned her own words as she believed the two in front of her, even though they weren't representative contenders, could easily go toe-to-toe with any of them. 

"If you were invited to join, I have no problem with it."

Charles was still a bit awkward around Kuro, as she had noticed Kuro was distant, actively trying to avoid her when she first arrived, but now she seemed to be back to her normal cheerful and polite self. 

"Just be warned that we often fight Yn, so we're near his level. In other words, you shouldn't underestimate us," being reminded of the fact that they both fought the Ghost, who was commonly being considered invincible among the population of the entire world, despite only having seen him fight a few times, she nearly slapped herself at the thought that she might be able to beat one of them. If she wanted to compete with the two in front of her, she'd need to go all out, and even then, she was convinced she would only be able to tie with them at best. 

"If you'll allow me, I'd be happy to join!"

Hearing this, both girls glanced at each other, and with a nod from Kuro, Kirin sighed and moved back a bit. They gave each other plenty of room as Charles equipped her own I.S, two guns at the ready. 

The three stared at each other for a moment, and it was as if time had slowed down for each of them, all before they charged forward to clash head-on with each other. 

Meanwhile, Yn was finally leaving his room, having finished his reports and sending them off so he could finally keep his promise and spar with Kuro and Kirin.

You managed to finish early.

Thanks to you and Crown.

Think nothing of it, I was simply filling in for someone that refused to help. 


Is Throne still mad?

Apparently. But, as I said before, it was worth it.

Are you sure? Crown fell behind on her daily routine and has to make up for it now. This means she doesn't get to spend as much time talking to us, so you know she'll be upset when she's gotten enough progress. 

...True. Meh, you win some, you lose some.

Continuing to make his way down the halls, his body reacted instantly as someone's arm came swinging around from the corner. His body moved quickly, with a precision that was almost frightening, moving around the corner and advancing on the culprit.

But it was obvious that she was prepared for him to make such movements, and her other arm was already shooting toward him, something in her hand that he could only view as a weapon for the moment. But it never reached him.

Doing the same with her free arm that he did with her other, he grabbed at the wrist to easily stop the attack with little effort, and soon flipped them onto the floor, one hand trapping hers above her head as the other had slid down to wrap his fingers around her neck, but not cutting off her airway just yet as he identified her as a student. 

"Oh my, pushing a lady down so suddenly, how bold~" a seductive and playful giggle did nothing to ease the strain on her arms, nor did it affect him in any manner. 

"I apologize for the treatment, but it is self-defense."

He spoke so calmly despite the predicament and position he was currently in, but with the camera's already trained on them and Castle already recording everything as proof that she was the first to try and land a strike, he didn't need to worry about anyone claiming that he was doing something indecent to another student. 

That being said, any girls that would see this wouldn't report it out of some sort of disgust for him doing it to another student, but in jealously that it wasn't being done to them. 

The girl in question was a beautiful teenage girl of average height with short blue hair, dark red eyes, and had a very voluptuous and mature body, one that Yn could compare to a slightly younger Tabane, which is why, even if he did have emotions, he would be able to handle the teasing attitude she seemed to have. Her IS Academy uniform consists of the typical white and red blouse, a skirt that is slightly short compared to others, with a yellow tie, a pale green overcoat around it, along with red leggings, and the weapon he had previously identified, was a blue, fold-out fan, one that he now identified as her I.S in standby mode. 

But he didn't need an introduction from her, as he already knew who she was without looking it up in the database. "Is there something that you require from me, Miss Sarashiki?"

She didn't look even the least bit surprised or concerned with her current position, simply tilting her head to the side with narrowed eyes and another playful grin. "Do I need a reason to meet the rising star of the school?"

"As I need to keep a promise to Kuro and Kirin, yes. If not then I will have to be on my way. I apologize if I hurt you in any way," as his grip began to lighten and he moved his hand to push off the ground and get up, he found that hers were now wrapped around him softly.

"Aw, you can't just push a girl down like that and just leave. Didn't those two ever teach you anything?"

"Many things, but I have not met you in person before, and I am told that it is rather rude to push a pin a woman down on the first meeting."

"Well, I suppose that's true for most girls, but I'm not the same as them," she said with a cheerful smile, keeping it on her face even as Yn wrapped on arm around her while the other pushed off the ground, and he stood up as she was still clinging to him, though held there mostly through the support of his arm. 

"If that is all-"

"Fine, I actually do have business with you. I'll go into the details later, for now, walk and talk," she commanded him as if he was a submissive puppy, but his reaction was to wrap his other arm around her and go forward with her in a princess carry.

As they walked through the halls, she showed no shame letting her hands wander around his body, and he had no reason to tell her to stop as it was doing nothing to impede his movements, the same could be said when he even gave his neck and ear a playful nibble, all before winking at some gawking girls that were in shock from seeing yet another beautiful girl in the arms of the first male pilot.

Yn gave no reaction to any of her actions, as Kirin, Kuro, Tabane, and Kaede had all done similar things or gone even further...much further. The lack of reaction would normally disappoint a girl like Tatenashi, but the Lord knew that the two were anything but normal, and she only became more interested, wanting to see how far she could take it with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

She noted how his muscles seemed to relax from her touch, but not from actually relaxing, but to make it more pleasing for her to touch, it was as if he was being polite and considerate. It was nice to know that he was more concerned with her well being even though she had practically invaded his personal space. 

She seemed like a cat in his arms, gently rubbing against him and nibbling at him with a seductive Cheshire-like grin that even made other girls blush, but the soldier remained unaffected, which was basically coercing her to continue.

He had no trouble with her actions as it didn't really affect him, he simply waited for her to tell him the reason why she had stopped him, and he was a patient man. But Tatenashi had practically forgotten about the reason as she became immersed in playing with him to her heart's content, never finding a challenge like him before when it came to teasing.

Being honest to herself, it was actually refreshing that he showed no reaction, yet denied none of her advances. He was still an enigma to some extent, but she knew enough about him to know that so long as she didn't actually get in the way of his task, she could practically do whatever she wanted, and couldn't help herself.

This doesn't go to say that she's done this with a lot of guys, in fact, the number she has is currently one, and the one is the person that she's doing it to right this second. Sure, she's made guys fall over themselves with some light teasing and a wink or two, but it was all fun and games. She wasn't being mean, as it was always the guys that started it, she was simply returning the favor just a little. 

This was the first time she was enjoying doing it so much, and going to this extent was new, but exciting. Not to mention his physique mixed together with his handsome features already made him pretty popular and highly desirable, but it was probably annoying that he was always being pestered for attention by all the other girls, and none were approaching him as she was in his arms. 

But it soon came time for her to become disappointed as he soon stopped in his tracks. "My deepest apologies, but we are near the locker room and I must get changed. When should we meet to discuss the business you brought up earlier?"

"I'll contact you again soon, so just wait for me for a bit," leaning up, her lips brushed again his as she gave him a light kiss, not realizing the consequences of such an action. Yn felt a shiver go down his spine but didn't even shake in the slightest. He now would also be expecting a call from a certain bunny-eared genius, and a visit...a very...intense and intimate visit...again.

...This one's on you, I'm not helping you out of this mess this time. 

HAHAHAHA! I call this Karma!

So you finally speak to us after it's gotten this far? You know that Tabane's going to blame you for this, right?


You're usually the one that helps him with these situations, now look what's happened. Tabane's gonna punish you for not instructing him properly.


You okay there, Throne?

...I'm just...gonna go take a nap...

Will he be okay?

Probably not, but I'd be more concerned with your own fate, my boy. 

Understood, thank you.

As he waved goodbye to her, he wasn't surprised at the obvious sway of her hips as she walked away with another giggle, and again, Yn was now unconcerned with how yet another representative contender seemed to be involved in his life. 

Hey Yn, it's acting up again, so I'm gonna sleep until Crown can fix it again. Good luck with Tabane and the rest of the girls when they find out, you're gonna need it.

Understood. Have a good rest.


Error Error Error


.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚

.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚

.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚

Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚.̶͙̭͈̹̅̓.̴̹͓̺̰̮̋̔̈́̇.̵͕̣̟̰̾͊̈́E̷̼͈͉̼̜͔͍̒̏͗̚͜R̵̞͍̪̖̩͖͊̽Ȑ̷͓͇̘͙̗̇̀̚͜O̵̺͆͠R̵̥̟̼̯͙̱͎̆̌̓̃̌̑͂ ̴̡͙̮̊͑͘͠E̴̥̞͓̽̒̾̿̚R̷̫͛̊̊͗̔ͅR̴͙̻͕͈̬̗̱̪̃̚Ǫ̷̪̻̻̅͊̀̎R̵̡͇̙̤̜͑ ̵͎̤̍͊̚͝E̴̱̬͈̝̐͗̌̃́̔̃R̴̭̣̩̋͆ͅͅͅR̷͍̼̅O̵͔͂͌̾͝R̷̗̾̐͑̐̓͝ ̸̡̡͍͑́̐̈̅͋͘̚Ȇ̸͖̫̦͂R̷̛̳̃͊͒̄R̵̗͑͆͝Ö̴͕́Ṛ̴̡̻͐́̍ ̶͖͎͍̕Ḛ̵̅̀͑̽͝Ř̵̗̮R̶̡̠͎̮͖̱͒̿͆͒́̓O̸͇̥̠͗R̷̻̝̊̀̾̏͛͒ ̷̧̳̘͌͑̕Ẻ̶͔̙̄̔̂͗̿͒Ṛ̷̡̢̹̘̑̾͂̈́̉͛̚͠R̸̻͙̮̝̿̇̈́̂̋͒̚͝O̷͕̫̬̼̖̘̫͘R̷̙̩̗̙̄̈.̸̧̞͂͌̍͌͝.̸̺̗̤̞̕͜.̴̧̢͖͎̞̎ ̸̡̛̙̲̖̤̙͒̓̀̾̚

...L E T M E O U T...


A/n: Hey guys, how you all doing? I'm pretty much the same, recently had something happen that help me pass the time. Happy that this is finally out and one of the best girls have arrived, just in my opinion anyway, everyone has their own and I respect that. Also, on that note, I just wanna say that I do not hate Houki, Chifuyu, or any others, I actually like them quite a lot, but to make this story interesting I have taken this route, and I'm following through to make it more fun. It is fun and entertaining, right? Well it is to me, and I find that if I write to how I think people will like it rather than how I like it, I lose interest, so I'm hoping it's as entertaining for you all to read as it is for me to write and think about, because I have things planned! Hehehe, yes..many...many things planned...Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Until next time. Bye!!!

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