Angel's End

By gallia1999

15.5K 389 283

She was dead. I don't know how I'll live without her. I remember staring deep into her ocean blue eyes, befor... More

Angel's End
chapter 2
Confronting the child
The Traitors Amongst Us
The truth
Chapter 7
On The Run (Again)
Secrets and Suspicions
Clones and Answers
First Encounters
New powers and allies
Plan B
Incoming Trouble
The Old and the Wise
Detention Center
Lost and Found
The End
small update

The Supreme Sith

555 13 41
By gallia1999

"I- I don't know. I-"

A clone rushed in.

"Generals, the suspicions about the chancellor have been revealed. He is Sith." he said.

We all exchanged looks.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I said.

The council members arose from their chairs.

"Lockdown the Senate building so he is unable to get out, and alert all Senators to stay away from him, and for all clones to be on the lookout." said Shaak Ti.

"What about you?"

"We're heading in."

I looked behind me at my three friends, who were all smirking.

"We're ready for more." said Talik

We started running down the hall, while brainstorming a plan.

"Ahsoka, we'll send your team, Master Ti, Grandmaster Yoda, and me with you to go find the chancellor, we need a team to protect the Senators, and another team guarding all exits." said Aayla Secura.

"Leave the exits to me." said Mace.

"I'll protect the senators." said Kit Fisto.

We all split up into groups, then went on with the plan.

"So Maul, did you have any idea about this?" I said.

"Not exactly. I was cast aside once his prized boy took my place." he said back.

"And whos his..."prized boy?""



"I'm afraid so."

I got on my comm link and contacted Rex.

"Rex! I need you to check if Anakin is still in the healing ward!" I said.

"Yes sir." I heard back.

We kept running towards the chancellor's office, and found him on a holopad with a clone.

"Execute order-"

I force pushed it into the wall, cracking it and turning it off.

"Hello Darth Tano, did you kill the real one?" the Chancellor said to me.

"You see, I am the real one, I have ended your clone, and I will now end yours also!" I said, igniting my lightsabers. From behind me I heard tons more lightsaber ignitions.

"You overestimate your power." he said, pulling out a red blade.

Maul was the first to attack. He jumped at him with pure anger.

I gestured to everybody to surround him.

There was now a circle around the chancellor.

"You're surrounded. Now put down your weapon and surrender." I said.

My comm link started beeping.

"Commander, Anakin is nowhere to be found!" said Rex.

"Dispatch all your men to track him down!" I said back.

"So you're looking for Anakin." said the sith.

"I know about your plans with him! You manipulated him!" I said, getting a little closer with my blades. More than anything I just wanted to cut this guy to pieces.

"Who has the force binders?" said Aayla Secura.

I nodded my head no, and saw many other head nods of no also.

"Great, we forgot them." said Maul.

"Just great, my boy." said the sith, holding both his hands up.

"Put your hands down!" I said.

"No." he said, shocking Maul with one of his hands, then turning his other hand to Shaak Ti, shocking her.

I ran at him, attempting to decapitate him, but he moved his hand from Maul, and was now shocking me! I kept my eyes open, I was not going to be knocked out for like the tenth time in two days! I tried asking Daughter for answers, she told me that when the time comes, she will be here to guide me. That was useless. Finally, the electric shock was removed from me, and put on somebody else. I got a grasp back on my body, then got up a little dizzy, then ignited my lightsabers.

"You aren't getting away with this." I said.

He moved his hand back on me, where I blocked his lightning with my lightsaber. I looked around, only three of us remained. Yoda, Ventress, and I were the only ones standing.

"I will kill all of you." said the sith.

"No, you will not." I said.

He aimed his hand at Yoda, then attempted to shock him. Which was an epic fail that ended in Yoda catching the force lightning. Ventress and I took this as a chance to take him on. We each jumped at him with our duals. He blocked my attack, then turned to Ventress and started dueling her. But just like that, a red flash went through her stomach.

"No! No! Asajj!" I screamed.

"I will kill you too!" yelled the sith.

He started dueling me, he was weak physically, so I used my body to do damage. I kicked him in the stomach, he moved his free hand to hold his gut. As he was off guard, I slide tackled him and cut his foot off, causing him to fall.

"Beat you." I said, holding my lightsaber to his chest, about to stab him.

"Ahsoka! Stop!" yelled someone from behind.

"Anakin?" I said, focusing my attention to him.

"Why are you doing this to this poor old man!" he yelled to me.

That was as far as we got, before the Chancellor started shocking me again.

"Ahh- Anak- Anakin don't give int- o hi- him!" I yelled, while being shocked.

I fell to the ground, once he stopped shocking me. But this time, I didn't get up immediately. I heard Daughter.

"Ahsoka, you must stop Anakin's fall. Do not worry about the Chancellor right now."

"Thank you, Morai."

"I'll be here when you need me."

I blinked a little bit, then felt back in my body. I got up, then looked at Yoda who was dueling the Chancellor. Anakin was just standing there, like he was deciding something. My eyes then locked with his. I gave him a sad, but fierce look, nodding my head no. He walked over to me.

"Anakin, he's manipulating you. There is a new order now. I know you're doing this for Padme, but if you turn, there will be a consequence." I said

"How do you know about me and Padme!" he shouted.

"Anakin, I could sense it."

He ignited his lightsaber. He was under the Chancellor's influence. I ignited my white blades, but didn't attack.

"What, are you too scared to fight?" he said.

"No, I just don't want to embarrass you when I beat you." I said, cracking a smile.

I saw his face flash, with a smile, but it turned back to an angry expression.

He jumped at me, which I blocked. He wasn't exactly overpowering me. I looked next to me, at the many knocked out bodies, but the main one that caught my eye was Ventress. I let a tear slip from my eye. I closed my eyes, and turned off Anakin's lightsaber, then turned off mine.

"I may have failed her, but I won't fail you!" I said, trying to hold back more tears.

Anakin was thinking. I looked up at where Yoda and the Chancellor were dueling. Maul had woken up and joined the fight.

"I'm sorry." said Anakin

"Anakin, it's okay. I'm going to try and loosen the grip that the Chancellor has on you, when I do, you have to hurry, and slip it off.

I joined Maul and Yoda, others were starting to get up also. I told the others the plan, then we went into position. The four of us stood there, then each of us raised one of our hands.

"I am one with the force, the force is with me." said Aayla Secura.

"I am one with the force, the force is with me."

"I am one with the force, the force is with me."

We were all chanting it. Our force connections put together, made us overpower him. We pushed him into a concrete pillar next to his desk.

"Anakin, now!" I yelled.

I walked over to where my friend's body laid.

"I'm sorry. You died a hero, and forever will be." I said, resting a hand on her cold shoulder.

I looked over, and saw Anakin arising. I closed my eyes, then got up, and walked over to Anakin.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine Snips, it's bee- the sith!" he shouted.

I looked behind me, Palpatine had just woke up and tried making an escape, but had nowhere to go.

I got up to get the Chancellor to surrender, but was surprised when he jumped out the window.

"Let's go after him!" yelled Anakin, getting up and jumping out the window behind him.

"No! Wait!" I yelled, looking down. I held my hand out to catch Anakin with the force. I got a grip, then lifted him up.

"Ahsoka! I had it under control!"

"No, I already lost friends today, I'm not losing another one." I said, walking out the door of the Chancellor's office. I could feel many eyes on my back as I left. It had been a long day, and I was ready to just go to sleep.

We held a funeral for Ventress. I joined the order part time. Meaning, I was free to do things on my own, but I was still assigned missions and stuff. It had turned out that Padme was pregnant, and had two twins, Luke and Leia. Maul and I still had an alliance, and all of his problems with the council had been settled, he was even called in for backup sometimes. Talik went back to bounty hunting, and did some jobs for us. We figured out the Chancellor's plan. He was going to kill all jedi with clones. All clones were put in a medical bay, and got their inhibitor chips removed. We later spoke with the kaminoans, and told them to stop putting the chips into the clones. For the senate, Bail Organa became the new supreme Chancellor, taking Palpatine's place. Anakin, Padme, and the twins went to live on Naboo. Anakin was taking some time off from being a Jedi to raise his two children. I guess you can say life was okay. Well, it was okay now, but the Chancellor was still out there.

Well, who's down for a sequel?

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