
By gotthatbrainrot

85.1K 2.5K 781

Everyone knows the story of the second Robin, the one who met his end at the hands of the Joker and a crowbar... More

chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty

chapter one

5.1K 149 17
By gotthatbrainrot

Yes, I am changing things from cannon, that's what happens in fics. Anyways, here is chapter one of Hustle!

The helicopter landed on the island and the family disembarked, making their way into the building. Jason was holding onto Damian's hand, leading the toddler through the fortress like structure. Once they were deep inside the building, Talia took Damian from Jason, looking at her older son.

"Jason, go to the Sensei. He will instruct you further on what to do."

"Yes, mother." Jason bowed his head, watching Talia walk away with Damian. Damian peeked his head over Talia's shoulder, waving at his brother. Jason smiled, waving back before slipping his mask on, pulling his hood over his head and walking through the building to the outdoor meditation area where he knew the Sensei to be.

He was right, of course, finding the old man meditating surrounded by bamboo trees. Jason walked to the base of the small platform, bowing. "Ah, young one. Our guests will be upon us soon. Wait over in the bamboo for further instruction, I may need you to take them down for me."

"Yes, Sensei." Jason stood and walked to the bamboo, hiding with another of the Sensei's pupils.

It was a few moments before anything happened, before the intruders made themselves known. Three figures approached where the Sensei meditated, and the Sensei addressed them. "Hush, children. I am trying to meditate."

The red haired intruder sneered. "And I am trying to find my sister!" He shouted at the Sensei, making Jason tense up.

"Then your search has gone astray, Brion Markov." The Sensei spoke, his eyes staying closed.

"You know who I am?"

"Who doesn't know of the foolish and impatient prince, banished from his kingdom on live television? You seek the missing princess but will not find her here."

"Is this Infinity Island or not?" Brion snarled.

The Sensei sighed. "It is."

"Then where is your army of ninja?"

"I don't need an army. I trained the army." The Sensei spoke as he stood up, finally opening his eyes.

"You didn't train them for me." Brion touched the ground, turning his hand into molten magma. "My sister was abducted by the League of Shadows. I'm here to bring her home."

"As far as I can tell, boy, you are here to make a fool of yourself."

"Tell me where my sister is!"

"Perhaps your sister chooses not to be found by you. I've hardly known you five minutes but already sympathize with such a decision."

Brion stood up, throwing a ball of magma at the Sensei, who merely jumped out of the way. The magma lit the meditation platform on fire. In mid air, the Sensei threw three shuriken at Brion, where they found their target in the teen's shoulder.

The Sensei landed, glowering at the three intruders. "I am no longer amused by this conversation. And you have ruined my meditation space."

Jason bit back a chuckle at that, watching as the three intruders jumped into battle with the Sensei. Brion Markov threw magma at him whereas the bug like creature turned into a ball, rolling at Sensei. Sensei caught the bug and threw the bug back at Brion, knocking the prince to the ground. Sensei walked across the molten magma towards the third intruder.

"Wasn't that hot?" She asked.

"Pain is an illusion." Sensei answered, continuing towards her. He grabbed her around the head, holding her in a headlock. "Now, all of you stand down."

"Let go of her!" Brion yelled.

She lit up her hand in a yellow aura and Sensei stared at it. "None of that." He snapped her neck, sending her to the ground as Brion watched in horror.

"" He yelled out, magma exploding out of him. A motor bike, which Jason just noticed, was floating in the sky and began shooting at Sensei.

"To me!" Sensei called out.

That was Jason's cue. He ran out, facing the bug. The bug ran at him, turning into a ball. Jason simply flipped over the bug, attaching a disk to the bug before landing gracefully. In a second, the bug was down along with Brion Markov.

Jason looked to Sensei and the Sensei nodded. "Help me bring them to their cell and then you may go to your charge." Jason bowed, doing as he was asked.

He found Damian and Talia with Ra's in the security room, watching as the girl came back to life. Damian looked up when he entered, smiling at him. Ra's looked over as well, waving Jason over. "Come, the rest of their crew will be here soon. We must prepare."

"There are more?" Jason asked. "What do they want?"

"Their people back."

Jason nodded, following Ra's out of the room. He waved to Damian before trotting after Ra's.

They went down to the courtyard just outside the building. He noticed the Sensei and his other pupil there as well. Ra's instructed him to go over with them and Jason obeyed. They stood there, waiting for their intruders to exit the building.

Jason wasn't keen on them being inside the same building as Damian when he was outside, away from him.

It wasn't long before the door exploded outward and a group of people in costumes ran out, stopping when they noticed Jason, Sensei, and the pupil.

The one in black and blue stepped forward. "We just want to leave."

"Your trespass must be punished." Sensei demanded.

"Wrong answer." The one with the 'S' on his shirt growled, leaping into the air, signaling to his crew that it was battle time.

Jason ran forward, jumping out of the way of the black lightning that came in his direction. He leapt into battle with the one in black and blue, exchanging blows with him. He couldn't help but feel that something was familiar about this man, but that was impossible. He had never seen him before in his life.

Jason kicked the man in the chest, clearing his head just in time to hear Ra's speak.

"Enough." Jason stood up straight, stepping back from his opponent as Ra's stepped out of the shadows. "Well, young man, are you proud of this debacle? I believe the detective would be quite disappointed." Jason felt his head begin to throb. He took a few more steps away from his opponent, towards Ra's, who spared him a glance. "I assume you've come to collect these children? Take them and go."

"Not without my sister, Tara Markov. We know the League of Shadows has her." Brion yelled, magma covering his body.

"Still your tongue when addressing the Demon's Head." Sensei aimed his sword at Brion.

"It is fine, Sensei." Ra's lifted a hand to calm the older man. "Boy, the Shadows may indeed have your sister, but I am no longer head of the Shadows. And as you can see, there are no Shadows here. In fact, I am no longer part of the Light."

"He lies."

"Ra's al Ghul is many things but a liar isn't one of them." Jason's opponent spoke up, sending a spike of pain through Jason's head.

The girl with a tiger mask approached Ra's. "Would the great one care to reveal who is running the Shadows now?"

Ra's chuckled. "No, he wouldn't."

"It's not my dad, is it?"


"My sister?"

"Get out." Ra's commanded.

The intruders turned to leave, walking towards their space ship when a name popped into Jason's mind. "Gray...son?" He mumbled it, but apparently it was loud enough for the one with the 'S' on his shirt to hear.

He turned and looked at Jason. "What did you say?"

Ra's narrowed his eyes. "I asked you to leave. Do not make me involve the detective."

The intruders narrowed their eyes at Ra's before boarding their space ship and taking off. Jason turned to Ra's, slipping his mask off his face. "I'm sorry, I-"

Ra's sighed. "Go to my grandson."

Jason nodded, walking to find Talia with Damian in her arms at the edge of the courtyard. He looked at Talia, blurting out the one thing on his mind.

"Who is Grayson?"

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