The Knight of Azur Lane

By ZFGalahad

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This story is based on the Anime/Game Azur Lane (story takes place after the anime) After a decisive win by A... More

Chapter 1: Fallen Memory
Chapter 2: Briefing
Chapter 3: Arrival
Chapter 4: Meeting
Chapter 5: Tea Party
Chapter 6: The Letter
Chapter 7: Court Martialing a Pervert
Chapter 8: Royal Ball
Chapter 9: The Knight Galahad
Chapter 11: The Awakening
Chapter 12: Reunion
Chapter 13: Together
Author Note

Chapter 10: The Date

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By ZFGalahad

2 week's later: Galahad's House

Galahad's POV

2 week's has passed since the incident but still, i looked at Hood as she looked away, why isn't it normal!. "Um Hood?" she continued reviewing the paper's and didn't mind looking at me, i sighed and stood in front of her. She looked up to me as i just sighed and kneeled right in front of her, i could see her expression being completely confused.

"Hood...i am truly sorry for what i have done week's ago...i am truly sorry for not taking into account your's nor anyone's feeling' please i would gladly accept any punishment you give me, as a knight protecting his people i shall suffer the consequence of my action's" i bowed and waited for her to make a move, a few second's passed as i looked up to her. Her face had a some what had a mix of sympathy and laughter. "Then i shall give you your punishment..." i raised an eyebrow

"You shall spend the rest of the day with me on a..." i can see she was a little reluctant on saying the word "d-date", she looked down blushing as she was really emberassed. I smiled and stood up proudly "then i shall accompany you on a date...after our paper work" i pointed to the stack's of paper's as she just sighed and nodded in defeat.

8 Hour's Later: 6pm

"All done!" i exclaimed as i finished all of my paper's while Hood was about to finish her's as well. " you have a place in mind?" i asked as she finished her paper's "actually i don't know...i never been out of the base no one has" she said sadly as i chuckled "hey cheer up, don't worry i know a place not to far from here alright?" i said as she stood happily "i have to change first" she then walked out of my study joyfully as i just chuckled and got ready.

After a few minute's of waiting down stair's, "im ready" she said as she walked down the stair's. I stood up and looked at her, my eye's mesmerized yet again by the pride of the Royal Navy. "Shall we go?" Hood said calmly as i just nodded still mesmerized. I escorted her as being a proper gentleman i also opened the door to let her sit as i went to the driver's seat and drove away.

"Better hold on" i said to her as she looked at me confused and just followed. When we reached the tunnel entrance, i immediately stepped on the gas and the Aston Martin started to accelerate. "G-galahad...S-stop!" she barely uttered the word's as she was taken away by the speed of the car, eventually i slowed down as we reached the exit of the tunnel. "Hood im sorry about that" i said happily as she gave me an irritated look, i chuckled at her face which made her blush and face away looking through the window.

As we reached the exit of the tunnel we also reached the checkpoint, last time i've been here...i was so surprised as well as the Military Police. They all saluted and opened the gate's for us, "you must come here often" Hood said as i just chuckled "they just remembered the car" i said as we drove out of the checkpoint and headed toward's the town.

As we reached the town, there were beautiful warm colored street light's lighted, decent amount of people walking around in the night market, it's like there never was a war.

I parked the car as i escorted Hood out, i offered my hand as she gladly took it as we started walking down the lively night market. A lot of people were staring at us actually, but in a curious way. Probably...because of my attire i mean i really stand out as everyone even Hood whore casual attire whils't i am like one of that movie's called the Kingsman, dressed in a Double Breasted Suit while holding an Umbrella and also my pistol holstered on my waist where no one could see it.

Hood walked up to one of the stall's as i just followed her like a parent trying to catch up to their child wondering around. I then catch up to her as she was staring at a pair of shining pearl earing's. I could see her face as she was really mesmerized at how beautiful it is, she then noticed me as she just shrugged it off and offered me to follow her to the other stall's. But before i followed her i looked one more time at the necklace and had an idea.

After a few minute's of window shopping we ended up sitting on a bench "so are your hungry?" i asked her as she just smiled and looked up to the stary sky "what's wrong?" i asked calmly as she just smiled and looked at me happily "it's just it's my first time going out of the base...the first time interacting with human's...the first time seeing a lot of them...seeing them happy and cheerful" i sighed and nodded in agreement. "The first time i went here was when i arrived at the base...when i drove past here it was like a war never occured especially theyr'e beside tye ocean...seeing that theyr'e living there normal live's make's me relieved". I didn't noticed it but Hood was listening to my story, "so you want to have dinner?" i asked as she nodded happily.

I led her to a not to fancy restaurant that was by the beach, i happen to pass by it when i was new to the base and saw a lot of people eating there. "Good evening Sr., Madam please follow me" the waitress said as she led us to a table which was situated where we could clearly see the dark vast ocean. She then handed each of us a menu and excused herself. I then smiled a little when i saw a very familiar yet tasty cuisine i hadn't had in a long time. Hood probabaly noticed this and looked at me confused "oh it's nothing it's just this" i showed and pointed the meal i was looking at " na Ba...boy?" Hood said cutely as she was having a hard time pronouncing it as i just laughed a little "Sinigang na Baboy" i said to her as she nodded and sat back properly. "What is it?" she asked "it's pork with a lot of vegetable's and it's soup is sour...actually it's one of my favorite's" Hood raised an eyebrow "why's that?" she asked "me and the rest of the Balance Type's wen't on a mission to the Philippine's" i continued as she listened curiously "after a few day's we were very exhausted, but before we could leave the people there offered us lunch and gave us Sinigang na Baboy" i smiled at the memory "at first we were taken by surprise by it's sour taste but eventually we started to love it especially me as i wanted more and more of the soup" i smiled and chuckled a little then looked at the night sky "it's just...*sigh* nevermind" i smiled reassuringly at her as she was giving me her concerned face's. I raised my hand to summon the waiteress "what would be your order's?" she asked politely "one Sinigang na Baboy" she nodded "and you madam?" she looked at Hood "one Sinigang as well" she said calmly "ms. let me rephrase that...Sinigang for two" she nodded "so one Sinigang for two and drink's?",
"Hibiscus" me and Hood both said in unison. "All right your order's will be ready in about 15 minute's thank you" the waiteress said as she took our menu and walked away. "So even here you take your 'Hibiscus addiction' with you" i said jokingly as she smirked
"then how about my Hibiscus too delicious that you even ordered Hibiscus outside?" she smiled at me as i sighed in defeat. "So Galahad?" i looked at her direction "hm?", she was gazing at the night sky as i could see her blue eye's shimmering by the night's light.
" sorry for what happened last time...i just couldn't stand you so i just walked away...i even hurt my best friend in the process" she said sorrowly as i just sighed "it's not your fault...and it will never will be...and i am sorry as well that i hadn't taken to account your or the girl's feeling's". She faced me and smiled and nodded "thank you Galahad...your a wonderful person...and thank you for everything you've done to help and protect us" she said sincerely "like wise Hood...i should be thanking all of you...if it weren't for everyone i would still be a cold, dark, siren hunter who will only be pleased by killing them", she nodded. After that somehow both our eye's were locked on gazing on each other's, i could feel my hand's moving closer to her's as she was doing the same as well.

Oh hell, at this rate were gonna hold...

"Excuse me Sr., Madam your order is here" the waitress came back with our order, good timing!. Hood smelt the bowl which contained the Sinigang and it's savory smell. "Thank you for the meal!" we both said as we started eating our meal.

30 minute's Later

"Uhh...." i exclaimed as my stomach was packed, "your bill Sr." the waitress said as she excused herself "oh let me..." Hood said but i got the metal tray and put my own cash and let the waitress pick it up. "Galahad you do..." i cut her off "it's fine don't worry...this is my punishment isn't that right?" i asked mischiveously as she sighed in defeat. "Shall we go?" i asked as i stood up "we shall" Hood said happily as we wen't out of the restaurant. "Oh Galahad i want to look at something just stay right here alright?" i looked a bit curious as she was being really joyful about this "and what is it about?" Hood pouted "it's a secret so just stay put alright?" i sighed in defeat and nodded.

3rd POV

As Galahad permited Hood, she then ran off hoping to find the shop earlier. She looked and looked until she saw the familiar stall, she walked to it and was looking for the "excuse me Ms. but where is the pair of pearl earing's it was here a moment ago?" Hood asked the sale's lady "oh...i sold it to a man but he doesn't wan't me to explain what he looked like to anyone" the sale's lady said to Hood, "oh um t-thank you ill be on my way" Hood smiled and wen't off.

What am i thingking, first the earing's are gone now i made Galahad wait for me for nothing im such a...

Hood was interrupted when she bumped into someone "watch where your goi..." the large man looked at Hood as she winded up a few step's backward due to the bump. "Oh im sorry please excu..." Hood was cut off when the man got her arm "hey sweet heart you new here i could show you around" the man trying to sound seductively "n-no thank you excuse me" Hood pulled her arm from the man's grip but to no avail "aww come on why don't you have fun with us right guy's?" the man said while grinning at his friend's which were also smiling disgustingly "let me go!" Hood made an attempt to free herself but was punched by one of the men making her unconcious.

After a few minute's Hood woke up and saw she was in a dark alley way surrounded by 5 guy's, Hood looked at herself and thankfully her clothing where still intact. "So sweet heart your awake...why not we start our fun?" the man said disgustingly "Somebody help!" Hood shouted but no one heard her "hehe sweatheart even someone hear's you...they won't dare stand up against the most feared gang in this town so better save your screaming for later" the man said as they all got closer and closer to Hood.

Hood can only think of Galahad, and the night she spent with him. Galahad help. Hood shut her eye's not wanting to see the horrible thing's they'll do to her.

Just when the man that was in charge of the group was going to stretch his hand to Hood's clothing, "i wouldn't do that if i were you" that voice stopped the leader from putting a finger on Hood and all of them turned there attention to the roof of one of the building's that surrounded them. Hood also took this chance to get away but was blocked by one of the men making her form a defensive stance from a safe distance from the group. Then the man jumped down 4 storey's down to the alley way, he walked closer and closer to the group like he was a ghost ready to kill them. He stopped when he was directly below the small lamp post revealing himself "Galahad!" Hood was surprised and relieved just at the sight of Galahad. "How dare you interrupt our fun time!...more over don't expect to get out of this in one piece" the leader said boldly as all 5 of them brang out hand knive's "Galahad be careful!" Hood shouted as he just smirked. "My my what a bold move...just to let you know you still have a chance to walk away" Galahad said to the 5 intimidatingly as all of them laughed "huh 5 of us against you don't be cocky Mr." the leader said, at that moment all 5 of them ran straight at Galahad knive's out "don't say i didn't warn you" Galahad said. After a moment no one landed a hit at Galahad and strangely Galahad was pointing his umbrella to the other direction.

Hood soon realized what Galahad did, the horrbile memory all the girl's witnessed before. "What you can't ev...ahhh!" the leader scremed in pain as looked at his right leg was detached from his body "ahh!" he heard his men scream in pain as they shared the same fate as he did "you bastard what have you done!" the leader shouted at Galahad as Galahad only glanced at them. His eye's surely had the lust to kill, the rage, the anger. Galahad reched for his ear and pressed the ear piece "you can come in now captain" Galahad said coldly as Army truck's screached to a halt in front of the alley way as multiple soldier's dismounted and arrested the 5 men. Galahad did not take notice of this and walked to Hood, but before he can reach her she pushed herself into a deep hug with Galahad making him hug back. He can feel that she was crying, simply by her grip, his shoulder's getting wet, and what she has been through. "Hood im sorry about tonight...if i were a minute late you wouldv'e been completely violated" , Galahad was at the brink of crying as well "Galahad thank you...thank you" Hood said sincerely to him as he nodded. "Let's go home it's been a night alright?" Hood nodded as they walked side by side, "oh Hood?" Galahad continued looking in front "hm?" Hood also done the same
"why did you ran off and not even wanting an escort?" Hood at first hesitated to answer and was blushing a little, "w-well that. w-would remain confidential for now Galahad" she said sternly as Galahad sighed in defeat.

After a few minute drive back to base:

"Well goodnight" Galahad said as he dropped Hood off in front of the dorm's, "thank you as well Galahad...very much" Hood said sincerely and quickly got inside all flustered and blushing leaving Galahad with a senseless reaction. "Well best be on my way as well goodnight Azur Lane", he said as he jumped into his car and drove back.

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