
By princess_mousie

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Fear /fir/ noun- an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
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part 21
part 22
part 23
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part 30
part 31
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part 33
part 34
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part 42
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part 46
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part 49
part 50
part 51
part 52
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part 54
part 55
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part 58
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part 61
part 62
part 63
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part 66
part 67
Social Media

part 39

255 9 2
By princess_mousie

"Breaking childhood teachings is never easy, and in essence, they are like white noise that can sometimes stop us from listening to ourselves, or having to listen to ourselves." ― Ramani Durvasula

Sophie's POV

I walk to my new room which his next to Hayes' , across from Nash's and diagonal from Skylynn's. I sat on my bed and sighed. I which I could just live with Cam. I'm going to miss everything. The only time I'll see him is at school and in free times.

"Hey Soph." Nash comes in and sits next to me.

"Hey Nash." I smile lightly.

"Miss Cam?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm just so used to everything there." I sniff.

"It's okay. We can go over there everyday for as long as you want." Nash says hugging me.

The Next Day

I quickly dress into a gaze tank top with a striped cardigan, black jeans, and a black headband bow. I put a raccoon case on my phone. I ran downstairs to find Hayes getting some ceral.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, just make your own breakfast." He laughs. Okay I guess I make my own. I made some cereal and put on my design star player converse and wait for Nash. He runs down and stuffs an apple in his mouth and Hayes and I follow him to the car.

We make it to school and I find Cam and run into his arms.

"I miss having you in my arms." He says.

"Get. A. Room." Jake rolled his eyes and walked past us.

"Shut up." I yelled back and we went to biology.

After School

After my last class I ran to the locker room for practice. I saw some of the girls there but no Clair. I just started to change. I put on a plain t-shirt and pulled it back with a ponytail holder. I put on some pink spandex and tied my hair up, adding a bow. I walked out to the field with some of the girls and started stretching. Clair finally comes with her clique.

"SOPHIE!" She screams and I go over to her.

"Yes?" I say.

"For the game tonight, I want you to sit out." She smirks.

"What! You can't do that!" I argue.

"Oh wait, I already have." She smiles pushing me onto the bleachers. "Stay there and watch." She walks off and they start practice.

I put my head in my hands and sigh. The football players come running out of there locker room onto the field. Clair pulls her shorts higher and waves at the boys. Some wave back. I spot Cam and he looks at me confused.

"I'll be right back." I tell Clair getting off of the bleachers and run to the boys. When I come over a few boys lick their lips and Uncle Chad just glares at them.

"Why are you sitting out?" He asks and Cam and Nash walk over.

"Clair said I have to sit out this game." I sigh.

"Why? You have every right too perform." He said.

"I don't know. I really don't like her." I say.

"SOPHIE GET BACK HERE!" I hear Clair. Cam gives me an 'I'm Sorry' look and I jog over.

"Why did you even go over there?" She smacks her lips.

"Cause I can." I say.

"Maybe you went to make the boys look at you." She grunted.

"Unlike you, I'm not an attention magnet." I snap.

"Excuse me *****!" She slaps me face and I grab my cheek which was burning.

"What the ****!" I scream and some of the boys come over.

"Clair! You can't hit another student!" Uncle Chad yells. Cam removes my hand and looks at the slap mark.

"You are suspended from the team!" Uncle Chad says and she gasps.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" She shirks.

"He has every right too." I smile and she runs off.

"Okay girls you need to decide on a new Team Captain." Uncle Chad says and everyone turns their heads.

"I nominate Sophie. I was tired of Clair bossiness." One of Clair's clique members says and everyone agrees.

"Okay I guess Sophie is the Captain." Uncle Chad says paying my back. Cam gives me a kiss on the cheek and they all go back.

"Okay whats first." I say looking at my own team.

After Practice

The game was about to start and I was getting the crowd pumped before the team comes out. I see Uncle Chad and we started to scream. He comes over and kisses the top of my head like he always does before a game.

It was halftime now and we did our dance routine. The whistle blew and I watched Nash throw the ball to Cam. Then, as if in slow motion, two gets slammed into him. He fell to the ground and the crowd gasped. I threw my Pom Poms down and ran over to Cam. I kneeled beside him, crying.

"CAM!" I shouted grabbing and squeezing his hand.

"H-hey." He grunts and I could tell he was in pain. Uncle Chad came behind me and I saw Gina trying to make her way onto the field.

"Don't move okay." I say letting tears drip all over my face. Gina kneels beside me.

"It's okay Cam, the ambulance is on its way." She holds his other hand. A few minutes later we hear the sirens.

"Out of the way! Back up people!" A man shouts and the other two are holding a stretcher. I stand up and back away and watch as they lift him on the stretcher and haul him into the truck. They don't have room for someone to ride so I stayed back and cried on Gina's shoulder.

"The game will resume but lets all pray for Cameron to be okay." A voice on the intercoms says. I decide to leave and go to the hospital with Gina.

At the hospital

I ran to the front desk.

"Cameron Dallas!" I shout out of breath.

"Room 46." She says giving me a look. I'm pretty exposed in this cheer outfit.

I make it to the room and see Cam on the bed.

"Sophie?" He asks not opening his eyes.

"Yea it's me." I sigh and sit on the bed next to him. He searched for my hand and holds it.

"I'm fine." He smiles, eyes still shut. I feel the tears coming on again. His uniform is off and he's wearing a hospital gown with a few IV cords in his arm.

"Oh hello." I doctor walks in and looks at me. "You must have come from a game." He says looking at my outfit.

"Uh yea." I stand up and he looks at Cam. Gina finally comes in.

"He just has a mild concussion and a broken ankle. Everything is fixed we just need to put on his cast. What color?" He asks.

"Pink." He opens his eyes. "So I can have a reminder of Sophie right on my leg." He smiles and I laugh. The doctor finishes the cast.

"He'll have to stay overnight but he's okay to leave tomorrow." He walks out.

"It's getting late, I'll drive you home." Gina says after we talked for an hour. I say goodbye to Cam and she drives me home.

"Thank you." I smile and walk in. "I'm back!" I shout and Nash and Uncle Chad run over to me.

"We were getting worried." They say.

"I'm going to change." I say. I was freezing in this outfit. I take a hot shower and change into pajamas.

I go into the kitchen and make something to eat. I haven't ate for a while. I go back to my room and go on my phone. In my notifications for Instagram I see something from Cameron. Its a picture of him and I in the hospital.

@.camerondallas: I may be away from you but I'm always thinking of you ❤️

I like it and comment.

@.sophiethefirst: ❤️ me too.

I finish my food and fall asleep. I had a terrible dream. I woke up shaking and screaming. I looked at the clock, 1:32am. I sighed and laid back down. I breathe in and out and tried falling asleep but I couldn't. I walked down stairs and glanced out the patio door. I saw my dad.


Cliff-hanger 😂

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