Dragon Ball Z fan fic ( Book...

By perrylovesyou

40.1K 574 218

Book one of the three book series Kikyo is a teenager girl who doesn't know who she really is until she fi... More

Sorry for the inconvenience
Chapter 1: " Your special you just don't know it yet! "
Chapter 2: Let's fly outta here
Chapter 3: Getting to know the family
(Extra) Sleepover Sleepover
(Extra) Flower for your mother and father
Chapter 5: Full moon
Chapter 6: Father Oh Father
Hey Guysss Imm soo sorryy
Chapter 7: the green eye power (Part One)
(Extra) Innocent
Good news!!!! DBZ2!!!
Wattys 2015
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Chapter 4: Learning about my parents

2.2K 63 19
By perrylovesyou

Green... I thought as I kept continuing to look at the green man with the full armor on. He just so...green. I was sitting in the living room with the green man, this short guy named Krillin, and this small little dude that I believe is just so... weird. Vegeta, Trunks, Goku and the three-eyed man were having a talk in the kitchen. I was supposed to get friendly with the strangers.

"You got an eye problem?" the green man asked.

"Nah, just now finally figured out how you stole Christmas..." I answered with a slight chuckle.

The Grinch glared at me which turned my slight chuckle quickly to a nervous one.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Kermit. I do apologize..." I snickered. I pinched the inside of my cheeks so I wouldn't laugh. But the pressure was building up and it felt like my eyes were going to pop out.

I focused my attention on the short guy... Not Krillin. He had these adorable cheeks that had red circles and it seemed like he was blushing. He looked like a toy. But boy was he weird. For a minute, we had a staring contest. I blinked first though cause this boy never closes his eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He didn't answer but continued to stare at me.

"EH, he's usually quiet," Krillin told me. "Usually, he'll say some words but to me, it's only insulting words. His name is Chiaotzu."

He continued to stare at me. Two minutes later, he pointed his fingers at my breast and proceed to say "Mosquitos!"

My mouth dropped. That's the only thing he is going to say to me? He must be out his fucking mind. I covered my breast and whined a little. I felt so violated and insulted. I saw Krillin cracking up and Piccolo smirking and nodded firmly like justice was received. I began wishing that he was blue so I can call him a cookie monster or red so I can say "Elmo's World!" But I got a better one than all of that...All I need is some water.

I got up from the living room and head into the kitchen with Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, and this three-eyed man.

"This is Tien," Goku introduced me. "This Kikyo...The one I've been telling you about."

"I'm looking forward into helping you. So you're a Saiyan, huh?" Tien asked me.

I shrugged responding to his answer. "How do you know?"

"The tail...Vegeta had one just like it back in the day..." he explained. "Oh, boy, did he cause trouble."

"Hn..." Vegeta responded.

"You had one too?" I asked Vegeta.

"Who gave you permission to talk me?" he questioned.

"Uhhh, my mouth...my mind...Myself," I told him.

"Here's a lesson for you, girl." He said. "I'm the prince of all Saiyans. So if you're a Saiyan-" "Oh, Vegeta not this again!" Goku interrupted.

"She has to know, and about the full moon. Don't you find it weird that she haven't looked at the full moon yet?" Trunks asked.

"What about the full moon?" I questioned.

They all looked at me and then at each other. "I'm going to check on Chiaotzu," Tein said as he left. He whistled a tune and patted me on the back before he left.

"Well, basically-" Goku tried to explain when he got interrupted by Bulma. "Hellooooo, everyone!" she sang a tune.

"What do you want, woman?" Vegeta asked.

"Oh, nothing. It's not that I haven't finished one my projects I've been working on to find out about foreign races..." she shrugged carelessly as she went to grab a cold beer from the refrigerator.

"Really, mother?!" Trunks eyes widened.

I blushed a little thinking it was so cute.

She nodded. She ran her fingers through her bowl cut bangs and put the same hand on her hips. "Don't you wanna see?" she asked.

We all nodded. She motioned us to follow and we did. All of sudden I see the guys I left in the living room following us. I chuckled a little thinking how funny it was that they were ease dropping. I looked at Trunks who winked at me as I caught him staring at me. I was lead to something that basically was a basement. I saw Bulla with high-tech clothes on but Bedazzled by her.

"Welcome to T.G.I.F," she smiled as she motioned us to come in.

I looked at the basement that had a lot of high-tech material that looked very expensive. There were a lot of blinking lights and flashes that occurred from time to time. The room was very much like Christmas.

"What does T.G.I.F stands for?" Goku asked as he touched one of the machines.

"Thank God it's Friday... I named it myself." Bulla answered.

"Bra...I didn't know you were all technologic." I gasped, amazed.

She and I did a small dance praising her for all her hard work. Trunks chuckled a little shaking his head a little. Goku danced along with us as Vegeta firmly hummed.

"Fighters don't dance.." Vegeta told Goku.

"I might not like him, but I'mma have to agree with Vegeta," Tien responded.

I looked at Chiaotzu to see if he was going to say something, but he continued to stare at me for a minute and then proceed to say "Mosquitos."

I gasped shockingly covering my breast once again. Bra patted me on shoulder and mouth-worded "It's okay," while Trunks cheeks were puffed. I put my head down in shame.

"Why are we down here?" Grinch asked, very aggravated.

"Supposedly, Bulma has something to show us," Krillin answered.

Grinch narrowed his eyes at Krillin. Krillin chuckled nervously. In my perspective, it seems like Krillin is kind of scared of the green man. I would be too considering he did steal Christmas.

"We are here because we are testing out my technology on Kikyo. It helps to know about foreign races that we don't know," Bulma explained to everybody.

Everybody nodded. I looked around the room once again looking at all the technology. This really does look very expensive. I saw Goku staring at this red button and scooting closer to it. Shouldn't be a problem, right? Everybody knows not to touch the red button.

"So where did you get this stuff?" I asked her.

"Oh," she paused as she appeared to be deep in thought. "I borrowed it."

"Some of the stuff we got are illegal, well at least that's what I think," Bulla answered.

"This was original suppose to be for Vegeta and Goku so we can find out about their race heritage. But since you're here we can use you to see if it actually works." Bulma stated.

"We can actually see if she is a true Saiyan!" Goku exclaimed. "Oh, great! I can't wait to start training you!"

"Or she could be something else...You sure there isn't anything you want to tell us?" Vegeta asked.

I shook my head. I turned slightly to the side to face him. "Is there something I'm suppose to be confessing?" I questioned.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes at me like he was suspicious towards me. I crossed my arms and pushed all my weight to my left side making my hip move sideward.

Trunk came in between us and turned me around not facing his dad. He moved closer to me and I felt his lips slightly touch my ear. "Don't try to get on my dad's bad side for me, 'kay?" he whispered softly in my ear. It brought chills down my spine how his voice was so low.

I nodded acknowledging to him that I understood.

"Follow me, I'll show you right to your seat," Bulma instructed as she grabbed my hand directing me to the seat.

"Wait, wait wait!" I paused our movements before we went forward. "We are doing this now? Can you at least wait for a couple of days until I get my situation sorted out?" I asked.

"Well, we could, but in order to help you, we have to know what you are. It's going to be hard to help you if we don't know your race." Goku answered.

I sighed softly as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I don't know this all just seems a little too sudden and very hard to press down what is going on," I confessed. "I just need a break."

"Then talk to your parents about this," Bulla advised me. "It will make your troubles a little better if you just be honest with them instead of ignoring it."

"I'm taking my time. Ease off my back about that." I told her.

"It's either you learn about your race or you don't. Whether it is, you make your decision fast because we can't help somebody that doesn't want to be helped. You're wasting our time." Piccolo explained to me.

"I could have said it better myself. But I'll take it." Vegeta agreed.

I sighed softly. I was wasting their time. It's been two days and already I know that I am adopted, and I'm not an Earthling. I considered myself as one, but now I have to consider myself as a Saiyan. Is that even accepted in society? But what does society have to deal with anything... This about me and if I can choose to learn about the unknown. I would want to know it.

I nodded slowly and motion my hand to Bulma so she can proceed to show me where I was supposed to be at. She sat me down in a chair and tied me up. Already I was immediately regretting my decision.

"Some needles are going to stick in your skin. It might hurt but not that much." She informed.

I slowly looked at everyone nervously.

Bulma muttered something under her breath which I responded with a hmming sound letting it drift into a form of a question.

"Nothinggg!!!" She suspiciously chuckled, motioning her hand in waving motion rapidly.

I shrugged carelessly. She turn the machine on and a lady's voice appeared counting down to 10. Bulma began humming a tone as she pulled out a umbrella. She motioned everyone behind her.

"What's the umbrella for??" I asked

"We don't want to be hit when your guts fly out your mouth!"
Bulla answered.

"Come again?!" I questioned.

"She's just kidding!" Trunks informed while chuckling nervously.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously as I adjusted in my chair. Suddenly,the voice said one and needles pierced inside my wrist. I gasped opening my eyes wide. I tried to close then but a little machine hands kept my eyes open as two more needles peirced in each eyeballs. I felt the pain spread around my brain causing my eyes to water and a migrane to appear. All needles ejected out of me which caused me to be relieved from the pain. I shut my eyes and felt tears constantly pore out my eyes.

"That could have gone worse." Bulma sighed with relief.

"Worse than that!" Krillin yelled. "She's bleeding out her eyes!"

"I'm what?" I questioned.

"He said nothing!" Trunks informed me as his voice appeared to come closer. "Just keep your eyes closed."

I felt movements around my wrist and a hand that was forcing me up off the seats.

"Watch your steps carefully." Trunks advised. He had one hand on my waist and his other on my hand.

"Background check complete." The last voice appeared.

I opened my eyes and rapidly started blinking. Bulma walked towards me with some eye drops and dropped them in my eye.

"You'll be fine. It just might hurt if you start crying. So I recommend you don't cry." She warned.

I nodded understanding. "So what's my back ground?"

"It might have said-" "Ey, Bulma what does this do?" Goku interrupted as he pressed the red button.

"Deleting all information and read for self destruction in 10...9...8-" The lady said.

"Oh, no!" Bulma freaked. "Bulla, when I tell you to hit that red button I want you hit that button." Bulma ran and began pressing buttons.

Bulla nodded and slightly pushed Goke to the side. That's Bulla... always trying to be sassy.

Bulma gave a signal to hit the red button and immediately Bulla hit it.

"Self-destruction cancelled." The last voice appeared.

Bulma quickly turned around and narrowed her eyes at Goku. "I'm telling ChiChi."

Goku pouted. "Noooo!"

"Only you would press the red button!" Krillin shook his head.

"It wazzzz tempting! I couldn't help it!" Goku confessed.

Everyone shook their head.

A printer near Bulma begun printing out a peice of paper. She picked up the paper and looked at it.

"That's odd!" She frowned.

"What?? Is she not a Sayain?" Tien asked.

"She is. But my machine must be broken. Her father is a BLANK. And her mother is a Sayain and half-unknown..." she answered. "My machine is not tell me anything."

Vegeta muttered something and the Grinch narrowed his eyes.

"You mind saying it again so everyone can hear it." The Grinch asked.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Trunks!"

"Yes,Father." Trunks answered.

Vegeta didn't say anything but just walked away. Obediently, Trunks followed.

"You wanna train too, Chiaotzu?" Tien asked.

Chiaotzu nodded and both of them exited.

"Ey, you guys, can you give me and Kikyo a moment?" Goku asked.

Bulma and Bulla nodded.

"Ey, after this. Me and you are visiting your parents. No more waiting." Bulla demanded.

"We'll talk later about your birth parents." Bulma told me.

I nodded at both of them and then watch them exited. I stared at Goku awkwardly as he smiled.

"Kikyo, I want to train you!" Goku exclaimed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want to fight you." Goku answered.

I scrunched up my face as I tilted it. "Okay... So this talk is over."

I tried to get up but Goku say me right back down.

"I want you to close your eyes." Goku told me.

"You just said you wanted to fight me and now you want me to close my eyes?" I asked.

He nodded. I sighed softly and listened anyway.

"I want you to feel me." Goku stated.

I shook my head and opened my eyes. "I'm done." I tried once again to get up, but Goku over powered me with his pinkie....His fucking pinkie.

"Feel my energy." Goku rephrased.

"How you suppose I do that?" I asked.

"Close your eyes. Breath... Clear your mind. And try to read my body, like people do when they try to read minds." Goku explained.

I closed my eyes and followed his intructions. I began to feel a power energy in the room the overwhelmed my whole senses causing me to chuckle a little. I opened my eyes and I still could feel it.

"Wow! Your energy is amazing. Why? How?" I asked.

"Try to sense other energy levels." He instructed.

I nodded and close my eyes. I could feel two energy levels near me. They were also powerful like Goku. I also sense everyone's energy level. But it wasn't compared to Goku's. I began sensing a familiar energy and I believe it's my parents. I smiled and chuckled lightly liking the feeling of something normal and familiar. Although there energy didn't feel like everyone else. I felt it gradually get stronger but then over powered by this ugly energy which overwhelmed my senses in a bad way and felt like a scream in my brain. I held my head and began shaking it as I opened my eyes.

Goku gasped. "What the hell is that?"

"I don't know... But it's coming from my house." I answered.

Goku grabbed my arms and put his two fingers in his head. And suddenly we ended up at my front porch. I gasped as I felt like my soul got ripped from my body and forceful pressed back into it. My heart began pounding and everything was swirling.

"You're okay..." Goku voice echoed."Take a deep breath. I forgot to tell you to brace yourself."

"Water..." I breathed out.

I walked into my house and fell into the broken knocked down door. I got back up and knocked down everything in my path. I stepped on broken glass with red stains and finally made it to the kitchen. I stuck my head in the sink and drank the faucet.

I lift my head up and my eye sight cleared up. I took deep breath as I saw Goku with a serious expression on his face. He looked down on the floor and I saw the life get sucked out of his eyes as he stood there in horror.

I tilted my head in confusion. I looked down also and saw my mother on the ground not moving a muscle. Her hair was covering her face and her arm was in a awkward position on her upper back. Blood was draining out of her body making a puddle that reached to my shoes. I looked back up at Goku and just behind him I can see my dad hanging his body off the stair-rail. His dead eyes staring in my soul. I pointed behind him as screamed.


I dropped to floor as I let out a sob. I looked at my mom and crawled to her. I slid her body towards mine and put her back onto my thighs. I moved her hair out the way and saw her desolate eyes opened wide with her mouth slightly open. I pressed her head on my chest and rocked her like she was baby.

"You're okay..." I cried softly as I rubbed her arm gently. "The doctor is going to fix you up! And your going to be just fine..."

I grabbed my phone and turned it on. I hit the emergancy button.

"911 what's your emergancy?" the man asked.

"My mom and dad are dead. Someone broke into my home and killed them." I answered.

"Okay, is anything stolen? Is the person still there?" The man asked.

"Um, I don't know. I haven't been home in a few days. I just came back and saw them like this and I don't know if the man is still here..." I replied.

"What's your name?"


"Okay, Kikyo. I need you to leave your house and go to a place that you know is safe."

"You want me to leave them here? Alone?"

"For your safety, yes." The man answered. "The police is on there way right now. Call us Back and say your name is Kikyo and tell us your address so we know that you are safe."

"Okay!" I told him as I hung up. I put my phone back in my pocket.
I grabbed the side of her stomach but felt something squishy and warm instead. I looked down and saw her shirt ripped. I lifted up my hand and saw the side of her stomach missing. I screamed as I threw her body and ran to Goku.

"Get me out of here!!!" I yelled in terror as I hugged Goku. My whole body was shaking in fear as my chest felt like it was closing in causing my breath to be short but heavy.

"The person who did this is gone. When we came, the person disappeared." Goku explained.

"I don't fucking care!! Let's leave!" I told him.

He sighed softly as he made us disappear.

Kikyo found out her true heritage and also found her parents dead. There's a new threat with a powerful energy level that killed her parents. Who is this mysterious being and why did he kill Kikyo's parents? Can Kikyo survive from this horrible experience? Find out on the next Dragon Ball Z.

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