The Stand In

By newbiegac2015

62.5K 2.3K 383

"What do I want?" I ask sucking in a breath. Zak's eyes seem to glow, even in the low lighting. Between his b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 [m]
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 25

1.3K 50 4
By newbiegac2015

I have a restless nights sleep, waking at different points for no apparent reason, I put could put it down to a number of things if I wanted to, from sleeping in a new environment, the events at the musuem to being in bed bedside a man who runs hotter than a radiator.

Several times I threw the bedding off me, being unable to cope with the warmth that he radiated across the bed, only to stir awake by him covering me with the sheet. Mumbling about me getting cold.

I was too tired to tell him I didn't want it and each time just allowed him to fuss before he crashed against my pillow. 

I woke to Zak laying on his front with his arms shoved under the pillow, sheet covering the lower half of his body and the back dimples peeking up out for me. I had been using him as a pillow throughout the night and woke up with my head on his back and hair draped up and over his shoulder.

How did we end up like this?

Peeling myself off him, I rolled back, enjoying the cool side of the bed which we had neglected most of the night.  I didn't know what time it was but there was hints of light from outside. Not wanting to move yet, I turned onto my side to observe the man beside me.

I could see hints of his arm tattoos from under the pillow, but didn't have the pleasure to really look at them, unlike his back piece. Whilst he slept, I looked at the half angel half demon. One side holding a skull on the tips of its finger whilst the other half holds a halo.  It's body is shrouded in a robe, ending at a daggers tip with a little blood dripping off. The blood is the only part in colour, the whole piece is in black and white with some serious shading.

With a light finger, I go from the base of his neck where the tattoo pokes out from any shirt collars and where the wing starts, and gently trace it down, following the curves of the wing until I reach the end.

The ridges of his shoulders, the light dusting of freckles he has and the dip between his shoulder blades made me smile.  His hair is ruffled in a sexy sleep kinda way, whilst his face looks completely at peace with the world.

This was Zak. Vulnerable Zak and I had the privilege to see it.

I want to reach out and feel his shoulders, to feel the muscles under his skin, but before I can do it, he shifts in his sleep, turning his body onto his side facing me. His hand spreading out across the bed until he feels my arm and settles with holding the inside of my elbow. Perhaps he wanted my hand or maybe just to know that I was still there?

I'm unable to leave him alone, as I reach out again, his time tracing one of the veins in his hand. He is an interesting creature but one I am fascinated to learn about. He seems to have a lot of knowledge in his mind, he has definitely experienced a different world than me and it would be nice to know how he perceives it.

Unable to pester him for an insight right now, I turn my attention back to his body. Broad shouldered, lean but muscular body, no rock hard six pack, instead a toned and smooth stomach that I found very appealing with biceps and thick cords in his forearms.

I don't know how long I stay there, watching him sleep. But I summarised it was beginning to make me look a psychotic freak. I slipped out of bed in favour of getting a drink and some food after my stomach growled so loud, that I worried I would wake him.

Opening his fridge, the first thing I am hit with the vast amount of fruit he has. If I hadn't been with him last night, I would suspect that he had robbed a store of every piece of fruit. From strawberries, raspberries, honeydew melon, grapes, blueberries, mango,  orange, pineapple and cantaloupe.

"Someone has a serious addiction." I say to myself, grabbing a few items before hip-bumping it closed.

My idea for a fruit salad quickly turns into something dangerous.  I'm humming away to myself, chopping fruit and tossing it into a bowl, completely oblivious to how much I have done, until I put the fruit back and stare at the bowl which is now full bowl. Very full bowl.

It takes me a little while to search around his kitchen and find a Tupper-ware box, unfortunately for me, it's on the top shelf. Unable to reach it from the ground, I decide to do what I've been doing most of my life, and scale the counter to retrieve it.

Once I've got it down, I clean the box and dry it before halving the bowl and stashing it in the fridge for later.

I'm just staring at the rainbow bowl of goodness, when arms go around my waist. I let out a scream in fright before laughing at myself, as Zak grumbles into my neck.

"Good morning." I say rubbing his arm.

He hmphs in response and stays with his face pushed into my neck.

Picking up the bowl and two bottles of water, I pat his arm. "Okay back to bed, walk along with me."

He does, his feet matching every one of my steps until we are back into his room, unwinding himself, he drops back down onto the mattress as I clamber in the other side and sit with my back against the headboard, bowl of fruit on my lap.

The blinds have been lifted half way, giving me a view of the pool and it's waterfall outside. The sun is shining and it's blue skies without a hint of cloud.

"What a beautiful day." I say looking over to Zak who is slowly accepting that it's a new day and time to wake up.  I give him a few more minutes until he is pulling himself up enough to eat from the bowl too.

"I thought you left. Then I saw you." He says. "Fluttering around my kitchen."

"Did you see me scale the counter to get the Tupper-ware?"

"Why do you think I got up?"

I smile "Perhaps a lower cupboard would be better. Then I haven't got to climb in future."

"Plan on staying over more often?" He asks quirking a brow.

"Hmm, maybe. If the service is up to par." I joke popping a grape into my mouth and eating it.

We sit in his bed for a while in silence, enjoying the moment of having breakfast together when Zak says "Keep waking me up with all this fruit and I'll move you in."

I laugh softly "I thought my stomach was going to wake you up."

He shook his head "Didn't hear a thing. I didn't know you had moved until I rolled over to find you. Then I panicked."


"Incase something had happened or you left for some reason." He says picking up a blueberry.

I shake my head "No, just getting food. There's another pot of this in the fridge, I have cut up too much."

"I'll chow through that."

"Please do."

I'm eating a sliced strawberry when I hear Zak's low chuckle, glancing over, I frown "What?"

"When you're happy about food, you wiggle. Have you noticed that?"

"I do not."

"You absolutely do. I thought it was a nervous tic, but it's not. You are just enjoying whats in front of you. It's cute."

"Well now I'm embarrassed."

"Don't. I like your little shuffle."

"Oh shush and have a strawberry." I say feeding him as he puts his hand behinds his head.

"Will you feed me?" He asks amused.

"If it stops you from pointing out things, absolutely."

And that is how we spend the next hour, snuggled up, watching the waterfall and me, feeding Zak.

"Have you got work today?" Zak asks when he sees I have no more fruit to ply him with.

"Day off."

"Any plans?"

I shake my head "Nothing. I usually log onto the platform mid afternoon and make a head start for tomorrow."

"So you don't really take a day off then?"

"Do you when you're not investigating?"

"No." He admits. "I'm either working away or I'm working at the museum. Last year, I think I had two days off. That being Thanksgiving and Christmas Day."

"Yikes." I answer.

"Busy man. Got to keep those wheels turning."

"I get that, but don't you ever take a day for yourself?"


"Without contacting the museum, checking emails or reviewing?" I add.

"Okay probably Christmas Day."

I gasp "Zak that's awful. You need to recharge too. Would you expect your employees to work at the museum constantly?"

"No because they have home lives."

"As do you."

"It's no fun being in a big house alone all day. Gracie is great, but she can't really hold a conversation."

"Okay I see your point... But hey, you got me now." I grin.

"You want me to take a day off for you?" He asks looking up with his ruffled hair.

"No, because we have a door to fix."

The reminder makes him groan and roll across the bed to pick up his phone. He rings Bacon and tells him to pick up a lock before hanging up.


"And who is gonna replace it?"

"Maintenance." He smiles pleased to have an answer.

I'm about to ask him what he plans to do with himself for the day when his phone begins chiming. Picking it off his lap, he stops it and looks at me "11am. Medication."

"I- have you set an alarm?" I ask.


"Have you set an alarm to remind me to take my medication?" I ask.

I don't wait for his answer, because the sheepish look says it all. I shake my head and push the bedding off me, getting up.

"What have I done now?" He moans.

"Nothing. I just thought you'd trust me to take my own medication, it being really important for me." I answer, crouching down to my overnight bag and pulling out the spare meds I have in there.

"It's not like that.."

"No? Explain then." I ask popping one out and shoving it into my mouth, I dry swallow it and open my mouth to prove it's gone. "There, gone. Do you need to look under my tongue?"

"Elle." He groans "I'm not arguing with you over this."

"Good." I tell him. "Now I have to get changed and head back to mine. I'll take the guest bathroom."

"Stop. Just stop." He says making me pause with my overnight bag in my hand. "Yes, I set an alarm. But not for you, for me."

I frown.

"All this is a little new to me, caring about someone who has a condition, which can be potentially dangerous if they forget their medication. I don't want you to get hurt because of forgotten medication that I could have reminded you to take... I'm not trying to micromanage you, I'm trying to protect you."

I know I've done it again... Jumped to conclusions and let my mind run away with me.

"Oh... Why didn't you just say that?" I asked.

"Because you were up and out the bed before I had chance to articulate any words." Zak says getting out of bed himself.

I'm a little disarmed by the naked torso and watch his muscles shift as he yawns and stretches out his body. Lowering his arms, he walks over to me.

His hand touches my face, making my eyes turn up to him. "I won't apologise for trying to help you or making you feel as if you can't manage your own medication. I know you can... I'll also be taking the guest bathroom."

With that he let's go of my cheek and strides out the bedroom, closing the double doors behind him.

I feel like hiding in the shower, feeling guilty for causing a scene when there didn't need to be one. I should have just smiled at the idea of him setting an alarm and get over it. Not act up, but in my own defence, I feel micromanaged enough about my condition.

I love both Mia and Sophie, I also know they share the same concern when it comes to my epilepsy and often question my actions on certain aspects of my life. Sometimes it feels as if I need to ask for their permission.

I also know they would have spoken about my little investigation last night and prepared an ambush for when I next see them. Sighing, I scrub my body and leave the shower.

Changing into a jade green silk shirt and a pair of jeans, I stop and admire myself in the mirror. With this outfit, that tan and a gold necklace, I look good!

"Well damn girl." I pep-talk myself, turning to check my butt in the figure shaping jeans.

Scrunching my hair into its beach waves, I apply minimal make up and pack all my things up, getting ready to head out.

Checking my phone for the first time, I see that I've had an invitation to lunch with Mia and Sophie, already guessing that this was the intervention.

I reply that I will be there, albeit a little late, but there, before they can send out a search party.

Leaving Zak's room holding my overnight bag over my arm, I don't see Gracie until she jumps up to greet me.

"Well hey there chicken." I coo, dropping my bag to make a fuss of her. She laps it up with a wagging tail before picking up a toy and running off into the house.

Which is when I spot Zak and a well dressed lady, stood in the middle of his lounge.

Oh shit. Is this his mom?! I'm meeting his mom?! Right now?!

Thank god I look good today and not as if I've fallen out a tree.

"Uh, hi." I smile standing back up.

"Well hello." She smiles turning to face me. Her blonde hair shining brilliantly in the sun as her blue eyes fall over me. "Zak, introduce me."

Definitely his mom...

He clears his throat slightly "Mom, this is Elle. Elle, this is my mom."

"I know, Helen told me." She smiles to him.

Helen? Isn't that the dog groomer?

"You can call me Nancy, dear." She smiles.

"Nice to meet you." I reply shaking her hand because now I've crossed over into awkward and I don't know what to do.

"Heading somewhere?" She asks looking at my bag.

"Uh mom, why don't you give us a minute?" Zak suggests before I can answer.

"But I'm talking to Elle."

"Mom." He forces making her sigh.

"If I must. Lovely to meet you Elle."

"You too." I answer.

I watch as Zak practically herds his mom away and in the direction of the kitchen.

"I like her.. Looks normal." His mom says before she's out of ear shot.

I have to lower my head to hide my smile whilst wondering what on Earth she meant by 'normal'.

"How about planning that back room?"

"Oh wonderful idea!" She says hurrying away from him.

Zak comes back, meeting me in the lounge again.

"Your mom is nice."

He looks over his shoulder to make sure she hasn't reappeared and laughs "I have no doubt that she had brunch with Helen yesterday."

"Helen the dog groomer?" I check.

He nods "That's the one... So are you going somewhere, the bag?"

"I am, I'm meeting friends for lunch."

"Mia and Sophie?"

I groan. "I can already feel the parental disapproval of staying out all night with a boy."

He laughs pulling me into him "Oh sweetheart, I'm all man."

"Hmm yes you are." I hum in approval before tiptoeing up to give him a peck.

"Don't leave me with her." He whispers when I pull back.

"That's your mom."

"Yeah, exactly. Interior designer mom. She will have me buying everything."

I giggle "It's a woman's prerogative to shop and buy nice things."

"And have expensive taste... Well no everyone."

"Are you trying to say I'm a cheap date?" I ask.

"I never said such a thing... But yes, I might have to say you are."

"Fabulous.." I pat him on the chest before moving out of his arms.

"Let me take that." He says when I pick up my bag.

"It's fine. Besides your mom will be waiting for a tape measure."

He groans as I head towards the door laughing quietly.

"Can I call you later?"

I glance back "Absolutely. I want to know the damage of the shopping. Now go be hospitable."

"You rein her taste in more like." He says playfully. "Drive safe."

"I will. Have a good day." I reply shooting him a wink.

Getting into the car, I look up to see him watching me from the front door, leaning against the jab. Looking at the other windows to make sure his mom isn't watching. I quickly sign 'You are hot.'

He laughs as well as blushes before waving me off.

My mood is great, the sun is shining, the skies are clear, I've got good music playing and meeting Zak's mom went reasonably well.

Let's just hope lunch with Mia and Sophie goes the same way.

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