The Unsinkable Ship (Jerrie F...

By Rebelix_Rose

4.7K 147 25

A story of two-class-crossed lovers who meet aboard the disaster-bound ship, fall in love, and then struggle... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Author's Note
Author's Note II
Author's Note III


140 4 0
By Rebelix_Rose



Perrie is now holding onto the railings for dear life.

Once she let go, she's going to submerge in the deepest, widest and coldest ocean which is known as Atlantic Ocean. It is the second largest of the world's oceans. It's not just the water that feel so cold, but also the air in the surroundings.

Perrie is just a seventeen year old girl. And everyone that surrounds her are making her feel trapped and controlling her. But she couldn't do anything, she reckoned that she is weak. She had no strength and courage to fight. It's like, she is in a jail. While running through the deck of the ship, there's someone who heard and seen her. One woman that is peacefully lying on one of the benches. She's just staring at the sky and at the stars. And when she heard some running footsteps, she immediately stood up and followed that due to her confusion.

Perrie was about to let go, when a sweet and angelic voice of a woman tries to persuade her. Hoping she could change her mind.

"Don't do it," The woman said while slowly approaching the railings where Perrie's about to jump from.

She looked at the woman and says "Stay back, don't come any closer," Perrie said, looking back at the ocean.

"Come on, just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over," the woman replied, offering her hand.

"No! Stay where you are. I mean it, I'll let go," Perrie said, keeping her words.

The woman threw something in the ocean, then she walked closer to the railings.

"No you won't," the woman said.

"What do you mean no I won't? don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do, you don't know me!" Perrie replied, clearly annoyed by the woman.

"Well, you would've done it already," The woman said, making Perrie more annoyed.

"You're distracting me! Go away!" Perrie said getting mad now.

"I can't, I'm involved now. You'll let go, then I'm gonna jump in there after you," The woman said while removing her coat.

"Don't be absurd, you'll be killed," Perrie replied, getting bothered by the woman's words.

"I'm a good swimmer," the woman said, starting to remove her boots.

"The fall alone would kill you," Perrie said slightly worried.

"It would hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn't. To be honest, I'm a lot more concerned about that water being so cold," The woman stated matter-of-factly.

Perrie took a glance in the ocean, and back to the woman. "How cold?" She asked.

"Freezing...maybe a couple degrees over. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing in the Lake Wissota. Ice fishing is you know where you-" the woman was cut off by Perrie getting little annoyed.

"-I know what ice fishing is, argh," Perrie groaned.

"Sorry, you seemed know, kind of indoor girl...anyway, I uh..fell through some thin ice. And I'm tellin' you...water that cold, like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives, stabbing all over your body. You can't breathe, you can't think, least not about anything but the pain. Which is why I'm not looking forward to jump in there right after you. Like I said, I don't have a choice. I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll comeback over the rail and get me up the hook here," The woman stated, trying to change Perrie's mind.

"You're crazy," Perrie replied, little astonished by the woman's overall statement.

"That's what everybody says but....with all due respect miss, I'm not the one hanging off on the back of the ship here. Come on, give me your hand. You don't wanna do this," The woman said, offering her hand to Perrie.

After the woman talked, Perrie didn't think any further and she finally held the woman's hand. When Perrie carefully turns around, the woman sighed in relief. Then they started to introduce themselves.

"I'm Jade Thirlwall," She introduced looking straight into Perrie's eyes.

Perrie took a glance in Jade's eyes, then introduce herself back.

"Perrie Edwards," She said while Jade's carefully holding her, pulling her back in board.

"I'm going to have to get you to write that one down," Jade stated, making Perrie chuckle.

Jade is still holding Perrie's hand, while Perrie is carefully climbing up in the railings, but instead of getting back up, her heels slipped then she falls. She screamed and Jade tightened her grip in Perrie's hand.

"I got you, come on," Jade said trying to pull Perrie up.

"Help please!!!! Help!!!" Perrie screamed, scared that she might fall into the water.

When she screamed, some crew heard her then starts running to rescue.

"Listen, I got you, I won't let go," Jade said, trying to be calm. Then she continued with "Now pull yourself up, come on" Perrie is now pulling herself up while Jade remained in pulling her up to the railings. When she finally got Perrie, she held into her back, Perrie's arm around Jade's neck and her hand in the shoulder, they turned around and Perrie fell on her back, with Jade on top of her.

Afterwards, some of the crews appeared. They're shocked in what they saw. Jade immediately let Perrie go. Right now, Perrie was laying on her back, panting heavily, while Jade was kneeled beside her, looking at the crews.

"What's all this?" The crew said looking at Jade, Perrie, then at Jade's boots that she removed earlier.

"You stand back and don't move an inch!" The crew told Jade, and she immediately stood up, putting both of her hands in different sides of her jeans' pockets.

Seconds passed, Zayn came with some of the first-class passengers.

"Look at this sir!" The crew said.

When Zayn saw Jade and Perrie, he got furious. He ordered Jade to get arrested in the thought that she did something ridiculous to Perrie.

"It is completely unacceptable. What made you think you can put your hands on my fiancé?" Zayn stated, really mad at Jade. But Jade is just looking at him then at Perrie.

"Look at me, you filth!" Zayn stated holding Jade's collar and shaking her in anger.

"Zayn," Perrie called but she got ignored.

"What do you think you're doing?" Zayn continued, anger written all over his face.

Perrie went to his side and stopped him "Zayn stop, it was an accident," she stated.

"An accident?" He repeated.

"It was," Perrie said. Jade looked at them in a weird serious expression then Perrie continued "It's stupid really..I was leaning over then I slipped," She said, Jade looked at her confused.

She looked back at Jade and spoke, "I was leaning far over to see the..uhm...uh-uhm the propellers and I slipped, I would've gone overboard but Ms. Thirlwall here, saved me..and almost went over herself," Perrie stated, smiling at herself for the fact that she just made an excuse, to not let Zayn find out that she had just attempted to commit suicide.

"It's that what happened?" The crew asked Jade, then she looked at Perrie. Perrie threw her an "agree with me" look.

"Yeah, yeah, that's pretty much it," She stated, Perrie smiles.

"Well, this girl was a hero then. Well done," the crew said then they removed the handcuffs from Jade's wrists.

They were about to walk away until the crew spoke to Zayn "Perhaps a little somethin' for the girl?"

"Lovejoy, I think 20 is enough for her," Zayn told his right-hand/valet.

Perrie laughed slightly. "Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?" She asked.

"Oh, Perrie is displeased. What to do?....oh I know," Zayn stated, walking back to where Jade is.

"Perhaps, you can join us for dinner, tomorrow evening. To regail our group with your heroic tale," Zayn offered.

"Sure, count me in," Jade accepted.

"Good, settle then," He replied, walking away from Jade with the crews.


I just met a girl named Perrie. After I heard faint running footsteps, I immediately stood up and followed. Until I saw her holding onto the railings, facing the ocean. Once she let go, surely she will fall. I tried to stop her, thinking maybe I can change her mind for her to come back here. At first, she's forcing me to stay away, saying that I don't know her enough for me to presume what she's not and she's going to do. But I still tried, until I finally presuaded her and she came back on board. I am silently thanking the heavens that she changed her mind and didn't let go. She almost fell but I helped her. And thank goodness I became able to pull her back here.

I didn't expect to meet her while she's in the edge of her dear life. I'm thinking why did she attempted to do that? Why did she thought that- that thing will help to fix her problems? So sad to think of, but thankfully, I saved her.

I nearly became arrested in the thought that I did something wrong to Perrie. Well, if only they knew that I saved her from the thing she was about to do. It's just confusing why didn't she tell the real reason, but nonetheless, I just went with the flow.

Perrie's fiancé invited me to join them on their dinner tomorrow evening. First-class. And I do not have any idea how to act like one of them. I'm just from third-class. But instead of refusing, then why not? It's just rare to happen that's why I accepted. And I'm hoping to know Perrie more. I want to know her better.

I just want to say that she is an incredible, gorgeous creature. And I'm really thankful that I changed her mind. Everything I've told her were true, that thing about the water, about me when I was younger. I remember the first time I saw her, she's just staring at the beautiful view of the ocean. And I tried to draw her. But when I'm about to do that she left. But I'm looking forward to draw her anytime soon.


A/N: Jade saves Perrie. And Jade was invited in first-class dinner. What can you say readers? Hope you like it.❤️


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