Angel's End

Av gallia1999

15.6K 389 283

She was dead. I don't know how I'll live without her. I remember staring deep into her ocean blue eyes, befor... Mer

Angel's End
chapter 2
Confronting the child
The Traitors Amongst Us
The truth
Chapter 7
On The Run (Again)
Secrets and Suspicions
Clones and Answers
First Encounters
Plan B
Incoming Trouble
The Old and the Wise
Detention Center
Lost and Found
The End
The Supreme Sith
small update

New powers and allies

346 12 7
Av gallia1999

((A/N- OMG! We are over 100 reads! Thank you guys so much!))

We stood there, waiting for each other to make the first move. I didn't want to fight Anakin, but I knew in order to kill this clone, I must fight him.

Finally, Anakin jumped at Maul. Maul put his blade out to block his attack, but was caught off guard. After, my clone ran at me. I blocked it, but she felt more powerful now. She swung at me more, I blocked each of her attacks, but she nearly cut my head off, that was if Maul didn't block it for me. He then quickly focused his attention back to Anakin. I came back harder, and was now on the offensive. I swung my lightsabers at her, giving her a run for her money. She then kicked me in the stomach, catching me off guard. She walked towards me with her lightsabers about to end me. But I focused and trusted in the force. I closed my eyes, almost meditating. Then I heard the lightsabers deactivate. I did it! I turned them off! I pulled her sabers towards me with the force, then threw them off the side of the landing pad, but they were caught before they were thrown off the edge. Once again, Anakin saved her.

She was once again on the offensive. I blocked her with all the strength I had. She swung uncontrollably at me like she had earlier. She was losing strength. I extended my elbow to her face as my blades clashed hers, then used one of my hands to throw one of her blades out of her hands. She was now fighting with one blade, which took down her offense by a lot, I was now in control. But she still blocked me. Soon, she would run out of energy and fall.

She used the force to grab her other blade, igniting it once it reached her hand.

"You're more powerful than I thought." she said.

"And you're weaker than I imagined." I said back

"Well, we'll see about that." she said, jumping at me once more.

Our blades clashed once more, but she kicked me in the stomach, catching me off guard. I quickly got up, holding my gut.

"You're lucky Anakin trusts you." I said

"And whys that?" she said

"Because you would've been dead already."

"No I wouldn't, I'm more powerful than him." she said, sassily.

"Be careful what you wish for. Because once he trusts me, you're going to have to fight him." I said, bending down to pick up my blades off the floor, then igniting them. She ran at me again, but instead of letting her clash with me, I slide tackled her, and skimmed her foot with my lightsabers, Knocking her towards the edge of the landing pad. I got up and ran towards her, about to kill her. I jumped towards her, but before my blades hit her body, she ignited her blades and blocked my attack. She was still weak though, her foot was half gone. I quickly overpowered her, but with her un-injured foot, she kicked me off of her, sending me over the edge of the landing pad.

My lightsabers were still in my hand, but I was falling quickly. I had to prepare for a hard landing. I ignited my lightsabers, then held them towards the ground. I landed hard on my feet, but my lightsabers had dug into the ground, stopping most of the momentum

I got back up and went back into my battle stance with my reverse grip. I looked behind me, where I saw the council. This wasn't going to end well. I turned my attention back to my clone, who had just jumped down ready to fight me again. I decided to ignore the council, and their orders. They'd just make matters worse, like usual.

"I thought you'd die, falling from that high." said my clone.

"Yeah, well unlike you I'm an actual jedi." I shot back.

"Who says I'm not?"

"Me." I said, quickly igniting my sabers, jumping at her.

"You never quit, do you." she said, igniting hers and blocking my attack.

"You're right, I don't." I said, jumping back.

We fought once more, but instead I had other things to fight off besides myself. Members of the council were coming at us, left and right. Along with temple guards. Luckily, my back-up had woken up. I had Talik above me, shooting at everyone. This was my time to make a quick escape.

"Maul! Talik! We're going to have to make a run for it!" I called up to them.

"Oh I wish I can, but your little friend won't stop hitting at me!" Maul yelled back.

"Talik, help him! Don't worry about me!" I yelled to them.

She nodded, and went out of sight.

"None of you will be escaping." said Master Windu, igniting a violet lightsaber.

"She won't, but I'll give you a run for your money." I said, turning around, and jumping up to the landing pad. When I got up there, I saluted them then turned around. Anakin was laying on the ground from being stunned.

"Come on! Let's go!" I yelled, starting to run.

Maul and Talik followed, but we were greeted by ships of clones, shooting at us. Talik shot back, while Maul and I blocked. We continued running, but then ran into my clone, Plo Koon, and Yoda.

"Care for another round?" said my clone, igniting her saber, while Plo Koon and Yoda stood next to her and ignited theirs.

"Maybe later." I said, disabling her and Master Plo's blades with my new power. I smiled at Master Yoda, who gave me a nod. I jumped to another building nearby, with Maul, then used the force to safely bring Talik over.

"So, since this plan failed where do we go now!" yelled Maul.

"We hide, then go in for round two. But this time we're going to need more backup, and we'll have to go in harder."

"Well, can we blow something up? There may be a few real grenades in this bag." said Maul, rummaging through Talik's backpack.

"Maybe it could be used as a distraction." I said back

"Or we could blow up your clone?" said Maul.

"Eww no! I don't want anybody's guts on me!" Talik said, giving a disgusted face.

"Distraction it is then." I said.

"And do you have a plan on where we will be hiding?" said Maul.

"Yeah, I think I know a girl." I said. "Do any of you have a holopad?"

"I do!" said Talik, handing me one

"Leave me." I said, gesturing for them to go.

I typed in her number, then hit the call button on the side.

"We need your help." I said

"This is the second time!" she exclaimed back

"I know, I know. But I have somebody you could kill, after all you are an assassin."

"I guess so." she said. I could tell she was thinking about it. "So where should we meet?"

"I was wondering if we could meet at your place. It's not safe where we are."

"Fine. I'll transmit you my coordinates." she said, hanging up.

I walked back to where Maul and Talik, then handed Talik the holopad.

"So, who was that?" asked Maul.

"An old friend." I said.

"You're annoying."

"What? There's nothing like a good old surprise?"

"I just got a transmission of some coordinates!" said Talik.

"Okay, that's our new hiding spot. Now let's follow those coordinates, and work out plan B." I said, gesturing for Talik to lead the way.

We finally reached the small house. I knocked on the door, and was greeted by a tall, masked woman.

"Come in." she said, leading us in, then looking out the door way, left and right just in case anybody was watching.

I sat down at a small table, and was joined by Talik and Maul.

"Another big mess you've gotten yourself into." said the girl, taking off her mask.

"Ventress." hissed Maul.

"Not to worry, I'm here to help." she said, giving him an annoyed look."You know, there are lots of bounty hunters out looking for you right now."

"Just great." I said sarcastically.

"Well, if we're in that much trouble, I suggest we make a plan fast." said Talik.

"We need another distraction to get in." said Maul.

"Leave that to me. I'll pretend I'm surrendering myself." I said.

"Well that's risky," said Ventress.

"Don't worry, you'll be my backup."

"And when did I agree to this?"

"You didn't, and it doesn't matter if you agree or not. You're doing it."

"Fine, but what about them?" she said, pointing towards Maul and Talik.

"We can disguise them as clones. Talik will stun them, then they'll take their armor and helmet. Then, they can take me in, and once we're in, we can find myself."

"And what will be my job?" asked Ventress.

"You'll be the one handing me over." I said.

"I hate to say it, but this is actually a half good plan." said Maul.

"I know." I said.

"Well what are we waiting for?" said Talik, "Let's go!"

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