Angel's End

By gallia1999

15.7K 389 283

She was dead. I don't know how I'll live without her. I remember staring deep into her ocean blue eyes, befor... More

Angel's End
chapter 2
Confronting the child
The Traitors Amongst Us
The truth
Chapter 7
On The Run (Again)
Secrets and Suspicions
Clones and Answers
New powers and allies
Plan B
Incoming Trouble
The Old and the Wise
Detention Center
Lost and Found
The End
The Supreme Sith
small update

First Encounters

349 14 2
By gallia1999

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps.

"Woah! Ranger Rick, what are you doing in here?" Maul said, surprised and annoyed.

"Getting the smoke bombs you asked for!" I replied sassily back.

"No! There are tons of bombs down there! Smoke bombs are over here!"

"You know what, whatever, your ship is going to be destroyed in a few minutes."

"So I'd suggest you crawl out of there and get ready to jump!"

I quickly crawled out of the giant hole in the floor and ran towards the door of the ship.

"Okay, we're going down!" said Talik from the cockpit.

I pressed a button and opened the door, gesturing Maul to exit, then waiting for Talik.

She ran towards the door then jumped, I quickly ejected after her.

I landed on my feet, then looked up and saw Talik, who was free falling. I quickly put a grasp on her with the force, then slowly lowered her down.

"Let's go check out our little crash site." said Maul from behind me.

"Okay, and remember, blasters to stun, and no killing clones!"

"Got it." said Talik.

"Fine." said a pouty Maul.

We walked towards our crash site, staying light on our feet, just in case there were any surprise attacks.

"Just as I suspected, stupid birdbrains would come check out anything." Maul said, smirking

"Look who's talking, droids can't even use their blaster correctly." I said, rolling my eyes.

I looked back towards the clones and one particularly caught my eye. He then turned around.

"Crap." I said, balling my fists

"What now?" said Maul.

"Rex." I replied with

"Why's he such a threat?" said Maul.

"That means, Anakin will be here soon."

"Well let's attack before they can call him in!"

"On it." said Talik from behind us.

She walked towards the clones then said, "Hey, what happened here?"

"This ship just came down with nobody in it." said Rex.

"How unfortunate." she said, pulling her blaster out then quickly stunning him, then stunning the other clones around her. She gestured towards us to come.

"Not too bad." said Maul

"Why? What were you expecting?" Talik asked.

"I hate to say it but, you were better when you were younger."

"Whatever, let's go stop that clone."

We entered the temple, then decided to get around through the vents.

"We'll split up, then as soon as one of us spots my "twin" then we'll contact each other with these." I said, handing them each a comm link. "On three, sync. One, two, three." I said, pressing my button.

"Looks like we're on." said Talik.

"I'll see you both later." I said, going right, towards my quarters.

I crawled for a few minutes,, trying to navigate through the vents, just getting small glimpses of what was under me. Then my comm link blinked.

"Tano. I didn't find you, but I did find Skywalker. He's on a holopad with Kenobi." he said, his voice filling with anger.

"Okay, see if you can get my clone's whereabouts. And remember, we aren't here to kill anybody but my "twin"."

"Fine." he snarled.

I continued crawling, then saw I somehow reached the cell blocks. I looked down at some of the prisoners, then realized that Barriss was in one of them. She could be useful, I though

"Psst! Barriss!" I whisper-yelled

She looked up at the vent, then her eyes lit up.

"You're normal again!" she whispered back.

"Normal? How'd you get in here?"

"Evil you."

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

"But how'd you get here? You were just in here interrogating the prisoner next to me."

"Long story short, I was cloned and there's now an evil me."

"Jeez, typical for you. Always being turned into something. She's coming to interrogate me later, with Anakin. You can get a good hit on her. It'll be a massive surprise."

"Do you know where she is right now? Knowing the person I'm working with he'd probably let one of his buddies out then start a prison riot."

"Yeah, she's in the mess hall. She told me she'd come question me after she ate."

"Cool! Thank's Barriss! Do you want out?" I said, smirking.

"No, I deserve what I'm getting."

"Whatever you say." crawling backwards then turning, making my way towards the mess hall.

"Maul, Talik. I'm sending you my location. I have a lead."

"Got it." said Talik.

"Roger, roger." I heard Maul say. (loll I just really wanted to say that)

I finally reached the mess hall, then looked through the cracks of the vents, and spotted glowy orange skin.

"Bingo." I said quietly. I observed her for a few more minutes, then decided I should attack her in the halls, not where there are so many clones around.

I waited, then she finally left. I followed her out of the mess hall, then let her walk for a little bit.

"Well this is what I'm here for." I said, kicking open the vent then surprise attacking her.

"Heard you made a prison break." I said, smirking.

"Not you! Ugh, I suspected this would happen." she said, with a look of disgust.

I grabbed my sabers from my belt, then ignited them, revealing the white blades. Before jumping at her, I spun them around a little, warming up my hands.

She then ignited hers, showing two blue blades.

"Out of all the people I could've been cloned out of, I got put with the stubborn one!" she said, running at me, then started swinging uncontrollably at me.

I dodged each one, tiring her out.

"And out of all the personalities my clone could've gotten, she got the annoying try-hard." I said, smirking

"Not to say you aren't one, with all your fancy jedi moves." she shot back.

"Rather be fancy and good, then be uncontrollable and bad."

"Do me a favor and die." she said, jumping at me again.

I quickly jumped out her way, causing her to hit the ground.

"Hate to break it to ya, but this is one battle you aren't winning."

"Ugh!" she said angrily, rising up, then attempting to duel me again.

My lightsaber clashed with hers, mine quickly overpowering hers. She was about to surrender, then the person I really didn't want to see during all of this showed up.

"Master! This girl is trying to kill me!" my clone said.

I didn't flinch or turn my head, I already knew he was there, I could feel through our bond.

Just then, I felt my throat being clenched, and starting to close in. I held onto my neck, as I was starting to rise from the ground.I dropped my blades and managed to spit out a small "Anakin." before my clone ignited one of her sabers and attempted to kill me. But before her saber stabbed me in the stomach, she fell to the ground. A stun blast hit her. Anakin then dropped me, and ran to her. I looked up in the vent, and saw Talik, who was smiling at me. I got up and had a coughing fit, then finally managed to talk.

"Clone." I said.

Anakin turned and glared at me, then gave me a confused look, like he hadn't noticed that there were two of us.

"What's happening?" he said, his eyes were flipping back and forth between me and my clone.

"She's Evil!" said my clone, waking up very quickly. How does he not see how unnormal it is to wake up that quickly?

"No, you're evil!" I shot back.

I arose from the floor, ready to duel her again.

She rose from the ground also, igniting her sabers. From behind me I could hear Maul and Talik jump out of the vents, I've got backup. I thought, while smirking.

"Maul!" said Anakin.

"Ahh, Skywalker. Unfortunately, I'm not here for you. I'm here for her." he said, igniting his double blades, then pointing at my clone.

"Good thing we've also got backup." said my clone crossing her arms. Turning the corner, I saw Obi-Wan and the 501st.

"They'll over-power us instantly." said Talik.

"Not to worry." I said, "I know just what to do." I put my sabers in my belt, then ran towards the one person, all the clones would stop fighting to help.

I punched Rex in the face, knocking him out. Like I had guessed, all the clones looked down at him

"I'm sorry." I said, turning to run.

They started shooting at us so I ignited my duels, blocking their blasts,

"Ahsoka? Where are we going!" yelled Maul.

"Out the window!" I yelled back, diving through the glass and jumping out.

I could hear Maul and Talik also coming through. I got up as quick as I could, to help Talik and Maul up so we could find a place to hide.

"Hurry, we can't let them catch onto us!" I said, helping Talik up with my one hand. My other was holding onto my forehead, where there was a giant gash from glass being dug into it.

"We can go disguise ourselves in the spaceport! We'll have to climb though!" I said, starting to run to the other side of the building, with Talik and Maul next to me.

"Right up there. We have to get in before they put the building in full lockdown." I said, looking around for the small ladder that led up to the landing pad.

"Over here!" said Maul, hoisting himself onto the ladder, with Talik behind him, waiting to get on. I decided to do it the hard way, and force jump up to the top, I waited for them at the top.

"Nice of you to finally join." I said to Maul, crossing my arms and smirking.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go in." said Maul.

"We're waiting for Talik." I said back

"Help!" screamed a voice from behind me. I ran over and saw Talik, falling with her eyes closed. On the ground, was Kenobi and the clones. One of them stunned her!

I glared at the battalion and Obi-Wan, then reached my hands out, trying to grasp onto her before she hit the ground. I felt her weight fall into my hands, I started pulling her up, then finally set her down on the landing pad. By then, the clones were planting their ascension cables on the edge of the landing pad. I grabbed my lightsaber, cutting the cord, causing one of the clones to fall. I used the force to give him a less-gruesome landing. And did that with the other three ascension cords, not seriously harming any of the clones. I then looked back at Obi-Wan, who nodded, and gave me a look almost saying, I trust you. I smiled back at him then turned back to Talik, who was going to be out for a while. I turned back to the fight in front of me. Anakin, Maul, and my clone.

"Join anytime now, Lady Tano!" he yelled.

"It'll be my pleasure!" I was now standing next to Maul, who had turned off his lightsaber, since Anakin and my clone had turned theirs off.

"Anakin! She's a cloned evil me! Don't trust her!" I yelled

"Well that's kind of hard to believe, considering you're working with Maul!" he said, igniting his lightsaber

"Please Anakin!" I said, looking at my clone. This was straight from my vision.

She then ignited her lightsabers. Anakins sometimes slow, I use a reverse grip. Standard grip is uncomfortable, and I've already made that clear to him! How does he not see she's holding her sabers so differently than how I usually hold them?

I gave a fierce, but hopeful look to Anakin, then ignited my white blades. I looked beside me to see Maul igniting his.

I could tell that this could go one way or another. But I'm ready to take a loss, as long as this clone me is also dead.

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