Try and Guess

By CandieRocks

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Kaitlyn Zane is a regular girl with a life full of d-bags, friends, and of course, a crush. But when she get... More

Ask Ashley
Boys Are Boys
Dead Cookies
Jake's Fuzzy Teddy Bear
Heart Problems
Saying Hi
Unknown People, and Unknown Feelings
To Cope, and to Survive
A Discovery
That's What Friends Are For
Almost Cheating
Ditching Sappy, Romantic Movies. It's the Best, Huh?
Q's and A's
How to Face a Part of Your Past
Mr. Vela
Screwed Over.
Fifty Shades of Fogiveness
Love Guru
I Hate Dramas
Ace Is an Asshole


254 5 3
By CandieRocks

I was still a little depressed the morning after Brayden left me at the library.  Wait, who am I kidding, I was very depressed.  Even with Jake, the big ray of sunshine, couldn't cheer me up.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked with concern written all over his face.  He was so busy looking at me, he almost ran into a car.

"Whoa!  Keep your eyes on the road, will you?" I warned.  "And I'm fine.  Everything's good; why would you say differently?"

"Hey, I'm one of your best friends!  Do you really think I don't know when you're upset?  I'm offended!" he said feigning hurt.  "But if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine." 

His words betrayed his expression, as I could clearly see in his eyes.  He really needed to stop worrying about me!  I was fine-- completely fine-- but I wouldn't be anymore if he kept on babying me every single time I was upset.  That was the consequence of going through a traumatic experience.

Although mine wasn't a normal event that usually happens to someone, like a car accident, it was completely plausible.  It it friggin had to happen to me.

"Thank you Jake, I don't want to talk about it."

"OK then!  Tell me when you're ready."  I looked at him and smiled. 

"Aww, come on, tell me PLEASEEEEE...," he pleaded and gave in.

"Nope!  It's a girl thing," I teased.  He gave me a look of horror.

"You have your . . . period?" he whispered.

"Ew!  You're disgusting!  What a sick mind," I shouted in disgust while hitting him in the arm.  I tended to do that often, didn't I? 

 I fell back into my seat and let my thoughts cloud my mind.  I wondered why people always changed their minds, or why they never kept their promises like Brayden did.  I guess I should've known that romises are always broken.


I was drawing my homework.  Mrs. Wallentine wanted me to draw what was most special to me, so of course I chose to draw my family.  Mom, Dad, and I, all happy.

"Hey Kit-Kat!  What are you drawing?" my dad asked while peering over my shoulder.

"Hi Daddy!  I'm drawing our family," I replied.  While I drew a red heart around the happy family, Dad hugged me.

"Wow, for a nine year old girl, you draw like a pro!" Daddy complimented.  "You know, our family will last forever.  We are happy, and love each other dearly, just like your wonderful picture."  As he said this, Mom walked in and hugged all of us.

"He's right Kit-Kat.  This family will last forever, I promise," Mom said.  And I trusted them whole-heartedly.

If I had the conversation when I was older, I would've realized that something was immediately troubling them.  No parent talked that way unless something was wrong, and they wanted to hide it from their child.  Why didn't I know?

*End of Flashback*

"Kaitlyn.  Kaitlyn!  KAITLYN!" Jake yelled.

"What!  What happened?" I yelled back.

"I've called your name like, ten times!  We've been at school for a while.  You sure you're OK?" he questioned me again.

"Yes, thanks.  Can we just go now?" I pleaded.  I really needed to see Brayden.  I needed to hear a reason for ditching me yesterday.  I hoped it's good, because it had better be.

"OK, but I hope you tell me what's on your mind," Jake said before hopping out of the car.  I lingered in the car before following him.  It was a chilly morning, with the leaves on the trees caramel orange, and yellow like sunshine.  Fall was one of my favorite seasons.  It was the calmest one.

I sat at my seat in journalism, waiting for Mr. Woodfield.  He was always late for some reason.  "Hey Kaitlyn," Ace said.

"Hi, Ace." I didn't really want to talk to him, but I really didn't have anybody else to talk to.  The only thing on my mind was Brayden.

Brayden was so perfect.  Why did the devil always have to hide in an angel's clothing?

"So, what's up?" he asked.  I gave him a look reminding him of what happened the last time he said that.  "Right . . . What's going on in your life?  I saw that you've accepted my friend request," he pointed out.

"Yeah, about that.  That was on accident," I said sheepishly.  "Anna called me and I clicked accept in shock."  I knew he wasn't going to believe me when I explained.  Even I had to admit that it seemed really lame.

"Sure, and I'm ugly," he said sarcastically.  I scoffed and looked away.  It was actually a good comeback, though very self centered.

"Yup, you are," I agreed sarcastically.  "You know, everyone who's mouth drops open in shock when they see your face, it's because the've never seen something so hideous," I spat back.  "I wonder why you have everybody hangs on your every word."

"You don't know as much about me as you think," he said with an expression on his face that I just couldn't place.  I've never seen him wear it before.

"What do you mean?" I asked.  He just shook his head and before I could do anything else, Mr. Woodfield walked into the classroom.

"OK, class.  Last weeks newspaper was pretty good.  Now your assignment is to get ready for the next one.  Have your columns done by Friday.  It was a Tuesday, so I had three days to write AA.  I sighed softly.  When is science class?

The bell rang for second period, and I headed off to science.  I saw Brayden on the way, and forced myself to approach him.  My heart was beating like the first time I approached him with Bella.  This time it was because of my hopefulness that he was a good person, not because I was nervous to talk to him.

"Brayden," I said quietly.  He didn't hear me, so I said his name louder.  "Brayden!" I shouted with my heart thumping even wilder.  What would his reason be?  Is he a jackass and I just didn't know it yet?  Was he stupid enough to forget that he was supposed to study with me at lunch?

He looked at me and smiled.  "Hey Katie!" he waved.

"You ready for the science test today?" I asked coldly.

"Ohmygosh!  I'm so sorry!" he said hurriedly.  "My best friend Ryan just broke up with his girlfriend, and I was trying to cheer him up at lunch!  I'm so sorry I forgot," he said looking ashamed.

"Oh," I replied quietly.  "That's no problem.  If my best friend was upset, I would've done the same thing."  I guess you can forget something without looking stupid.

"Really?  Thanks, I feel really bad though.  Can I make it up to you?" he asked.

"Um, how so?" I asked.

"Why don't I take you to the movies on Thursday?" he asked while looking into my eyes. 

His irises were such an amazing brown, I could stare at them forever.  The way the sun reflected back, it made the brown an amazing golden-- "Kaitlyn?" he asked again.

"Oh!  Uh, yeah!  Thursday's great!" I replied flustered.

"Cool!  I'll pick you up at seven?"

"Sure, I'll text you later."  I had a huge grin on my face when I walked into the classroom, but when I saw Jasmine, my face fell.

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