White Fangs [ON HOLD]

Oleh OneDirectionAllDay

37.8K 636 121

Arielle Winston just wanted to make her sister smile again but didn't know she signed a contract to being One... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1~ Blood Sucker
Chapter 2~ Neck Bite
Chapter 3~ Vampires Exist..?
Chapter 4~ The Contract
Chapter 5~ No Choice
Chapter 7~ Decisions
Chapter 8~ Drained
Chapter 9~ Doppelganger?
Chapter 10~ Liam's Past
Chapter 11~ Elizabeth's Insight
Chapter 12~ Two-Face

Chapter 6~ Vampires 101

2.5K 48 11
Oleh OneDirectionAllDay

Arielle P.O.V

I inhaled the sweet smell of Liam's cologne refusing to even move a muscle. I knew me just apologizing to Zayn would get Harry pissed off and those were my intentions. I hated the way he played with my mind and he really did still scare me, but I also did soften up to Zayn. He didn't want an apology and I gave him one because in my eyes he did deserve it after all. So did Harry but I would never admit that.

Liam ran his fingers through my hair and glanced down at my neck. His eyes widened as his hands traveled down the sides of my face to my neck, outlining the two holes that still laid bruised upon my skin. "Nialler come here and look at this.." he said tilting my neck. I allowed him to examine the neck bite I still had. Maybe he could tell me who it was, it was a long shot though."What happened?" Niall asked, rubbing the back of his head with a confused expression. "I fell" I blurted out breathlessly. Niall's eyes squinted and then turned to Liam for reassurance. "That's a vampire bite," he stated. Liam's eyes narrowed turning to Harry, who looked like he was deep in conversation with Louis and Zayn."Harry!" Liam shouted to get his attention. He walked over to us and smirked at me. Urghh this boy.

"Look at her neck" Niall said taking a seat on the sofa. His pure skin looked extremely pale while his blue eyes glistened in the dim light. I took a minute to stare at his gelled up blonde hair that was deep brown at the roots. He looked drained of energy. I winced backward into Liam as I was brought back to reality with Harry's long slender index finger examining my wound, circling around the bites and rubbing gently over then.I didn't mind since Liam was right there to protect me, well that's what I hoped. "Yeah and what about her neck?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow. "It's a vampire bite, have anything to share with us?" Liam asked suspiciously. "Oh yeah, I bit you" he said shrugging his shoulders and collapsing on the couch next to Niall. It was like it was no big deal for him. My eyes blinked a couple of times registering the possibility even though I couldn't remember a thing. "What!When!" I shouted turning to Harry who yawned at my sudden outburst. "Erm, the other night I think, you tasted good" he complimented resting his head on Niall's shoulder. I blushed and looked down rubbing my neck. He just complimented me on the taste of my blood and I blushed, that was just not right at all."Why did you bite me? And thats all that happened right?" I asked looking suspiciously down at him. There was no telling what could have happened, besides him sucking my blood obviously, but why me? "Well basically I was hungry or thirsty, same thing I guess. And uhh you were there so umm yeah. N-no nothing else happened.." he trailed off stuttering, ruffling his thick curls around, that shifted perfectly right back into place, and I think his cheeks turned a shade of light pink if i wasn't mistaken. He couldn't be blushing because of me, he said nothing else happened...but then again this is Harry Styles unpredictable and defiantly on my 'don't trust' list. He was hiding something, I couldn't read his emotionless facial expression but it looked like he just had a flashback. Yup, his cheeks are pink again. I mean there was no reason to get angry for him biting me since the damage was done already but it was frustrating not even remembering it. Though, my lip was swollen and had bit marks placed at the very top line of my bottom lip. Did we kiss or something, that was a possibility wasn't it, but no we couldn't have. He had just met me, it was probably spur of the moment and an infinite craving of my blood so he wanted to bite the vein in my bottom lip, is there even a vein in your bottom lip? Urgh this is so frustrating.

"I think we should have a group talk like right now, "I suggested batting my eyelashes at Liam. "Why!??" Harry whined. "Because I have tons of questions, and you should be fucking thankful I'm even agreeing to this," I retorted taking a seat on the carpeted floor. That shut him up. Louis sat on the floor next to me, while Liam took the other seat to my left. Zayn jumped on top of both Harry and Niall stretching his body across their laps. I giggled and brought my knees to my chest. "So I guess I'll start with asking why I can't remember when Harry bit me.." I said resting my chin on my kneecaps."It's called compulsion. Us vampires dilate our eyes while looking into our victim's eyes. When we do that it's almost like we just hypnotized the person into doing anything we say, and most times we ask them to forget current events. Like Harry did with you" Louis explained grabbing my hand and fiddling with my fingers. I let out a deep breathe starring down at the faded brown carpet. "How do you manage to walk outside in the sunlight, aren't vampires supposed to burn and blow up?Or sparkle?" I asked still starring blankly at the ground. "This isn't Twilight, we don't sparkle. Non of us are Edward Cullen.We have these special sun rings that allow us to enjoy the daytime light like normal people" Zayn explained holding up his hand that had a blue and silver ring resting just above his knuckle on his right ring finger. I nodded my head trying to understand how that was even possible. "But how does the ring protect you from the sun?" I asked confused on the topic. "A witch made the rings, putting a spell on the material to allow us in the sun, without burning to a crisp." Niall said without effort. Great, now witches were real, or so they said but then again I'm talking to vampires so I'm open to any fictional creature being real at this point. "Oh.." I simply replied amazed any of this was the cold truth. "So in a fight who would win? Vampires or Witches?" I asked turning to Liam. "Well you see witches try and keep balance with the world, channeling their energy from nature while others practice it for evil. Witches have an advantage over us since they are the protectors or keepers. They can disturb our mind set sending excruciating pain through our bodies immobilizing us. So in order to beat them, you have to be extremely quick and clever. The element of surprise wouldn't hurt. But witches would be the reining victor," Liam explained with concentrated eyes. "Going back to being quick, how is it that vampires can be anywhere in the matter of seconds?" I asked turning to Louis interlocking our fingers. He seemed harmless with his soft blue eyes, and inviting personality. "It's another trick we have. Vampires are clever and slick always wanting the element of surprise. So we can appear to a close destination very quickly by running. But it has to be close, we can't just teleport to another country, it doesn't work like that," Louis answered smiling gently at our intertwined hands. "Oh, and vampires can't enter a house unless invited in by the owner of the property, so we can't just run into anyone's house. I have no idea why things are like that but they are" Louis added with a loud laugh, making the room more exhilarated. "Sorry Elle but we only have time for at least two more questions.Our body guard Paul texted me to get the lads home, we have an important interview early in the morning," Liam stated slipping his phone back into his pocket. "Okay, umm do werewolves also exist?" I asked with curiosity and fear. "Yeah, the dogs exist" Zayn replied with a laugh. His laugh was soothing and made me smile. "They are bound to the moon curse while us vampires are slaves to the sun, but we have a shortcut" Niall said with a smile wiggling his fingers revealing his green and silver ring. I looked at the rest of the boys hands and they all had blue and silver rings, I guess since Niall is Irish he wanted a green one. With the tone of voice toward werewolves I've inferred that vampires are superior or that's how Zayn and Niall made it sound but I guess it's different views from both sides. I wouldn't want to meet a werewolf anytime soon, vampires are good enough.

"And last question, I heard that vampires had a weird emotion system, can you explain that?" I asked a little confused with my own question. Colton could only fit in so much information he thought was true into one lunch period. Harry smirked at me. "I'll answer this one" he replied receiving nods from the rest of the boys. "Basically it comes down to two categories. The first is switching off your humanity. Uhh this doesn't happen to every vampire, it's their choice whether they want to shut it all off, to not deal with the emotions. It's like an escape when they don't want to deal with anything anymore. They would feed from one victim to the next not caring if their draining every ounce of blood from that innocent person, they just don't care if they kill. That's called being a 'ripper' uhh I think. They hunt down their prey an instantly kill when their done will their meal. They are ruthless killers and just don't care at all since they're stripped of all their emotions at their own command, it's just easier...to shut down, to let go of your feelings," Harry said really slowly starring me down. I gulped down a mouthful of saliva feeling my hands get clammy, Louis gave me a reassuring gentle squeeze, his fingertips sinking lightly into the top of my hand. This information was by far the scariest I've heard all night. "Umm then there's category two which all vampires go through everyday. Our emotions are heightened. They are put at a maximum level and are extremely hard to resist. The feelings just get so much more intense. So for example, sexual attractiveness is a big one for us. I speak for everyone in this room that if we could get the chance we would most likely fuck you...hard," Harry concluded with a cheeky lopsided grin. Louis pulled his hand away from mine quickly as the realization kicked in on what Harry just said. Zayn fell off Niall and Harry's lap falling face first on the floor, Niall's pale skin was now a bright shade of crimson red from his blushing, Liam's eyes widened to full capacity looking anywhere else in the room except at me, Louis inched further away from me covering his face with his hands and Harry just licked his bottom lip smirking proudly at me. I bet he knew that would make me uncomfortable and that's why he said it, but i couldn't help to feel my heart beat quicken. I fluttered my eyelashes a couple times feeling the blood rush to my cheeks as I was completely flustered and caught off guard. He actually said that aloud. They wanted to 'fuck me, hard'? Yup this has been enough of One Direction for one day.

"Well guys this was fun but uhh you should probably get going, it's late and you have to get some sleep" I finally managed to choke out after a good long silent pause. You could almost feel the awkwardness in the room. Louis got up from the floor and ran to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up into the air for a tight hug. He spun me around as I laughed from his soft brunette hair tickling the skin on my face. He broke the awkwardness with a simple act, I could tell we were going to be good friends. "Lou put me down!" I shouted with a chuckle. His crystal blue eyes sparkled when I gave him the nickname. Louis put me back onto the floor and shouted "BYE LOVE" just before he opened my front door and disappeared into the darkness of the night. Zayn ran his hand through his quiff regaining his cool just before he pulled me into a hug lacing his fingers together around my lower back and pulling me in close. You could smell his sweet cologne linger in the air. "Night babe" he whispered drozily into my ear. A slight blush rested on my cheeks as he also disappeared into the night. It felt like my cheeks were going to burn off from all this blushing. Niall dragged his body off of the couch slowly walking toward me, his blue eyes looked tired but his face was still bright red from Harry's...sexual comment. His arms wrapped around my body bringing me into a suffocating bear hug. He nuzzled his cheek against my neck breathing silently as he lightly squeezed around my torso. I was actually receiving a 'Horan Hug' and it felt like I could melt away in his arms. My sister said she always wished she had the chance to hug Niall and now I see why. This is the best hug I ever got, and I'm glad it lasted long. "Sweet dreams Elle" he said under his breathe walking out of the front door. Liam looked at his feet as he walked toward me. He looked so innocent and cute. He moved his concentration away from his all white all-star converse, and turned his chocolate brown eyes to stare at me and smile opening his arms. I immediately ran to him jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist so my legs could hang lazily in the air. Even though I had just met him today, it felt like we have know each other for a long time. I heard Liam laugh as he supported me with a protective hug. I jumped out of his arms and smiled up at him. "Good luck with the interview" I said stretching my sweatshirt sleeves over my hands only revealing my fingertips, sometimes I would get so shy even my hands would need to be hidden. I just kind of got self conscious on the way I hugged him, and the fact he was famous and attractive didn't help. The thought that they were international super stars didn't even pass through my mind all night, how could it with all this vampire information? "Thanks, I hope to see you soon" he replied with a bright smile walking outside to leave. I crossed my arms looking at the last person to leave which was none other than Harry Styles.

He had that playful smirk plastered on his lips and he rushed over to me. Before I could run away he grabbed my wrist pulling my body into his so we were touching. His biceps kept me in place as he hugged me bringing his lips to my ear nibbling at my ear lobe. His large hands ran up and down my back sending a warm sensation over my body. That little act brought the memory of what he said from before back and my face once again was flustered. "We are going to pick you up tomorrow after the interview to hang out and your coming clubbing with us later on. One small thing, you need to make up your mind on who you want to feed on you first by tomorrow, don't have sex dreams about me..." he teased with a wink in his deep raspy voice. Then, he quickly left a kiss at the very bottom of my cheek where the corner of my lips began. I blushed intensely as he disappeared and swiftly shut the door behind him. "I would never have such a dream about you!" I shouted at the closed door. Pressing my two lips together deep in concentration, I cautiously walked over and locked both locks on the front door still a little frightened on what actually existed in the world. Great, now I have to choose who I want to suck my blood first....

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