As the World Falls Down

By KryptoOmicron

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Savannah is watching over her brother and sister while her parents take her sick grandmother to the doctor. L... More

Chapter 1: Saying the Right Words
Chapter 2: Beyond the Goblin City
Chapter 3: What Have I Done?
Chapter 4: Escaping the Darkness
Chapter 5: Imprisonment
Chapter 6: Chilling Down!
Chapter 7: The Beginning's of A Dream
Chapter 8: Garden of Hallucinations
Chapter 9: Castle Beyond the Junkyard
Chapter 10: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 11: The First Day
Chapter 12: Business
Chapter 13: History Lessons
Chapter 14: The Goblin Fair
Chapter 15: A New Pet
Chapter 16: Engulfed in Flames
Chapter 18: Birthday Chaos!
Chapter 19: In the Years That Passed
Chapter 20: Living Like an Elf
Chapter 21: Engagements
Chapter 22: Back at it Again
Chapter 23: Nothing is as it Seems!

Chapter 17: Preparing the Feast

78 2 0
By KryptoOmicron

   "Matty can you pass me the grape flavored jam?" Savannah said as she began preparations for her famous Swedish meatballs. She had decided that since she didn't know how to fix the Labyrinths cuisine(and since she didn't feel like following a cook book), it would be better to fix things she knew. Since early in the morning her, Matty, Ludo, Hoggle, and Sir Didymus have been hard at work preparing large amounts of Swedish meatballs, bacon wrapped lil-smokies, and other delicious finger foods. Matty made sure that she wore the proper dress for baking and it was a good thing because Savannah's dark dress was covered in flour and other spices. Everything was going well so far. She had kept her powers under control since she listened to Jareth's suggestion of not thinking about them.

   Although she felt like her head was filled with fog. She had been contemplating her feelings towards Jareth and she wanted to not like him, but something made her feel for him. Whenever she felt mad at him, something made her instantly forgive him even though she had so much to be mad at him for. It confused her and she definitely wanted to speak to someone about them...perhaps she could talk to Matty about them later during their evening discussions. "It's sure smells goods Savannah!" Said Matty as she stirred the meatballs. "Thanks! I learned this recipe from my grandma." Savannah paused to look at all they had prepared so far. There were pans after pans of food and she really hoped it would be enough.

   "Damn!" Screamed Hoggle as he looked down upon the meatballs on the floor. "It's alright Hoggle I think we have enough anyway." She said smiling at her friend. She hadn't seen or heard anything from Jareth since this morning and oddly enough she hadn't heard from Dumble either. The whole castle was quite, so quite that you could hear the wind roar from its empty halls. "There's I thinks we are donee nows." Said Matty as she poured the last batch of meatballs into a serving bowl. Savannah stood back to make sure she had enough. Finally, all the food was prepared and put into storage. "We are finally done guys!" She began "I guess you all can go about your business for the time being." Savannah said sitting down in a chair by the window. All of her friends nodded, said their goodbyes, and left to do who knew what.

   She finally could sit in silence. "Hey Dumble would you like to go riding?" She asked her winged friend. It seemed like forever until he replied with "Sure! I think Jareth is going to take you on a picnic shortly anyways." Great! She thought as an owl landed on the window seal in front of her. In a burst of glitter Jareth appeared before her. "Hello little one. Are you ready for our picnic? Dumble is waiting outside." To be honest she didn't really want to go on another picnic. She had been on plenty her first days of living in the Labyrinth and she really just wanted to explore. "Actually can we just explore today?" She innocently asked the man in front of her. Jareth looked at her in annoyance which annoyed her. "I suppose..." He finally said.

   The two left the kitchen and headed outside where they found Dumble waiting impatiently. "What took you so long?" He complained. "Sorry, we decided that we are exploring today." Dumble huffed "That's fine where are we going?" Savannah didn't think of that. "Jareth where exactly are we going?" Jareth grinned. "you'll see." "That helps!" Shouted Dumble. "There is no use in yelling at him Dumble he can't hear you." Jareth smiled wickedly as he grabbed Savannah and transported them to a pavilion in the garden part of the labyrinth.

   "Dumble isn't going to like this..." Savannah sighed. "He'll get over it. Do you recognize where we are?" Jareth asked pointing. The girl thought for a moment. He had taken her to the pavilion from her hallucination. She hated this place why did he bring her here! "Why did you bring me here exactly?" She asked. Jareth brushed the hair from the side of her face and gently pushed her against the pillar of the pavilion making an attempt to kiss her. "No!" Savannah yelled. The king withdrew with surprise. Savannah kept telling herself that she wasn't going to do this EVER, but something made her feel sorry for yelling at him. What was wrong with her! "Is something wrong little one?" The man questioned. In her mind she knew something was wrong. He was moving way to fast! "No..well-no I'm fine, but I would like to sit and just think."

   Her birthday was tomorrow and so was the ball. She had to keep her temper down or she just might release some magic if she were to blow and that obviously would mean doom. Savannah was hoping that maybe Jareth would forget about the whole "marriage" thing if she showed no interest. To be truthful she really didn't want to marry him. He may not have known, but she did really like someone from the above ground and just when she and him were becoming closer, she was ripped away. "What are you saying Savannah! Jareth is anything and everything you could want!" Her mind told her. Ugh! This was all so aggravating!

   After a long time of silence Jareth finally cut in "So I trust that you have all the food ready?" Savannah shook out of her daze and replied "I hope so! I've never done that much cooking before and I hope your guest like it!" Her voice trailed off as she fell back into her thoughts. Jareth was beginning to notice it and that made him worry for only reasons he knew. He was losing her again! He thought of something fast and then grabbed Savannah's hand once more. "Come with me!" Savannah followed him through the rest of the garden maze and was lead to the entrance of a forest. "Not much further now" said the man. They continued on until they reached a creek. Jareth pushed Savannah into a nearby bush and covered her mouth. She shook it off "What are you doing!" She hissed. The king put a finger to his lip signaling her to hush. Once she was quite he pointed to the edge of the creek where a bear made from water laid with her cubs.

   Savannah's face lit with wonder and joy. "Just wait!" Jareth added. She continued to watch when the mother bear touched the water with her paw and up sprung waterlilies. They glowed as they fell from the sky into the cubs mouths. It was so beautiful! Her heart melted as the cubs clung to their mother before leaping back into the creek. Savannah ran from the push and felt the water. It was cool and smooth. Blue fireflies began to dance around her and she joined in and danced. Jareth sat back and watched smiling at how silly and pleasant she was.

   It was already dark and both Matty and Dumble were probably wondering where they were. Not to mention that they were both probably hungry since they didn't eat lunch or really any breakfast. "Come on my dear it's time to go back." Jareth said calling Savannah back over. She ran to join him as he teleported them home. Once they returned they were greeted by a very unhappy griffin. "Where were you!" Shouted Dumble. "We were at this pavilion. I don't know where exactly it was, but I was with Jareth!" She replied. "You didn't answer me when I tried to talk to you so I was worried!" Dumble huffed. Did he speak to her? She didn't hear him. "I'm sorry ok, but I'm alright and very hungry. I'll see you tomorrow." Savannah grinned hugging the beast around his feathery neck. Dumble nodded and returned to his stable.

   The two went back inside and ate dinner. It was really good whatever it was. Savannah didn't think to ask Jareth because she was hungry and at the moment she didn't care what she ate. Once finished Jareth brought her back to her room and said goodnight. They were both tired so just saying goodnight was good enough. "Where you's been!" Matty stated in anger. "I'm sorry! I was out with Jareth all day." She replied. "So hows did thats go." The happy little woman chimed. "Horrible! I feel like I don't like him, but something in me is making me like him!" Savannah cried. "It's very annoying because I just want to go home!" There she had said it. She had gone through so much that she just wanted to be in the loving arms of her family.

   Matty sat and listened until the girl was finished. "I knows you's homesicks, but dis is yo home now and there ain't a thing you can do, unless yo wants yo siblings to comes backs. I don't evens wants thems to come back they's seems real happy! It mights seems hard livin down here, but you have me, Jareth and your friends." Matty finished with a smile. Savannah knew she was right and she knew that she didn't want her brother and sister to be dragged back here either. "I just wish the fog would clear...I don't want to get married, or at least no time soon. I wanted to meet 'the one' and marry because I choose to not because I was forced to." Matty sighed and patted Savannah's leg "You justs rests ok. Dis is just stress that's all's. You's feels better in da mornings." Savannah nodded and gave the woman a tight hug.

   Matty dressed her for bed and before she knew it, Savannah was out cold. The girl had become her friend and seeing her so confused and unhappy made her upset. Matty headed up to Jareth's room contemplating whether to tell him or not as she went.

Jareth's Point of View

   There was a small knock at the door. "Come in!" Said a strong voice. In came Matty looking upset and worried. "What's wrong?" Asked Jareth. "You's can'ts makes that girl marry you Jareth..." She began. "Why not what's happened?" Matty straightened up and took a deep breath "That girls so's unhappy here. You's should just's sends her home!" Jareth jumped at the thought. "Did she tell you she was unhappy?" He stated. The woman nodded. He knew something was wrong. "I can't send her back! She has magic now and if I did one of the kingdoms would bring her back. I wouldn't send her back even if she didn't have powers..."

   Matty raised a brow "Why's nots?" Jareth rolled his eyes "Because she is mine now. I won't lose her!" The woman's face reddened. "She's a persons not property!" Jareth sprang from his chair "She is MY prize! My treasure I love her!" Matty shook her head "I don't thinks she feels the sames anymores." Well of course she felt the same he made sure of that. "Trust me she does. She can't fight it." Then Jareth's face saddened "I think I have caused this, but If I don't do it then I know she wouldn't feel anything towards me..." The goblin lady froze "What's you's do's to her!"

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