As the World Falls Down

By KryptoOmicron

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Savannah is watching over her brother and sister while her parents take her sick grandmother to the doctor. L... More

Chapter 1: Saying the Right Words
Chapter 2: Beyond the Goblin City
Chapter 3: What Have I Done?
Chapter 4: Escaping the Darkness
Chapter 5: Imprisonment
Chapter 6: Chilling Down!
Chapter 7: The Beginning's of A Dream
Chapter 8: Garden of Hallucinations
Chapter 9: Castle Beyond the Junkyard
Chapter 10: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 11: The First Day
Chapter 12: Business
Chapter 13: History Lessons
Chapter 15: A New Pet
Chapter 16: Engulfed in Flames
Chapter 17: Preparing the Feast
Chapter 18: Birthday Chaos!
Chapter 19: In the Years That Passed
Chapter 20: Living Like an Elf
Chapter 21: Engagements
Chapter 22: Back at it Again
Chapter 23: Nothing is as it Seems!

Chapter 14: The Goblin Fair

96 4 0
By KryptoOmicron

   *Bang* Savannah jolted up at the sound. "Sorry Lady!" Shrieked the goblin woman as she picked up her tray. "Oh no it's fine, it just startled me a bit" the girl replied heading to the window. She gasped at the sight below. From her window she could see the fair. There were booths, games, and a few rides. Savannah didn't expect there to be rides, she didn't even know that they knew what rides were. "It's even better up close" said Matty "Now let's hurry ups and gets ya ready". Savannah went and bathed as it became her morning routine. As she did, Matty found a short deep purple dress for Savannah to wear. The maid wasn't sure what they would be doing, but she wanted the girl to be comfortable.

   "That's a pretty dress" commented Savannah emerging from the bathroom. "I thinks this be's perfect for today don't you?" Replied Matty. Savannah shook her head and proceeded to get ready. Today her attire consisted of the deep purple dress, black stockings, and a pair of matching flats. Her hair was tied in a ponytail that swung to the side as it fell into curls. "Today should be fun" the girl said as she made it back to the window. "It will be. It woulds have beens even betters ifs I's didn'ts drops ya breakfast!" Matty said with a huff. Savannah laughed and told the woman that it was fine. Bella leapt up onto Savannah's lap and began to purr. The little cats comfort didn't last long when there was a knock at the door.

   "Come in!" Answered Savannah. In came Jareth wearing his usual dark clothing. He was drawn back as he noticed Savannah's attire for today. She looked like a jewel! He coughed and outstretched his arm "Well, shall we go?" She looked at Matty. The maid was signaling her to take his arm. "I don't know about this..." Savannah thought. The girl placed her arm around Jareth's, but kept her gaze downwards. Jareth smirked and began to walk out into the hallway. He paused "Take the rest of the day off Matilda. Go and enjoy the fair". Matty thanked him and ran down the hallway cheering. "That was very kind of you Jareth" said Savannah. "Well...she deserved a day off. You are quite the hand full". He replied with a chuckle. Savannah smiled as they both made their way to the fair.

   When they arrived, it was like everything stopped. All eyes were on them and Savannah's heart began to race. After the long silence, everyone went about their business. "Where to first?" Asked Jareth. Savannah didn't really know what kinds of things they had in this far "I'm not sure...why don't you pick?" The King nodded and he guided her to a small booth. The sign read "Dunk the Goblin". Jareth turned to her "This is my favorite game!" Savannah turned her attention to the shaking goblin sitting on the dunking board. The poor thing was acting like it was about to be murdered. She looked at Jareth worriedly, but he smiled at her and handed her the small ball. "Let's see what you've got little one".

   Savannah gulped and drew her arm back. She played softball back on the above ground, so this should be easy. It would be really embarrassing if she missed. No! She knew what she was doing. She chunked the ball hard towards the little target. Bullseye! The small goblin shrieked as he fell into the water. "That's quite an arm you've got". The man said a smirk appearing on his face. "Your turn" she replied. Savannah handed Jareth one of the balls, but he flicked it away. He pointed his finger at the target sending a serge of lightning towards it. The bolt completely destroyed the target and sent the goblin barreling into the water. Jareth looked over to find Savannah's mouth hanging wide open. She shook her head "show off!" Jareth chuckled "Where to next?"

   She wanted to try the scariest ride that they had "I want to ride the scariest ride you have!" Jareth blinked "Aren't you brave...I guess the scariest one would be 'Goblin Mountain'" Oh! That sounded horrifying! "Let's do it!" The man took her to an extremely tall wooden ride. She could hear it creak as the wind blew. They continued to the front row "No! Let's go to the very back...that's the scariest!" They turned around and sat in the back seats. "You ready?" Asked Jareth. Savannah nodded with excitement. There were other goblins on the ride hugging each other for dear life. "Enjoy the ride" the ride attendant began "I hope you live to tell me about it". Wait! What? What did he just say! Savannah began to get frightened. The ride attendant pulled a lever and the two jerked forward as the ride began.

   "Are you scared?" Jareth asked laughing. "No! Of course not! I don't get scared". She shot back. They were on the first hill. It went into the air going higher and higher. How high are we! Savannah looked to see that they had passed the window to her room. "Dear God what have I gotten myself into!" She thought. Finally, they were at the top and the ride stopped. Savannah looked at Jareth and he seemed perfectly calm. He looked back at her and laughed. "If you need to, you can grab onto me". He said with a smirk. "No way!" Then the ride shot down. It twisted and turned causing Savannah to scream. She thought she was about to die! The wind blew her ponytail back. It made her smack against her chair. Her skirt flew up and with one hand she pushed it back down. With the other, she grabbed Jareth's sleeve and squeezed it. All the while Jareth sat calmly as if it was a child's train ride.

   When the ride had finally ended, Savannah jumped off "What kind of ride was that!" She shouted as she noticed Jareth's laughter. "This isn't funny I could have died!" She continued. His laughter only grew "You were squeezing my sleeve so tightly I thought you would rip it off". Savannah joined in, laughing at how scared she really was. "I think I've had enough rides for today". She stated. "That's really the only good ride anyways. What say we go get something to eat?" Jareth replied.

   He took her to numerous booths that all held different amounts of strange food. She saw chocolate covered rats and worms in a blanket. The sight made her feel nauseous. "Here we are!" He shouted. Savannah turned and read the sign on the small booth. It read "Human Eats: the Fattiest food in the kingdom". Wow...what a title. "I figured you weren't ready to try some of the labyrinth's cuisine, so I brought you here where you can have something you know you like". She looked at all the food. There were soups, baked delights, fried goods, sweets, and others of her favorite foods. "I think I'll have...that!" Savannah said pointing to a bowl of broccoli and cheese soup. "One soup for the little lady coming up" said the goblin chief. "Make that two". Jareth added.

   The girl grabbed a spoon and scooped up her first bit. She popped it into her mouth and smiled at the soups warm homemade taste. "Do you like it?" She asked Jareth. He nodded "It's surprisingly very good!" Savannah smiled and continued to eat. When she was finished she went and thanked the chief. As she was returning to her table, a little goblin boy(about 6) tugged on the hem of her dress. "Hello!" She said smiling. The little boy giggled as his mother came up "I'ms so's sorry my lady!" "Oh no! It's fine your sons very cute!" The girl replied assuring the woman that it wasn't a bother. "Are you's gonna marry da king?" Asked the boy. His mother smacked him on the back of the head. Before Savannah could reply the lady quickly began to leave "Will's be goings now!"

   "Weird" she thought as she returned to to her table. Jareth looked at her. "What?" She asked. He shrugged and continued to eat his soup. Once he finished, they went and played a couple games of "Wack A' Goblin" and "Goblin Ball". Savannah mostly watched during both games because they basically dealt with throwing or hitting goblins. They passed by a jewelry booth and Savannah fell in love with a silver griffin ring. "Isn't that pretty?" She cooed. "Then it's yours" said the seller. Her eyes widened as the ring slid around her finger. "Thank you so much!" Savannah went and showed Jareth. He smiled and silently thanked the rings seller.

   They had had a long day. They visited a ton of different booths and Jareth introduced Savannah to many of his subjects. All of them quickly came to like her and were happy to have her in their kingdom. Both of them went and got another bowl of broccoli and cheese soup for dinner and headed to a small pond just outside the fair. The wind was calm and the moonlight shinned brightly over the water. Savannah's heart was racing. She felt so strange...this feeling was one that she had never felt before. Was she sick? Or was she actually falling for Jareth! "No way!" She thought, but something inside of her made her argue with herself. He wasn't so bad.

   Jareth could tell she was thinking hard about something. He had a good idea what that something was, but said nothing. He turned to her and gazed into her crystal colored eyes. She wasn't scared, nor was she resentful. All he could see was confusion. She was fighting with herself over her feelings towards him. He understood it. She had a right to be mad with him over the things he had said and done in the past, but he wanted to be with her. He wanted to hear her laugh and see her smile everyday because when she did, he felt like the clouds that were blocking his heart for so long were finally disappearing.

   Without even thinking Jareth lifted her chin. At first Savannah pulled back a little "Just give it a chance!" Her conscience screamed at her. She allowed him to proceed. Their lips locked and the weight in both of their hearts began to lift. Savannah broke it, she couldn't do this, or at least not right now. When they kissed all she could see was her siblings and family. She just wasn't ready. "What's wrong?" She could hear him say. "I'm just not ready". Savannah replied looking into his mix matched eyes. He made no comment, but sat on a rock near the pond. Savannah joined him and stared out onto the calm water. Fireflies danced around lily pads as they listened to the sounds around them in silence.

   "Would you like to head back now?" Jareth asked. He turned to find her asleep leaning against his shoulder. She looked so happy and calm when she slept. They had both had an eventful day. He was getting pretty tired as well. He kissed her head as he scooped her up into his arms. "I will not let anything happen to you precious...I promise".

   Jareth teleported them both to Savannah's room. Matty jumped. "Wow she's knocked out cold! What's ya do to her?" She asked confused. "I didn't do anything to her. We have just had a long day". He replied as he laid the sleeping girl on her bed. "Did's ya's have fun?" Matty asked. "Yes it was very entertaining. Did you enjoy your day off?" The woman nodded. "Well, I will be going now. Goodnight Matilda". Jareth opened the door and left. There was no use in waking Savannah up to get changed, so Matty kissed her forehead and headed to Jareth's room.

Jareth's Point of View

   Jareth laid down on his bed and sighed. How long would it be? He didn't want to wait, he wanted all of her now, but he knew that she was slowly opening up to him. "I will wait my dear" he whispered to himself. Matty then burst through the door "So, give's me the details!" She demanded. Jareth shot up "There really isn't anything to share. She's not ready yet, so I will wait for her". Matty sighed "Wells that's a start! It's onlys been a couples of days anyways. Love takes time". The man sat up and began to get ready for bed "I think we will go have another picnic tomorrow, once she is finished with her history lesson. This time we will go to the crystal forest, I believe she will really like it". Matty agreed "Sounds nice". Jareth sank into his covers. Matty blew out his candle and shuffled out the door. Tomorrow was another day.

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