As the World Falls Down

By KryptoOmicron

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Savannah is watching over her brother and sister while her parents take her sick grandmother to the doctor. L... More

Chapter 2: Beyond the Goblin City
Chapter 3: What Have I Done?
Chapter 4: Escaping the Darkness
Chapter 5: Imprisonment
Chapter 6: Chilling Down!
Chapter 7: The Beginning's of A Dream
Chapter 8: Garden of Hallucinations
Chapter 9: Castle Beyond the Junkyard
Chapter 10: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 11: The First Day
Chapter 12: Business
Chapter 13: History Lessons
Chapter 14: The Goblin Fair
Chapter 15: A New Pet
Chapter 16: Engulfed in Flames
Chapter 17: Preparing the Feast
Chapter 18: Birthday Chaos!
Chapter 19: In the Years That Passed
Chapter 20: Living Like an Elf
Chapter 21: Engagements
Chapter 22: Back at it Again
Chapter 23: Nothing is as it Seems!

Chapter 1: Saying the Right Words

336 7 0
By KryptoOmicron

Welcome to chapter 1 folks! Keep in mind I wrote this back in 2015, so my writing has progressed over the years and in upcoming chapters. I originally posted this on but I figured I would share it on Watt-pad too!

   "Hey Savannah! Want to play on the Wii"? Asked Elizabeth as she ran down the stairs to get her sister. "No, not right now" replied Savannah, so Elizabeth ran back upstairs to join her brother on the Wii. Savannah's parents came into the living room to say goodbye before leaving. "Bye Savannah" said her father "We will be back later to tuck everyone into bed." "Make sure the door is locked when we leave ok!" added her mother before joining her father at the door. "Ok bye, tell mammie I love her". Her parents drove off in her grandfather's car to get her sickly grandmother. Bored of watching TV Savannah went upstairs to join her siblings on their Wii.

   "So, what are you guys playing?" asked Savannah. "Super Mario Bros" replied Tristan. Savannah just knew that there was an argument waiting to happen if they continued to play that game, so she suggested they go and do something else. "Well what can we do?" her sister said. Savannah knew there wasn't much to do in their small house, but in order to keep them occupied she suggested to play tag in the house. Before playing her brother came up to her. "Why can't we play outside?" said Tristan. "Because mom and dad said to stay inside" Savannah said with a bit of an attitude. "No, they didn't" snapped Tristan. Savannah thought to herself "This is going to be a long night". She explained to Tristan that she was in charge, so he and Elizabeth had to listen to her, but her brother just kept adding to the pot. Finally, she convinced Tristan that it was cooler inside, so it was better to play in there. With an agitated look Tristan said, "Let the game begin".

   Before Savannah knew it, Elizabeth shouted, "Tristan's it!" Tristan ran to try to catch his sister, but she was too fast for him, so Tristan turned to chase Savannah who was also too fast for him. Savannah ran with her long brown hair flowing behind her and her crystal blue eyes fired with excitement. "You'll never catch me" she shouted. She was wearing a shirt that had wolves on it, shorts, and sandals. Tristan caught up with her, but Savannah pushed him away.

   As always Tristan took it too far and became enraged that his sisters would not let him catch them. "You bit (his word for bitch)!" Tristan said to Elizabeth. Savannah and Elizabeth laughed at their brother who thought he was so bad for saying "bit". "You think your bad take this" Elizabeth said as she smacked him in the head with her hand. The little monster replied to his sister with a strong "You will pay for that". Tristan grabbed his toy sword and darted towards his cackling sisters. "Run!" shouted Savannah.

   Savannah and Elizabeth ran into their parents' room where they always hid when their brother turned into the "mini hulk". "Well what do we do now" said Elizabeth pushing hard against her parent's door. "Well I would think we shouldn't let Tristan in" Savannah replied with a great amount of sarcasm. "Wait I know!" Savannah said with a little devilish look in her eye. "You remember that book you read know with the goblin king and something about a Labyrinth?". Elizabeth with a puzzled look on her face answered, "Yeah why?" Savannah went and got the book off her mother's dresser. She turned to the page where Sarah wished her brother away. "Why don't we give Tristan a scare?". Finally realizing what her sister had meant Elizabeth replied with a laugh "Yeah a good scare should straighten him up".

   Tristan was still banging on the door when Savannah threatened "Tristan if you don't stop right now, we will say the words!" Stopping only for a second Tristan said, "What words?" Before realizing he did not care. "The words that will send you to an awful place" said Elizabeth. Tristan shouted, "I don't care!" Elizabeth thought of something to snap back at him when Savannah said, "You better care!" Tristan kept banging on the door when the two sisters looked at each other and nodded. They both shouted, "I wish the goblins would come take you away, right now!" The banging stopped, but they kept the door shut tight.

   Suddenly something hit the window to their parents' room. "What was that?" Asked Elizabeth. "I'm not sure, but you keep holding the door and I'll go see". Savannah slowly walked to the window and looked down to see if anything had fallen. She realized that it was nothing when she looked up to find a pair of mix matched owl eyes looking at her. Savannah thought to herself "Now what is an owl doing out in the afternoon?" Trying not to frighten her sister she said, "It was nothing but an owl". She returned to the door and said, "are you ready to stop now Tristan?" There was no reply. "Tristan answer me!" Savannah said through the door. Still no answer. "If we come out there and you jump out, I'm punching you" claimed Elizabeth. They could hear footsteps at the bottom of the stairs. Annoyed Savannah told her sister to open the door. She stepped out and found Tristan's wooden sword laying on the floor. Elizabeth shouted "Tristan!"

   They were both a little skeptical now because they did not want their brother to jump out and scare them. Savannah went to Tristan's room and looked everywhere. He was nowhere in sight. They both frantically ran through the house shouting "Tristan!" But there was no answer. Sitting on the couch they were discussing what to do when they heard a laugh coming from behind the curtain. Since Elizabeth did not volunteer to get up to see if it was Tristan, Savannah got up, grabbed a cane and began to slowly approach the curtain. She quickly opened it and swung, breaking the vase behind it. She turned to her sister and said, "Think they will notice?" Elizabeth replied, "not if Tristan is gone".

   Both sat in silence listening for the slight sound of their brother. They were just about to turn the TV on when the power cut out. "What in the world" thought Savannah. She got up to check the fuse box when the kitchen window shattered. Both girls screamed at the noise. She grabbed two flashlights handing one to her sister. Slowly they made their way to the window to access the damage. As she began to pick the glass up, she heard her sister mumble "Uh, Savannah you might want to see this". Entering the living room once more she followed her sisters pointing finger to an owl sitting on a chair in the dining room. "You again." said Savannah. She pointed her flashlight at the owl. The flashlight flickered before going out. "Stupid batteries" complained Savannah. "Elizabeth is your flashlight working?" She asked her sister. She shook her head. Savannah felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around expecting her sister, but it was far from her.

Thank you for being supportive! Please tell me if there are any grammatical errors and I will fix them as soon as I can!

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