Football Love ✔

By persehades

216K 4.8K 349

Hayden Rose hasn't had much luck with the girls. He's good looking, dark brown hair and dark green eyes. It's... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two Dani's POV
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five Dani's POV
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven Dani's POV
Chapter Twelve Dani's POV
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen Dani's POV
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty Dani's POV
Chapter Twenty-Two Walker's POV
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four Dani's POV
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-One

3.5K 113 4
By persehades

"Hey mate, long time no see," Casey tells me standing in the doorway. I glance up, I give him a sad smile.
"I know right," I say as I turn my laptop off. I had been searching the internet for any ways of trying to get your memory back, it didn't really help.
"How are you?" Casey asks coming in, pulling the other seat out and sitting down. I groan.
"Let's say I've had a rough few weeks," I tell him.
"You know the match is in less then two weeks," he says, I nod my head.
"Are you going to be alright for it?" he asks me.
"I sure hope so," I mumble quietly, glancing out the window. I turn my graze to the photo beside me, it was one of Dani.
"You alright?" Casey asks me, also glancing at the picture.
"I don't remember her Casey," I tell him sadly, reaching out and touching the photo.
"Who? Dani?" he asks confused, glancing at me. I nod my head. "But she's your girlfriend mate?" he says still confused.
"I know.. I mean I don't know.. Ugh I hate this," I say running my fingers through my hair.
"Dude..." Casey says getting up and placing a hand on my shoulder. "You'll remember her, I'm sure you'll get your memory back soon but for now we have to get going to practice," he says. I rub my hands over my face as I get up, I grab my jacket as we both head out.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Good to have you back Rose. Scott go and start your laps with the others, I need to have a word with Rose here," coach says once we make it onto the field. Casey gives me a smile before he runs off towards the other guys. I get ready for another talking to, only to be surprised.
"I'm sorry dude, listen I know I wasn't exactly nice last time we talked..." he starts apologising to me. "And I wasn't exactly believing you and things. I've been talking to your farther, and your mother doesn't exactly want you back on the field. Your father whoever says it's up to you but you'll have to start slow and work your way up," he states.
"Yeah buddy?" he says looking across at me.
"The games in less then two weeks away, I can't just slowly make my way back into it," I say. Of course mum wouldn't want me back on the field, she's worried about me getting ill again. Dad didn't know why I needed to do this but he was letting me back on the field. I didn't have time to slowly slide back into things, I had to push myself. I had to do this.
"Go and join the boys Hayden, just..." he looks over at me. "Take it easy," he says softly. I nod my head. "Hayden I wanna hear you say it," he says. I roll my eyes.
"I'll take it easy coach," I tell him, running towards the guys. "Not gonna happen," I mumble under my breathe.
"Hayden, walking not running," I hear him call after me.
"Sorry coach," I call back to him as I slow down, but I don't walk, I jog.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"When's your buddy coming," Ethan asks me as we're all sitting down having a quick break.
"I'm not quite sure," I say uncertainly as I drink my water.
"Wait, what am I missing here?" asks a confused Evan looking up from his phone. His twin hits him in the back of his head, making him drop his phone.
"Hey, what was that for?" Evan sends his twin a glare as he picks up his phone.
"For not listening to us you idiot," Ethan says but he was grinning at his twin. That is until he looks down at his phone.
"ETHAN!" he cries out angrily.
"What?" Ethan asks, all of the guys turn to look at the twins. Evan looks like he's about to murder someone, more like his twin.
"You made me die man, that's not cool," Evan says showing us his phone. It showed a picture of a jumping hedgehog, then it fell off a cliff and big words come up saying 'You're dead, better luck next time'.
"Sorry dude," Ethan says shrugging his shoulders.
"Evan calm down," Mitch says holding Evan back.
"Everyone sit down will you's," Walker says standing up and limping over to where I stood.
"Hey mate," I say to Walker, he smiles as he says hi.
"How you've been?" he asks me. I shrug.
"I've been better," I tell him honestly.
"How's your memory coming along?" he asks me glancing at me.
"Dude, it's awful," I tell him. He turns and looks at me while I continue. "It's so annoying, seeing her everywhere I go and I can't remember a single thing about her," I say annoyed.
"Oh man, I'm sure you remember some things about her. Just think about it, I'm sure your memories will come back mate," he says patting me on the back as he smiles at me. I return the smile, then I remember something.
"Hey Walker?" I say, he glances at me.
"Is it possible to remember things randomly, and random things about someone?" I ask him. Walker looks a little uneasy for a second.
"I guess so, I mean I'm no doctor but..." he says scratching the back of his head.
"Guys, breaks over. Time to get your back on the field. I think we'll begin with passes then kicks and then we may wrap it up with a game," coach tells us. "Hayden," he calls me as the guys and I were about to get I go pairs.
"Yeah coach?" I call out.
"You'll be sitting on the sidelines after the passes and kicks," he informs me. I mentally groan, I loved our footy games.
"Sure coach," I say. "That's what you think," I mumble under my breathe. Walker looks over and laughs, I join in.
"Hey," I say. "I thought you weren't allowed on the field training?" I say, Walker winks at me.
"That's what the coach thinks but hey, I miss the field, training," he says looking around the big field. "I can't exactly kick but I can pass.. well sort of. But I can't exactly play anymore not with this," he says lifting up one of the crutches.
"Hmm, I have an idea," I say out loud. The guys all turn around and look at me.
"What are you planning Hayden?" asks Walker frowning slightly at me. I grin as I take one of the footballs out of the basket. I point to the twins.
"You two, I want you to help Walker stay up straight," I tell them both.
"What's happening?" Mitch asks coming over to us. I point to him.
"Mitch I'd like you to stand over there," I tell him pointing to the middle of the field.
"Why?" he asks wearily. I just shake my head and shoo him out there. Ok now he's out there, I turn to face a pretty confused Walker.
"Drop the crutches Walker," I tell him firmly. Walker frowns but drops them, Ethan and Evan rush in to support him.
"Dude?" Walker says wearily trying to balance on one leg with the help of the twins. I throw him the ball, he catches it like I knew he would.
"What am I meant to do with this Hayden?" he asks me throwing it up and juggling it.
"Well Walker," I tell him holding my own football. "You can either do this," I say holding the ball in front of me. I smile as I kick the ball, it goes flying through the air, it falls just behind Mitch.
"Or," I say catching the ball Luke had passed me. "You can just pass it," I say in which I pass it back to Luke.
"Mate are you blind, I can't exactly kick a ball right now or probably for a few months still," Walker says looking down at the ball in his hands.
"Yes you can, you just got to believe mate. You've still got the skill, we all know you do, you just need to balance," I tell him. Walker frowns, as he holds the ball in front of him.
"If I get another broken leg from this Hayden ..." he warns me but I shake it off.
"Ethan and Evan are beside you mate, they won't let you fall," I remind him. Luke passes me another ball, I catch it grinning. I aim for a long shot kick, maybe I could score a goal. I watch as it sails through the air and straight into the middle of the posts. I turn to face Walker.
"Now show us that you've still got it Walker," I tell him, standing back and watching. Walker glances at me, but then looks down at the ball, I watch as he aims the shot. Steady, he balances himself as he lifts his foot up, I watch as his foot connects with the ball.
"Yeah!" cries Luke as the ball sails though the air, gaining speed. Walker starts to lose his balance, the twins move in and grab him before he can fall.
"Goal!" cries Mitch from the other side of the field loudly. I watch as a big smile forms on Walker's face, he's happy. The happiest I've seen him sense he got the crutches. All the guys come rushing over, laughing and smiling and just having fun.
"Oh yeah, I've still got it baby," Walker screams pumping his fists in the air, smiling.
"You guys started the party without me," exclaims a voice behind me.
"Hunter about time man," I say turning around and grinning.
"My bad dude. Remember it's a long drive here," he says dropping his bag on the ground.
"Yeah I remember that," I say gloomily.
"Oh dude, I'm sorry," he says coming over to me.
"Don't worry about it," I tell him. "Anyway come and we'll introduce you to the guys," I say throwing my arm around him.
"Sounds fun," Hunter says smiling.
"That's the twins, Ethan and Evan," I say pointing to the twins. "That's Walker who's pretty happy right now because he's still got his skills even with a broken leg," I explain. "Mitch is the one out there," I say pointing to Mitch who waves. "Over there you've got Luke and coach," I say glancing at the baskets. I continue on with all the names, they all say hi.
"Hayden..." I hear a soft voice say quietly. I look up confused, who had said my name. I look behind me, I blink and blink again.
"I can't kick straight Hayden..." the girl says glancing at me. It was the girl from the hospital, the girl from the photos.
"Dani?" I whisper quietly, watching her. She looked scared, her eyes were open and wide, the ball in her hands.
"Now keep your eyes on the ball and when it falls down past your knees.. kick it with everything you have alright babe but also keep your eyes between the two trees. I know you can do it baby," I say quietly to myself. I watch as Dani turns so that she's facing the trees, with a deep breath, she let's go of the ball. In slow motion, the ball falls down and I have a thought that she missed it but I smile as her foot connects right with the ball. Sending it flying right through the air, sailing faster and faster, spinning and gaining more speed as it continues through the air. I watch as the red and white ball sails straight between the trees.
"I told you, you can do it," I hear myself say smiling. Dani smiles up at me.
"Thanks Hayden," her soft voice says quietly. My head starts to hurt a little, I put my hand on my head.
Dani. Dani. Danielle White. Your girlfriend. You love her. She loves you. Open your eyes Hayden.
"Hey man, you alright?" a voice breaks into my thoughts. I open my eyes to find Walker in front of me, watching me wearily.
"Walker..." I say quietly looking at him. "I remember her man. I remember her," I say smiling. "I remember you Danielle White," I scream to the world.
* * *
Hey everyone =P well happy ending here guys, except the stories not over just yet. There's still the problem of Hayden getting Dani back, again. Then theres the problem with Dani and Drake, again. Not to mention the big match coming up that'll decide Hayden's future. So as you can tell, there's still a little bit to go before the stories over. But hey, Hayden got his memory of Dani back and wasn't it interesting how he remembered it. On a football field, passing and kicking footballs, watching his friends play football. I guess it's just Football Love hey hehe =P also the next chapter is the special chapter POV which I'll be posting tomorrow if luck is on my side =) what did you guys think of the chapter? Are you's enjoying the story? let me know in the comments =] please vote if you liked and I'll see you's soon.
~ Thamks for the memories 💖 ~
Amy xxx
P.S I'm sorry I haven't updated in a little bit, I'm been busy working on my other story Spoiled Brat for a bit of a change, plus making covers for people. I don't seem to have as much time on my hands as I did before but I'll always make time for my stories like this one and giving you guys another update =) oh and I haven't had time to fix all the mistakes and things in this book but I'll get around to it eventually =P also thanks for the votes and comments everyone, you guys rock!!! 😊😄

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