The Knight of Azur Lane

By ZFGalahad

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This story is based on the Anime/Game Azur Lane (story takes place after the anime) After a decisive win by A... More

Chapter 1: Fallen Memory
Chapter 2: Briefing
Chapter 3: Arrival
Chapter 4: Meeting
Chapter 5: Tea Party
Chapter 6: The Letter
Chapter 7: Court Martialing a Pervert
Chapter 8: Royal Ball
Chapter 10: The Date
Chapter 11: The Awakening
Chapter 12: Reunion
Chapter 13: Together
Author Note

Chapter 9: The Knight Galahad

610 9 1
By ZFGalahad

(Sorry, i cant really find a good pic of a single knight against an army & ended up with his pic in his trump card form so yah enough from me.)

3rd POV

Galahad is now in what the Balance Type's call the Trump Card Form in which Galahad like his brother are in his Knight form's, specifically Knight's of the Round Table.

His normal suit changed to his medievel Knight armor, his usual weapon's his Pistol and Umbrella turned into the Holy Legendary Sword Excalibur, it's color the same as his armor. A pure white that represent's purity and perfection.

Like Galahad, the other Balance Type's also have their own Trump Card form's. Hokkaido and Shikishima in their Samurai Form, Ulrich and Gotz in their Ritter Form, Montana and Ohio in their Vanguard Form, and lastly Lancelot and Galahad in their Knight Form.

Galahad made a stance in front of the Siren's "you pathetic Siren's are lucky i haven't even used my trump card yet...well what are we waiting for" Galahad said menacingly as he immidiately struck the incoming Siren's at astonishing speed's. After the first strike, he already eliminated a dozen of them which left the rest in fear.

"Tsk even though your that strong you'll be very troubled about this one" Arbiter said menacingly as she summoned dozen's of portal's that released hundred's of Siren Ship's. The girl's were also shocked that they so happen encounter this kind of thing yet again. They really wanted to help Galahad already, but as Galahad istructed to them.

don't help me unless i fire a flare

They all continued to watch the battle, " know Arbiter you just made my job easier...and more exciting" Galahad said as Arbiter got more and more pissed off, the remaining Siren humanoid's morale also wen't up. So they all pounced at Galahad who only smirked menacingly at them.


Galahad shouted again making the same effect's as the first one, but this is different.

Lightning's appeared and strucked Excalibur multiple time's as Galahad was holding it upward's "Now i will show you the power of Excalibur!" he shouted as he pointed the sword to the Siren Fleet and released Excalibur's full power.

A large yellow beam blast through the Siren's that was about to pounce in front of him disintegrating them in the process. That yellow beam is composed of 12, 18 inch shell's, yes 18 inch shell's are the highest caliber gun ever used on a naval ship. But these are not ordinary shell's, the reason why Galahad's fellow Balance Type's were so eager to protect and train him. Is because each 18 inch shell's contained one w23 medium yield nuclear warhead, which had a radius of about 2 and a half kilometer's which would annihalate anything in that vicinity. And Galahad had 12 of these devastating shell's.

Once the beam was fired, everyone was in shock, the girl's on the beach watching, the Siren's, and even Galahad. Which is his first time using his Trump Card in real combat. The entire siren fleet was anihhalated in a single blow. "Tsk...retreat!" Arbiter shouted as the remaining Siren's cowardly retreated "as for you we will meet again and at that time you won't be so lucky...Balance Type" she said menacingly as she also retreated into a portal. "Heh then you better get haven't seen the best of me yet...Siren" after that Galahad assured that there weren't any remaining threat's. He then saw the sun rising, what a beautiful site, After that he pulled out his flare and shot it at the sky indicating the girl's confirmation to head out.

After the fight, Galahad lost consciousness and landed on the ocean which made a huge splash. After a few second's everyone arrived and saw Galahad still in his Knight Form, they immidiately got worried and rushed him to the infirmary.

Galahad's POV

"Wait this place is familiar" i said to myself as i wondered in this abyss like place again, "remember who you are" i turned out to the direction of the voice and soon realized "Brother?!Lancelot?! where the hell are you?!". Just as i finished my sentence, i saw my surrounding's becoming a mix of black and red " this again, please....stop!" i shouted and shouted but nothing changed. "So your here once again eh" the voice said menacingly, that voice was all too familiar to me, the voice that i tried so hard to lock away "so Rage how are you?" i asked calmly as he appeared in front of me in his physical form. "Not so bad...but i have to say i do enjoy the outside if you know what i mean" i knew exactly what he mean't "i think you know me well enough to answer that question of your's" he raised an eye brow and smirked "yes yes you are right...but..." i raised an eyebrow at him as well "but?..." he smirked again.

"What if your new found 'friend's'...most especially that maiden called Hood was it were in a very dier situation and you've already used your Trump Card but doesn't work on the foe". I knew exactly where he was going at, i just sighed "well when that time come' know me well enough to even know what my answer will be" i said bluntly
"i know" he chuckled then made a serious face "but i wan't to here it from you" i sighed "well when that day come's, i swore i will protect every single one of them even if it will cost my life i will gladly offer it...especially..." i looked down as i felt my heart ache, he sighed and turned his back on me "you've taken a real fancy to that maiden...well good luck on that".

After he said that my eye's opened revieling an unfamiliar ceiling, i then looked at my surrounding's and saw someone sleeping on my arm's, my eye's widened as i recognized the person "Hood?" i said weakly as she remained asleep. I smiled a little and caressed her cheek's, due to that she woke up. Her hair was a little messy as well. She looked at me already awaken "Galahad!" she then shot herself to me and hugged me really hard
"um H-hood?" she loosened up her hug and looked at me. When are eye's met we both blushed making both of us look away from each other "don't do that again you got that" i nodded
"noted ma'm", just then i remembered something from last night but for now i couldn't answer that so better avoid it for now. "So Hood" i tried to sit up but struggled and headed back down to my lying position "Galahad don't push yourself...Vestal said it will be a day or two before you can get back up". She said gently as i just sighed and nodded. "Hood you and the other's might be wondeeing what happened so please i would like to hold a meeting at the office if poss..." i was cut off by Vestal "No can do Sr. Galahad you have to stay here in the infirmary until tomorrow afternoon until then your stuck here alright?" i sighed and nodded. Hood smiled calmly at me "don't worry i'll be here alright?" i smiled "thank you
Hood", she smiled back.

30 minute's later

"Is everyone here?" Enterprise asked as they all nodded "so Galahad what's up?" she asked as they all looked at me curious while i was lying down on the bed still in the infirmary as Hood was seated beside me. "Everyone what you just saw awhile ago was my Knight Form which basically say's that i used my Trump Card", i explained as everyone was still wondering about something and i think i know what it is. "You all must be disturbed by the powerful shell's i used i suppose?" i asked calmly as everyone was surprised and nodded. "Well those shell's let's just say that there payload are similar to the 'weapon' that the orochi used when you girl's were still at war with each other". They all were shocked, to think that a shell can have that much power. "You mean the Fritz X like weapon?" Prinz Eugen asked as i nodded "wait how did you know the precise event's during our conflict?" Illustrious asked as all attention wen't toward's me. I sighed "at the time when Akagi, deployed the Orochi for the first time which decomated that island" everyone continued listening "the 8 of us Balance Type's were readying to help Azur Lane...even i honestly was excited to meet all of you" i said while smiling "but my brother Lancelot being the Commander of the Balance Type's surprisingly ordered us not to intervene".

Balance Type's Island: a few day's before the ambush of the Siren's upon them and after Orochi's attack on the small Island.

3rd POV

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted annoyed at Lancelot as he smiled emberassingly. "What are you saying it is our duty to do this and yet you are ordering us to stand down and do nothing?!" Ulrich asked annoyed in his thick german accent while his younger brother Gotz calmed him down "yeah what's the matter Lance?" Montana asked friendly as his brother Ohio also agreed. Hokkaido and Shikishima also wanted answer's as well but kept there silence. "Look everybody...i saw that they will solve everything out alright?" Lancelot said calmly as everyone calmed down a little "and i though that i was finally gonna meet them hmph" Galahad pouted cutely as Lancelot gave his little brother a pinch on the cheek "what have i told you Galahad, patience" Lancelot said annoyingly as Galahad was struggling to get out of his small punishment. "Guy's just trust me on this one alright?" Lancelot said as everyone sighed in defeat and wen't back to their every day live's. As they all wen't back to their respective home's Lancelot prepared some tea for him and Galahad.
"So brother why did you cancel our deployment?" Galahad asked as Lancelot sighed "well honestly i just made a smart guess..." Lancelot trailed off as he looked to the skie's above them. Galahad sighed and looked seriously at his older brother "it's Code G isn't it?" Galahad asked sceptical about his brother's 'smart guess'. "Im afraid so...that's why for now let them be" Lancelot said bluntly "but even so Azur Lane has the character that can bridge the two side's together and make peace yet again so all we have to do now is watch", Galahad chuckled at his brother "what's the matter hm?" Lancelot said annoyingly "it's just your very fond of comparing people to character''s like we are in some sort of play". Lancelot chuckled and sighed as he once again looked to the sky.

Back to the Inifrmary: Present

Galahad's POV

After a few more minute's of explaining to everyone i came to the last part.
"Girl's the effect's of my Trump Card is very staggering for my body", they started to look worried "the Trump Card require's huge amount's of energy which in turn drain's a lot of my energy which will make me unconcious". Everyone turned silent "then i will not let you use your Trump Card", everyone looked at Enterprise. I sighed "if only i could" i said sadly as everyone especially Hood was surprised. "Wh-what do you can't?" Hood asked tear's threatning to burst. "Even though i control whether or not i use my Trump Card, when i am in a severe state my body will automatically use Rage whether i like it or not".

Everyone wen't silen't until "but if your Trump Card causes you to faint and drain substantial energy from you what could happen to you if you use your Rage?" Wale's questioned me as everyone became worried "I-i" i can't utter the word's out of my mouth. But if i will not say it now it will lead to more confusion and pain. Everyone looked at me worries sick as i just had a sorrow face. "There is a slim chance that i might survive", the room wen't silen't, everyone was shocked and eye's were scared. I can feel Hood's grasp on my hand tighten as i glanced at her, she was looking down i could already hear her trying to stop her tear's.

It's hard, it's hard to see the people i care about afraid, afraid that they might never see me again, be with them again, help them again, chat with them. As a Balance Type, i swore to protect this world, it's inhabitant's, and my friend's. But by being a Balance Type, the ultimate weapon's of humanity, are also the ultimate sacrifice's for humanity. That fact alone, alone can make anyone that care's for me break.

"Don't worry girl's...don't worry" i muttered the last part, they still had sorrowful, worried, scared face's on them. "HOW COULDN'T WE WORRY?!" everyone was shocked, especially me, the compsed, elegant, wise Hood stood up and shouted at me angrily. I looked down, i can't quite calm Hood down, she care's about me. That make's it hurt more knowing that someone that care's for you, is alway's there for you, will be doing something that make's both of you so miserable.

"I-i" i forced myself to utter word's but failed. "You what...that you will be okay?! you will be fine?! when facing something that can spell death to you?!" Hood shouted more that already made me sob a little. Everyone looked more saddened, "Hood please calm do..." Wale's tried to comfort her as she closed her distance but before she can place her hand on Hood's shoulder, Hood slapped her hand in anger. "Don't your realize Galahad, that everyone is worried about you, i am worried about you!" after she said that tear's covered her face. Hood then ran out of the room crying, while Wale's and Illustrious followed Hood, Galahad felt something inside him when he saw Hood cry, when he saw Hood burst out, and when Hood ran away.

Something ached inside me, something i never felt. I sighed and dozed off to sleep as everyone also wen't back to their quarter's.

2 hour's Later

As Galahad was napping, the starry night illuminated the infirmary. Galahad was about to wake up when someone entered the infirmary. He pretended to be asleep as he waited for thing's to unfold.

Galahad's POV

At first i was sceptical to who entered the infirmary, but every step she took became more and more familiar to me.
I decided to keep pretending, i waited for her to speak so that i can assure that the one in my mind is the one that is a few feet away from me.

"Good your asleep", i stand corrected it is her. "Look Galahad, im sorry about earlier...i just can't stand your attitude" i kept listening and tried my hardest to keep my faceless reaction's in check. "The thing is Galahad, i don't care about you because it's my job to care about you, but the thruth is my own free will to do so", she said sadly "but please Galahad loosing you, loosing the only person that...that made me feel this way, is more painful than death itself". As she said that she softly held my hand but soft enough to not wake me up. Only if i was asleep.

"Galahad...the thruth is...the thruth is..", i waited, i can feel anticipation building up, and i could also feel my heart racing.

"I Love You"

Those three word's, no other phrase has penetrated my heart deep enough, no other action has reached my heart deep enough, that i would actually feel what my brother was talking about.


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