And As If By Magic | Stiles S...

By fangirling08xx

7.9K 130 38

When Scott gets bitten, him and his friend Stiles are thrust in to a world run by chaos. Will a young witch b... More

Wolf Moon Part 1
Wolf Moon Part 2
Second Chance at First Line Part 1
A Second Chance at First Line Part 2
Pack Mentality Part 1
Pack Mentality Part 2
Magic Bullet
The Tell
Heart Monitor
Night School Part 1
Night School Part 2
Wolf's Bane
Code Breaker
Book 2


208 2 1
By fangirling08xx

"See you later!" I shout to the living room as I grab my phone and stuff it in to my back pocket.

"Bye! Don't get in to trouble, if anything happens call me straight away." My mum says, her head craning over the sofa she was sat at and I nod before jogging outside to the boys waiting to walk to the preserve.

"Hey Scotty, how you doing?" I ask and I give him a quick hug.

"Fine, I guess." He mumbles.

"Hey Batman." I say as I pull Stiles in for a hug.

"What?" He says pulling away from the hug, and I smile knowing that would make him a happy little bean. "I'm Batman." He says to Scott smirking and Scott just chuckles at the other boy and we walk out to the preserve.

We chat about school and things as we walk across to the preserve and find a nice spot with a circle of rocks and boulders we can lean on.

"We really shouldn't be out here, my mom is in a constant state of freak out after what happened at the school." Scott said, anxiously looking around.

"At least your mum thinks it's a murderer, not an angry, vengeful alpha werewolf, my mum hardly let me out of her sight for the past two days. The only reason she said I could come here was because you two were both going to be here, and the fact I haven't used magic in 2 days."

"Yeah well neither of you have the sheriff as your parent. There is no comparison, trust me." Stiles says, beating us all in complaints about our parents.

"Can you at least tell us what we are doing out here?" Scott asked

"Well, when your best friend gets dumped..."

"I didn't get dumped we're taking a break." Scott interjected.

"Well when you're best friend gets told by their girlfriend that they're taking a break, you get your best friend drunk." Stiles says, smirking whilst holding up a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Have you even got anything to mix that with?" I ask looking at it with a disgusted face, I'm more of a gin or vodka kind of gal myself.

"Uh, no? You can drink it straight."

"If you're not used to it, you are gonna find it difficult at first." I say with one eyebrow raised, having spent many a holiday in England, where you can drink with a meal if you are 16, and everyone drinks under age anyway.

I grab the bottle, cracking it open, handing it to Scott, who takes a swig before grimacing, hard.

"Ugh. That is disgusting." He says passing it back to me and I take a small sip, knowing I'm a lightweight because of my size, and pass it to Stiles as I sit down, leaning against a rock. I hear Stiles cough from the strength of the alcohol before he sits down next to me and passes it back to Scott behind him.

After a couple of rounds with the bottle I was getting very giggly and Stiles was lying on the floor, slurring his words, almost completely wasted, but Scott was sat on a rock next to us looking gloomy as ever and I wasn't sure if he was just a boring drunk or somehow he couldn't get drunk.

"Dude, you know she's just one girl you know. Just one! There are so many other girls in the sea."

"What, we all swimming?" I say cackling at my own joke, as Scott corrects Stiles'.

"Fish? Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love em. Especially ones with dark brown, naturally curly hair, bluey greeny eyes, 5'1." He says and I hardly notice he is talking about me because I am still giggling at my own joke, taking another sip from the bottle.

"Like Elle?" Scott says.

"Yeah, exactly."

"I heard my name my peeps, whatcha talkin' 'bout." I say, giggling.

"I don't know!" Stiles said and we start wheezing with laughter.

"Your not happy! Take a drink!" Stiles says, holding out the bottle to Scott.

"I don't want anymore."

"Your not drunk?" Stiles asks, lying back.

"Of course he's not drunk dumbo." I say giggling.

"You sound so much more Britishian when you get drunk."

"My true accent comes out my darling when I get drunketh." I say in an overly done Queen's English accent, and Stiles laughs, tears coming out of his eyes.

"Hey! Maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know. Maybe, you can't get drunk as a wolf." Stiles says with wide eyes. "Am I drunk?" Stiles asks.

"You're wasted, both of you." Scott says, and me and Stiles try to high five, but end up missing and becoming a giggling mess on the floor.

"Oh come on dude, I know it hurts. I know! Well I don't know. But I do know that as much as being broken up hurts, being alone, is way worse." He says.

"Yeah." I say slowly from my space on the floor.

"I need a drink." He says reaching for the bottle, when it is snatched away.

"Well look at these little bitches getting their drink on." A man says, looking at me with a hungry expression making me feel very uncomfortable all of a sudden. I instantly close my eyes, trying to push the alcohol out of my body, like my cousins taught me, and it worked, I was almost completely sober again.

"Give it back." Scott says, menacingly.

"I think he wants a drink." One of the guys says and Scott stands up.

"I want the bottle." He says standing in front of us.

"Scott maybe we should just go." Stiles said from his place on the floor, and I move over to help him sit up.

"You guys brought me here to get me drunk, I'm not drunk yet." He says and moves closer to them as one takes a drink. "Give me the bottle." He says and I stand behind him, as he begins to transform and I show my eyes too.

"Give me the bottle of Jack." Scott says before taking it and throwing it at a near tree, and the two run away, scared.

I pull Stiles up and he looks more sober than before, obviously the situation having not been the most lighthearted.

"Please tell me that was because of the break up. Or because tomorrow's the full moon." I say worried about my friend, as I help Stiles walk out of the preserve.

"We're going home now right?" Stiles asks, finally finding his own footing.

"Yeah, we're leaving." Scott says simply, and we set off back to our houses.


I walk down the hallways with Scott, both of us feeling weird about today, him not being able to go and talk to Allison, and me because Lydia had taken Allison's side of the argument we had had. And I felt kind of betrayed by her. My best friend and she didn't understand that I didn't want to talk about a guy I had just seen murdered in front of my very eyes. And that I didn't want to see the only father figure left in my life get killed, I mean she didn't exactly know the full extent of the situation, but still.

We walked in to the classroom and Scott stopped and went to go and talk to her, whilst I went to the back of the room to sit down, behind Stiles, getting out the things I needed for the test.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, turning around and I nod unconvincingly and I can tell he's about to say so when Mr. Harris begins speaking and he turns around.

"25% of your grade can be earned right now just by putting your name on the front of the booklet." He says and Stiles instantly starts scribbling his name on the page. And I zone out of the rest of his speech, putting my name on the cover of the booklet, before staring at the back of Allison's head. 

I kinda felt bad for snapping at her, she's my friend and it upset her. But also she upset me. I'd just seen someone get murdered and she hadn't given two shits, just pushing for answers that we didn't actually have, which caused Scott to lie because of the pressure. She says she can't trust him because he lied, but I can't trust her because she didn't think about what we had gone through before going in to interrogation mode.

"Begin." Mr. Harris said and I snapped out of my rambling inside my head and got started on this test. I was about 10 questions in to the test when I saw Scott run out of the room. I sighed and followed him, knowing that Stiles was right behind me and hearing Harris call after us.

"Scott?" Stiles called as we got out in to the hallway. I walked over to his abandoned backpack on the floor, and looked up at Stiles, confused.

Stiles got out his phone and called Scott, and we could hear the ringing from down the hall so we went round and in to the changing rooms, and I stepped in front of Stiles, slowly turning the corner, the backpack on my back.

I saw him under the curtain of water from the shower and sighed a breath of relief.

"Scott? Are you changing?" Stiles asked and he turned around, very short of breath.

"No. I-I can't breath." And I looked at Stiles, and we seemed to have the same idea.

"Front pocket remember." He said and I reached in, where he used to keep his inhaler and held it out to him.

"Use it." I said and he looked at me confused. He breathed in the medicine and his breathing went back to normal and his face contorted in confusion.

"I was having an asthma attack?" He asked.

"No. You were having a panic attack." Stiles said, knowing exactly what it feels like.

"But, thinking you were having an asthma attack, stopped the panic attack. Irony." I said as I shoved the inhaler back in to it's pocket.

"How did you know how to do that?" Scott asked, leaning his hands on his knees.

"I got them after my dad died, Stiles got them after his mum died, so we're pretty well versed in the whole panic attack thing. Not fun are they?" I said looking to Scott and he shook his head.

"I looked at her and it was like someone hit me in the ribs with a hammer."

"Yeah it's called heart break. There's about 2 billion songs written about it." Stiles said.

"I can't stop thinking about her." Scott replied, holding his head in his hands, like it was in pain.

"Well you could think about it like this. Her dad's a werewolf hunter, your a werewolf. It was bound to become an issue at some point." Stiles said and I slapped the back of his head. "Ow."

"Not helping Stiles." I say, giving him a look.

"I mean dude. You got dumped and it's supposed to suck..." Stiles starts but it cut off by Scott.

"No it was like I could feel everything, everyone in the room's emotions." He said nod I nodded my head knowing the feeling.

"It hurts doesn't it. It'll be the full moon. I used to get it too when I first got my powers, couldn't control it. Hurts your head right there doesn't it." Pointing to my temple and he nodded his head. 

"Yeah, we'll lock you up in your room, tonight as planned. That way the alpha, who's your boss, can't get to you either."

"I think we need to do a lot more than lock me in my room." Scott said darkly.

"What because if you get out you'll be caught by hunters?" Stiles asks.

"No. Because if I get out then I think I might kill someone."


"Hey Elle!" 

"Oh hey Jaz." I say smiling at the girl I sit next to in music.

"I was just wandering if you had done the homework Miss set us last week, I really don't get it." She says laughing and I laugh along with her.

"I know it's really hard isn't it. I've done like half of it, still working my way through it really. You wanna meet up after school at some point and we'll figure it out together?" I asked, figuring I should probably widen my friendship circle, and anyway she is really nice.

"Yeah that sounds great." She says and then Scott walks towards me.

"I'll text you yeah?" I say and she nods, waving as she goes down the corridor.

"Elle can we talk for a second?" He says and I nod, wondering in to coach's office.

"You okay?" I ask and I can tell he's stressed and frustrated about something, probably the break up.

"Yeah I was just wondering, um. Do you know if Allison still likes me?" He asks, giving me the puppy dog eyes, and I sigh, softly smiling at him.

"You know you can't just turn feelings for someone off Scott. She will still like you, and I mean if she can't see you locked us in there to protect us then that is her loss. I tried to explain it to her but she just doesn't understand."

"Do you understand?" He says darkly, and I start to feel like this conversation isn't so innocent anymore.

"Yeah of course I do Scott, you know that. Now..." I try and push past him to go out the door, but he kisses me and it takes me off guard and I stand there letting it happen, before I come to my senses, pushing him off.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I shout completely shocked and confused. He knows I like Stiles, he's just angry, he's not thinking straight, I try to tell myself, as I walk out the door and off to go and sit on the bleachers to watch Stiles play, and hopefully reconcile with my friends, without telling them about what just happened.

"Hey." I say as I sit down next to Lydia and Allison on the bleachers. "Look I wanted to apologise for snapping at you guys the other night, I was just really emotional and scared and I didn't mean to take it out on you guys, like at all. I just hope we can be friends again. I miss my girlies." I say with a soft smile and thankfully I get the same back.

"Of course. It's been so weird today without you. Danny was wondering where his queen of quips was." Allison said laughing, and Lydia just pulled me in to a hug.

"I love you so much Elle. We're both sorry for pushing you about it. We were just scared." She says and Allison nods along looking sheepish.

"I love you guys." I say, reaching across and holding Allison's hand.

We went back to watching the boys on the pitch and Scott just pushed Stiles back and my stomach turned over. He must be getting angry, the moon making him more sensitive than usual.

He then went and shoved the defensive players over and then shoved Danny. We all looked at each other with worry before getting up and running down the steps of the bleachers.

"Is he okay?" I ask Jackson as we get down there, looking up at him.

"Yeah looks like he just has a bloody nose." He says before looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I ask.

"Your lipstick." He says and I look over to Lydia who sees that it is smudged and neatens it up for me.

"Huh, wonder how that happened." I say awkwardly and Lydia pulls me away from the field.


"Hey Stiles?" I say shouting up the stairs of Scott's house, hoping he'd been okay for an hour or so as my mum gave me a lesson on how to block my mind from being tampered with. Why she had to do it tonight, she didn't tell me.

"Up here." I hear him say in a tired voice, and I climb the stairs to see him sat on the floor next to Scott's bedroom.

"Hey you okay, sorry about..."

"Did you kiss him?" He said cutting me off, and my face dropped and tears started to form.

"No. Why would you think that?" I said hardly above a whisper.

"Because he said so." He said, looking at me heart broken.

"He took me in to coach's office right and asked me if I thought Allison still liked him and I said of course she does she just doesn't understand what you did and he said do you understand and I was like well of course I understand and then he kissed me and I just kind of stood there because it took me by surprise and then I ran out of the room." I said all in one breath and then sat down and covered my eyes as tears started streaming down. He was never going to like me now and all because Scott kissed me.

I started banging my head softly against the wall, frustrated I was crying yet again, when I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders and bring me in to his chest and I just sat there, wiping away stray tears as they fell, before I realised Scott hadn't said a word since I had gotten there.

"Shouldn't Scott be making more noise than this?" I ask Stiles, looking up to his face and he suddenly frowns.

"Uh, yeah." He says and gets up to go in to Scott's room. "Scott? Shit." He says and he races down the stairs me right behind him.

We jump in to the jeep and start driving around trying to find him. In awkward silence, occasionally suggesting places to each other. As we were driving we saw an ambulance and a cop car and my heart dropped.

"No no no." Stiles said thinking the same thing I was. He stopped the car and immediately started looking for his dad, and so was I, when he wasn't with the other policemen I looked over to Stiles who was looking terrified at the body bag, when his father came up behind him. I watched from a far as they embraced, smiling at the two, before walking up and chatting with them both, and going home later that night.

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