The Neko's Royals

By RasberyleWolfgirl

2.4K 225 20

Grace goes to a small town school with her best friend, Angela Bell. They hang out with their group of friend... More

The New Boys
Family Secret
Wolf Spirit World
The Witch
Main Kingdom
King Darren's Knowledge
Doctor Visit
Date Night
After Life
Finally a Plan
Maxon's Story
Big Brother
Jaxon's Soul
Wedding Day

Full Moon

109 10 0
By RasberyleWolfgirl

Chapter 8

"Grace, you awake?" Brandon's gentle voiced asked.

"Huh?" I replied confused.

When it all came rushing back. I was driving think I was clear of danger when they crashed into us. Everyone was unconscious from the hit when he came to the car. I was barely staying awake from hit to the head.
He said, "We'll kill you like we did you parents and all ur ancestors." They went into the woods as fast as a vampire and I could smell that one was vampire and the other Werewolf. Then everything went black.

"I'm awake." I said sitting up and looking around.

I was in our bed, but there was a man near the door watching my every movement. He smiled at me to comfort my worries and came to my side. He looked at Brandon for permission. Brandon nodded.

"Okay, Grace I'm just gonna look at your head and make sure you'll be okay. If so you hopefully won't be see me for a while. You were only asleep three days. Well you woke up, but you were really fully here so you won't remember it." The stranger, clearly the pack doctor, said.

He began doing all these weird test and I was in deep thought. How long have I been unconscious? Was Angela and the guys okay? How much did I worry Brandon? They were on pack territory... How did they get away? Did they get away or hurt anyone?

"Darling, please relax. It's okay. I promise. We killed them after tracking them down and questioning them. Every one else is fine only you were injured so bad to fall unconscious." Brandon reassured me.

"Oh okay that's good." I said with a smile.

"Well, your all fine. You don't need to worry about seeing me for a long time." The doctor said happy and left.

Brandon sat down on his side of the bed next to me. We sat there quietly for a sec till I jumping into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck. I took him by surprise causing him to fall back with me on top of him.

"Umm are you okay?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah... I just scared... They could've killed me...." I said not letting go.

"It's okay... I won't let it happen again." He wrapped his arms around me tight.

"Sorry... I let down my guard when we got into the woods... I just natural feel safe here now..." I gripped his shirt tight.

He pulled me close and told me every thing would be okay. He kissed my forehead gently. I nodded and kissed his lips taking him by surprise. I don't know what got into me, but all I know is I didn't wanna wait if I'm always at a chance of dying. The kiss got to rougher and the air got hotter.

"Grace, time to wake up." Brandon said laying next to me naked.

"Ummm..." I started red as last nights event entered my mind, "wait it's the full moon tonight. I'll get the wolf form tonight." I said a bit nervous.

"It's okay. I'll be with you the whole time." Brandon said slipping on his boxers and tossed me his shirt before walking out the room.

I signed slipping on his shirt and following him to the kitchen. He was cooking eggs and bacon. I leaned against the door frame smiling as he cooked. I'm extremely happy he came to our school. I'm lucky.

"Go to the living room. Well relax and what TV all day." Brandon said with a smile.

"Okay" I smiled back and ran the the couch turning on the TV to Disney channel bc it was playing Beauty and the Beast.

We watch TV all day cuddling on the couch. Every once and awhile I'd think about shifting tonight and if his wolf was Shadow and his wolf was a dark brown almost black. What will I look like? Who is my wolf? Otherwise I was nice and peaceful.

"Grace, it's almost time for you to shift. Come on well go to the same clearing as Angela and Max, leave after yall are done." Brandon said standing up.

"Okay." I replied with a smile and following beside him.

We walked for maybe 30 minutes when we got to the clearing close to the house. Angela and Max were another 10 minutes because they left earlier to be here by midnight with us. Angela wanted me there even if I wasn't going to shift, but she doesn't know I am yet.

"I'm so ready for this." Angela said happy.

"I hope you are it's gonna be less painful then." I said with a smile.

Brandon and Max told us what to do and we followed their directions. Soon enough the pain began and I was gritting my teeth from screaming as Angela just let out the screams of pain. The boy helped comfort us and it some how lessen the pain. Soon every thing went black. And Angela's screams stopped too.

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