Don't Back Down Again

By riverajocabed1

8.4K 322 535

They solve mysteries and rewrite history for living. No matter what, they did it as a family but a new threat... More

Story Time!
What's Going On?
7 Years Later
Birthday Surprise!
Pary Disasters
What Happened?
Robots and Tea
Dance Part 1
Dance Part 2
What to Do
Next episode (Author notes)
Never Ever Getting Rid of Me
None Date
Robo Battle
Forget Me Not
Spillinf the Truth
Welcome to the Other Side!
Blood Stone
Hallucinations or Reality?
Robots, Why Did it have to be Robots?
What to Believe
Elevator Incident
Abigors Past

Out of Time

211 10 9
By riverajocabed1

Not much to say so.....

On with the show!

"Why Dewey…… why….. Why Dewey….." Huey was weakly throwing up in the bathroom. His younger brothers were holding onto his hat and patting his back for comfort, "Why!"

"I wanted to help!" Dewey finally said.

"Yeah you helped him admit his feelings alright," Louie sarcastically said. Once Huey felt his lunch was gone, he flushed and flopped on his bed. He grabbed his pillow, stuffed his face in it and screamed his lungs out. Once he was nearly blue from lack of oxygen, he fell back on his bed and left the pillow over his head.

"How bad was it?" Huey asked.

"What?" Dewey asked in confusion.

"How bad was I at Fun Zones?" Huey asked again.

"Pfft, not just Fun Zones," Louie held in some laughter. Huey pulled the pillow back and looked at Louie with a questioning tone. Louie pointed at the clock that said 6:30 pm. "You went to her house like 3 hours ago, with the school band from her school."

"I even have the picture's to prove it," Dewey looked over his phone and showed him the picture's he took. It was true. Huey had pom poms in his hands and jumping up and down. They were right outside Violet's house which only made Huey blush even harder. He never felt so embarrassed in his life.

As Dewey swiped, he saw images of him taking out sparklers. With each swipe he saw his sparklers fall and hit a patch of dry grass. A small fire started making everyone panic. Huey was trying to put it out but it only got bigger. Finally, the last pictures showed Lena running out with a bowl of water. She put out the fire and glared at a nervous Huey. The triplet shrugged and ran off with the band.

"At least she knows you really like her," Dewey tried to look at the bright side. Huey groaned and threw the pillow back in his pillow, "Don't worry, I told them about the potion. So it's not like Vi thinks you're a psycho stalker."

"Don't be so hard on yourself Huey," Louie tried to talk to him, "Webby spoke to V for you. She says V is willing to talk tomorrow when you're feeling better."

"Really," Huey peeked from under the pillow. His one visible eye was full of hope and relief. Louie gave a gentle smile and nodded.

"Just take a deep breath in and relax. She's just a girl, she won't bite," Louie joked.

"I know," Huey sighed. Looks like he was going to get his chance with Violet after all. But there was still one thing in his mind, "How are things between you and Lena?"

"Lena?....." Louie gave an annoyed sighed," …. I wanted her to apologise first, thinking it'll give you confidence to talk to V. Guess if you talk to her tomorrow, you'll prove me wrong to Lena."

"Sorry to hurt your pride," Huey took the pillow off of him and jumped off from the top bunk.

"Can't blame a guy trying to defend his brother," Louie shrugged as if it was no big deal. But on the inside, it was.

He was screaming bloody murder at just the thought that he and Lena are on bad terms right now. He didn't want to start a fight with her but she did threaten their friendship. It slowly killed him inside just knowing things between them won't recoil until Huey and Violet do. It made him feel trapped, and he hated that feeling.

"Why are you so well dressed today?" Huey noticed Dewey was wearing a blue plaid button up shirt. His hair was actually neat and combed.

"Nothing much," Dewey just shrugged. Louie on the other hand placed his arm over his blue brother and held him close.

"Dewford here snagged himself a date with a little lady named Webbigail Vander…."

"Louie," Dewey playfully shoved Louie away.

"You actually asked her out on a date?" Huey didn't seem surprised at all, just wanted to confirm if this is true.

"I… it's not a date officially," Dewey nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"We're not judging," Louie chuckled, "Need any help setting up the date?"

"No thanks Louie, I'm just taking Webby to the new frozen yogurt place downtown."

"Scrooge us letting you leave the mansion?" Huey was confused by this. Dewey shrugged his shoulders and said.

"I may have begged a bit. But he eventually said yes."

"Well, if you really want to impress Webbigail, take her to the lake that's nearby the frozen yogurt place," Louie said.

"Why?" Dewey tilted his head in confusion. Louie only gave him his famous smile that said he'll find out soon.

At Lenas and Violets house, Webby and Lena were cleaning up all the confetti and burnt grass Huey left behind.

"Can't believe Louie let Huey take another potion made by Lizzette," Lena mumbled in anger, "Didn't he learn his lesson?"

"Huey just wanted to talk with Vi," Webby said, "But why bring Louie into this?"

"He's defending Huey. Saying that it wasn't Hueys fault he treated Vi the way he did."

"But it wasn't his fault," Webby stopped cleaning and looked at Lena. Lena blew her bangs from her face and slumped. She crossed her arms, and looked at the direction of the mansion.

"I know…. but this definitely is," Lena grumbled. 

"This?" Webby asked, a little confused. 

"This!" Lena swung her arms around to indicate the mess Huey made. She then moved her hand to a window that leads to Violet's room, "Huey couldn't just talk to Vi without getting involved with another potion? Instead of actually putting some work in talking to her, he tried  to find an easy way out of this mess."

"Lena please," Webby placed a hand on Lenas shoulder to calm her down, "Huey is doing his best. He's bound to make mistakes. And Louie wants what's best for Huey, just like you want what's best for Violet."

"I….." Lena gave a sigh of defeat. She had to admit, Webby was right, "I guess that's true. But I can't stand seeing Vi so upset. She hasn't left her room since we got back from Fun zones."

"I want to see her happy as much as you do Lena. But blaming others isn't going to help." Webby explained, "Promise me that tomorrow you'll at least try to mend things with Louie."

Lena let out another sorrowful sigh and clenched onto the trash bag.

"I'll… I'll try." Lena gave a small smile to which Webby smiled back. They went back to cleaning up the mess ad Lena spoke once more, "So what's this I keep hearing about a date with Dewey?"

Webby froze in her spot at the question.

In her room, Violet was writing something down in her journal. Next to her was HERO. After the dance, HERO stayed in her purse and just never came out until Violet got home. She would have given him back to Huey but she was using him for some, what she called, research.

"You've been pinning on Hubert for a long while," HERO stated. Violet didn't take her gaze away from her jornal. She continued to write and talk.

"How can you tell?" She asked plainly.

"I recorded your conversations and scanned you both during your conversations. Your increase of heart rate and change in voice indicate that you both have high tension going on." HEROs eye's once again went balck and scanned Violet as she wrote in her journal. After a ding, his eyes went back to normal, "I sense some distress. Would you like to talk about it?"

"Will you record me?" Violet stopped writing and looked at the robot on her desk.

"I am programmed to do what my master in the moment asks me to do," HERO said. Violet placed her journal down and looked at the little robot.

"Then I politely ask for you to not record me," she said.

"Request accepted. Microphone shut off," HERO stated.

"Thank you," Violet smiled.

"Hubert was under a love spell if you forgot," HERO said.

"I know," Violet nodded.

"He also consumed a truth serum that caused him to break into song," HERO said.

"I know," Violet again nodded.

"He has a lot of guilt building inside him," HERO kept listing.

"I know," Violet said in the same plain tone.

"Then why are you so hesitant to talk to him?" HERO tilted his little head to the side. Violet looked away from the robot and down at her journal. The robot once again scanned her and gathered any information he could, "My scanner says you feel a lot of emotion but you have yet to make any facial expressions."

"It's easier that way for me," Violet whispered. She placed her elbows on the desk and laid her head against her hands, "If I showed any kind of weakness then I'll be an easy target."

"Weakness? The definition of weakness is the state or condition of lacking strength. According to my calculations, you have a steady diet, proper heartbeat and a regularly working menstrual cycle," The second HERO said that Violet was taken back. She blinked a couple times before speaking.

"Hubert did some serious coding on you if you can tell all that stuff about me," she grabbed the little robot and examined it closely.

"If you're healthy, why would emotions be a sign of weakness?" HERO asked.

"It makes it easier to read me. The easier it is to read me, the easier it is for people to hurt me,"

"But you are already emotionally hurting," HERO stated. Violet had nothing to say about this statement. She set HERO down and went back into thought, "And it appears the cause of you being emotionally unstable is based on your evening with Hubert." 

"Part of it is," Violet said. HERO simply took a seat on a stack of books and listened in, "Hubert lives with the upper class. He has everything he could ever need and want. Adventure, a rich family history, and no limit to how much knowledge he gains……. It…. it feels like I have nothing to offer."

"Offer as in a gift?" HERO asked.

"Somewhat. In relationships, both parties are supposed to offer what they have to the other. But what if the boy has the world in his hands and the girl is empty handed? Those in the upper class have everything they need and want so what can a girl from the lower class even offer that he doesn't have?"

"In your logic, you have nothing to give Hubert while he has more than enough to give to you." HERO concluded. Violet gave a slight nod and looked down at her hands.

"If I read every single book from every library Duckburg has, all that knowledge is useless compared to what he has done. He made a working robot while I just caught up on the mysteries of the shadow realm. He's seen it all. Paranormal, mystical artifacts, while I stayed half of my life indoors. There's nothing new I can offer….. which is why he's better off with someone of his level….."

There was a long moment of silence between the girl and the metal robot. HERO sat down quietly, analyzing everything Violet just said.

"Hubert created me to help others." HERO started off slowly, "He made me in his image of a hero. Strong and intelligent. I develop new information and personality by studying the people around me. Everything I know is from my creators mind and everything I have is from his hands….."

Violet cocked her head to the side, wondering where the little robot was going with this.

"..... He has more experience in life than me meaning he's greater than me. If what you say is true, does that make me less valuable in Huberts eyes?"

"What? No," Violets eye's eyes widened a bit at the fact he said this, "He created you. He wants you to help others and improve on yourself. You mean too much to him for him to think lowly of you."

"Then why would he think lowly of you if you mean as much to him?" HERO suddenly asked. Violet was again taken back by his sudden sentence. Reading her confused expression, HERO spoke up again, "Wouldn't he want to be with the ones that make him feel important and wanted?"

"..... yeah….. he would…" Violet softy said to herself.

HERO hopped off the stack of books and took a few steps towards Violet. Once he was just an inch away from her, he stretched out his arms to her like a kid asking to be picked up.

"Hugs can relieve stress," HERO told her. Violet gave a small smile and picked the little robot up for a hug.

The robot was really advanced but he had a child-like mind. Soaking up as much information as he could and adapting to the environment around him. Reflecting the personality of the one he is with at the time.

The not official date was close and Louie was in the money bin. When the elevator opened, he snuck into the lab. He remembered looking at all the new gadgets the scientist made. One of them caught his eye when he last visited, and he knew it was perfect for Deweys date. He opened every drawer and every covor he could find.

"Where are they?" Louie mumbled 

"May I help you?" He jumped at the sound of a familiar voice. He turned around to face Gandra who didn't look amused.

"Gandra! Don't sneak up on me," Louie held onto his heart. The girl gave a small laugh and ruffled his feathers.

"I'm not the one doing the sneaking here," Gandra told him. Louie let out a nervous chuckle, still startled. Gandra walked past Louie and began to clean up her desk, "What brings a Mcduck kid here tonight?"

"Right, um… Dewey has a date tonight," Louie got straight to the point. Gandra didn't look away from her desk and continued to clean her station.

"Well good for him. I always knew he had a thing for Webby," Gandra stated.

"It's that obvious?" Louie laughed a bit at this.

"Oh please, he has been making lovey dovey eyes at her since the day he came back," Gandra answered, "Shame he can't take her out of the mansion. Mcduck has you boys locked in pretty good."

"Oh uncle Scrooge is letting Dewey leave the mansion tonight," Louie revealed.

"Tonight?" Gandra suddenly froze. Her hand that was about to grab her metal bars suddenly hovered over them. Louie took notice of her sudden change of body language, but tried not to think too deep into it.

"Yeah, I'm not sure why. Maybe he's going to send you and Fenton to look over them like he sent you two to watch after us at the dance," Louie laughed at the memory. He then noticed that Gandra appeared to be alone in the lab, "Where is Fenton?"

"He left the lab not too long ago with Gyro. That chicken started freaking out when he learned the green gem was gone so Fenton decided to get him some fresh air," Gandra revealed in a lower tone with her back still turned to Louie.

"You guys lost the gem?" Louie sounded a bit panicked. He knew just how dangerous those gems are and for them to just lose one was a big deal, "Magica could get her hands on that thing."

"Magica?" Gandra sounded confused. She pulled her hands up to her chest, her fingers pressing against the edge of her glove. 

"Didn't Scrooge tell you?" Louie asked a little confused too, "The cousins spilled everything. Magica is back and she's trying to take my brothers and I away."

"What else did they say?" Gandra asked, her tone getting lower and lower with every sentence she said. She carefully slipped her glove off, trying not to let Louie see. 

"That's all really. Just that Magica is after these green gens for some reason, and the cousins are now in the underworld." Louie said. Gandra placed her bare hand over her metal bar, letting a string of electricity travel across the bar. 

"And why are you here again?" The girl finally turned around and scanned him from head to toe. Louie felt a little unsettled by her sudden questions but just went with it.

"I…. I just came to ask for something," Louie revealed. She slowly walked up to the green triplet, her metal bar in her hand that hung low. Her posture was straight but there was something about her walking that didn't seem right. Everyone has a unique way of walking and Louie felt like something was off about her walking. 

"Ask?" Gandra repeated as she stopped precisely three feet ahead of him. Louie suddenly felt hesitant to answer. Her voice sounded so sinister, more than usual. It was like her villainous side was slowly crawling back to the surface right before his eyes.

"I saw you had some fireworks in the lab the last time I visited. I would like to use some for Deweys date," Louie explained as calmly as he could.

It felt like her blue eyes were scanning every inch of him. As if searching for any signs of him lying. Something wasn't right and Louie could feel it deep inside. But what? Gandra set down her metal bar on a counter making Louie's eyes widen a bit. He didn't even see it causing his heart to skip a beat in a bad way. She walked past him, a little faster than when she approached him.

She walked to Gyros station of the lab and opened up his drawers. She took out a box and walked back to the green loving duck. Her frown was replaced by a smile, only, it felt sort of off. Like she was forcing it a bit and it just sent chills down his spine. She again stopped three feet in front of him and handed him the fireworks.

"There Gyros changing color fireworks. You can even type in what you like to make them say anything," Gandra explained, her tone a little cheerier. Louie looked down at the fireworks then back up at the girl.

"What's the catch?" Louie asked.

"Besides Gyro losing his mind again, nothing new, no catch," Gandra explained. Her sinister tune was suddenly gone like it was never there. Louie took the box of fireworks, still feeling uneasy about her.

"Thanks," Louie said. He began to leave but Gandra called out once more.

"If you need any help, Lil bulb is right outside Mcduck's office. I'm sure he will be happy to help."

"I'll keep that in mind," Louie said as he entered the elevator. The last thing he saw was the female scientist smiling and waving bye to him. Why was this encounter so off? He could ask questions later, Dewey needed him tonight.

Back at the mansion. Dewey had just left for his date and Louie said he would be backing him back on his date. Whatever that meant, Huey didn't want to be part of it. He sat down at his desk and wrote like crazy in his journal.

Whenever he would get really frustrated, he would tug on the bracelet Lizzette gave him. The red gem still stayed there hanging. No matter how hard he banged it, it stayed in one piece. The bracelet was also on pretty tight. The gold chains had a strong knot so it was almost too impossible to take off the bracelet. 

"Fireworks! No no, that's pretty much how I set her lawn on fire….. I could always call her early tomorrow and take her to Peeks Park to watch the sunrise….. no too cheesy," Huey scribbled out that idea, "This isn't some kind of romance fan fiction. Come on brain, be smart!"

Huey felt like he was about to tear his hair out. Why was it so easy for Dewey to ask Webby on a date? How does Louie do it to act so smooth with girls. He pushed his fingers into his hair, thinking of what to do. His eye's then glanced down at the trash can next to him.

Underneath some papers, he could see the truth potion. It was cracked from Louie throwing it but there was still some potion left for him. Just one drop and he could…..

"Nope!" Huey snapped himself out of his thoughts, "I can do this without a potion. I had enough of that for a lifetime. Come on Huey, what does Violet like? Books? Nature? Paranormal activities…… we read in a haunted forest?..... I need help," Huey slammed his head on his desk. He really needed help and he needed fast. He only had tonight and three more days until they leave. One day was all he needed to make things right.

His thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard footsteps and voices pass his room. They were Donalds and Dellas voice. Ofcourse! They could help. Della was a girl just like Violet and Donald has experience with talking to girls.

Huey got out of his chair and opened the door. He took a look at the hallway to see they were gone. No big deal, they're in the mansion somewhere. He just had to find them.

In the office, Scrooge, Donald and Della couldn't seem to hold still. They were all pacing back and forth, thinking what they were going to do.

"Magica will only follow you if you leave," Scrooge said out loud.

"We'll just have to go when the time is right. When she won't expect it," Donald concluded.

"She'll be ready either way. We'll have to form some kind of protection in the houseboat," Scrooge said. As the two men paced around, finding a way to leave as safely as possible, Della was looking out the window. It was night, stars filling the sky and a full moon out. She could spot a boat load of fireworks from a distance.

"Wonder what the occasion is," Della tried to keep her mind away from their situation. She knew they were going to leave no matter what. Tomorrow was there last day and there was going to be no change in that.

"Midnight it is then," Donald concluded , "Tomorrow we'll pack our things and leave once it's night time."

"I'll call up Gyro to give us one of his new inventions. Surely he'll have something that'll help you escape." Scrooge walked over to his desk and called.

At the window, Della watched the reflections of her family talking. Tears were welling up in her eye's leaving her vision clouded. She shut them to prevent the tears from falling but it was no help. Trails of tears appeared on her white feathers, dripping when they reached her chin.

She felt a warm embrace come from behind her.

"Everything will be ok Della," Donald told her in the most comforting way he could. Della placed her arms over her brothers and sinked into his embrace, "It's for the best."

"I… i just wish we had more time," Dellas voice cracked from all the sadness, "I don't know how we're going to tell the boys….. We should have never come here…."

"Della?" Donald was confused by the last sentence.

"We only filled them up with hope and happiness bringing them here, only to rip it away…." Della explained, her head bowing lower. Donald tightens his grip on his sister, trying to give her a sense of security.

"Don't blame yourself Della. We both wanted to give the boys some happiness and comfort in reuniting them with old friends. We could have never predicted this," Donald nuzzled his head on top of hers. He didn't want this, he didn't want to hurt his family but there was no choice. If only he knew how to tell his nephews.

"We're leaving tomorrow?" Huey's voice broke the quiet atmosphere. The adults looked at the door to see the red loving duck almost in tears. He glanced at Scrooge who was just getting off the phone.

"Lad….. We can explain," Scrooge got up but after taking a step, Huey ran off.

"Huye!" Della was about to run after him. Donald tried to stop her but she slipped past his arms.

Huey outran his mother. She lost sight of him right away but that didn't stop Della from looking for him.

Huey ran down the stairs with tears dripping off his cheeks. Dripping was an understatement. They were rivers streaming down. He tried to wipe them away with his arm but they kept coming fast. He could barely see where he was going but he didn't care. He slammed against a door and held onto the knob tight.

"Huey?" He heard his mother's voice echo in the mansion. He couldn't face her now. He wanted guidance, no, he needed guidance. He thought she might be able to help but what was the point now. They were leaving, he was out of time.

He pushed the door open. The smell of fresh air filled the cool air. No doubt in his mind he was outside. He rushed across the grass, douging any trees he nearly ran into. Because of his blurry vision, he hit his head a couple of times from branches. When he couldn't take it anymore, he let himself fall to the ground, pressing his back against a tree.

"It can't be…. I can't be out of time…." Huey desperately wished this was a bad dream. He couldn't leave Duckburg, he couldn't leave Violet heartbroken. He had to make things right with her. A day wasn't enough, she probably didn't want to go see him tomorrow. He wouldn't either if he was her. His heart ached like never before. He felt weak, small, and vulnerable.

He felt a wave of energy shoot across his body and it hurt like crazy. He felt the pain inside him stiffen his body. He clutched onto his heart like it was the last thing he owned. All feeling was lost in his limbs and body in a matter of seconds. He felt a great amount of weight push on his chest. It became unbearable.

He whined in pain until it suddenly disappeared. No more pain, no more suffering. He felt a strong hit of relief wash over his body. The last thing he saw was a flash of red.

In the underworld, the cousins were sharing a room. It wasn't anything like their mansion. The beds were like stone and the humidity was definitely something to complain about. But that wasn't the reason tears were falling from Lizzettes eye's.

"I know it's bad down here but…." Abigor tried to cheer up his cousin but she interrupted.

"It's not that," Lizzete sobbed out. She reached into her purse and pulled out three friendship bracelets.

"You took them?" Abigor was wide eyed. They were Lenas, Hueys and Webbys bracelets, "Uncle Zeus said he'll take care of everything. You didn't need to take them."

"I had to if we want our parents back…. I took Webbys when we were at the birthday party….. I just want this heartache to go away…." Lizzette said between sobs.

It just hit me after writing this chapter. I never described what Lizzette and Abigor look like. This is extremely important. Lizzette and Abigor are white ducks with black spots. Lizzette looks a lot like Webby with the only difference being her blue eyes and a single black spot that goes over her left eye. Again, it is important you know what they look like. I can't believe I left that little detail out!

And the next chapter will be the totally not a date. 

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